* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
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* * * * * Teen Nanny – Chapter 13 Main Characters: The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW.
Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician, Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg,
(16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14),
Nancy (12)
The Richardson Family: Father, Roger (39), Army
Major, Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16),
Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny (6).
Lisa Daniels (19), Nursing student at Swedish Hospital.
So there we were, I had just had four years chopped off my
age and Nicki had three years lopped of hers. . We were in a day care center
being supervised by three teenage girls, two of whom were younger than I was
and the third less than a year older. And in a few days we’d be back in
elementary school. This was NOT the way we had thought our teen years would be
spent. And I was naked and Nicki just had on a pair of cotton panties that were
designed for a 6 year old. We soon found out that discipline was strict at the
Richardson daycare center. Melanie and I got into a stupid squabble about a
game we were playing. I called her a cheater and she called me an asshole. Then
she punched me in the stomach and I pushed her down. Within seconds, Tammy yelled, “Break it up you two!” She came over and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over
to a bench. Meanwhile Alex had grabbed Melanie by the ear and was pulling her
the same way. Soon I was over Tammy’s lap and Melanie was over Alex’s. I soon
found out that “girls wear panties” did not apply for spankings. Melanie’s
panties were down around her ankles as both the Richardson girls grabbed
paddles. In a few moments, there was a wailing duet as the girls
walloped my and Melanie’s bare bottoms with the paddles. I am sure the
neighbors thought somebody was being murdered. But all of OUR thoughts were
concentrated on our burning bottoms. I don’t know how many smacks we took; it
seemed like a thousand, but I am sure it wasn’t more than 20 or 30. Tammy, with
her tennis arm muscles actually spanked harder than Brenda did and I was one
unhappy little boy when she finally dumped me off her lap onto the grass. Melanie
was already on the grass and was bawling as loud as I was. Brenda was watching
with amusement from the back porch and the other children were looking
apprehensive. Alex grabbed Melanie’s panties and stuffed them into her
pocket. “OK, young lady,” She said. “You go bare for the rest of the day” Melanie, of course, was trying to cover her pussy with one
hand while rubbing her bottom with the other, all the while bawling her head
off. I wasn’t in much better shape. Being used to having my penis and balls
exposed to view, I concentrated on rubbing my bottom with both hands. Alex glared at us and turned to the other kids. “Now you
see what happens when children use bad language and fight with each other. Now
you two come with me!” She grabbed me with one hand and Melanie with the other and
dragged us off to the other side of the playground against the fence. “Now you
two hold hands and face he fence so all the other kids can see your red bottoms
and know what will happen to them if they misbehave.” Still sniveling, Melanie put her left hand into my right
and we stood side by side facing the chain link fence at the back end of the
property. Fortunately, on the other side of the fence was a deep ravine, part
of a wetland frequented by wild animals and sometimes by picnickers. But we
were highly visible to upper windows of the neighbors on both sides of The
Richardson house. The house on the left was occupied by a 70 year old lady, her
50 year old daughter, both widowed and two college age kids, a boy and a girl.
There was nobody at the windows at the moment, however. The other house was
occupied by a middle aged couple with three adult children. One was in the
Navy, the other two worked in Portland and Spokane so none of them were home
very often. When we were left alone, Melanie smiled and squeezed my
hand. “We look pretty dumb right now, don’t we?” I nodded, “Well, we were pretty dumb, getting into a fight
over a stupid game.” “That’s for sure,” Melanie said. “But it looks like we are
going to be stuck together for a long time now. I’m going to be here every day
after school. How about you?’ “Same here,” I responded. “So we probably better be friends
or we’ll spend a lot of time looking at these stupid trees and bushes with all
the other kids looking at our butts.” “Right, buddies it is,” she giggled. Can we shake on it?” Somehow we managed to get our off hands together for an
awkward shake. In the process my hand rubbed across her pussy and hers brushed
my penis. We both giggled at that. We stayed in that position, holding hands for about a half
hour, whispering to each other so the big girls wouldn’t’ hear us. Finally, I
was aware of pressure on my bladder. “I really have to pee,” I said. “How about
you?” “Me, too,” She whispered. “What are we going to do?” “We have to call the sitters,” I said. “We can’t just pee
on the lawn here, we’d get another spanking for that.” I raised my voice. “Alex,
Tammy, Brenda, we need help here.” Alex came over and said, “What do you want, squirts?”
“That’s just it,” I replied, “We both need to go to the bathroom.” “Do you need to pee or poop?” she asked. “Just pee,” I said. Melanie said “Me, too.” “OK, follow me,” Alex said. She led us along the fence to
where a big concrete block stood next to the fence. There was a sloping metal
trough behind it which led to a small hole at the base of the fence. And there
were some metal pipes on top of the block. Alex had us climb on top of the concrete block. She told me
to hold onto a metal pipe about 4 feet above the block and face the woods. Then
she had Melanie grab onto a pair of handgrips and back up until her bottom was
hanging over the trough. “OK, Kevin, you can go ahead and pee into the trough,” Alex
said. “Melanie, spread your legs and squat down and pee into the trough from
there. Don’t let go or you’ll bruise your bottom on the metal.” Well it was an embarrassing position for both of us,
especially doing it together, but we managed to do it. Melanie then turned a
garden hose on us and washed off our privates and the concrete block. “This is where you will go to pee when you are playing
outside,” Alex announced. That way we don’t have to flush the toilets so often
and overload the septic tank.” “But is that legal, to pee outdoors like that?” I asked. “Certainly,” she asserted. “The pee goes down into the
wetland and fertilizes the trees and bushes there. But go inside to the
bathroom if you need to poop, we don’t want to smell up the place. And always
ask one of the sitters before you come over here, we don’t want anybody falling
in and getting hurt.” Melanie and I looked at each other and blushed. This was
getting a bit weird, but we had no choice in the matter so we went along with
it. Several other kids had to go to the block and pee, but none of the older
girls did. Debbie and Billy’s mother came to pick them up around 5:30
and the rest of us went into the house for dinner at 6. Melanie said her mother
wouldn’t be around until about 7, so she was eating with us. Mrs. Richardson
explained the routine that would be in place once school started next week. “I’m off work this week, but I normally get home around
5:30 on work days. Alexis and Tammy will have made a salad and have the other
stuff ready to cook or maybe in the oven, depending on what we are having for
dinner. If I get delayed, Alexis will call for pizza or chicken, something
quick to fix. Most of the kids will be picked up between 5 and 6. Melanie and a
couple of others will stay until 7 when her mother will pick them up. After
dinner, Brenda, Kevin and Nicki will go across the street to their house to do
their homework and whatever else they need to do to get ready for school.” “Nicki and Melanie will set the table. Kevin and the boys
will bring in the food from the kitchen. After dinner, the five of you will
clear the table and put the dishes into the dishwasher. If there needs to be
two runs, Alexis and Tammy will run the second load. Is everybody clear on the
drill?” The dining room was huge and there were fourteen chairs
around the table. Today it was already set, so the girls didn’t have to do much
but Sammy, Donnie and I busied ourselves getting the dishes of food from the
kitchen and setting them onto the table. Mrs. Richardson sat at one end and
Alex at the other end. I sat between Melanie and Nicki. Mrs. Richardson was a very good cook, probably better than
Mom. The food wasn’t fancy but it was well prepared and tasted good. I am sure
it was healthy, but not obsessively so, it was still food that kids would enjoy
eating. Tammy got a mischievous grin on her face and asked innocently (?) “So
is my mom a better cook than Brenda, Kevin?” Brenda laughed. “My cooking can barely be described as
edible. But I will get better, I am sure. Your mother is a gourmet chef by
comparison.” When dinner was over, we cleared the table and Brenda
rounded us up to go back across the street. Before we left, she had Nicki take
off her panties and put them in the hamper so we both scampered across the
street nude. Melanie waved to us from the door where she was waiting for her
ride. As soon as we got inside the door, Nicki started chanting
“Kevin’s got a girlfriend! Kevin’s got a girlfriend!” I snorted and aimed a swat at her bottom, which missed. “Don’t
be silly I just met the girl. Besides she’s way too young for me.” Brenda giggled and said, “We’ll see about that.” Nicki was undeterred. “Well, you were holding hands with
her on the first date.” I shook my head, “Alex MADE us hold hands, it wasn’t our
idea. And it wasn’t a DATE, we just got spanked together.” Anyway, nobody had any homework, so we just watched TV for
a while and then Brenda took us to the big tub for our baths. I tried to
convince Brenda that we could bathe ourselves separately but she just laughed,
smacked me on the bottom and told me to climb into the tub with Nicki. We were both pretty tired out from all the day’s
activities, so it didn’t take long for us to fall asleep and I am fairly sure
that Brenda went to bed right after she tucked us in. END of Chapter 13