* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * * Teen
Nanny – Chapter 12
Main Characters:
The Stevens
Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4
years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers
Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother:
Christine (43) pediatrician at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Sons:
Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane
(20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
The Richardson
Family: Father, Roger (39), Army Major, Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank
Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16), Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny
Lisa Daniels
(19), Nursing student at Swedish Hospital.
The trip back
home on the bus was almost as bad as yesterday’s trip home from the
mall. Once again, Brenda put me over her lap with my face in Nicki’s
lap and pulled up my shirt to reveal my bare bottom. I got the usual
attention from women and girls getting on and off the bus, Lots of
remarks about what a cute little boy I was, some pats, light spanks
and a few rubs. But this time the five giggling teens from Renton
weren’t on the bus: in fact, I only saw one teenage girl and she
could have been a college girl. She gave me a couple of pats but
didn’t t tease me.
Nicki was
embarrassed that she was naked below the waist and didn’t much like
having my face almost in her bare pussy, but we both knew better than
to make any objections.
Brenda had insisted that we both use the bathroom before leaving the
hospital, so there was no urinary disaster on the way home. But it
was still a relief when we got off the bus a block from our house. We
were a bit surprised to see Tammy Richardson waiting for us at the
bus stop..
“Hi Brenda. Hi
kids,“ Tammy said, smiling. My Mom says you should come to our
house instead of going home. She talked to Brenda’s mom at the
hospital and she has some stuff to talk to you guys about.” She
looked at me. “Sorry to hear about your mom, Kevin. I hope she gets
better real soon.”
I nodded and we
followed Tammy to the Richardson house, Mrs. Richardson and Alexis
met us in the living room. I could hear the sounds of kids playing in
the back yard, it seemed like there were several of them. “I
thought your day care didn’t start until school started,” I said.
“Normally it
doesn’t.” Mrs. Richardson said. “But I have two girls and a boy
over here for the day. Their mothers are off doing stuff.”
Brenda reached
down and pulled off our shirts one at a time, leaving me and Nicki
naked except for our shoes and socks. “Take your shoes off too,”
she said. “But leave your socks on in the house.”
So once again we
were naked in front of Alex and Tammy. But this time, it was not so
traumatic. After the trauma of the last couple days, being naked in
the presence of two girls and their mother was almost a relief.
Mrs. Richardson
smiled, a bit nervously, I thought. She sat in the large chair and
beckoned Brenda to sit on the other large chair. “Ok, kids, you
all sit on the couch.”
Alex looked a bit
miffed, apparently thinking that she was older than Brenda and should
get the chair, but she didn’t say anything. I realized that even
other kids were starting to think of Brenda as an adult. And, of
course, me and Nicki as little kids. So we all sat on the couch, I
was between Alex and Tammy and Nicki was on the end.
“I had a long
talk with Doctor Meyers, today, “Mrs. Richardson began. “Actually
it was with both Doctors Meyers, 3 way conference call. Anyway, we
decided that we needed to make some changes in your situation. It
seems that Margie will have to be under medical care for several
weeks. She has been transferred to a mental care facility in
Bellevue, where you will be able to visit her once she is over the
initial shock”
“Until she has
recovered enough to come home, we will be helping with you children.
Now we know that Brenda is doing a great job, but she has schoolwork
of her own and we can’t expect her to keep up the house and watch
you two all the time. So we are going to blend our families for a
while. Brenda, Kevin and Nicki will still live in your own house, but
you will be getting your suppers here on school days and all your
meals on weekends. After supper, you will go back home and Brenda
will get you washed up and put to bed. She will also make your
breakfast in the mornings and you’ll buy your lunches in school.”
After school and
on weekends, you will spend your time here with the other children in
my day-care facility. I have a total of eleven other children ranging
in age from six to eleven signed up for the fall semester, so you
will have plenty of playmates. We are upgrading the facilities to
accommodate elementary age kids instead of preschoolers.
“Alexis will be
in charge of the daycare when I am not around. Brenda and Tammy will
help her. You will obey Alexis and Tammy the same way you do Brenda.
They all have the authority to spank you whenever they think it is
appropriate.” I must have tensed up at that, because Alex gave me a
reassuring pat on my bare thigh. Tammy just smiled and looked smug.
“Dr. Meyers
explained that you two will be treated as though you were eleven and
nine instead of your real ages. Among other things, this means that
you will be supervised in the bathroom at all times. We have decided
that the little boys in our daycare will be nude at all times except
for socks. This includes both inside the house and in the back yard.
Don’t worry, the back yard has a high wooden fence so nobody will
see you. We had originally planned to have the little girls nude as
well, but a couple of the mothers objected to that so the little
girls will wear panties. Just panties and socks, no upper garments.”
“Tammy, get a
pair of panties for Nicki.” Tammy left the room and came back with
a pair of very girlish panties, with little furry animals on them.
Nicki looked at
the panties and frowned. “I’m going to look like a baby in
Tammy laughed.
“You ARE a baby, Nicki. So is your brother. That’s the way it has
to be from now on.”
Alex frowned.
“Tammy, don’t get too carried away. Nine and eleven are not
babies. If they were you’d be a toddler.”
Mrs. Richardson
glared at Tammy. “Young lady, there will be no derogatory comments
directed toward Kevin and Nicki. It’s not their fault that they are
small and immature. It’s the medicine they were given when they
were small. If I have to remind you of that again, there will be
ANOTHER little girl running around in cute little panties. Do I make
myself clear?”
Tammy swallowed
hard and looked sheepish. “Yes, Mama. I’ll be good.”
Mrs. Richardson
turned back to us. “There is another major change for you kids.
It’s kind of a good/bad thing. The Tyler School has created a
program they call ‘Five Plus.’ It is designed for children form
the ages of nine and thirteen who are academically advanced but
socially immature. Professor Meyers has looked at your school records
and thinks you would be ideal candidates for the program. You both
have above average intelligence, but lack the social skills needed to
fit in with kids of your own age group.”
“The program
will be conducted at Tyler Elementary. On the surface it will seem to
be yet another fifth grade classroom. You will mingle with the other
elementary students at gym, lunch, recess, assemblies and other
school activities. But your classroom work will be at a middle school
or high school level. The Foundation has financed two special
teachers to handle the program and Professor Meyers will be
monitoring it closely.”
I looked down at
Nicki and she looked as dismayed as I was. Back to the Fifth grade?
Mrs. Richardson
smiled and tried to sound reassuring. “It’s not all that bad.
These teachers will be specially trained to deal with your problems
and you will get the same level of academics as you would have in the
seventh and tenth grades. But you won’t have to put up with the
bullying and snide remarks that you got from your age peers.”
Alex gave me a
little hug. “Don’t worry, Kevin, it will be OK. And the four of
us will be there at the Tyler school too, so we can look after you.”
Mrs. Richardson
nodded. “Yes, the Foundation has arranged for full scholarships for
my four kids, so the seven of you will be taking the same bus every
day. Won’t that be fun?”
All four of us on
the couch rolled our eyes at the same time. Fun? Not really. But it
was better than being with a bunch of strange kids. “We do get to
wear clothes to school, Mrs. R., don’t we?” I asked.
She laughed. “Of
course you do. Brenda has already bought your wardrobe. That’s why
she got clothes that were suitable for elementary school kids. That
part of the plan was settled weeks ago, long before your mother got
sick. You will wear normal clothes to school. Outside of school, the
girls will decide what you wear outside the homes.”
I shook my head.
“I can’t believe this whole scheme has been going on all summer
and we didn’t get told anything about it.”
Mrs. B. sighed.
“Your mother was afraid you’d react badly to it and wanted to
ease you into the situation. Frankly, she waited too long because she
was afraid you’d react badly. So now we have to dump the whole
thing on you at once. I’m sorry, I would have handled it
differently, but that’s water under the bridge now.’
She stood up.
“Now let’s go introduce you to the other children and you can
play outside until dinner time.”
So she led us out
to the back porch where we could see five kids playing. Two were
girls wearing panties like Nicki’s and three were nude boys. They
all gathered around us as Mrs. R. clapped her hands. “Children, I
want you t meet two new students. This is Kevin and Nicki Stevens.
They live across the street and will be part of our after school
group. Kevin is eleven and Nicki is nine.” The tall girl is Brenda,
their nanny. She will be helping Alexis and Tammy with the daycare
program. “
She pointed to
the taller of the two girls. “This is Debbie Campbell, she is ten.
The red-haired boy is her brother Billy. He is eight. The other girl
is Melinda Crouse, she is eleven. And the other two boys are my sons
Samuel, who is eight and Donald, who is six.”
Well, now we were
committed. Having nothing better to do, Nicki and I joined the
younger kids and did our best to pretend we were having fun playing.
Oddly enough, once we got used to the situation, it DID start to be