Teen Nanny 11

By Red Rover

Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Teen Nanny – Chapter 11
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
The Richardson Family: Father, Roger (39), Army Major, Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16), Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny (6).
The next morning, Mom was still asleep, so Brenda made us breakfast. We were still naked, of course. My bottom was still a bit sore and red, but it was fading. Brenda dug out a pair of UW T-shirts which were kind of cool, with the purple background and gold lettering. At least they weren’t transparent like white ones would have been. They were obviously adult size and they came down to mid-thigh on me and almost to the knees on Nicki. I asked her about underwear and she shook her head.
“You two will be being tested all morning with a bunch of medical scans and probes and stuff. Clothes would just get in the way. Besides, it’s the Pediatrics Department so there will be lots of kids of all ages running around in their underwear and less. Your mother will be meeting us at the Hospital about 1:30 PM to go over the results with my Mom and the staff. Now I want you two to behave on the bus, we don’t want a repeat of yesterday’s fiasco.”
So we walked out to the bus stop in our socks, tennis shoes and T-shirts with nothing under them. A few people smiled and waved at us and one old lady tousled our hair and told Brenda we were “so cute in matching outfits.”
Fortunately we went over the I-90 Bridge this time instead of the 520 Bridge so it was a different bus route, different drivers and none of the people we had met yesterday. I would hate to see any of them again, especially the five giggling girls from Renton.
But it wasn’t much better when we reached the hospital. Brenda checked us in and took us into a little room where she had us take of our shoes and sox and then she stripped off the T-shirts, leaving us completely naked. She put all our clothes into a lock box, locked it and told us to get moving>
“We can’t go out there totally bare,” Nicki protested.
Brenda smacked her bottom hard and pushed us back out into the waiting room. “I don’t want any trouble from you kids or I’ll wallop your bottoms right here where everybody can watch.” She said loudly. “Is that clear/”
The whole room paused to look at us as we mumbled “Yes, ma’am,.” and blushed all over to see the people staring at us. Fortunately the room was full of little kids and their mothers, so there was no danger of meeting anybody we knew. And a few of the little kids were naked, too, so that made it a little easier. So we hid our private parts as best we could and sat quietly in the chairs hoping not to be noticed.
After what seemed like an hour, a girl in a white uniform came out with a clipboard and asked, “ Is Kevin Stevens here?” She didn’t look much older than Brenda.
I reluctantly raised my hand and she came over, bent down beside me and smiled indulgently. “Hello, Kevin,” she said. “My name is Lisa and I will be helping you with your medical exam today. I know it may be a little scary, but we take very good care of our children here and you just let me know if things get uncomfortable for you, OK, honey?” She even patted me on the arm.
Wonderful, this girl who was maybe four years older than me was talking to me like I was seven. But what could I do? Brenda was still watching me like a hawk and Brenda’s mother was in charge of the whole place. So I stood up in all my naked glory (what there was of it) and let this simpering airhead lead me by the hand out of the waiting room.
“So how old are you’ Lisa?” I asked politely.
She smiled. “I get that a lot, people think I am younger than I really am, I am almost twenty and in my second year of nursing school.”
I laughed, but rather ruefully. “Join the club. I am fifteen but everybody treats me like I was ten or eleven.”
She looked surprised and looked at the chart again. “My goodness, you are fifteen, I misread that as twelve. Looks like we have something in common.”
“Yeah, but at least you get to wear clothes,” I muttered.
“Don’t let that bother you, Kevin, Hospitals, especially children’s hospitals have naked kids running around all the time. It doesn’t bother us and it shouldn’t bother you. It’s just part of the medical process.”
As we went back through the corridors, I noticed that almost all the adults were girls like Lisa in their late teens or early twenties. I guess most of them were students too. . But some of them looked at my nude body and smiled, which bugged me. We went through all the height and weight stuff and I had to pee in a bottle again, but they let me use the bathroom for that. Then Lisa took me into a little room and had me stand up on a chair while she did a whole bunch of measurements.
When I say measurements, I mean she measured everything from my head to my toes. She spent a lot of time on my private parts, hefting my scrotum and measuring my testicles with calipers and then measuring my penis. Then, she dropped the bomb.
“Kevin, honey, this may be embarrassing for you, but I need to measure your penis while it is erect. Can you stimulate yourself to an erection, or do you want me to help you?”
Now it is probably every teenage boy’s dream to be alone in a small room with a pretty girl and have her offer you a hand job. But not like this!
 I must have mumbled something but mostly I just stood there with what had to be a “deer-in-the-headlights” expression. So Lisa put on a pair of latex gloves, took a firm grasp on my boyhood and began to stroke it. She had leaned over to work on it and I could see the upper parts of her breasts where her blouse hung a bit open and I could smell a mixture of light perfume and girl-smell that was totally intoxicating.
With the visual and olfactory stimulus combined with her gentle stroking, I was fully erect very quickly. Lisa smiled and said “Good Boy!” like I had done something special. Then she took her little tape measure and did all sorts of measurements of my penis, I think she had it memorized by now. I was, of course, getting more and more excited all the time she was playing around with my boy parts.
The odd thing was that I was no longer embarrassed that this girl was playing with my privates and that I was naked in front of her. Lisa had a disarming manner that made me feel comfortable in her presence. So when she told me she wanted a sperm sample, cleaned my penis with a baby wipe, brought out a huge glass test tube and stuck it over the end of my penis, I was even to make a joke.
“You’re a real optimist if you think I’m going to be able to fill THAT,” I said.
Lisa giggled and almost dropped the test tube. “Don’t worry, we don’t need that much. The tube is just big so it will fit over your penis.”
Now THAT was more like it. A pretty girl was implying that I had a large penis.
She stroked my penis and played with my balls some more, but I just couldn’t seem to get over the hump and have a good orgasm. Finally, she said, “I’m going to have to do a prostate massage. This may be a bit uncomfortable.”
So she lubricated her index finger and pushed it gently into my rectum. It didn’t even reach the prostrate when my orgasm hit and I ejaculated a fairly good sized dose of sperm into the test tube. But she kept her finger in and massaged away until I had shot another two loads, by which time it was pretty weak and my penis started to shrink away from the tube. .”Good boy!!” she exclaimed. “That’s pretty impressive for somebody your age.”
Again, she knew just what to say to assuage my teenage ego. I was even comfortable enough to make another joke. “You realize, of course, that you will have to marry me now that you have taken my virginity.”
She giggled again. “Well I could do a lot worse, and have. You are certainly an improvement over my last boyfriend. Look me up in three or four years and I might just take you up on it.”
After she finished cleaning me up, she gave me a big hug and patted my bottom. I was emboldened and patted HER bottom in return. She yelped and blushed, but then she giggled some more.
But the magical moment was over and we left the little room as nurse and little boy to go back into the real world. The rest of the morning was more poking and prodding, scans from one weird instrument after another. But Lisa stuck with me the whole time, holding my hand at times and speaking reassuringly to me when the probes and scans got too uncomfortable.
Shortly after noon, we were done with all the probing and prodding and Lisa escorted my to the kids’ lounge inside the Pediatrics Wing where here were just kids, mothers and a few nurses. Brenda and Nicki were there, she apparently was finished at about the same time I was. We were both still nude, so Brenda went up to the counter and bought us lunch and a soft drink. Lisa got her own food, introduced herself to Brenda and Nicki and stayed with us for the whole meal.
After lunch we just stayed in the booth talking about our experiences, which were pretty much identical except for the examinations of our sexual parts. Brenda and Lisa seemed to get along very well, I think they had met before when Brenda was a patient in the hospital earlier that year. After confirming that we were done with all the parts that required nudity, Brenda went back and got our clothes and we got dressed in our T-shirts and shoes. It wasn’t much coverage, but it was better than being bare around dozens of people.
Then it was time for us to have the meeting with Doctor Meyers. I was surprised, but glad that Lisa came along with us. She even sat beside me on the couch and gave me a little hug before the meeting started. Mom came in shortly thereafter and she seemed to look worried and a little guilty. She avoided making eye contact with Nicki and me which was odd for her. Then Doctor Meyers came in and sat down behind her desk, with a couple of very large file folders in front of her.
“I am afraid, what I have to say is not good news,” she began. “You children are the accidental victims of a medical procedure that went wrong.”
Nicki and I both gasped at this and Nicki looked like she was about to start crying. Brenda hugged her and Lisa reached out and held my hand to comfort me.
Dr. Meyers continued. “I don’t mean to alarm you, neither of you are in any danger, and the situation will correct itself over time, but for the near future you are going to be smaller and less mature in many ways than your peers.” As if we didn’t already know that! Adults can be so dense at times. At this point Mom started crying too.
“Back in the 1950’s, there was a great deal of concern about children who were sexually developing much earlier than normal. Both your mother and father had experienced early puberty themselves and it had created a lot of problems for them. They were concerned that you children would experience the same problems, particularly since there was a tendency on both sides of the family. So they came to Doctor Ruskin who had developed a course of treatment that seemed to work in delaying the onset of puberty until the normal time for both boys and girls. So your parents enrolled you into the program. At the time, Kevin was five and Nicole was two. Kevin got the treatment from age five to age nine, Nicole got it from age four to six. At that time, it was discovered in follow-up testing that the treatment not only delayed puberty until the normal time, but the effects were much longer lasting than had been thought. They found sixteen and seventeen year olds with the bodies of twelve year olds.”
“The treatment was stopped immediately, of course, but the damage had already been done in a lot of cases. Kevin got the worst of it because he got four years of the treatment whereas Nicole only got two. But our tests today confirm that Kevin has the sexual development of a typical eleven year old and Nicole has the sexual development of a typical nine year old. And the treatment also affects emotional development which seems to be linked somehow to sexual development. Children with the “Ruskin Syndrome” as it is now called tend to be less emotionally stable and prone to tantrums, foul language and inappropriate behavior such as bedwetting and loss of bladder control under stress.”
“Fortunately, intellectual development does not seem to be affected, so Kevin and Nicole are just as intelligent as the average 15 and 12 year olds. In fact, the tests results from school indicates that both are well above average in intelligence. But the lack of emotional control will cause difficulties in school and in their relationships with their peers. They are fortunate in being schooled at the Tyler School which has better trained teachers and counselors than most public schools. And there will be a foundation set up by the Medical School which will pay for all the students with Ruskin Syndrome to continue their education up to age 30. The Medical School, along with Dr. Ruskin’s estate, has assumed total responsibility for the financial aspects of raising the children until maturity.”
Mom was sobbing openly now and the doctor stopped talking so that she could compose herself. . A nurse came in and gave her a shot, which seemed to calm her down somewhat.
The doctor continued. “Medically, however, there is not much we can do about the problem. Dr. Ruskin passed away two years ago and his notes, quite frankly, are a mess. We even suspect that some of his original data may be forged or altered. But that doesn’t help much except to the lawyers. As I said before, you kids will outgrow the problem by your early to mid-twenties. But we will monitor your condition very closely. There are some medications that we can use to help keep your tantrums and emotional outburst sunder control. Next week we will start you on one of them, depending on what your lab results indicate will be best for you. You will make regular weekly visits here for the first two months and then monthly after that.”
She looked over at Lisa and me and smiled. “Kevin seems to have bonded with Lisa, so I will put her in charge of his visits. That way he won’t have to go through meeting new people every time. Is that OK with you, Kevin?’
I grinned like an idiot and said “Sure thing, Doctor. Lisa understands me and I can talk to her like a big sister.”
Lisa smiled too, “I like you too, little brother. I’ll give you my phone number in case you want to talk about something between visits.”
Dr. Meyers nodded. “And of course, Brenda will bring you both in for the visits and stay with Nicole during her appointments.”
She looked over at Mom, who had stopped crying bout was still looking dazed and confuse. “Margaret, you know that the RS Foundation will be paying all the children’s medical expenses. They will also pay Brenda’s salary from now on and any other childcare expenses you may incur as a result of this unfortunate medical error. If you have a family lawyer it would be a good idea to have him look over the agreement before you sign it.”
Mom nodded. “I understand.” Then she looked at us for the first time. “I..I…I’m sorry this happened to you, kids. We thought we were doing the right thing but it just backfired on us. I hope you won’t hate me for it.”
When neither of us responded, Mom lost it again and started sobbing. Dr. Meyers pushed a button on her desk and the nurse came back in. “Sally, please take Mrs. Stevens upstairs and arrange for a bed for her tonight. I don’t want her driving in her condition. Have Dr. Meadows take a look at her and call me later this afternoon. Oh, and call Harborview and tell them she won’t be in to work tonight.”
After Mom and Sally left, Dr. Meyers addressed us again. “Now the big problem we have now is that you kids are going into the seventh and tenth grades in school. You will not have any problem keeping up with the school work. That part of your brain is functioning normally, in fact a bit better than normal. But emotionally, you are still small children and have to be treated as such. That includes spanking, time-outs, restriction on activities and having your clothing taken away when you misbehave. Brenda has been trained to deal with this and she will have help from her siblings and of course, her father and myself in dealing with problems.”
“We have found that when it comes to discipline, boys respond better to being spanked by girls and women and girls respond better when spanked by boys and men. So Brenda can deal with Kevin, with some help from Mandy. Brad and Greg can be available some of the time to deal with Nicole, but they have their school and other jobs so they won’t have much time available when school starts up again. We are looking for a mature teen boy who can come over during the afternoon and evening, but it may take a while to find the right boy.”
“This is going to be very hard on you for a while, but if you work at it, your restrictions will be loosened gradually until you are functioning at your appropriate age level.. This is all quite a bit for you to absorb at once, so I am going to give Brenda some pamphlets and instructions sheets that will explain it more in detail. I will see you again next Tuesday after school. Brenda will arrange a cab so you don’t have to spend a lot of time on buses. The foundation will pay, of course.”
“Now I am sure you want to go home and digest all of this, so I’ll let you go.” She came around her desk and hugged both of us and Brenda. Lisa hugged us too and we went off to catch the bus for the trip home.
END of Chapter 11

(The End)