Teen Nanny Chapters 9 and 10

By Red Rover

Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Teen Nanny – Chapter 9
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
Finally, we made it through the mall to the .bus stop. Nicki and I had finished our cones by then, but there was ice cream all over my torso and Nicki’s blouse where it had dripped. Brenda marched us over to a drinking fountain and sent Nicki into the Ladies Room to get some paper towels. She then wet the towels and used them to wash off my bare chest and stomach. Nicki’s blouse, though, was soaked through, so Brenda pulled off her top and used the towels to wash her stomach. Then she put the soiled blouse into one of the bags, leaving Nicki standing there in her skimpy panties and pathetic little training bra. When Nicki protested, Brenda yanked up her panties in the back giving her a wedgie like mine. She then gave Nicki a few hard smacks on her exposed rump and told her to behave. So now there were two little kids with exposed red bottoms, standing waiting for the bus and sniffling.
When the bus came, we got on and Brenda again bought one adult and two child tickets. The woman driver, a black lady in her forties, chuckled to see two almost bare-bottomed kids. “My, aren’t you two the cutest little things?’ She exclaimed. “But it looks like you have been a bit naughty for your big sister.” She winked at Brenda. “They must be a handful at that age.”
Brenda smiled back at her. “Yes, Ma’am,” She responded. “They’re pretty good most of the time but sometimes they just don’t seem to want to behave.”
Nicki and I looked at each other and sighed helplessly. As undignified as our position was now, we knew if we made any protest, things would get worse, very rapidly. The bus was almost empty, but instead of going back to the regular seats in the back, Brenda sat on one of the long side-facing seats just across from the driver. She motioned for Nicki to sit next to her and told me to stash the shopping bags in the overhead racks. When I had done that, she took me by the hand and guided me over her lap into a spanking position. When I protested that there were plenty of empty seats, she just laughed and smacked my bottom. “I need you where I can keep my eyes on you, little boy. I don’t want you annoying he other passengers.”
I looked around and there were four other passengers on a 40-passenger bus. Two older ladies in the back and a young woman with a toddler about three seats back from us. She looked at me in my absurd position and giggled. The lady driver also chuckled. I know my face must have been as red as my bottom, but there was nothing I could do. My head was in Nicki’s lap and I could smell a faint girl-odor coming from her crotch area. Nicki propped my head up a little so I didn’t actually have my nose in her panties, but it was no more than a couple inches away. With her other hand, she stroked my shoulders, trying to comfort me.
Brenda then asked in a deceptively innocent tone. “Is that wedgie getting uncomfortable for you, Kevin?” When I said “Yes,” she replied. “OK, lift your bottom up a couple of inches so I can relieve the stress.”
Trustingly, I lifted my bottom up a couple of inches and she grabbed the waistband of my underpants. But, rather than pulling the cloth out of my bottom cleft, she pulled the briefs down below my knees, leaving my bottom completely bare. “There you are, little boy,” she said unctuously. “Now your little bottom can cool off a bit. When we get home, I’ll rub some soothing cream into it. Just be a good little boy for big sister and everything will be fine.”
I was raging inside, but helpless. Getting up would just expose my boy parts to the other passengers and certainly get me another spanking. The driver chuckled again. “That little bottom looks even cuter when it’s completely bare. I’d love to give it a few pats.”
“Sure, go ahead,” Brenda said with an evil chuckle. “Kevin is used to having his bottom patted by ladies, I think he actually likes it.”
Sure enough, the lady driver came over and rubbed my bottom and gave it a few pats. “That looks like a very well-spanked little boy,” she commented as she resumed her seat behind the wheel. By this time I was sobbing in rage and humiliation, but there was worse to come.
Several more women and girls got onto the bus, mostly with their hands full of shopping bags from the mall. Back-to-school shopping in those days was almost exclusively a female thing. Boys had to be dragged (as I was) to clothing stores and men were usually working or out doing something outdoorsy. The only males on the bus were small boys and one old man who glanced at me, smiled and went to sit in the back. The women and older girls thought I was “just too precious for words,” as one of them put it. Brenda was complimented on how cute her “little brother’s” bottom was and how well-spanked it looked. Some of them rubbed, patted or spanked my bottom, with Brenda’s encouragement. After a while, I just buried my face between Nicki’s bare legs and sobbed quietly. I could hear her crying too, and that made me feel even worse.
I wasn’t even looking up when the last batch of giggling teenage girls got on, just before the bus pulled away from the curb. All I could see was a gaggle of bare female legs and shorts. Instead of moving to the back as other people had done, these girls sat across the aisle and in the front seats and started talking with Brenda as though it was an ordinary thing to see a small boy lying naked across a bigger girl’s lap on a Metro bus.
Brenda, of course, was happy to see them and introduced herself. “My name is Brenda and I’m 17. This is my little brother Kevin, e’s 11 and my little sister Nicki, she’s nine. We all go to the Tyler School in Bellevue. Where do you guys go to school?”
There was a flurry of introductions, “Kayla, 16, Amber 14, Terry, 16, Sandy, 15, Brittany, 15. We all go to Liberty High School in Renton.” (Not sure I got the ages and names quite right, but you get the idea.) So now five girls about my age are looking at my bare bottom and there’s nothing I can do about it. And they all think I’m a little kid. And there was a series of the same “cute bottom” remarks until one of them (Terry?) said. “Can we feel his bottom? It looks toasty warm!”
“Sure,” Brenda said, “Feel it, pat it give it a few spanks, whatever you want.”
So that went on for a few minutes while the bus rolled along and onto the floating bridge. The girls (except for Nicki) were all giggling as they played with my bottom and the bus driver was chortling as well. You’d think they had never seen a boy’s bare bottom before. (Of course, it’s possible some of them hadn’t.) And then the bus came to a halt in the middle of the bridge. “Uh, oh,” the driver said and got on the radio. Then she picked up the PA microphone. “I am sorry to inform you that there has been an accident just ahead of us on the bridge. All eastbound lanes are blocked. Police and Medic units are on scene but it may take a while to clear the vehicles from the bridge. Please be patient.”
Wonderful, now I am stuck on a bridge with five silly teenage girls playing with my bottom, some of them reaching between my legs to fondle my boy parts. And then Nicki tensed up and gave a little whimper. “Brenda, I have to go p-p-p-potty right now,” she stammered. OK, now we are both totally humiliated.
“Do you have to pee or poop, honey?” Brenda inquired sympathetically.
“J-j-just pee, Nicki said urgently. “I’ve been trying to hold it in, but I can’t hold it any more. Please do something,” she pleaded.
As she spoke, I could smell a sharp odor of urine and Nicky released a tiny spurt into her panties.
Brenda pushed me off her lap and stood up. “Does anybody have a diaper that would fit a nine-year old girl?” She inquired.
Now I was on my feet beside her, desperately covering my boy parts with both hands. Brenda paid no attention, but the other five girls were giggling and pointing. The tall blonde (Kayla?) got a good look and said “Wow, he’s well equipped for an eleven year old.”
The chubby brunette (Terry?) said, “Yeah, he’ll be popular when he gets to high school, that’s for sure.”
Nobody offered a diaper so Brenda turned to the driver and asked, “Can you let Nicki off so she can pee?”
“Sorry, honey, I can’t do that. And she’d get us all in trouble if somebody saw her peeing on the bridge.” The black lady said. “But I do have this.” She held up a small plastic wastebasket and dumped out a few bits of trash. “If she comes up here, she can squat down in the stairwell and do what she needs to do.”
Brenda grabbed the wastebasket and looked at the lady’s name tag, “Thanks Maxine, I really appreciate this.” Then she turned to Nicki, pulled off her panties and handed her the wastebasket. Nicki blushed as she was bared and hustled up to the front of the bus with her bare little bottom bouncing as she ran. The high school girls giggled even harder. We could hear the liquid tinkling into the wastebasket as she emptied her bladder and sighed.
“Leave the basket there,” Brenda instructed her. “And come here so I can wipe you off.”
Nicki turned even an even brighter shade of red, but stood there obediently as Brenda took some tissues from her purse and wiped off her vulva. “How about you, Kevin?” Brenda asked. “Do you have to pee, too?”
I hesitated and Brenda smiled. “I guess the answer is ‘yes’,” she said with a smirk. “Well, get your little tushie up here and pee in the bucket like a good little boy.”
When I was finished, she asked. “Do you have to poop too, Kevie?” The girls howled with laughter and I got mad.
“No, dammit!!” I tried to roar but it came out as a squeak. “I’m not a fucking two year old.”
All the women and older girls on the bus started laughing at that point. Brenda sat back down and pulled me over her lap again. “Well, baby boy, you sure are acting like one. We’ll have to do something about that, won’t we?”
Meanwhile Maxine picked up the wastebasket and asked. “Does anybody else have to pee?” Hearing no response, she opened the door and emptied the wastebasket onto the bridge. “Next rain will take care of that,“ she said and came back into the bus. She picked up my underpants and Nicki’s soggy panties and put them in to the wastebasket along with the soiled tissues Brenda had used to clean up Nicki.
Brenda turned to Nicki and said, “You might as well put that silly training bra in there too. It’s not doing you any good now.”
Nicki lost it then herself. “You really like making me look stupid, don’t you, bitch?” Her eyes got wide in terror as she realized what she had said.
Brenda shook her head. “My we do have a couple of little potty mouths here, don’t we?” She looked over at the five grinning girls. “What should we do with these naughty children?”
“Spank them,” came five replies almost in chorus.
I was as tall as two of the girls and not more than a year younger than any of them, but I was feeling as small as a six year old as we stood naked in front of them. Not to mention the other women and girls on the bus who were moving up to front seats to get a better view. Nobody seemed inclined to come to our rescue, in fact most were smiling and obviously anticipating a good show to come. The old man was asleep on the back seat and out of it.
Brenda unsnapped Nicki’s training bra and tossed it into the wastebasket, leaving her as naked as I was. “Well,” She said thoughtfully, “Kevin is eleven and Nicki is nine, so how about we each give Kevin eleven spanks and Nicki nine? Does that sound fair” She turned to the driver, “Maxine, do you want in on this, too.”
Maxine gave a broad grin and nodded. “You bet, honey. I’ve had a lot of practice at spanking naughty little bottoms. Do you mind if I go first? I may have to start driving again as soon as this accident is cleaned up and I’d hate to miss my turn.”
“Sure thing,” Brenda answered. “Come back here and take my seat. Kevin, get yourself over Maxine’s lap as soon as she is ready.”
Maxine sat down and I reluctantly climbed onto her lap. She began by rubbing my bottom and then WHAM!! Her big hand smacked down on both my bottom cheeks with a tremendous smack and I yelped in pain. She patted it a bit and then WHAM again. This went on for nine more hard smacks and my bottom was on fire. Tears were running down my cheeks and snot was running out of my nose. The five girls were grinning like Cheshire Cats and giggling madly. Brenda smiled. “That was impressive, Maxine, glad I’m not the one over your knee! OK, Kevin, get up and get over Kayla’s lap and Nicki, get over Maxine’s.”
Kayla did not spank nearly as hard as Maxine had, but my bottom was already tenderized, so it still hurt big time. I couldn’t see Nicki, but I could hear her shriek with pain and rage as Maxine delivered her nine spanks. Then I went over Terry’s lap and Nicki went over Kayla’s. The next 15 minutes or so was a blur as we went from lap to lap, squirming, bawling and pleading for mercy. Brenda went last, but she used the hairbrush for her eleven and nine strokes which got us screaming through hoarse throats before it was over, so we were a pair of pretty sorry looking little kids when it was all over. Brenda and the girls got a round of applause from the back of the bus. The only people that looked unhappy were a few 6-9 years olds who looked scared and apprehensive, obviously hoping their mothers would not get any ideas from this sorry spectacle.
Finally, the bus started moving again and we got off the “bridge of horrors” as we came to call it later. The five girls from Renton changed buses in Bellevue and most of the other passengers exited as well. Nicki was still over Brenda’s lap and I was standing beside her. Many of the passengers stopped to compliment Brenda and to pat or rub our red bottoms. When we got off a few stops later, Maxine gave us a big smile and said, “Thanks, Brenda, I haven’t had this much fun on a bus trip in years.” I really wanted to kick her in the shins, but sanity prevailed and we got off the bus three blocks from the house.
As soon as the bus pulled away, I asked Brenda if we could at least get some underwear out of the parcels and put it on for the walk to the house. She refused and said, “I want everybody to see what happens to naughty little children.”
So we walked slowly to the house, passing a number of neighbors who smiled at us and a bunch of kids who giggled and made dumb jokes. At least we had the store bags, so we could cover up our fronts, but our bare, red bottoms wee on full display all the way home. I am sure that every kid in the neighborhood either saw our bottoms or was told about them within an hour of our passage. We just counted our blessings that none of the kids in our neighborhood went to the Tyler schools, so we wouldn’t have to face total humiliation when school started next week.
To this day when somebody mentions “Back to School” shopping, I cringe and I’ll bet Nicki does, too.
End of Part 9
Teen Nanny – Chapter 10
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
The Richardson Family: Father, Roger (39), Army Major, Mother, Cynthia (38), Bank Loan Officer. Children: Alexis (16), Tammy (13), Sammy (8), Donny (6).
We had almost made it safely home, when we were stopped by a youngish woman three doors down from our house. I recognized her as a new neighbor who had moved in a few weeks ago, but hadn’t actually met her yet. She smiled at us, like everybody else had and said, “Hi there, I’m Cynthia Richardson. I just moved in a couple weeks ago. You must be the Stevens kids.”
“Well, yes and no,” Brenda responded. “I’m Brenda Meyers, I’m the nanny for the Stevens kids. This is Kevin and Nicki Stevens. I’m new here too, this is my first week. Their old nanny went off to med school and I just got hired.”
“They sure look cute with their little bare bottoms,” Mrs. Richardson said, smiling. “Looks like they’ve been naughty too.”
Brenda sighed. “Yes their old nanny spoiled them rotten, so now I have to deal with smart mouths and snotty attitudes. But I’ll straighten them out sooner or later. I just hope it’s sooner.”
“I understand,” Mrs. Richardson said. “It looks like you’ve made a good initial impression on them, judging by their red little bottoms.”
Every time somebody used the word “little’ about us, Nicki and I got more exasperated. Of course we were small for our age, but it wasn’t like we were real little kids. Of course, nobody ever paid attention unless we made a fuss and that usually resulted in a spanking, so we just stood there and fumed.
“Yeah, they acted up in the store and then again on the bus,” Brenda said. “I think I’m going to keep them bare for a while until their attitude improves.”
“That usually works with my little ones,” Mrs. Richardson agreed. “At least in this neighborhood nobody seems to object to bare-bottomed kids. In fact some of the kids in my after-school care are often bare and sometimes with red bottoms, too.”
“Ah, you do after-school care?” Brenda asked with interest. “What age groups?”
“The lady that owned the house before us did all-day care for 3-6 year olds, but I work during the day, so my daughter Alexis – she’s 16 – runs the center until I get home around five, so we only operate from 2:30 to 7 PM. My 13-year old, Tammy helps out too. We have mostly grade school kids, from 6 to 11. Your kids would fit right in.”
“Yeah, I’m in high school, too, but Mrs. Stevens works from 3 to 11 PM, so I have to be there all the time for the kids.”
“I understand, but I’m sure you need a few hours to yourself now and then. We mostly have every-day kids, but we do take in a few on an hourly basis so that their mothers or sitters can run errands during the afternoons. We don’t charge much for the hourly kids, because we don’t have to feed them except for some cookies and milk. It’s just a little extra spending money for the girls. You might be able to use us sometimes if you have an after-school event now and then.”
“That sounds interesting,” Brenda said. “I may just take you up on that, but I’d have to check with Mrs. Stevens first.”
“Of, course, dear, I would expect you to. My Alexis has her full nanny license, just like you do, I am sure, so she is well trained. Why don’t I have her come by your house after seven tonight and you can talk about it. She doesn’t know many girls her age in this area, so you can do your girl-talk too. It doesn’t have to be all business.”
“That sounds, great, Mrs. Richardson,” Brenda said enthusiastically. I don’t know many girls my age around here either.”
Finally, Mrs. Richardson walked back to her own house, after patting our bottoms one last time and we got to go in the house.
Nicki burst into tears as soon as we got inside the door. “You made us stand there bare naked while you jabbered with that stupid woman for twenty minutes. Couldn’t you at least have let us go into the house while you talked?”
I was angry, too. “Yeah, and you let her think we were little kids, too. You didn’t even tell her our ages. She probably thinks we’re nine or ten years old. Why do you treat us like babies?”
“Because you act like babies, both of you,” Brenda snapped. “Now put your new clothes into your rooms and get into the tub. You smell like spoiled milk and pee and you’re filthy. And one more word from either of you and I’m getting the hairbrush.”
Defeated again, we put the new stuff in our closets and filled the bathtub. As usual, Brenda wouldn’t let us wash ourselves, insisting on scrubbing us from head to toe with the washcloth. Then she sent us out, still naked, into the back yard to play while she started dinner. We wanted to watch TV but she said we needed to get fresh air and exercise and she didn’t want us “underfoot” while she was working. Like we were toddlers or something. Disgusting.
Finally, she called us in to dinner and supervised us while we washed our hands and faces. Like we hadn’t been washing ourselves since we were five. Dinner was good, actually, she was not a bad cook for a kid, but most of it was stuff that Mom had already fixed and just needed to go into the oven or on the stove. Then we washed the dishes and finally got to watch some TV in the living room.
Shortly after seven, the doorbell rang. Brenda said, “Get the door, Kevin.”
“But I’m still naked,” I protested. “Can I put something on first?”
“No, Kevin, you are still being punished,” Brenda snapped. “Besides, dozens of people saw you naked today in the store and on the bus. Little boys shouldn’t be modest anyway.”
So I went to the door and opened it, trying to cover my boy parts with my left hand. I was greeted by two teenage girls, who started giggling immediately and I could feel my face burning with embarrassment.
“Wow, he’s just as cute as Mom said he was, and just as bare,” The older one said with a big grin. “I’m Allie Richardson, and this si my sister Tammy. We are here to see Brenda Myers.”
Of course, I let them in and they both patted my bottom as I closed the door. “His bottom is still nice and pink,” Tammy giggled. “Maybe we can put some more color in it later.”
I rolled my eyes, but said nothing. I just led them into the living room where Brenda and Nicki were waiting. “Ah, the little girl is still bare, too,” Allie said. She turned to Brenda. “You’re Brenda and this is Nicki, right? And the cute little boy has to be Kevin. I’m Alexis Richardson, but you can call me ‘Allie.’ This is my sister Tammy.”
Brenda shook hands with both the girls. “Glad to meet you, I’m Brenda Myers, the children’s nanny. Can I get you something to drink?”
“Diet soda would be good,” Allie answered and Tammy nodded.
“Can do,” Brenda said. “Nicki and Kevin, go get some glasses of ice and three diet sodas. Get something for yourselves too.”
When we got back with the trays of drinks, Brenda was in the “Mommy chair” and the other two girls were on the sofa. So we passed out the glasses and cans of soda and sat on the floor between them.
“So where do you guys go to school?” Allie asked. “I’ll be going to Bellevue High and Tammy is going to Cedar Crest Junior High. Our little brothers will go to Sloan elementary.”
“We all go to the Tyler Academy,” Brenda responded. “It runs from grade 1 through 12. Kevin and I are going into the 10th grade and Nicki is going into the seventh.”
Allie’s eyes widened. “Wow, I thought you were like 17 and Kevin was like 11!” She exclaimed.
Brenda smiled. “I know I look older and they look younger. But I will be 15 in October and Kevin turned 15 in February, so he is actually older than I am. And Nicki will be 13 in December. My family tends to grow up fast and Kevin and Nicki are kind of delayed for some reason. My mother is working on figuring it out. She’s a pediatrician at Swedish Hospital.”
“I can’t believe you got your nanny license at 14,” Tammy said. “I am going to have to wait until I’m 16 and Allie just got hers six months ago.”
“Well, I have five older brothers and sisters with nanny licenses, so it’s kind of the family tradition,” Brenda said. “I’ve been training with them since I was 11 and done all the coursework. Plus my dad is a professor at UW so we have some influence there.”
“Damn, I wish we had some influence like that,” Tammy grumbled. “I have to do all the work for Big Sis here and she gets all the credit.”
“Maybe we can speed it up a bit for you,” Brenda said. “But they won’t budge below the 14 year requirement, so it will be a while yet.”
“So, anyway, are there any other kids our age in the neighborhood?” Allie asked. “All I have seen are adults and little kids so far. “
“I haven’t seen any either,” Brenda said. “The only boy over 12 is Kevin and he doesn’t really count.”
The three girls then started a long conversation about the nanny business and school stuff and, of course boys. Big boys, of course, not retards like me. Nicki and I went back to watching the TV and kind of tuned them out until Brenda said. “Well, its 8:30, time to give the children their bath and put them to bed. Do you girls want to help?”
Nicki and I groaned. More humiliation ahead, but there was nothing we could really do about it. I tried to protest. “We just had a bath this afternoon, we don’t need another one now, Brenda. Please?”
Brenda laughed. “Leave it to a little boy to try to get out of taking a bath.”
The Richardson girls giggled, “Yep, Sammy and Donny are the same way!”
Brenda said firmly. “You kids were playing outside in the yard all afternoon and you are filthy. Now get into the tub before I get my hairbrush.”
So we trudged into the bathroom and the Richardson girls gasped when they saw the huge tub. “Wow,” Allie said. “You could bathe all of us in there.”
“Yeah, it makes it real handy,” Brenda said. “I can wash both of them at the same time.”
“Can’t we just wash ourselves?” Nicki pleaded. “You can check us afterwards if you want. We’re not babies. These girls don’t have to watch us.”
Brenda laughed. “Not only are Allie and Tammy going to watch, they are going to HELP. It’s good practice for them when they have a bunch of little kids to wash. And you two have to remember that you ARE still little kids, no matter what the calendar says. Tomorrow we are going to get you checked out with Mom at the hospital so we can figure out how to get you guys back up to age level. But in the meantime, you are still small children and will be treated as such. Now get into the tub before I lose my patience.”
So we climbed into the tub, facing each other as directed and Brenda started to fill the tub with water. “Could you girls get me some of the baby shampoo? It’s in the lower cabinet on the left. These kids must have rolled in the dirt, their hair is filthy.”
So when the water was up to our waists, she took the shampoo and started washing Nicki’s hair. She handed the shampoo to Allie and said, “Why don’t you do Kevin’s hair, Allie, while I do Nicki’s. And Tammy, you can get a washcloth and start washing Kevin’s lower body. Pay good attention to his boy-parts, he tends to ignore them when he washes himself.”
So there I was, naked in a tub with my naked sister, having my head washed by a 16 year old girl I had just met and my private parts being fondled and scrubbed by a 13 year old girl I had known less than two hours. Tammy obviously took great pleasure in my bare body, scrubbing and washing everything from my chest to my toes. And then she started on Nicki, who was obviously as uncomfortable about it as I was.
When our heads and the front parts of our bodies were clean enough to suit the girls, they had us get up on our hands and knees and washed off the backs of our bodies. Tammy did me and Allie did Nicki. Then Brenda held out bottom cheeks apart, one at a time so that the girls could thoroughly scrub out butt cracks. Tammy scrubbed my poop-hole with special thoroughness, making me very uncomfortable and then she stuck her finger up into my rectum and wriggled it around for a few seconds, which caused me to squirm in embarrassment and, to my shame, my little penis came erect at the stimulation. The girls thought that was “just too precious” and giggled the whole time.
Finally, we were allowed to get out of the tub and be rubbed down with towels. Tammy seemed to take great pleasure in rubbing me very thoroughly and spent a lot of time rubbing my bottom crack and my boy-parts. Then, to my horror, she sat down on the toilet, put a towel across her bare legs and pulled me over her lap.
“Do you have any Vaseline or other lubricant?” she asked. “His anus and rectum seem to be a bit dried out. Yu should lubricate them regularly. Children his age can get rashes down their very easily.”
Brenda found some Vaseline and Tammy smeared it around my poop hole and stuck her finger well up into my rectum and started wriggling it around. “Is he a shooter yet or does he just dry cum?” She asked.
Brenda laughed. “Yes he is a shooter, not much but it’s definitely semen, not pre-cum.”
Tammy nodded. “OK, then I’ll massage his prostate a bit until he comes. That will relieve the pressure and he won’t have to jerk off at night and mess up the sheets.”
I was crying in frustration at that point. The last thing I wanted was three girls my own age discussing my masturbation habits and stimulating me to orgasm with a finger up my asshole. But I finally felt the surge of the orgasm and managed to spurt out some semen into the towel. Tammy then set me on my feet, cleaned off my penis with a baby wipe and let me go.
She grabbed another towel and said, “Bring Nicki over here, too. I need to lube her rectum and her vagina. Better for me to do it because I don’t have long fingernails like you girls. Brenda, when you do this, better use a glove, we don’t want to scratch their rectums.”
Brenda was amazed. “Tammy, you are as good at this as I am, maybe better. I had forgotten completely about lubrication after baths. We’ll get you certified as soon as the Health Department will allow it.”
We all went back out to the living room and Allie glanced at her watch. “Oops, we better get back home, it’s after nine and I told Mom we’d be back at nine.”
They exchanged phone numbers and Brenda said. “Hey, we need to get together all the time, we have so much in common and there aren’t any other girls our age around here.”
Allie nodded. “And you have to meet our little brothers, too. They are eight and six and just as cute as these two. They can play together while we talk about girl stuff.
I lost it at that point. “You want us to PLAY with six and eight year olds? I screamed. “We’re not fucking babies, dammit. You’re just a bunch of sadistic bitches that want to hurt us.”
The girls looked shocked, then amused. “My, my, what a potty-mouthed little boy,” Allie said. “We can’t let him get away with that, can we?”
The other girls nodded and Brenda got her hairbrush. “You girls are guests, so one of you can do the honors.”
Allie said, “Let Tammy do it. She’s the best spanker. She plays tennis a lot and her spanking arm is REAL strong.”
So Tammy took me over her lap and the first smack was like a baseball bat hitting my backside. WHAAAAM. I yelped and squirmed, but she kept it up, smacking my burning bottom time after time as the other girls cheered her on and Nicki cowered in her chair whimpering.
Finally it was over and I did my spanky dance around the living room, howling and sobbing and letting my boy parts swing in the breeze while the girls laughed their stupid heads off.
Finally, we were allowed to go off to bed. As we climbed the stairs, I heard Allie say. “This has been great fun, we have to do this often, and we can swap houses, too. Next time we’ll get Sammy and Donny into the game.”
END of Part 10


(The End)