Teen Nanny Chapters 5 and 6

By Red Rover

Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Teen Nanny
Main Characters:
The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nikki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane (20) Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
 Chapter 5
I woke up promptly at 7:00 AM, as I usually do and made my way to the bathroom. My bottom was a little sore when I sat down on the toilet but not really bad. I checked it in the mirror and there was one small bruise and it was still pink, but not real red. Nikki came into the bathroom as I was going out and I could see that her bottom was still pretty red. I went back into my room and put on my underpants, a tee shirt and a pair of denim shorts. I could hear Mom rattling stuff in the kitchen so I headed for the stairs. As I passed her door, Nikki came out, still nude.
“I thought we weren't supposed to get dressed this morning.” she said.
I shrugged. “No big deal, if they want us naked we can take the clothes off when the big kids get here. I just feel more comfortable wearing clothes.”
“But what if Brenda gets mad and spanks us?” Nikki sounded worried.
I shook my head,“ I don't think so. I think yesterday was mostly to scare the shit out of us so we'd do what she says. I don't think she'll spank us unless we do something really wrong.”
”OK.” She said and ducked back into her room.
I continued down the stairs and found Mom in the kitchen cooking pancakes. I said, “Hi Mom,” and gave her a hug.
“Aren't you supposed to be nude this morning,” she asked, looking worried.
“I don't think so,” I answered. “We're supposed help to move Sandy’s stuff out and Brenda’s stuff in. That means going in and out of the house and we can't be bare-assed for that.”
“I guess not,” Mom said. At that point, Nikki came in, dressed like I was. So we poured ourselves some milk and OJ and sat down to eat breakfast. I noticed that Nikki winced a little when her bottom hit the chair. After breakfast, Nikki and I went into the living room and watched some TV while we waited for the Meyers kids to show up.
About 8:45, Brad’s truck pulled into the driveway and Mandy and Brenda got out. Brad continued on into the back yard, while the girls came up to the front door. Nikki panicked at this point and went running up the stairs toward her room. I went to the door to let the girls in. Brenda was the first one through and she glared at me.
“What’s with the clothes, young man?” She growled. “I told you not to get dressed.”
“B-b-but,” I stammered, “I thought we were going to move stuff.”
“And so we are, little boy, so we are.” Brenda said decisively. But I told you two not to get dressed. The very first day, you are disobeying me. I don't know what I am going to do with you children. Now get your clothes off this instant, you naughty little boy.”
Mandy giggled as I started getting undressed. “Come on down, Nikki,” She called out We saw you in your shorts a minute ago. “
Nikki came down the stairs reluctantly. She was naked except for one sock which she pulled off as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “K-k-k-Kevin said you wouldn't mind,” she whined.
“Brenda will take care of Kevin, little girl,” Mandy said, as if she were addressing a 4 year old. “You just bring your little pink bottom into the living room with me.”
Brenda grabbed my willie and led me into the kitchen. I could see Mandy put Nikki over her knees and begin to spank her. She was just using her hand; I didn't think I'd be that lucky.
Sure enough, Brenda took her hairbrush out of her backpack and sat down in a kitchen chair. She dragged me across her lap and started smacking my bottom, hard. I yelped a few times and then started crying and squirming like a five year old. That didn't help as the 14 year old nanny smacked my bare bottom relentlessly until I was totally limp and blubbering over her bare legs.
Finally, she let me up and I did my “spanky dance” around the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Nikki doing the same in the living room.
After we had calmed down a little bit, the girls stood us in the kitchen corner, facing out into the room with our hands on our heads and our private parts on full display. Brad came in, gave mom a hug and looked over at us in the corner. “I see we have two naughty little children again,” he chuckled. “I guess they are slow learners.”
“Well, there’s plenty of time to teach them to behave,” Brenda said. “I'm not sure which will wear out first, my arm or their butts.”
Brad smacked her bottom in a big-brotherly manner and squeezed her bicep. “I'd bet on their butts, kiddo. Your arm could bring tears to a linebacker.”
Mom spoke for the first time. “Well they're not stupid, they'll figure it out pretty soon.” She sighed, “But they are stubborn, I must admit. Do you guys want some breakfast? “
“Toast and coffee for me,” he said, smiling. “The girls will want milk and a Danish if you have any.”
“I’ve got toaster strudel and bran muffins,” Mom said. “Which do you prefer?”
“A muffin would be great,” Mandy said. “And I would like a coffee, heavy on the milk.” She gave a mock glare at her grinning brother. “Brad still thinks we are 12 years old.” Brad laughed, ruffled her hair and smacked her bottom.
“I’ll take the milk and strudel, Margie,” Brenda said, with a malicious glance at her sister.“ I know I'm still a kid even if Miss “All Grown Up” here won't admit she is.
As I watched the Meyers kids eat, I was envious. Their easy camaraderie and obvious affection for one another was something Nikki and I had only dreamed of. Even though they had beaten our butts and humiliated us, I wanted desperately to be part of that family
 End of Chapter 5

 Teen Nanny - Chapter 6
 Main Characters: The Stevens Family: Mother, Margie (35), nurse at a local hospital, widowed 4 years ago. Son, Kevin (15), Daughter Nicki (12)
The Meyers Family: Father Michael (45) Professor of Psychology at UW. Mother: Christine (43) pediatrician at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Sons: Mark (22), Brad (19), Greg, (16) and Jeremy (9). Daughters: Diane (20), Mandy (17), Brenda (14), Nancy (12)
After breakfast, Brad organized us into teams. Brenda, Nicki and I were assigned to organize all of Sandy’s leftover books, discs, files, and other stuff into boxes and label them. Mandy and Brad carried Sandy’s old furniture downstairs into the basement storage area. Then they took the boxes we had packed and hauled them down too. We knew that Sandy would be back some day and didn't want to throw out anything she might want when she finished college. Nicki and I were still nude, but nobody cared since we were all in the house.
The bad part came after we had cleared the room of Sandy’s stuff. Mandy and Brenda set to work cleaning the walls and floors while the rest of us relaxed in the living room. Then Brad sent us out into the back yard to unload the truck and carry Brenda’s stuff upstairs into her new bedroom. We protested that we couldn't go out into the back yard nude, and the Meyers kids laughed at us. “You're both still little children,” Brad said mockingly, “And everybody knows what bare-bottomed little children look like.”
So, after a few sharp bottom smacks, we trudged out into the back yard and started unloading the truck. The bigger kids hauled the furniture items upstairs while Nicki and I sorted the boxes of small stuff. We were preoccupied with this when I heard giggles and snickers in the background. I looked up to see five or six neighbor kids ranging from 5 to 12, watching us with delight. I quickly covered up what I could and made a mad dash to the kitchen, with Nicki close behind me. Mandy came down at that point and saw us cowering in the kitchen. “What are you guys doing?” She said. “There’ s still stuff on the truck to unload.”
“But we’re naked and there are a bunch of kids out there looking at us,” I protested.
Nicki chimed in with, “One of those boys is Steve Franklin and he’s in my class at school.”
Mandy chuckled. “I am sure Steve has seen naked little girls before, and if he hasn't it’s a good education for him. Now get your little butt out there and get back to work unless you want little Stevie to see it getting paddled pink. I’m sure that would make his day.”
“But all those kids are younger than I am and most of them are younger than Nicki,” I objected. “We're too old for little kids to be seeing out private parts.”
“You both have got to learn that your private parts are no longer private,” Mandy said sternly. “You will follow the orders of your mother and your nannies or suffer the consequences.”
With that, she grabbed a large wooden spoon in one hand, my ear with another and dragged me out to the back porch. She sat down on a metal straight chair and dragged me over her lap. Much to the delight of the rapidly growing audience, she spanked my bare bottom with that evil spoon until I was howling like a banshee, kicking my legs and dripping tears and snot onto the porch floor. When she let me up, I put on the usual “spanky dance,” displaying all my charms to the cheering, giggling and applauding gang of kids who now numbered more than a dozen. When I calmed down a little, she took me by the ear again and dragged me over to where the kids were assembled and turned me so that my sore bottom was fully exposed.
“This is what a little boy’s bottom should look like after a good spanking,” She said. “I hope all of you remember it the next time you are tempted to misbehave. And this can happen to little girls, just as easily.” She raised her voice a bit. “And it WILL happen to a certain little girl if she doesn't get her pink little bottom out of the house and over here in five seconds.”
Not wanting to share my fate, Nicki dashed across the porch and lawn and stood beside me, blushing furiously from neck to ankles. Mandy made us bend over so that our bottoms were on full display.
“Now you will notice that Kevin’s bottom is bright red, whereas Nicki’s is a much lighter red, almost back to pink,” Mandy lectured the bemused moppets. “Nicki was spanked about two hours, so her bottom is just slightly red and has cooled down considerably. Kevin, of course, is freshly spanked and his bottom is bright red and sore as well as being warm to the touch. You kids, go ahead and take turns feeling Nicki’s bottom first and then Kevin ’s. You'll see that Kevin’s bottom is much warmer. And if you want to give him and Nicki a few smacks with your hands, go ahead and do it. Naughty little children need lots of spankings.”
So for the next twenty minutes or so, Nicki and I were groped, slapped spanked and fondled by about a dozen kids of various ages. Wilma Davis, who was also in Nicki’s class, spent a lot of time stroking and fondling my privates and Steve Franklin did the same with Nicki.
None of them spanked us hard, but the little slaps stung on my already sore bottom and Nicki was soon crying along with me. A few of the kids fondled our bum holes and even stuck their fingers into our rectums. It was probably only 10-15 minutes, but it seemed like hours to us. I was greatly relieved when I heard Mom’s voice asking, “What’s going on here?” I hoped that she would put an end to our misery and maybe even chastise Mandy for doing it to us. The mental image of Mom speaking Mandy on HER bare bottom actually gave me a moderate erection. But it was not to be.
After Mandy explained what she was doing, Mom was fully supportive. “That’ s an excellent idea. These two are thoroughly spoiled and I see some other faces in the crowd that could use a red bottom as well. Maybe I should get the other mothers together next weekend and have a grand spank-off of all the naughty children. Hell, we could sell tickets, especially if we highlighted Wilma and Steve and gave them good hot bottoms.” Steve and Wilma blushed as bright red as Nicki and I had at the suggestion, but several of the smaller kids, joined in with comments to the effect of, “Yeah, they're always being bossy and pushing us around.”
Mandy laughed. “I'd like to see that. I might even come over to help.”
Led by the precipitous retreat of Steve and Wilma, the gang of kids rapidly dispersed until the four of us were alone in the back yard.
“OK, kids, back to work now, your friends all got a case of the chickens,” Mandy said. She and Mom laughed, but Nicki and I did not see the humor.
So it was back to hauling stuff for me and Nicki. Finally we got all the stuff up the stairs and in or near Brenda’s room. The, of curse the girls shooed Brad and me out of the area while they debated about decoration schemes. Brenda declared, “Boys don't know anything about decorating a girl’s room. You guys would just get in the way. So we sat in the living room and watched baseball while the girls scurried about, argued and giggled.
During a break between innings, Brad told me, “Kevin, you have got to get over yourself and forget about this false modesty of yours. When I was younger, I saw Mark and Diane get their bare bottoms smacked many times. And the younger kids have seen me get my bare bottom smacked, although it hasn't happened in a few years now. Mandy, Brenda, Nancy and Jeremy still get it bare bottom and Greg would too, although it hasn't happened to him in over a year. And there is a possibility that it could happen to me, Mark or Diane as well. But beyond the spankings, we are pretty liberal about dressing around the family. At one time we had eight kids and three bathrooms – and one of those was reserved for Mom & Dad. So walking into a bathroom while another kid – of whatever sex – was on the potty, in the tub or taking a shower was no big deal. Many mornings, I have been shaving at the sink while Mandy was on the commode and Greg was on the potty, and so for all the other kids, too. And you are liable to find five or sic kids running around ranging from fully clothed to nude and everything in between. It’s the way we live.”
“You and Nicki are very immature for your ages, you know that, even if you won't admit it. So you are going to have to be treated as small children for a while. How long depends entirely on your attitude. So you have to treat Brenda as if she were a much older sister or a young aunt, even though she is a year younger than you and a year and only a half older than Nicki. The same with your attitude toward me, Mandy and Greg. Treat us like we are your adult aunts and uncles. And it is Brenda’s judgement and ours, when you need punishment and what form that punishment will take. Until the two of you accept your places and start working to improve them, there will be a lot of spanking, a lot of nudity and a lot of embarrassment for both of you. Do you understand and accept that?”
I shrugged. “I guess I have to accept it or run away with the circus or something, But that doesn't mean I have to agree with it, or like it. I’m fifteen years old, almost a grown man, and I deserve a certain amount of respect for my modesty and dignity that I am not getting right now.”
Brad sighed. “Kevin, you are as far from being a grown man emotionally as you are from being a toddler physically. Even your body is more like a thirteen year old than a fifteen year old. You can't help being short, that’ s apparently a family curse from both your mother and father’s sides. But you can make an effort to behave more maturely and that may well speed up your physical development. Mom says she has seen kids several years behind in development catch up within a year when their attitudes change. And she is a pediatrician and has observed thousands of kids over the past twenty years. Some from birth to adulthood.”
“Well you're Brenda’s big brother, can't you make her treat me better?” I asked almost imploringly.
Brad shook his head. “I can correct her if she gets out of line, and paddle her butt if necessary. But so far I haven't seen her do anything out of line with the way she has handled you or your sister. It’s going to be hard for you for a while, but you'll be the better for it eventually. I spanked Mandy last week. The reason doesn't matter, except that she did something she had ben forbidden to do. And it was bare bottom in the presence of several of the kids. And if you ask her about it – which I don't advise – she will turn as red as your face was an hour ago, but she will freely admit she deserved it. And now it’s time for lunch, I think I smell home-baked pizza.”
END of Chapter 6



(The End)