Teen Nanny Chapter 4

By Red Rover

Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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While Mom and Nikki went off to the kitchen, Brenda came over and joined Mandy in fondling my boy parts. I was torn between humiliation and excitement as I could feel my Willie getting stiffer and stiffer. Finally, Brenda stopped and measured my willie. “four and a quarter inches erect,” she announced. “About average for a 15 year old.”
Mandy resumed stroking my erection and asked, “Are you about to come, little boy?”
I gritted my teeth at the “little boy” but answered her politely, not wanting a repeat of what happened to Nikki. “Yes, I am just about to burst!”
Brenda took what looked like an old-fashioned milk bottle and put it over the end of my penis. “OK, Kevin, let it rip.”
The touch of the cold bottle almost made me go soft, but Mandy continued to massage my testicles and Brenda stroked my penis and it was only a minute or so before I exploded into the jar. I didn’t come close to filling the jar but the girls seemed happy about it.
“Good sperm sample,” Mandy remarked, “More that I thought he would produce. I guess his gonads don’t think he is as much of a little boy as we do. Now if we can get his brain as mature as his balls, we’ll have a respectable teen in a year or so.”
“Yeah,” Brenda responded, “You may not believe this, Kevie, but we work pretty hard to work ourselves out of a job. We still get letters from kids that Mark and Diane worked with years ago. Some of the little boys and girls that I used to play with are now in college and doing well.”
Brad smiled. “Yeah there are always more kids coming up. We won’t be out of work for a long time, but it really feels good when one of our “problem kids” graduates. “
Greg chuckled, “Yes, Kevie- boy, some day we’ll be asking you and your sister for testimonials. But now we need to get on with the examination. We’ll probably have to wait until we are about to leave to get a urine sample.”
Greg handed Brenda a bunch of tissues and she cleaned up the stray bits of semen that hadn’t made it into the bottle. Then she and Greg did a detailed inspection of my groin area and seemed pleased with what they found. “It looks like he does a better job in the bathroom than his sister does.”
I laughed in spite of myself, “Wonderful, now there is something I can put on my college application,” I thought. “‘Well potty trained.’ I’m sure the Dean will be thrilled.”
“We’re not finished yet, kiddo, “Brenda said. We still have to check out your poopie hole. Mandy, put him over your knee so we can check back there.”
So there I was over a girl’s knee again while they inspected my ass hole. In a few seconds I could feel my anus rubbed with something greasy and then a probing finger inside my rectum.
“No major mass here,” Brenda reported, “Just the usual poop. You can get the stool sample now, Brad.”
I could feel the strange instrument entering my rectum. It didn’t really hurt, but it was uncomfortable as hell. I felt like I was about to pass gas or actually poop on Mandy’s lap. Fortunately I did neither and the instrument was withdrawn in a few more seconds. I could feel the baby wipes cleaning my crack after the instrument was withdrawn. “He’s cleaner than the girl was,” Brenda announced. “But we still will have to check him out at bath time. “
Great, there went my brownie points.
The rest of the exam went very quickly and I soon joined Mom in the kitchen where she did her Dracula act and filled up some tubes with my blood. Then it was time for the grand tour of the house. Mom led the way and the six of us trailed along behind. Brenda liked Sandy’s old room and said that her furniture would fit very well in there. But the big surprise was when we got to the main bathroom.
When we bought the house, we were astonished at the size of the bathtub. It was the normal length, but twice as wide as a normal bathtub. We often wondered if it had been specially built for some really fat man or woman. Brenda exclaimed, “This is wonderful! We can bathe them both at the same time. That will save a lot of time.”
Nikki and I both burst out with “No way!” I went on, “We haven’t been bathed together since we were like six years old.”
Brenda grinned. “Well, things are changing now. You will bathe together and like it or you will bathe together with red bottoms. Your choice.”
Greg chuckled, “But not tonight it’s almost nine o’clock and little children need to get plenty of sleep. So, Brenda, you take the little boy and I’ll take the little girl and we will get them tucked in. Oh, and we need a urine sample from the boy, so give his willie a good wash and we’ll take it now.”
As Greg and a protesting Nikki went off to her bedroom, Brenda grabbed my penis and gave it a thorough scrub down with the baby wipes. Then Mandy took the glass jar and stuck it over the end of my willie. “OK, sport, fill it up for Aunt Mandy, that’s a good boy.”
I cringed, but managed to squeeze out a half-bottle of pee and said, “That’s all I can do right now, really.”
Brenda patted my bottom as Mandy sealed up the bottle. “That’s OK, little boy, I’m sure its enough for Mom’s lab. Now let’s get your little mannie wiped of so you can go sleepy-bye.”
As she and Mandy led me past Nikki’s room, I could hear the sound of a bare-bottom spanking and Nikki’s outraged screams and sobs. “Looks like the little girl decided to be obstinate,” Mandy said with a grin. “But I’m sure Kevie will be a good boy and let us tuck him in without a tantrum.”
I felt really stupid, standing there bare-bottomed as they turned down my bed. But I climbed in when they told me to, and let them pull up the sheets and tuck me in. Mentally, of course, I was visualizing tying these two teen brats over a gym horse and beating their bare asses with a belt until they screamed for help. But that would have to await another day in the future when I was big enough to handle them..
When I was all tucked in, Brenda gave me a kiss on my forehead and said, “OK, little boy, sleep well. And don’t bother getting dressed in the morning. We’ll be here about 9 AM to move my stuff in. Then your Big Sister will be in charge and we’ll all get along just fine.”
Mandy smiled and patted me on the cheek. “Sleep well, little boy, it will be a busy day tomorrow.”
As they left the room, I heard Brenda tell Mandy, “Remind me to have Greg and Brad take off the doors to the kids’ rooms, and their bathroom, too. Little kids don’t need to be doing things behind closed doors.”
I could hear them go down the stairs and Nikki sniffling in her room; apparently they left her door open, too. Then there was a clinking of glasses and dishes downstairs and I drifted off to sleep. I didn’t even hear them leave; I was totally exhausted.


(The End)