Teen Nanny Chapter 3

By Red Rover

Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Greg came back in a few minutes wearing dry pants and holding the wet ones in his hand. “Say, Marge, could I get a plastic bag for these? I don’t want them smelling up the car.”
“Oh, just put them in the bathroom hamper,” Mom said. “I’ll do a load of wash tonight and you can pick them up tomorrow when you bring over Brenda’s stuff.”
As Greg went to dispose of his pants, Brad picked up a camera and beckoned for Mandy to come over. “We’re going to need some pictures of the children for Mom’s records. Let’s start with some full body shots, front, rear and both sides. Children keep your hands on your heads and don’t move except when Mandy guides you into position.”
Mandy pushed me forward a couple of steps and told me to freeze. Brad snapped a couple of pictures then had me make quarter turns until he had taken pictures of all four sides. Then he moved in closer, changed lenses and did close-ups of my chest, bottom and genitals. Mandy held my balls and wiener for the close up and I felt conflicting feelings of fear and pleasure as she handled my boy parts. Then she took out a tape measure and measured me in all the usual places, calling out the figures to Greg who had come back and was holding a clipboard.
She measured my penis as, “two and a quarter inches, soft.” Then she produced what looked look like a wide plastic ruler with holes cut in it. She held my penis in one hand and slid the ruler over it until one hole matched the size of my penis. “Size 5 on the pre-teen scale” she said. “A little small for 15, but in the acceptable range.” (Hah – ‘acceptable to who?’ I thought. I was sure I didn’t have the shortest penis in my class but it was a lot skinnier than anybody else my age.) Then she took out a set of colored beads on a string and compared them to my balls. “Testicles, size 3 on the pre-teen scale, but fully descended.”
I was glad she had measured my penis first, because I could feel it getting erect as she handled and even fondled my boy parts. Then I was sent back to my center spot and Nikki came forward for the same rigmarole of photos and measurements. She got a “4 on the pre-teen scale” for her boobs, but only a “2” for her labia and a “3” for her clitoris. Then Mandy took me over to her chair and set me on her lap like a toddler. She held one arm on my tummy and used the other hand to play with my boy parts.
“I love to play with little boys,” she said. “Their little peepees are so cute and their little balls are fun to roll around in my hand. “ This, of course, was just piling on the humiliation and I wanted to punch her in the nose and/or run screaming from the room. But neither option seemed feasible at the moment so I just sat there and watched Greg and Brad work on Nikki.
Greg had Nikki on his lap with her legs spread wide and he was holding them up so she was in the diaper position, which gave Brad full access to her girl parts. He had a small leather case with various instruments and bottles and such. After taking some really close pictures of her vagina, he got some swabs and took samples from her vagina, her rectum and the area between. Each swab went into a little vial filled with liquid. Then he called to Brenda, “It looks like she is not wiping properly, either front or back. There’s some inflammation in her vagina and around her anus. Smell her vagina.”
Brenda took a sniff and wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, it’s a bit ripe, we’ll have to clean that out. Marge, come and take a look.”
Mom walked over and looked and sniffed. “You’re right. It looks like Sandy didn’t do a good job of potty training on her. I just assumed that by age 12 she would know how to do it properly.”
Brenda sighed. “Knowing how to do it and actually doing it are two different things. I’ll have to do some regular inspections on her.”
Nikki, by this time had her eyes closed and tears running down her cheeks at these violations of her most private spaces. But it got worse. Brad produces a long thin plastic tube covered with some sort of goo. “Marge, you’re a nurse, we need a clean urine sample. Can you put this catheter into her bladder or would you rather I did it?”
“Sure, I’ll do it,” Mom said. “This is going to be a little uncomfortable, baby, but it won’t take long. How big a sample do you need, Brad?”
Brad held up a small bottle. “This is a 100 ml sample bottle, half should do it.” Mom nodded and Brad held the end of the catheter in the bottle, while Mom inserted the catheter. Of course, from my position, I couldn’t see any of the details, but Mom got the catheter into Nikki’s bladder while Nikki moaned and cried. It only took a few seconds and Brad said, ”Enough” and Mom pulled out the catheter. Brad then took out a tube of gooey stuff and started put some on his glove and smeared it around Vikki’s inner parts. “This is an antibacterial vaginal cream. I’ll leave the tube with Brenda. You can get a prescription for it after Mom examines the children later in the week, but this will last you till then. I’m sure it’s nothing serious, but the lab tests will tell her.”
“Oh and I will need a blood sample from both the children. I’m glad you’re a nurse, because none of us are qualified as phlebotomists. I hope to get my certification this year.”
“No problem, “ Mom said. “How many tubes do you need?”
“Two purple caps and a red one for now. Mom will draw more if she needs it.”
“OK, Greg, The last item is the stool sample. Lets turn her over so I can get a better angle on it.”
Greg and Brad turned Nikki over and put her in the spanking position over Greg’s lap. Brad put on a fresh glove and asked Greg to pull her cheeks apart as he probed her rectum with one or two fingers; I couldn’t tell from my angle of view. He frowned and looked up at Mom. “She’s got a hard fecal mass in her rectum. How many days, since you had a bowel movement, little girl?”
I could see Nikki blushing as she responded. “About th-th-three days, Uncle Brad.” She whimpered.
Greg patted her bottom reassuringly. “That’s OK, little girl, we’re almost finished with the nasty part. Can you get a good sample, Brad?”
“Sure, it’s not totally impacted, I can move it around with my finger and I may be able to break it up so she can pass it. But I’ll get the sample first.”
Brad then produced a weird looking instrument that looked like a giant hypodermic needle with a plastic tube instead of a needle. He poked it into Nikki’s rectum and withdrew it covered with poop which he squirted into another small jar. The he put the tube back into her rectum and he seemed to be jiggling it around inside. Nikki yelped a few times but didn’t seem to be in pain.
He turned to Mom again. “I’ve broken up the main mass, so she should be able to pass the pieces soon. I’ll put in a glycerin suppository to make sure. Brenda, put her on the potty in about an hour or two, she should be able to go by then. If not, use another suppository. If she can’t pass it tonight we’ll give her an enema tomorrow.”
Brenda nodded as tough it was routine, which it may have been to her, but Nikki and I both cringed at the “put her on the potty” remark. It was like she was a two year old instead of a pre-teen.
Nikki finally exploded, “What’s with the ‘little girl’ shit anyway? I’m gonna be a fucking teenager in three months, and I’m tired of being treated like a toddler. I can sit on the fucking crapper all by myself and I don’t need a bunch of stuck-up teens to wipe my ass.”
Brenda and Brad raised their eyebrows and even Mandy stopped playing with my boy parts to listen. Mom shook her head and said, “I don’t know what gets into these children. Nikki, you apologize this instant.”
Brenda said, “Well Greg it looks like it’s time for an attitude adjustment. Little Miss Smarty Pants should have realized where she was before she threw her little toddler tantrum. Let’s see, failure to use proper protocol when addressing adults, three naughty words and a personal insult to all of us. What do you think, Greg, two dozen or three?”
Greg thought and then said. “I think two will be enough. This little girl has to learn that it is not wise to mouth off when you are over somebody’s lap with a bare bottom.” Then he chuckled, I remember another little girl who tried that one time with Dad.”
Mandy blushed. “Yeah, I thought he was gonna wear my ass down to the bone. It sure felt that way.”
Greg tightened his grip around Nikki’s waist and brought his huge hand down in a “SPLAT” that seemed to echo off the walls. Nikki howled in pain and terror, but Greg kept spanking I n his slow methodical fashion. Each spank was a separate event and he let the pain of one sink in before delivering another. Nikki screamed, howled, bawled and babbled incoherently as her bottom got redder and redder. When the whole two dozen had been delivered, she just lay limp over Greg’s lap still bawling. After a minute or two Greg let her up and she hopped around the room doing a frantic “spanky dance” while rubbing her bottom and still bawling.
When she had quieted down a bit, Brenda cupped her chin in her hand and looked directly into Nikki’s tear-stained eyes. “Little girl, you must realize that you ARE basically a six-year old, not a pre-teen. Your body may be 12, but your mind is still set at a six-year old level as far as behavior is concerned. You WILL be called “little girl” and your brother will be called “little boy” until you realize that and start behaving like a big girl and a big boy. This may seem harsh to you, but it was the way we Meyers kids were raised and we are all well above age level in maturity now. That’s how we got the waiver on the nanny license so Greg and I could start working at 14 instead of the usual 16. Mandy and Brad had to wait until they were 15 and Mark and Diane were 16 when they got their licenses. But the licensing people recognized our maturity and granted us the waiver. Some other kids are getting licenses at 15 now, because we paved the way. So stop sniveling and start to concentrate on growing up so you don’t leave high school functioning at a sixth grade level, like too many kids do these days.”
Brad cleared his throat. “So much for Motivational Speech #8, but seriously, children, Brenda is right. You’ve got a long way to go and you both better get with the program or you’ll be wearing a red bottom at Graduation. Now, Nikki, the nasty stuff is over for you except for the blood draw which your mother will do while we are doing the nasty stuff with your brother.”
So Nikki walked slowly and stiffly toward the kitchen with Mom. Meantime, Mandy was still fondling my boy parts and my penis was as erect as I had ever seen it and I was screaming silently for relief as I could feel myself approaching a climax


(The End)