Teen Nanny Chapter 2

By Red Rover

Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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As Nikki and I stood in the corner, our bare red bottoms on full display, I could hear Mom and Brenda talking quietly but couldn’t make out what they were saying over Nikki’s sobs. 
After a few minutes, Mom called us out of the corner and we stood in front of them, clutching our private areas to retain one last bit of modesty. Brenda said sharply, “Keep hour hands at your sides. There will be no covering up. You are children and little children do not need to cover up parts that every body already knows that you have. Is that clear?” 
“Yes, Miss Brenda, we understand, “we both mumbled and our last modicum of modesty vanished as we put our hands by our sides.
“And your mother and I have decided that after one of you has been spanked, he or she will remove all his or her clothing and remain naked for the rest of the day and night.” Brenda continued, not bothering to hide the anticipatory smirk on her face. “And that applies no matter who else is here or enters the house afterwards. You will remain naked for the night and in the morning you will ask permission from me or your mother before getting dressed. Now get those PJ tops off.”
Reluctantly, we stripped off our last remaining clothing at stood naked and shivering in the middle of the living room. 
Brenda smiled in satisfaction. “Good children. Nikki, gather up all the clothing and put it in the laundry basket downstairs. Then come straight back here.”
 As Nikki scrambled to follow orders, Brenda looked at me and gave an evil grin. “Little boy, I think I would prefer it if you put your hands on top of your head so we can all get a good view of your boyish charms. You really don’t have much to cover up anyway, so we’ll have to make the most of what your have.”
By this time I had no thought of disobeying so I put my hands on my head so the brat could get a good view of my underdeveloped penis and balls. I had a bit of pubic hair, but my penis was only about three inches long in its relaxed state and my balls were still quite small, albeit fully descended. Brenda was holding a 12 inch wooden ruler and she walked around me, poking at my penis and balls and giving me an occasional light smack on the bottom with the ruler. After a few minutes, Nikki came back and joined me, putting her hands on her head as well.
There must have been some sort of signal given, because at that moment, the doorbell rang. I must have made some kind of move, because Brenda gave me a hard smack on the thigh with the ruler and said. “Freeze, both of you. And keep your hands on your heads.”
Mom answered the door and came back leading three older teenagers, two boys and a girl. The girl was a bit taller than Brenda and both boys were well over six feet. Nikki started to cry again and I almost joined her. There we were, two small naked children facing four husky teens, the smallest of whom had just walloped our bottoms and obviously planned to repeat the process at her whim.
Mom chirped up brightly, “Children, these are Brenda’s older sister and her brothers, Mandy, Greg and Brad. They will be helping Brenda move in and get set up. So how many of you Meyers kids are there?”
The taller boy laughed and said, “Well, there are eight of us in total. Mark is 22 and he is going for his PhD in psychology at Stanford. Diane is 20 and she is in pre-med at Cornell. I’m Brad; I am 19 and right now at Bellevue Community College, I expect to go to PLU or U-Dub next year and major in psychology or sociology. Mandy is 17 and a senior at Tyler High, Greg is 17 and a junior at Tyler High. You already know Brenda. The other kids are Nancy, she’s 12 and at Tyler Middle School, your little girl might know her. And last is Jeremy, he’s 9 and at Tyler Elementary. Don’t worry you’ll get us sorted out in a few days. Oh, and our Dad, Michael, is Professor of Psychology at UW and Mom, Christine, is a Pediatrician at Swedish Hospital. ”
“Wow, that’s a whole lot of Meyers,” Mom exclaimed. “And you’re all trained nannies?”
“Yes, ma’am, “Brad replied. “All but the two youngest, but we have Nancy in training. She’s done her basic baby sitter courses and is working on the nanny license. Of course, she won’t be able to practice until she’s 14, but she will probably be helping Brenda out here some of the times to get her practical hours under her belt. “
Please don’t call me “ma’am,” or “Mrs. Stevens” Mom said. “It makes me feel old. My name is Margie and you can all call me that, including you, Brenda. After all we are all going to be in the child rearing business together and we don’t need formality.”
She turned to look at me and Nikki. “Now that doesn’t apply to you children. You will address all the Meyers family as Sir or ma’am or you can refer to them as “Uncle Greg “ or “Aunt Mandy” You are children and will address all of the rest of us as adults. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Mama”, “Yes, Mom.”
“Good. Now children, you can drop your arms but keep them at your sides, no covering up. Adults, find a seat and relax. Does anybody want anything to drink? I have coffee, soda, diet soda and milk.”
Brad and Greg opted for coffee, Mandy and Brenda asked for diet soda.
“Coming right up,” Mom smiled. “Nikki, come along and help me in the kitchen. Kevin, stay where you are.”
So now I was alone, a scared, naked child standing among four sturdy teens that were fully dressed and oozing self-confidence. I had no idea what would happen next, but very much doubted that it would be pleasant – at least not for me. The three newcomers prowled around me like lions at a kill and I was prodded, poked, patted and inspected like a prize cow at a county fair. 
Mandy put her hand on my bottom and rubbed it around. “Nice and toasty warm,” she giggled. “You have a good touch with a hairbrush, Bren; it’s got a nice even red color, no edge marks, no white spots and only a couple of minor bruises. This is a very well-spanked little boy.” She ruffled my hair and patted my cheek. “I’ll bet he’s going to be a very good little boy for his Aunt Brenda, aren’t you, little Kevikins?”
I wanted to deck her but realized that would get me nothing but another spanking or worse. So I swallowed my pride (what was left of it) and mumbled, “Yes, ma’am.”
After this humiliating inspection, the four seated themselves on the chairs and couches and chatted amongst themselves. After a few minutes while they, Mom and Nikki appeared with the drinks. Mom had coffee. Nikki and I were each given a small glass of milk – which Mom knows I don’t like. But I chugged it down anyway. No sense in getting into more trouble.
Then Greg produced a set of car keys. “Kevin, in my trunk there is a large brown gym bag labeled Tyler High School. Would you bring it in for me, please?”
I protested, “But I don’t have any clothes on!”
Brenda snapped. “Little boy, you were given an order by an adult. You will carry out orders without question or protest. Greg, give him a dozen.”
Greg beckoned to me. “Come here, little boy, or it will be two dozen.”
I walked slowly over to his chair and he put me over his knee.
He was only using his hand but he was obviously an athlete with very big muscles. Each smack of his hand on my already-tenderized bottom was pure agony. And the final two smacks of the dozen were delivered to the sensitive inner portions of my thighs which had hitherto escaped punishment. I howled like a banshee and was once again a blubbering mess on the floor when he released me. There was no doubt in my mind that he was as expert a spanker as Brenda.
I finally scrambled to my feet and Greg handed me the car keys. “Remember, a brown gym bag with Tyler High School on it.”
“OK, I’m going, already,” I grumbled.
In two seconds, I was back over his lap. “You will address me as “Sir” or “Uncle Greg” and I don’t want to hear that surly undertone in your voice, little boy. Is that perfectly clear?
“Y-Y-Yes, Uncle Greg, sir,” I managed to choke out.
“Good, then I’ll be merciful and only give you a half dozen this time. But don’t press your luck.”
It was somewhere between smacks 2 and 5 that I lost control of my bladder. I could feel my warm pee going down my legs and over my stomach as Greg dumped me on the floor. “The little brat peed on me,” he said in disgust.
Mom was on her feet immediately. “Nikki, go get some towels right away. Kevin, lie there and don’t move a muscle. I’m sorry, Greg, I hope those were not your good pants.”
Greg laughed. “Margie, these pants have been peed on more often than you would believe. “When a small child is spanked hard, he or she often loses bladder control. It’s not as frequent with an older child like Kevin, but it does happen. Brenda, could you get the brown bag and my spare pants out of the car, please?”
Mandy giggled. “You look funny with your wet pants, Greg.”
Greg laughed. “Probably but I’ve had worse happen to me, believe me. But if there’s any more spanking to be done tonight, you guys are going to have to handle it. I only brought one spare pair of pants and I’m not going to go home wet.”
Mom was busy wiping off the chair, Greg’s pants and the carpet. “You mean you actually brought a pair of spare pants because you thought that a child might pee on you?”
Greg laughed again. “Pee is not the worst. I’ve had soup spilled on me, milk, soda; kids throw up on me and more. Mandy, tell them about the girl in Tukwila last year.”
Mandy chuckled. “Well, it’s funny now but it wasn’t then. I had this ten year old girl over my knee and she decided this was a good time to have diarrhea. First I had to strip us both, get in the tub with her, wash her and then myself. It was a temp job so I had no clothes at the house. I managed to dry my undies with a hair dryer, but the sweater and pants were hopeless, not to mention my shoes and socks. So when the parents get home around midnight, there I am barefoot in my bra and panties, trying to explain what happened. I thought the girl’s father was going to have a heart attack, he was laughing so hard.”
Mandy blushed. “So the mother says ‘you can’t drive home after midnight in your underwear. Let me get something for you.’ She was much shorter than I was so all she could come up with was a large sweater that barely covered my bottom. I just hoped I didn’t run into any boys I knew; they would have teased me for the next year and a half. So after that, I ALWAYS bring a change of clothing to a job, even a temp one. And the boys do the same.”
Brad smiled. “You didn’t mention that when you came in the door at 1 AM dressed in that silly outfit, he had you over his knee and your panties at your ankles in about two seconds.”
Mandy shuddered.” Yes and the rest of the house was awake by then so there were six people watching me bare-bottom over Daddy’s knee while I tried to explain what happened. I discovered it is not easy to try to think logically while you’re over somebody’s knee with your bare bottom in the air and the whole family standing around, giggling and making “clever” remarks about your bottom. He just held me there while I babbled and finally somebody thought to call the girl’s parents and get an explanation. Then he gave me a dozen spanks for not being prepared properly.”
“You mean you guys still get spanked, even being licensed nannies and all?” Mom looked bewildered.
“Oh yes, “Brad responded. “Even Mark and Diane when they come home from college, Mom has a bad arm so she doesn’t spank. She just has us spank each other. She just looks around and says “Greg, spank Mandy” or “Mandy, spank Brad” or whatever. “
“Yep,” Brenda said. “And they better be real spankings or she’ll have dad spank both of us when he gets home. So we develop our spanking skills by spanking each other. All of us here have been spanked at least once in the past year. We may be more mature than most kids our age, but we are still kids and we make mistakes now and then.”
Greg nodded and said, “Yes, that may well be why we make good nannies, we’ve all been through enough to know what is acceptable and what is not for various age levels. And all our spankings take place in the living room, regardless of who else is there.”
By this time Mom had wiped up the pee from the chair and floor and Nikki had cleaned me up, 
Brad said, “OK, children, get back in the center of the room. The rest of us will finish our drinks while Greg changes his pants and then we’ll do the formal inspections and evaluations.
Mom showed Greg to the downstairs bathroom and I stood there wondering, “What are the ‘inspections and evaluations?” Then I thought, “Well, it can’t get any worse, unless they bring out branding irons and horsewhips.”
I was wrong.

End of Chapter 2


(The End)