* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * * The
Empire Spanks Brats – Chapter 10 Major Characters: Benjamin Rogers (94) - College professor, MD and
retired Army officer. Warren Morris (59) - Commander, RN, Adjutant,
HMS Birkenhead. Scott Duncan (47) - Major, Royal Marines Beverly Wilson (25) – Ensign CS, Assistant
Purser Amber Keith (23) – Midshipman - Cadet
Anton (19) - Midshipman – Crewgirl
The Middies Mess was crowded as we had expected.
There were over 30 naked girls and a scattering of male and female officers,
along with a few uniformed middies. There was a section set off for Nursery 5
with 16 chairs. Everybody went through the line and picked out what they
wanted. The selection was better than I had expected, but then we were still in
port. Midcourse meals would certainly be more austere. All the girls were pretty well behaved for the
meal. That was probably due mostly to being in a new ship and meeting a bunch
of new people. Only a few of the girls in my group knew any of the others from
previous assignments and a few were brand new to the Service. Warren Morris came over to our table, accompanied
by a Marine Major. “Ben, this is Major Scott Duncan, the senior Marine officer
aboard, next to you, of course. Scott this is Lt Colonel Benjamin Rogers. He
will be with us for the entire voyage out and back, doing some historical
research on the Service and the Ventans.” We shook hands and the Major commented, “I don’t
envy you associating with the Ventans, Colonel. A nasty bunch if you ask me,
but they are paying the bill for the trip, so we have to put up with them, I
guess.” “I plan to stay as far away from our live
Ventans as possible,” I responded. “Fortunately, most of my research will be
coming from data bases on board and on Stahlhem.” “Good idea, Duncan replied. “I’d like you to
drop my office at your convenience. No big hurry, but you are a Royal Marine
now and I’m sure we’ll have lots to talk about. I’ve seen your Army record, at
least the unclassified part, and I am sure we have a lot in common.” “I’d like that,” I said. Next couple of days
will be hectic, but I am sure I can drop by before we undock.” We shook hands again and he left the Mess. Warren
nodded in approval. “Good officer,” he said. “Steady as a rock and smart as a
whip. I’ll send you his record summary, since he has already seen yours.” “I hope he doesn’t mind being outranked by a
newly converted ex-Army type,” I said. “Not even the same nationality.” Warren laughed. “No worries, mate. After he read
your record he asked me, ‘Can we keep him in the Corps permanently?’” Beverly, Amber and Teri had been listening wide–eyed.
“Do you really walk on water, Papa?” Amber said. “It sure sounds like it.” I smiled and tousled her hair, “No, kitten, I am
as human as you are. Stories tend to get better with each telling. I don’t walk
on water, in fact I am not an especially good swimmer.” “Are you going to be very busy after dinner,
Ben,” Warren asked. “I’d like to drop by around 2100 and chew the fat a bit
about some things.” “No problem,” I said. “Amber and Teri can put
the children to bed. I assume you want to include Beverly in the conversation.” “Of course.” He patted Beverly on the shoulder. “I
wouldn’t want to leave her out. Besides she’d find out all about it in no time
anyway.” So we marched the group back to the Nursery and
sat down to digest our meal. Or at least I sat down, being old has its
privileges. The girls bustled around getting the new kids sorted out and
handling minor crises. I had time to review the news and also read Major
Duncan’s service record – a very impressive one. By 2100, the new girls were
actually settled down and quiet, so the four of us actually did sit down for a
few minutes before Warren arrived. Of course the monitors were on in the girls’
quarters, but most of them were in their bedrooms and the rest were sitting
around in the lounge, chatting and reading; being girls, of course, it was
mostly chatting. Warren buzzed the door promptly at 2100, as
expected and Beverly welcomed him in. By this time, all three girls were as
nude as the new girls in the Nursery. Warren hugged all three girls, patted
their bottoms fondly and shook hands with me. I noticed some furtive glances
among the girls and figured that something was up. Warren and I took our seats
in the two big “Papa” chairs and I offered him refreshments, somewhat surprised
that the girls had not already done so. Warren smiled. “Actually, Ben, the girls want to
do a special ceremony with both of us. Have you ever heard of the Windsor Girls
Tea Ceremony?” I shook my head. “That one I have not heard of.
But there is a lot about the Empire that my folks never told me about. What
does it involve?” He chuckled, “Well, the three main ingredients
are naked girls, Felnorian Redfruit and Jaloma Tea.” I laughed. “Well you’ve got three of my favorite
things there, so I guess I’m game.” Amber interjected. “It’s a lot of fun, Papa,
you’ll like it.” Warren turned serious. “It is fun, but it is
also a commitment ceremony where the girls bond themselves to us and us to
them. It’s essentially an informal adoption ceremony without the legal
paperwork.” I nodded. “That works for me. My
newly-discovered Windsor empathy tells me that these three are as loyal and
obedient as any of my granddaughters or great-granddaughters. And they know how
I feel about them as well.” Beverly squealed in delight and jumped off
Warren’s lap. “Wonderful. Let’s get busy, girls.’ Amber and Beverly bustled around in the little
galley, brewing the tea and slicing the fruit. Felnorian Redfruit is delicious,
but fragile and doesn’t preserve well, so having it at a ceremony makes it
special. Jaloma Tea is expensive but keeps well, so it is a staple aboard
luxury ships and officers’ messes on warships. Teri was hauling out small
pieces of equipment from a box which I had not previously noticed in the storeroom.
She set up small padded stools on one side of the two chairs and a small table
on the other side. Then she brought out a piece of leather-like fabric with
holes cut in it and a small cup holder. I was puzzled, but said nothing. Warren was
smiling broadly. Finally, Teri appeared satisfied with the arrangement and
motioned to the other girls. Beverly came over, kneeled on the stool next to
Warren’s chair and bent over his lap in a spanking position, with her arms and
head on the table on the other side of his chair. Amber came over and did the
same with me. It seemed like a rather elaborate procedure for a ceremonial
spanking, but I said nothing and just watched. When the other two girls were in place and
comfortable, Teri draped the fabric over Beverly’s bare back and positioned the
cup holder in the small of her back. The cutout area was just below her
shoulder blades and two thin straps went around her waist and just above her
breasts. I noted that her body was not actually in contact with Warren, her
weight being distributed between the stool and the table. Then Teri came over
and did the same with Amber. So now the two of us each held a naked girl
wearing a harness suspended over our laps. Teri went back into the galley and
came out with two cups of tea, which she placed in the cup holders. Then she
brought out the sliced redfruit and placed several slices on the bare backs of
the other two girls. In her other hand, she held a large glass with a plastic
straw in it. Warren then spoke up. “At this point in the
ceremony, we will all observe about a minute of silence while we all mediate on
our duties to each other and the love we feel for the girls and they will
meditate on the love they feel for us. There are no prescribed words, it’s up
to each person to silently pledge his or her faithfulness and affection. Teri
is also included as the cup bearer.” As I mediated, my empathic sense seemed to be
amplified and I could feel the waves of affection and trust that all four of
the others were broadcasting and hoped that they were receiving the same from
me. It was an aspect of the Windsor culture that I had not heard about
previously, but it was a powerful and moving experience, bordering on the
spiritual. After the meditation, Warren spoke again. “Now
the two of us will slowly sip on the tea and nibble on the redfruit as we
stroke the bodies of the girls over our laps. We may stroke or fondle any part
of the girls’ bodies that we can reach; this is not a sexual contact, but a
sensual one so that our bodies are in synch with our emotions. Teri will feed
Amber and Beverly bits of the redfruit and give them sips of the tea as we chat
between ourselves. And she will also nibble on the fruit and sip the tea as she
moves between us.” So I nibbled and sipped and stroked as Warren
did. I noted that the tea was room temperature and quite sweet. I realized that
that was because the cups would be in contact with the girls’ bare skin and if
it was too hot or two cold it would be uncomfortable for them. I also noticed
that the girls responded to our stroking and fondling with obvious pleasure but
with no sign of sexual arousal. I asked Warren about this. “Ah, yes.” He chuckled. “The girls call it the ‘Curse
of the Double X,’ meaning, of course, the two X chromosomes they have. Windsor
girls do not usually enter into menarche until after their 30th
birthday and their sexual stimulus is very much muted until then. So girls in
their late twenties have the sexual development of a typical 10 or 11 year old
girl. You have observed that they have no pubic or body hair and that their
vulvas are more typical of pre-teens than of girls in their teens and twenties.
Oddly enough, their breasts do enlarge somewhat in their teens, but not to the
extent that normal girls do. And so their response to stroking is what you
would expect from a 10 year old girl. They enjoy it as a pleasant experience
but it is not yet sexual.” “Interesting,” I said. “What about the boys? I
recall that I was also slow to develop sexually, but not as abnormally slow as
the girls seem to be.” “Boys are a different matter,” Warren stated. “Our
development is delayed as well but only by 5-8 years, not 20 as with the girls.
Apparently it comes from having only one X chromosome. I was 19 when I had my
first sperm ejaculation and that was about average for Windsor boys.” “Yes, mine was at 18 as I recall,” I said
thoughtfully. “I am going to have to go into the medical library and look it
up. Windsor stuff is barely mentioned in Federation medical schools, there just
aren’t enough of us around to be worth spending class time on.” So for the next hour or so we chatted about ship
matters and personal stuff while we sipped our tea, nibbled the redfruit and
stroked and fondled the girls’ bodies. Teri was not neglected; she got her
share of pats and stroking as she passed between us, from the other girls as
well as the men. By the time the hour was over, we were all in an extremely
mellow frame of mind and as much of a family as most biological families. By the time Warren took his leave, he was “Papa”
to all the girls and I was “Grandpa.” Quite appropriate considering the
differences in our ages.