The Empire Spanks Brats Chapter 9

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Empire Spanks Brats – Chapter 9
Major Characters:
Benjamin Rogers (94) - College professor, MD and retired Amy officer.
Warren Morris (59) - Commander, RN, Adjutant, HMS Birkenhead.
Beverly Wilson (25) – Ensign CS, Assistant Purser
Amber Keith (23) – Midshipman - Cadet
Teri Anton (19) - Midshipman – Crewgirl
After lunch, the first of the new girls reported to me in my quarters. She was the oldest of the group, just past 24 years old, but looked much younger. She was small with short black hair small breasts and barely visible hips. Had she been wearing clothing, she could have passed for a 12 year old boy. Her name was Mindy Castro and she was an electronics specialist with specialized training in navigations system. Very intelligent but according to her file “frequently mischievous.” I sat in the “Papa” chair and Bev sat in the other chair taking notes. After the formal report, I invited her to sit on the couch and she did so, drawing up her knees like a little girl.
“So, Mindy,” I began. “I see that you have been a middy for almost nine years now and this is your third ship.”
“Yes, Sir,” she replied. “I was picked for middy training when I was fifteen and I have loved every minute of it.” She blushed a little and giggled, “Well almost every minute of it.”
I smiled. “I assume the spankings were not always that enjoyable?”
“Not at all, Sir,” she said. “But I knew it would happen and I do tend to be a bit impulsive at times.”
I laughed, “Impulsive is one word for it I guess. Some of your stunts have been, shall we say, testing the boundaries of brattiness.”
She blushed and giggled again. “Well you could say that. I prefer to think of it as ‘free-spirited.’ It sounds better than ‘naughty.’”
I nodded. “Well I have been a college professor for many years and I am no stranger to intelligent, but mischievous little girls. I like girls with spunk, but ‘spunk’ is only one letter away from ‘spank.’ A line you have appeared to cross rather frequently.”
Beverly started to giggle, but repressed it. I raised my eyebrows and she put a serious face back on immediately.
We talked for a while longer on her career, interest and background and her duties on the ship, both in her training and within the Nursery. Then I asked her to stand up and approach me.
“I have been informed that it is a tradition in the Colonial Service that middies newly assigned to a ship or station receive a spanking from their supervisor as an introduction to the discipline they will be subject to. I hope that it will not be necessary to use corporal punishment frequently, but I do have standards and failure to meet these standards will result in a spanking by either myself or Ensign Wilson.”
“Yes, Sir,” Mindy responded bravely. “But I am a rather small girl and hope you won’t be too harsh with me.” Her soft brown eyes seemed to widen and mist over.
I chuckled. “Ah, yes, the famous ‘puppy-dog eyes.’ I’ve dealt with those since before your grandmother was born. I can assure you that I have been immunized against them. Now for your introductory spanking, I will only use my hand. But I also have a rather fearsome paddle which will come into play if necessary later, if needed. Now lie down across my lap.”
She put herself across my knees without hesitation and with only a slight whimper. Once I had her comfortably settled, I patted her bare bottom a few times and delivered the first hard spank to her right cheek. She yelped at the first smack, but was quite as I alternated spanks between cheeks, moving up and down her bottom and giving equal coverage to every square centimeter. She started to sniffle after about thirty spanks and was openly crying after fifty. By the time the count got to about eighty, she was sobbing, squirming and kicking her legs up and down in a kind of swimming cadence. I stopped spanking, rubbed her bottom gently and let her regain her composure. When she had calmed down, I let her stand up and she immediately climbed into my lap for a hug.
Stroking her hair soothingly, I let her cry out her remaining tears on my shoulder. “You did very well, little girl,” I told her. “Now try to behave so we won’t have to repeat this for a while, OK?”
“Y-y-yes, Sir,” she responded. “Thank you for the spanking.”
I set her on her feet and on her way with a final pat on her very red bottom. On the monitor, I could see her being mobbed by the other girls, checking out her bottom and asking the usual questions, “Did it hurt much?” “How many smacks did you get?” etc.
I smiled at Bev. “One down, eleven to go. I hope my arm holds out.”
“You’re not going to spank all twelve of them today, are you?” Bev asked anxiously. “I don’t want you to get a heart attack.”
I laughed. “Of course, not. I was planning on doing three more this afternoon and maybe the rest tomorrow if we have time. But now I’ll have to change my shirt, it’s all wet around the shoulders.”
Bev giggled, “I think you’ll have a lot of girl tears on your shirt before the trip is over. And some of them will probably be mine. Fortunately, the laundry service is good and you’ll have plenty of shirts unless you decide to spank all fifteen girls in one day. And don’t be surprised if you have to change your pants now and then if one of us springs a leak at the wrong time.”
I had to laugh at the thought. “That would be a bit embarrassing for both of us.”
Teri and Amber were off in the ship’s library doing research for the afternoon, so it was just me and Beverly. I changed into a clean shirt and we had a cup of tea before I sent her out for the next girl.
Sarah Blake was 24, also, a few months younger than Mindy and very different. She was ten centimeters taller, blonde with blue eyes and a very good figure. She looked almost like an adult and probably would have passed for an adult had she been wearing clothing. She was a biologist by training and was scheduled to work with one of the ship’s doctors as a medical assistant with a view toward more advanced training after the voyage. She had the intelligence and the grades to indicate that she could well be a doctor herself some day.
“I am pleased to meet you, Doctor Rogers,” She said in a well-modulated voice. “It’s going to be wonderful having a doctor as a guardian as well as another doctor to train me.” She giggled. “I may be asking for help with my homework.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” I smiled. “But I must warn you that my medical training was fifty years ago in a Federation University. There may be some changes I am not aware of.”
We talked a bit more, but it was mostly medical jargon and I won’t bore you with the details. In due course, she went over my lap and received her traditional welcoming spanking. She took it quite well with only a few yelps and sobs and a reasonable number of tears. When it was over she stood up for her hug and thanked me as Mindy had.
After she was out the door, Beverly looked at me. “Hey, that girl has class. I think she is more mature than I am.”
I nodded. “I don’t think she’ll be much of a problem.”
“Well, you’re not supposed to agree with me on that!” Bev said with mock indignation. “You’re supposed to tell me how mature I am!”
I laughed and smacked her bottom. “Of course, you are a very mature little girl.”
The next two girls were Darlene Cho and Leslie Karcher. Both were 23 and took their spankings quite well as I would expect from the older girls. They were dispatched back into the giggling mob in the main lounge and I told Bev that that was the last batch for the day. “When are the girls scheduled for dinner?” I asked Beverly.
She checked her notes. “1730, this week,“ She responded. “The Middies Mess can only handle 50 people at once and we have over 70 middies aboard now, so they have to eat in shifts.”
I nodded. “Then we should assemble them around 1700 and march them to the mess hall. I think you and I should eat with them tonight. It will show them we care about them. I don’t know how it works in the Empire, but in the Federation Army, officers usually eat at least one meal a week in the lower enlisted mess. It makes the troops feel better and keeps the cooks on their toes.”
Bev laughed. “You mean we can share their misery, right? Actually it won’t be that bad tonight, we will have fresh food from the station. After a week or so enroute, though, the fresh stuff will be gone and it will be back to packaged kid’s meals for them.”
“Well, you lived on them for ten years and you look pretty healthy to me,” I said.
At that point, Amber and Teri came back from the ship’s library with the results of their research and we spent the next two hours going over their findings and figuring out new questions for them to look up tomorrow.
At 1700 Beverly announced that it was time to round up the girls and head for the mess hall. I told Amber and Teri that Bev and I would be joining the new girls for dinner and invited them to join us.
Amber asked, “Do we have to wear clothes?” Both girls had discarded their uniforms on returning from the library.
I chuckled, “That’s up to you. I’m sure that there will be lots of naked girls and some girls in uniform. Which reminds me, Beverly, when do the new girls get their uniforms?”
Beverly smirked, “Tired of looking at girl skin all day? But seriously, they get measured tomorrow after the medical checks and the new uniforms will be here in two or three days. I assume you will be doing the medical checks?”
“Of course,” I responded. “They will be my children for the next year and I intend to ensure they are healthy. Same with you three. I ordered the equipment cart to be here at 0800 tomorrow. So have your medical records and those for Teri and Amber ready as well. And, my dear child, the day I get tired of looking at the bare bodies of healthy young women is the day you can cycle me out the airlock.”
In the end, Teri decided to wear her uniform and Amber decided to go bare (no surprise here). Beverly, as an officer, had to wear her uniform, of course.
So we round up the “Ditzy Dozen” as Amber called them and set out for the Middies mess. It was a picture I had not imagined a few months ago. Me in a Marine uniform, two girls in Colonial service uniforms and thirteen naked, giggling girls.
END of Chapter 9


(The End)