* * * *
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sexual activity
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* * * * * The
Empire Spanks Brats – Chapter 8 Major
Characters: Benjamin
Rogers (94) - College professor, MD and retired Amy officer. Warren
Morris (59) - Commander, RN, Adjutant, HMS Birkenhead. Beverly
Wilson (25) – Ensign CS, Assistant Purser Amber
Keith (23) – Midshipman - Cadet
Teri Anton (19) - Midshipman – Crewgirl
morning, we were awakened at 0600 ship time and Beverly cooked us a good
breakfast. Her bottom was still a bit pink from yesterday and the other girls
teased her about it until I smacked each of their bottoms and threatened to do
a matched set. At
0800, we were notified that our dozen new trainees were on their way. I got the
girls into uniform and sent them out to meet the newbies. I let Beverly get
them assembled and their stuff unpacked before making my grand entrance. It’s
generally not a good idea to have a senior officer greet a bunch of new
recruits until they have a chance to settle down a bit. Our
quarters were soundproof, of course, or nearly so, but I could her the bustling
about and giving of orders by Beverly while they were getting organized. There
were a few squeals and giggles, which I expected from a bunch of young girls. But
at 0835, Beverly opened the door and announced, “Troops ready for inspection,
Colonel.” I had
decided against my formal Federation Army uniform, as it would confuse the new
girls and I didn’t have a formal Royal Marine uniform yet, so I was dressed in
my shipboard green Marine uniform shirt and black trousers. Beverly, of course,
wore her light blue officer’s shirt and the other two girls wore their pink
Middy ones. As I
stepped into the main room, I could see a dozen nude girls lined up and
standing at attention. I was not surprised as Beverly had thoroughly briefed me
on the reception drill. I was, however, mildly surprised at how young they
looked. I had been told their ages ranged from 14 to 24, but some looked like
ten year olds. None had any body or pubic hair, of course, which heightened
their childish appearance. Some were obviously not yet into puberty, while
others appeared to be in their late teens. I
performed that standard “trooping of the line” which basically meant stopping
before each girl, looking her in the eye, smiling and then glancing over the
rest of her body. Other than their nudity, it was no different from an officer
inspecting troops in any military service. I followed this up by marching along
the line at their backs, glancing briefly at the back sides of their bodies. They
all remained at attention, throughout the inspection process. When I
had completed the circuit, Beverly ordered them to Parade Rest and I took my
position in front of the center of the group, with Beverly on one side and Amber and Teri on the other. “Welcome
to HMCS Birkenhead,” I announced in my best parade ground voice. “I am
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Rogers, Royal Marines. I will be The Officer in
Charge of your group throughout the voyage to Stahlhem. Ensign Beverly Wilson
on my left will be my deputy and will supervise most of your daily activities. In
addition to my military duties, I am also a professor of History at Carmine
University on Krendar and am engaged in a research project related to the
history of the Ventan population on Stahlhem. This will occupy most of my time
aboard. On my right are Cadet Amber Keith and Crewgirl Teri Anton. Their
primary mission is to assist me with my research project and they will not
usually be directly involved in your training and discipline.” “I also
happen to be a Doctor of Medicine and will be reviewing your medical records as
soon as they are delivered to my office. If you have any medical problems,
please address them promptly to Ensign Wilson or myself. We will be en route to
Stahlhem for four months and we have to be very conscious of the health of
everybody on board. A starship is no place for a disease outbreak, as I am sure
you are aware.” “Ensign
Wilson will be briefing you on the details of your shipboard duties and training.
How many of you have served aboard a starship before?” Five
hands went up, all older girls. “That’s
good, I am sure you will be helpful to the newer girls. Now as for the basic
rules of shipboard life. You may address me as “Colonel”, “Doctor,”
“Professor,” or just as “Sir,” as you please. You will address Ensign Wilson as
“Miss Wilson” or “Ensign Wilson” or just “Ma’am.” You will address my two
assistants as “Miss Amber” or “Miss Teri” unless they give you permission to do
otherwise. “ “Some
of you have been assigned special duties aboard the ship, some are enrolled in
specific training program and others are unassigned. We will review your
assignments and lay out a program of training and duties for each of you. There
will also be some additional duties that you will all share in regarding the
upkeep of the quarters and other matters relating to the general welfare. By
the way, midshipmen’s quarters are generally referred to as “Nurseries” on
board ships, so don’t get annoyed at the term. This is Nursery #5 of 6.” As for
discipline, we do use spanking as the primary form of discipline among Middies.
Ensign Wilson and I have the authority to spank any or all of you as we deem
appropriate. Amber and Teri do not have that authority. As a matter of Colonial
Service tradition, I will be giving each of you’re a spanking within the next
few days as an “introduction” to shipboard authority. All spanking will be
performed on the bare bottom, in public or private at the discretion of the
spanker. I am sure that all of you have experienced red bottoms in the past and
probably the fairly recent past.” There
were several titters and giggles from the assembled girls and several
reflexively put their hands back to defend or rub their bottoms. “You will
find that I am a fair minded person when it comes to discipline and will not
regard every minor transgression as an excuse to warm your bottoms. But I do
insist on obedience and respect from those assigned to my care.” “As for
clothing, you may wear clothing or not as you please in the Nursery. Outside
the Nursery clothing is required in some areas, optional in others. You will be
told which areas are which and be aware that your individual trainers or
supervisors may require uniforms or nudity at their discretion. But, when you
leave the Nursery, I do insist that you wear a full uniform or nothing at all. No
slouching around in ragged underwear or odd bits of civilian clothing. We are
all military personnel and we have to have some standards.” “Miss
Wilson will now give you a briefing on the ship’s layout and the general rules
of shipboard conduct. I want to emphasize one important point. During the
voyage out, you are not to go into the passenger section unless given a direct
order by myself, and then only with an armed male escort. Our passengers to
Stahlhem are Ventans and they have very strange customs in regard to females,
particularly young ones. You will find some of the details in your ship’s
guidebook, which I expect you to read carefully in the next few days.” “Miss
Wilson will take over now and give you some more important information and
escort you to the Middies’ Mess for lunch. I have been assured that the meals
served there meet all the nutritional requirements for healthy teenage girls
and young women. I would suggest that you take most of your meals there for the
first couple of weeks aboard. It will give you the opportunity to meet your
fellow Middies from the other Nurseries and those already aboard. It has the
further advantage of being free and I am told that your shipboard allowances
are not all that generous.” So I
went back into my quarters and left Beverly to finish the briefing. END of
Chapter 8