The Empire Spanks Brats Chapter 7

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Empire Spanks Brats – Chapter 7

Major Characters:
Benjamin Rogers (94) - College professor, MD and retired Amy officer.
Warren Morris (59) - Commander, RN, Adjutant, HMS Birkenhead.
Beverly Wilson (25) – Ensign CS, Assistant Purser
Amber Keith (23) – Midshipman - Cadet
Teri Anton (19) - Midshipman – Crewgirl
After lunch, we wandered over to Nursery #5. It was pretty much what I expected, the crew part was a little bigger than my current suite but with an extra bedroom and a bigger sitting room. There was a large central area with six small bedrooms, three on each side and a bathroom area on the far end. I sent the two girls off to pack our stuff, while Beverly and I did a more detailed checkout of the nursery layout. I mentioned that the bathroom area had no privacy provisions.
“Middies don’t really expect privacy,” Beverly said. “It’s only girls and the Papa, so nobody feels uncomfortable being bare and doing girl stuff.”
I nodded. “I can understand that.”
We went back to the suite and relaxed while waiting for the other girls to return. I noticed that Beverly was obviously trying to say something. (The Windsor empathy at full blast. You can’t really tell what another Windsor is thinking, but you can be very sure of his/her emotional state.) So finally, I just came out and asked, “What do you want to tell me, child?”
She blushed, but looked relieved. “Can I call you ‘Papa Ben’? Like the other girls call you ‘Papa’?”
“Of course,” I responded. “We’re going to be working together for the next year and I don’t care much for formality.”
“Thank you Papa Ben,” she smiled. “I am going to have to start calling Commander Morris ‘Papa Warren’, instead of just ‘Papa’ from now on so I don’t get confused. He’s been my Papa for years and I don’t want to give that up.”
She took a deep breath and continued. “With your empathy and mine, you know that I am not really an adult, don’t you?”
“Well, yes,“ I admitted. “But I wasn’t going to make an issue of it.”
“OK, it was really an accident,” she continued. About a year ago, I was on a shuttle with eight other girls, going to the Navy station when the shuttle got hit by something. It turned out to have been some kind of metal part that must have fallen off a ship or station. It was only about 4 centimeters long and one centimeter thick, but it was traveling at high velocity and it wounded both the pilots and disabled the computer controls.“
“I was the senior cadet aboard so I went up to the cockpit and put the pilots into stasis so they wouldn’t bleed to death, then I tried to use the controls, but the autopilot was not working. Eventually, I found a way to bypass the computer and got the shuttle safely into the station.”
“That’s impressive,” I commented. “I hope they gave you a medal for that. “
“Yes, I got the Essex Medal for saving the girls and the pilots,” she responded. It’s the second highest non-combat decoration. I deserved it and was proud to get it. But the rest of it was a nightmare. Somebody decided that I had done such a good job that I should get a direct commission. Normally a girl cadet doesn’t get a commission until she’s 29 or 30 and then only after a two year training course at the Academy. I was only 24 and nowhere near ready for it. But everybody was so proud and happy over what I had done that they talked me into accepting the commission. They gave me the Academy course to study on my own. I’m only half way through it and don’t understand a lot of it.”
“Commander Morris was on leave when the whole thing happened and was upset that they had done this to me. He would have stopped it if he had been here. He has been able to find me jobs that I am sort of mature enough to do, but always under adult supervision. That’s why he assigned me to you. I am real good at working with younger girls, but not so good at working with older people. It’s not that I’m dumb or anything, just not as mature as I should be to be an officer.”
“I understand that,” I said, giving her a hug. “I will take that into consideration and make sure you don’t get in over your head.”
She blushed. “The other thing is that I want you to treat me like you do Amber and Teri, like a daughter, not a military subordinate. Amber had you give her a traditional spanking and I am sure you’ll do the same for Teri when she is fully healed. So I want you to spank me now to show that you are going to be a good parent for me.”
I smiled, “Of course, little girl. If it will make you feel better, I can do that.”
She giggled, “Great, Papa Ben, I’ll be right back.” She scampered off to her room and came out a few minutes later completely nude. I noticed that she had no body hair below her neck, just like the younger girls. She pirouetted in front of me to give me a good look at her girlish body. “You like my body, Papa Ben?”
“Very nice,” I responded. “You’re a cute girl and you obviously keep yourself in good shape. I notice you have no body hair. Is that traditional among female officers?”
“Not really,” she responded. “It is required for Middies, but older girls have the option of hair or no hair. I prefer no hair, because it seems neater. And I don’t really feel like a grown-up anyway. Speaking of which, can we do the spanking now before we get interrupted?”
I laughed. “Of course, little girl. Just put yourself over my lap and we’ll get to the bottom of the problem.”
Not having a spanking instrument available, I smacked her bottom with my bare hand until it was bright pink and warm to the touch. Bev alternated between giggles and yelps and was crying a little bit when the spanking was over. I let her lie across my lap for a few minutes to regain her composure and then helped her up.
“Thank you, Papa Ben,” she said, rubbing her pink bottom. “I hope you don’t have to do it for real very often. I saw Amber’s bottom after you gave her a punishment spanking. I even felt sorry for the little brat, but she deserved it, I am sure.”
“Avoiding a punishment spanking is a very good idea,” I said. “I don’t enjoy giving them any more than you girls enjoy getting them, but sometimes it is necessary. Now go get dressed before the other girls show up. I pointed her to the door and sent her on her way with a good smack on her bottom. She yelped and scampered back to her bedroom.
When she came out with her uniform immaculate and a freshly washed face, I told her my ground rules. “While you three girls are in our private quarters, you can dress or not as you wish unless I tell you otherwise. But in the Nursery area you will be in proper uniform at all times. You need to establish yourself as an authority figure among the Middies in the Nursery. And you must be in uniform while in other areas of the ship. Amber and Teri are still Middies and can wander around nude where that is permitted, but you are an officer and must conduct yourself as such outside our private quarters at all times.”
“Yes, Sir,” Beverly replied smartly. “Those are the same rules I had with Commander Morris. And I’ve known Amber for years and been her boss when she was a Crewgirl and I was a Cadet. And Teri is a smart girl, maybe smarter than me and Amber. But you’ll treat the three of us pretty much alike while we are in private, right?”
“Certainly,” I said. “You’ll all be my kids for the duration, but you are the oldest, Amber is second and Teri is third. So you’ll be basically in charge of the others while I am gone.”
“No problem,” she smiled. “I’ve been in that position many times before as a Cadet and an officer.”
At that point there was a buzz at the hall door and Amber and Teri arrived, pushing a large luggage cart loaded with clothing and household goods. The girls unloaded the cart and started distributing stuff into the appropriate rooms and putting it away. Amber handed me a bundle. “Here’s one of your new shipboard uniforms, I’ll put the rest in your quarters. I thought you might want to change now, I am sure that dress uniform is not the most comfortable thing to wear.”
I chuckled and ducked into the bathroom to change. The lightweight green shirt with its three gold bands on the sleeve was certainly more comfortable than my more formal Army uniform and the black trousers were lighter weight as well. Of course, on shipboard there was no need for protection against wind, rain and heat, so going light made good sense. When I came out, the cart was empty, Amber and Teri were nude and Beverly was wheeling the cart toward the hall door. “Going to get my junk now, I’ll leave you here with the nature girls.”
Amber and Teri both stuck out their tongues as she left the suite. “She’s a bigger brat that I am,” Amber complained, with a giggle that took the sting out.”
“Quite possibly,” I said. “But she is the ‘Brat-in-Charge’ when I am gone.”
Teri laughed. “We know that, but it’s fun to tease her now and then.”
I ruffled her hair and smacked her bottom. “Of course, child, I’m sure you will all get along like sisters.”
“Well if we don’t, I’m pretty sure there will be three red bottoms on display here. Right, Papa?” Amber said with a straight face.
So of course, I had to rumple her hair and smack her bottom, too. “You got it, Babygirl. Be nice or be spanked.”
“I see it didn’t take long for you to lose your clothes,” I remarked in amusement. “I guess you really are nature girls.”
“Clothes just get in the way when you’re working,” Amber replied. “And there is no point in getting a good uniform all sweaty.”
I had to admit the validity of that perspective. I noticed a rather large unfamiliar box in the corner of the living room. “What’s in there?”
“It’s all your Parcala clothes,” Teri replied. “When Bev gets back with the cart we’ll haul them to the storage area along with the suitcases and stuff we won’t need on the voyage. When we get to Stahlhem, we can probably sell them to the local yokels for good money. They won’t know that they are out of style on Parcala.”
“Ah, good thinking,” I said. “I’ll have to depend on you kids to tell me what’s in style or not.”
“No problem,” Amber said. “We’ll take you to the ship’s store and get you some good civvies to wear on Stahlhem. Latest Imperial fashion. You’ll look like a Duke!”
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather look like a college professor,” I said soberly. “That’s what I am supposed to be, after all.”
We spent the next hour unpacking and putting stuff away – for the second time in two days. I noticed that I had only five uniform shirts and asked Amber about it. “The tailor is still working on the other five,” she replied. “We don’t have many Marines on board and they didn’t have any with three stripes on them. They should be ready in a couple of days and they’ll call us when they’re done.”
Beverly showed up with her stuff on the cart and promptly got naked to join the other two as they put her clothes away. Amber looked at her bottom and started giggling. “I see Papa has already put his mark on you, Bev. Pink looks good on you!”
Bev snorted, “I see your bottom is still pretty pink too, brat. And I expect it will be that way quite often in the next year or so.”
“Ah, that reminds me,” I said. “Teri, come over here so I can check you out.”
Teri obediently came over and stood between my legs while I checked out all her private parts. “Looks like you’re fully healed, baby,” I said with relief. “Amber, bring me my bag, I want to put a little more ointment on her labia just to be sure.”
Teri smiled. “Does that mean I can get my official spanking now?”
“Well we’ll wait until tomorrow for that, just to make sure,” I replied. “Besides, I’m kind of tired after having spanked Amber yesterday and Beverly today.”
That got me a giggle from Teri and stuck out tongues from the other two.
While the girls were getting Beverly settled, I put my office supplies and papers into my new desk. In the center drawer, I noticed a long flat package. Opening it, I found a medium-sized plastic paddle with two rows of centimeter-sized holes running the length of the wide part. There was a note attached. “Ben – You will probably find good use for this. It packs a good sting and will make the girl’s bottom bright red, but it won’t leave a bruise. Much better than a hairbrush or belt. – Warren.”
I nodded and put the paddle in my upper left drawer where it would be handy. As I was putting the rest of my stuff away, I could hear the girls bustling around in Bev’s room. Finally the noise ceased and I heard the cart being wheeled out the hallway door. I wandered out and looked down the hallway. Sure enough, the three girls were pushing the cart toward the elevator. Then I noticed that all three were still naked. Damn, these kids had a short attention span. “Hey, girls,” I yelled, “Get your butts back in here right now – all of you.”
The girls looked puzzled but scampered back to the suite and stood uncertainly in the living room. “Beverly, what did I tell you about my ground rules a couple hours ago?”
She blushed and stammered. “N-n-not to go outside the suite naked?”
“Got it in one.” I growled. “And just what did you think you were doing prancing down the hallways with your little pink bottom on full display?”
“I-I-I-I guess I wasn’t thinking, Papa Ben.” She looked down at her feet and shuffled them around nervously.
“And you two,” addressing the other girls. “Why didn’t you remind Beverly of the rules?”
“Well, I guess we weren’t thinking either,” Amber said slowly. “We were having fun playing with the cart and just forgot.” Teri nodded in agreement.
“I guess you all will need a little reminder to pay attention,” I said sternly. “Teri, there is a plastic paddle in the upper left drawer of my desk. Bring it here. Beverly, over my lap, now.”
I sat down in one of the two “daddy” chairs and Beverly reluctantly lowered herself over my lap. I could see that her lower lip was quivering and there were tears starting to form in her eyes. She looked up as Teri returned carrying the plastic paddle.
“Oh, no!” She exclaimed. “That’s Papa Warren’s favorite paddle. It stings terribly. Can’t you just spank me with your hand?”
“Sorry, Princess,” I said. “Commander Morris gave it to me so I could use it and I will. There’s nothing like a little pain in the bottom to make a little girl remember her lessons. You are 25 so you will get 50 smacks to impress on you the importance of obeying orders. Amber is 23 so she will get 12 for failing to remind you, and Teri is 19, so she will get 10 for the same reason. Notice that I round up when counting spanks.”
The other girls looked like deer in the headlights and I brought the paddle down firmly on Beverly’s right cheek. She yelped in dismay and yelped again and I smacked her right cheek. After 10 spanks, her bottom was a bright pink and she was squirming in pain. By the 20th spank, she was crying, pleading for mercy and kicking her legs frantically. I am what is called a “slow roaster” when it comes to spanking. I don’t spank really hard or fast, but keep up a steady pattern of medium strength spanks that covers the girl’s whole bottom and brings it to a nice bright shade of red. By the 40th spank she had stopped kicking and just lay across my lap bawling, with the tears and snot running down her face and dripping onto the floor. I finished off the last ten, put the paddle down and rubbed her back and bottom gently until she regained her composure. Then I sent her to the corner of the room and told her to stay there until I finished with the others.
Amber, of course, was next. She was sniffling a bit when she went over my lap, but trying to keep a stiff upper lip as they say. Since she only got twelve spanks, she didn’t break down but she was crying hard when I sent her to the corner to join Beverly. Teri was crying even before she got over my knees and cried steadily through her ten spanks. After her spanking, I called all three girls over to stand in front of me.
“OK, now you know that I will not tolerate disobedience and ignoring my orders.” I said. “I made this spanking hard so you would remember it and learn from it. I don’t want to have to do this often for you three. I’ll probably have enough trouble with the pack of brats we’ll be getting in here in the next couple of days. So I want you to promise me that you will think twice before doing something dumb that will get you spanked again. SO, you have been punished and forgiven, so let’s all hug and go about our business.”
All three girls hugged me and promised to be “good little girls” as Beverly put it. They all washed their faces, Beverly put on her uniform and the three of them returned the luggage cat to the supply storage area.
END of Chapter 7


(The End)