The Empire Spanks Brats Chapters 5 and 6

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Empire Spanks Brats – Chapter 5

As we walked along the Main Hallway, I mused at what my students on Krender would think of me as I walked down a ship’s passageway with a naked girl with a red bottom on one arm and an almost-naked girl wearing only a diaper on the other. Not to mention my clothing which I figured was the height of fashion on Parcala ten or twenty years ago but now was only sold on space stations to clueless tourists.

I noticed several other nude girls as we passed by, all of them seemed to have red or pink bottoms like Amber, so I figured it was some kind of tradition. Of course, it was impossible to tell the color of the bottoms of the fully dressed girls, so some of them may have been freshly spanked as well. I noticed that there was no in-betweens, everybody was fully dressed or nude, except of course, Teri in her diaper.
As we were entering the Officers Mess, Teri squeezed my hand and blushed. “Papa, I really need to go to the bathroom right now. In fact, I really should have gone before we left quarters, it may be too late now.”
“No problem, child,” I reassured her, patting her diapered bottom gently. The squishy sound told me that it was, indeed, indeed too late. “is there a family bathroom where I can change you and check if you need any fixing up down there?”
“No, but you can go into the girls’ room with us,” Amber giggled. “Papa’ s are allowed to go wherever their children go. I've got the diaper bag with a couple of clean diapers and all the stuff you used on Teri before.”
“Good girl,” I told her and she beamed with pleasure. If she had had a tail, she would have wagged it.
So we went into the girls’ bathroom, which was separate from the “women’s” bathroom. Apparently it was not unusual for an adult to accompany a Middy into such places. An adult male accompanied by a Middy was going out as we went in and an adult woman was washing another girl’s private parts inside. I peeled off Teri’s diaper and washed off her privates before placing her on the changing table. Amber disposed of the old diaper and stood ready with a new one as I examined Teri’s injuries. The swelling and discoloration had gone down considerably and only two tapes inside her vagina needed to be replaced. Amber disposed of them without comment or even a grimace. I put on some more ointment, replaced the used tapes and diapered Teri again.
We sat down at a table in the Mess and reviewed the menus. Some of the dishes were strange to me, but there was a “help” key beside each item so we could check out the contents. I picked out a Bolgrian Squid dish, which had probably never seen Bolgria, but looked good. The girls, of course, spent a good ten minutes arguing about various dishes before making a selection. I checked to see that the dishes were appropriate for the needs of teenage girls and actually vetoed Teri’s first selection. That got me a heavy sigh and a muttered “parents are all alike” from both girls. But she made a second suggestion and we started on the appetizers while the meals were being ordered. I allowed the girls one glass of wine, each and had only one myself to set the example. The food was excellent and we all were more than satisfied. Of course, I charged all three meals to my university credit account, which would not make the bookkeeper happy, but the girls were research assistants so it was all legal – got to feed the troops, right?
Everything was going fine until we started to leave the Mess. Amber was hailed by a fully dressed Middy and went over to her table to talk to her. I didn't pay much attention and chatted with Teri about the meal and other mundane matters as we waited for Amber. We were interrupted by a scream of rage, followed by sounds of a struggle. When I looked around, Amber was wrestling with the other girl. They were rolling around the floor swapping blows and curses, the other girl’s blouse was torn and Amber was bleeding from cut lip. The other girl’s apparent guardian, a rather harassed looking Lt. Commander was trying to separate them and I joined in to grab Amber before she could give or receive any more damage. She made a token effort to escape from me but I am a strong man and she is a small girl, so there wasn't much of a struggle. The Lt Cdr managed to subdue the other girl and they stood a few feet apart, glaring at each other.
“Lydia, this is disgraceful,” The Lt Cdr said. “You are supposed to be a senior cadet, not a seven year old squabbling in the sandbox.”
“And so are you, Amber,” I scolded her. “Can't you settle your differences in a civilized manner?”
This was met with protestations from both girls on the order of “She started it” or” It was all her fault”, etc. I looked at the Lt Cdr, “Should we settle this here and now or take the girls back to quarters to deal with it?”
He shook his head, “Might as well get it over with.” And produced a large plastic paddle. At the same time, Teri handed me Amber’s hairbrush which one of them had packed in the diaper bag.
I sighed, took the hairbrush and escorted/dragged Amber to the nearest sturdy chair. Putting her over my lap, I told her, “I don't care who started it or whose fault it was. You were both behaving like little kids and I won't tolerate that. Do you understand?
Amber was already crying, “Yes, Papa, “She said meekly. “I’m really sorry that I screwed up. Please forgive me.”
I smacked her in the center of her right cheek with the hairbrush and she yelped in pain. This was no playful spanking like the one she had earlier, this was going to be a full-fledged bottom blistering. I spanked her slowly and covered both bottom cheeks, the sit-spots and a few on the upper thigh for good measure. I kept on spanking until her entire bottom was bright red. By this time, the loud crying and squirming as over and she lay limp across my knees, sobbing softly with tears and snot running down her face and making a puddle on the floor. As I was spanking her, the Lt Cdr was doing the same to his own naughty child. It took him a bit longer to get started since he had to remove her torn clothing, but Lydia’s bottom was just as red and sore as Amber’s when he was finished.
As we stood up and prepared to leave, the Lt Cdr came over and shook my hand. “George Ashcroft, Engineering,” he said. “Sorry about Lydia, she can be a right brat at times.”
“Ben Rogers, visiting professor,” I replied. “Apparently so can Amber. I just took charge of her and I can see it will be a challenge.”
“Aren't they all,” George said with a chuckle. “Well, I think we better get these naughty little girls back to quarters and put them to bed before they get into any other mischief.”
Walking back seemed a lot longer than walking to dinner had been. Amber was still sniffling and rubbing her bottom when we reached our quarters. Teri tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't conceal the occasional smirk and giggle as she watched Amber's, bright red bottom wobble along in front of us.
Unfortunately for Amber, Bev was still at the Man Desk. She chuckled as she noted Amber’s red bottom and tear-stained face. “Looks like Little Sister got herself in trouble again,” She taunted.
Amber blushed even more, but Teri was quick to her defense. “Be careful, Big Sister, “ she warned. “Papa is in a spanking mood and he might not notice that stripe on your sleeve.”
It was Beverly’s turn to blush. “I forget that he’s not bound by normal shipboard rules. I think I better behave myself while he’s around.”
When we got into the suite, I had Amber lie down on the couch while I examined her injuries. Her lip had stopped bleeding and there were only a few minor bruises and abrasions. Her bottom , of course, was red and sore and would be so for some time.
“I’m really, really. Sorry, Papa,” Amber said in a small childish voice. “I shouldn't have embarrassed you in public that way.”
“It’s OK, kitten,” I said. “You misbehaved and you were punished. It’s over and you are forgiven. Now come over here for a hug.”
She got up slowly, climbed into my lap and hugged me, with a few tears dribbling down her cheeks and onto my shirt. I hugged her and patted her back gently. “OK, girls, I think it’s time for some unpacking.”
As the girls were unpacking my stuff and sewing microchips into all my clothes, there was a buzz at the door. Beverly stood there holding a large clothing bag with a uniform in it.
“Compliments of the Adjutant and he requests you presence in his office at 1100 tomorrow morning, Sir,” She said wide eyed. “And the girls and I are to accompany you, in uniform.
I looked at the uniform and frowned. “It appears that I have badly underestimated your Adjutant,” I said slowly. “I assume the ‘in uniform’ request applies to me as well?”
“I, I, I think so,” she stammered. “But it’s up to you, of course.”
Amber and Teri has bounded out of my bedroom and were staring in incomprehension at the uniform. “What is that, Papa?” Teri asked timidly.
I smiled. “It is the semi-dress uniform of a Lieutenant Colonel in the Federation Army.” I responded. “And they even got all the decorations right.”
“You are a Colonel in the Federation Army?” Beverly asked quizzically. “ I thought you were a college professor.”
“Well I was one and am the other,” I responded. “I retired from the Army some years ago and am now a college professor.”
I could see the three girls doing their mental arithmetic. These were smart kids and I was not going to be able to get away with a bluff with them.
Amber spoke for the group. “You're not old enough to have done all that,” She stated flatly. The other two nodded.
“Well I am a bit older than I originally claimed to be,” I said. “Quite a bit actually.”
Amber pointed to one of my decorations. “That is the Star of Gallania” It was awarded to British and Federations troops involved in the occupation of Gallania – thirty six years ago. How old are you, really?”
I shrugged. “By the Terran calendar, I will be ninety four in a few months.”
“So you must be a Windsor to be that old and still look forty years old,” Amber said quietly. “I suspected that from the beginning.”
“Guilty as charged,” I responded ruefully. “My parents were tossed out of the Imperial Court three years before I was born. They have never told me why. I could ask them, I guess, but it really doesn't matter.”
“Your parents are still alive?” Teri asked. “How old are they?”
“My father is one hundred thirty six years old and my mother is two years younger,” I replied.
“They must be very close to being full Windsors, and so must you,” Beverly said.
“Probably,” I replied, “My father was a Count and my Mother was a Duchess when they married. I think that makes me the Emperor’s fourth cousin one removed, or something like that. I was never much interested in genealogy.”
“Anyway, it’s been a long day and we all need some rest. “ I said. “We can discuss this more with the Adjutant tomorrow, albeit he probably knows all of it and more. Beverly, will you see that we get a wake up call at 0830 and breakfast in our suite at 0930. The girls will call you with the menu later.”
Beverly smiled and said, “I’m looking forward to that meeting too, though I don’t know why he wants me to be there too.”
We all traded hugs and Beverly left the suite.
END of Chapter 5
 I awoke in the morning before the alarm went off, used the bathroom and then ambled out to the living room in my pajamas. The girls, both nude were sitting on the couch watching something on the vid. Both jumped up and hugged me. I sat down in the “daddy chair” and called Teri over to me. As she stood before me, I carefully inspected her body looking for the marks that had been there the day before. She had healed remarkably well and the only thing I had to do was put some more ointment on the two small cuts in her vagina and put another strip of tape over each.
“You seem to heal very well, little girl,” I said fondly, patting her bottom.
“It’s all in the genes, Papa,” she said smiling. “I'll bet you heal quickly too.”
I chuckled, “Well, I try to avoid testing it at my age, but I always did heal petty quickly. Let’s take a look at you, Amber.”
Amber came over and presented her bottom for inspection. “Do I heal well too, Papa?”
Her bottom was still a bit pink but there were no serious bruises. “Yep, nothing wrong with your genes, either, kitten. Now if we could only do something about your Irish temper.”
She looked puzzled, “I’m not Irish, as far as I know. My parents were from Faralon.”
I laughed and smacked her bottom. “It’s an old expression referring to somebody who gets mad easily.”
“Oh, OK,” she smiled mischievously. “I’ll go check and see if the food is here yet.”
“Better hope Beverly isn't there, sis,” Teri smirked. “She'll put some more pink on your bottom.”
Amber laughed. “She’s probably redoing her make-up to primp for the Adjutant. You know she has a crush on him.”
Teri giggled. “So Papa, can I wear regular clothes today? That diaper does nothing for my figure.”
“No problem,” I said. “But I will have you put on a panty-liner, just in case. Your regular panties will be fine.”
Amber came back with the food and we enjoyed breakfast. It was much better than I had figured for shipboard food, but then we were still moored to the station. After a month or so under way, things might be different. The girls enjoyed it too and I am sure that it was better than the kids’ meals in the Middy Mess.
Teri giggled and pointed at Amber. “Now you know why Amber likes to eat in the nude. She has Taqua Sauce all over both her boobs.”
Amber flushed. “Well at least I have decent size boobs, LITTLE girl, She retorted. “Besides, it will all wash off in the shower.”
They stuck their tongues out at each other like two seven-year olds and I couldn't help laughing. “Now, children, play nice or Papa will have to warm your cute little bottoms.”
By this time it was almost 10 AM and time to get into our uniforms.
“Will you need help with your uniform, Papa?” Teri asked innocently.
“Good Grief, no, child.” I laughed. I was putting on that uniform before your mothers were born.”
Promptly at 10:30, Beverly buzzed the door. We were all dressed in uniforms and it was obvious that Beverly had taken special care with her hair and makeup.
“Wow, Bev, you look like a real grown up,” Teri smirked.
Beverly blushed. “Can I spank the little brat when we get back, Dr. Rogers?”
I laughed. “No squabbling or I'll spank all of you. hen you can show the Adjutant that your Papa is keeping you under control.”
“Yes, Papa,” Three girlish voices sang out in unison, followed by giggles.
Walking to the Adjutant’s office was interesting. A number of people stopped to stare at my unfamiliar uniform. But I figured it was more impressive than the garish Parcala clothes I had worn when I boarded. I made a mental note to check and see if there was a clothing store or tailor on board. I figured a ship this size would have both.
The petty officer in the adjutant’s office gave me an odd look, but ushered us into the inner office. The office was spacious, well decorated but not ornate. The nameplate on the desk read “Warren C. Morris Commander, RN, Adjutant.”
Cdr Morris was a tall man who appeared to be in his late 30’s – which probably meant he was in his sixties. He came around the desk and shook hands, pausing to give a short hug to each of the girls. “Welcome again, Doctor Rogers,” He said in a commanding voice. “I see that you have taken good care of my little girls. And taken a firm hand with Amber.” The three girls blushed, Amber more deeply than the others. “Please take a seat everybody, those of you who can sit down, of course.” More blushes but the three girls sat in the small chairs while I took the larger chair in front of his desk.
“Please call me ‘Ben,’” I said. “I get tired of being called Doctor all the time. As you can see we are of comparable rank and it’s more comfortable for me.”
“Certainly, Ben. And you can call me Warren. I am your nominal superior on this ship, but I suspect your date of rank puts you several decades ahead of me in precedence. Not to mention your royal connection. You must be entitled to be an Earl at least.”
I shook my head, “The Federation does not permit titles of nobility for its citizens and I was born on a Federation planet.”
“Understood,” Morris replied. “But we have three things to discuss. First of all, I need to explain the chain of command and organization of the ship. Second we need to discuss your mission, or should I say missions. Finally I have a request to make of you, which would greatly assist me during the voyage.”
“Now the ship is organized into three basic departments, which can be distinguished by the colors of our shirts. Gold colored shirts represent Command, Control, Communications and Navigation, which we refer to collectively as “C3N.” C3N comes under direct control of the Captain, Captain Vanderhort. . Red shirts represent Engineering, which is divided into Power, Propulsion, System Support and Weapons. This comes under the Executive Office, Commander Ohara. Blue represents Life Support, Medical and Personnel, which comes under me.
Under Personnel comes pay, judicial functions, and general training. Among other things, I exercise overall control of Midshipmen not directly assigned to other sections which includes most of them. The Headmaster directly supervises non-technical training and education, care feeding and occasional discipline for the cadets and crewgirls assigned to the ship. Since your unpleasant experience with Mr. Archer and Mrs. Cardiff, I have relieved them of their duties and they left the ship early this morning. I have decided to replace them with Lieutenant Commander David Carstairs and Lieutenant Martha Mboya. We will return to this matter later.
“Now as to your mission. You signed on as a professor of history at Carmine University with a sabbatical grant to study the Colonization Service and the Ventra colony on Stahlhem II. This all checks out. Beyond that, you are the son of an émigré couple with connections to the Royal Family. You have a background in Intelligence with the Federation Army and some special qualifications that the Intelligence types will not even tell me about, but they have assured me that you are above reproach. I want your word that nothing that you plan to do on this voyage or on Stahlhem will adversely affect the operations of the ship or of the Empire.”
“Well Warren, as soon as I saw this uniform, I knew that my cover was blown,” I replied. “But I can assure you that nothing I will do will cause any problems for you, the ship or the Empire. I do plan to write a scholarly book on the Ventrans and a popular book on the Colonial Service for circulation primarily in the Federation. Depending on what I find, there may also be a popular book on the Ventrans. But my real mission is to analyze the Ventran social and government structure to see if they pose a real threat to the Federation or the Empire. My academic cover will allow me to probe more deeply than a normal Intelligence agent would. But the information I am seeking is not classified, industrial or military in nature, so I am not a spy. I hope that satisfies you. If not, I will leave the ship and return to Krender.”
Morris laughed. “If you left the ship now, I'd probably get a rocket up my arse when we returned to Parcala. But did you know that you are a level 10 Windsor?”
I shook my head, “I knew I had Windsor genes but never a full analysis done. If I recall correctly that means that I have ten of the eleven possible genes, right?”
“Correct,” Morris smiled. “You are one gene away from being Emperor. And the one you are missing involves physical strength, so don't wrestle with the Emperor.”
I had to laugh. “That thought never crossed my mind, but I will try to resist the temptation should it occur.”
Morris smiled in return. “You know that many Windsors have a high level of empathy. Your have two copies of gene W4 as I do. It makes it very difficult for Windsors to lie to each other. Beverly and Teri also have two copies of W4. Amber only has one, but she is still petty perceptive. So by our conversation today, we all know we can trust each other. That is important to your mission and my ship.”
“And now for my request for your services, Ben. I told you that I was responsible for the care and feeding of all the Middies on board. Middies are assigned to what are formally called “Midship Quarters,” which everybody informally calls “Nurseries.” Each Nursery houses twelve girls and is supervised by one male senior officer and one female junior officer. Only three of our Nurseries are now in operation, but we are picking up 40 more Middies this week for the trip to Stahlhem. Some of them will be assigned directly to ship functions or to people like yourself, but most will be housed in Nurseries. I would like to assign you temporary duty as the Supervisor of Nursery #5 and Ensign Wilson as your second in command.”
I was slightly taken aback and I heard Beverly gasp. “That’s an interesting offer,” I said slowly, “But I am not sure it would be entirely legal. This is a British ship and I am a Federation officer, albeit retired.”
“That has been taken care of,” Morris explained, looking rather proud. I think he would have twirled the ends of his moustache if it had been a bit longer. I have in hand a message from the Admiralty appointing you a Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal Marine Reserve with a voluntary recall to active duty as of the date you sign the agreement. Your government has signed on to this so you are now a citizen of both the Empire and the Federation. No title of nobility, though, the Federation wouldn't go that far. The active duty portion is one year, with a provision for extension on a mutually agreeable basis. During this year you will receive the ordinary pay and allowances for an officer of your grade and a small additional allowance for shipboard duty. Does this sound like something you would agree to?”
I looked at the three girls and they were positively beaming. That removed all my reservations and I nodded. “OK, where do I sign?” The girls burst into cheers.
Morris passed a rather formal looking document across the desk. Of course, I read it carefully and saw that it was legal and contained exactly what he had described. I also noticed that his name and Beverly’s had been inscribed as witnesses and the document was dated as of the current date and time. As I signed the document and passed it back to him, I smiled. “you seem to have been pretty confident that I would accept.”
Morris signed as witness and called Beverly up to sign as the second witness. “Not entirely, of course, but if you had effused, I could just toss it into the pulper. But I didn't think you would refuse. You are a man of honor and an excellent parent, which was obvious the first time I saw you. The old empathy genes, you know.”
Beverly stopped to hug me on her way back to her chair. “And, of course, I accept too, but you knew that.”
“So what precisely will my duties be? And how much of my time will they consume? I don't want to short the University, since they paid for the trip.”
Morris chuckled. “Actually, HMG will reimburse the University for the passage fees. As an Imperial officer, you are entitled to free passage and subsistence. And the expenses of your assistants will be covered by HMG as well. Just don't spoil them too badly. As to your duties, you will be responsible for the welfare and discipline of twelve young women ranging in age from 14 to 26. Some of them are new to space, others have been in Fleet or Colonial service for several years. You will report directly to me. If you check your effective date of rank, you will see that it is exactly one day after mine. This makes you the second highest ranking officer in the Personnel Department."
"Your quarters will be adjoining the Nursery and will be exactly the same as the ones you are in now except that the living room will be slightly larger and there will be an additional bedroom for Ensign Wilson. Your two present assistants will continue to work for you primarily on your research and writing, along with assisting you as needed in other aspects of shipboard life. Ensign Wilson will be your principal assistant in dealing with the Middies.”
He stood up, walked around his desk and shook my hand. “Congratulations, Colonel and welcome to the crew. By the way, you can dispose of those ridiculous Parcala clothes. I have ordered a set of Marine uniforms for you. Your shirt color will be green, which is the traditional color for Marines assigned aboard ship. We do have several regular Marines on board as security personnel, I am sure you will enjoy meeting them.”
He moved over to hug the three girls and pat their bottoms. “You girls be good for the Colonel and I am sure he will be good to you. Now take your leader to Nursery #5 so you can get settled in before the giggling horde descend son you.” He turned back to me. “I think we will all be happy with the results of this arrangement. Feel free to call on me any time you need assistance.”
As we left the Adjutant’s office, I told Beverly, “Let’s get some lunch and then head for the Nursery. I need to make an Estimate of the Situation.”
She looked puzzled and I chuckled. “That’s Army talk for figuring out where we are and what we should do.”
 END of Chapter 6.




(The End)