The Empire Spanks Brats Chapter 4

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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The Empire Spanks Brats – Chapter 4
I found a heavy plastic sheet in the linen cabinet and spread it over the living room couch, not being sure how washable the couch fabric was. Then I unpacked the medical supplies from the ship and added what I needed from my own bag. By this time, Amber was back, completely bare and holding a hairbrush. Her complexion was flawless and her female parts were nicely shaped and totally hairless.
“How do you like this girlskin, Papa, she said mischievously.
I had to give her an admiring look as she twirled slowly in front of me. “Absolutely top quality girlskin,” I said approvingly. “But why the hairbrush? You haven't misbehaved that I know of.”
She blushed. “Well it’s kind of a tradition, that when a girl first goes bare for her Guardian, he gives her a spanking to show her he cares. “
I laughed and tweaked her nose gently. “Is that a “Middies tradition” or an “Amber tradition, ” I asked with mock severity.
She blushed again and giggled. “I can't fool you, can I? Yes, it’s my tradition, I like walking around with a pink, tingly bottom. That way the other girls can see that my Papa loves me enough to spank me without beating the crap out of me.”
I nodded, “That’s what I figured. OK, little girl, give me the hairbrush and bend over my knee.”
She smiled happily and did so. I gave her three good smacks on each bottom cheek and let her up. She yelped at each smack and started rubbing her bottom furiously, doing a little dance around the room.
I handed her back the hairbrush. “OK, tradition fulfilled. Tomorrow morning, I'll give you another friendly spanking so you can walk through the halls and have the other girls admire your warm red bottom. Now lets Teri in here before she thinks we've abandoned her.
Teri was sitting up, somewhat t gingerly when we walked into the main bedroom. “HI, Papa. Hi Amber. “She tried to smile but I could see she had been crying and was in obvious pain. “You're not going to spank me again tonight, are you?”
“Of course, not, silly child,” I snorted. “And I see I am ‘Papa’ again.”
Teri looked concerned, “You don't mind, do you? You carried me through miles of corridors, gave me something for my pain and now you're going to make all the hurt go way. I love you already.”
I patted her on the head. “Of course not, little Terrikins. It’s an honor that I hope I can live up to.”
“Oooh, ‘Terrikins’, She beamed. “I like that. It makes me feel like I was eight years old again. Can I sit on your lap after you fix me up?”
“Maybe after dinner,” I semi-promised. “We'll see how you're feeling. And Amber might want some cuddle time too.”
“Of course I do, “Amber stated decisively, “But if you call me ‘Amberkins,’ I’ll poison your Klava.”
“Don’t worry, Amber, “I chuckled. “ I know you’re a big girl now. But let’s get Teri out to the couch where we can work on her. Can you walk, honey?”
“I think so,” Teri said bravely. She was able to shuffle along with Amber holding one arm and me the other.
When we out to the couch I told Amber to keep Teri steady while I checked out her injuries. Most of the damage appeared to be in the pubic area and inner thighs where the Dragon lady had slashed her with that vicious little strap.
“OK, Teri, I am going to give you another shot to keep the pain level down while we work on you. This one won’t make you sleepy.” She winced, but didn’t cry out as a I gave her the shot. “Good girl. Now, Amber, let’s put her in a sitting position on the couch with her feet pointing that way. Perfect, now put two pillows under her head so she can watch if she wants to. Can you elevate the couch head a bit, too?”
“Sure thing, Papa,” Amber said and touched a button on the end of the couch. This brought Teri into a semi-sitting position where she could watch the operations. I have found that when you have an alert patient, it is usually best to let him/her observe as much as possible of the procedure. It diminishes the fear factor.
Mostly it was now a matter of carefully wiping away the caked blood and dirt from the cuts and abrasions in her pubic area and down her thighs. Fortunately her clitoris had escaped injury, but there were a couple of nasty scrapes on her vaginal wall which I covered with special tape that would be resorbed by her body in a few days. Same for the labia, nothing serious, just painful. The cuts and scrapes on her Inner thighs didn’t even require tape, just a good coating of antibiotic salve.
I heaved a sigh of relief. “Well that wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. Now we need to check the other side. Teri, we are going to turn you over onto your tummy now. Hold your arms and legs together as much as you can.”
After we turned her over, I was pleased to see that the damage was not serious. Of course, there were bruises and a few welts from the hairbrush, as to be expected. I mentally cursed Archer again, the man didn’t even know how to use a hairbrush properly and he was given a license to use it on little girls. I could see several places where the edge of the hairbrush had come in contact with the inner cheeks of her buttocks and raised wheals – totally unnecessary brutality.
Fortunately there was no damage to her anus and only a few scrapes in the perineal area. These were easily treated with tape and salve. The scrapes on the backs of her thighs would heal nicely with salve treatment.
At my direction, Amber got a pillow and a soft towel and placed them in the reclining chair. We picked up Teri and settled her comfortably in the chair and then cleaned up the couch area. As Amber and I sat on the couch, she grabbed me and hugged me. “Papa,” She said, “would you mind if I told you that you have the gentlest, most comforting hands, I have ever seen on a man – or a woman for that matter.”
I patted her thigh affectionately. “Of course, I don’t mind, silly. It’s a great compliment. But a good doctor has to learn how to use his hands gently but firmly.”
Teri piped up, “I’m hungry, Papa, Did you guys eat all the snacks?’
Amber jumped up. “No, baby, of course not. You like Klava and chocolate cookies, right? And I think there’s a little Demarin Green cheese left.”
“That sounds great, Amber. Thank you.”
As Amber went to get the snacks, I asked Teri, “What is the local time on the ship now? My watch is set for Parcala time.”
“That’s right, “She responded. “We’ll stay on Parcala time until we leave the system. Then we’ll switch to Stahlhem time. There’s really not much difference. The Parcala ‘day’ is 22.6 hours and the Stahlhem ‘day’ is 23.1 hours.”
“Good. My watch says it’s 1628 now. What times do they serve dinner and what are the options?
“Wow, there are a lot of options. Amber and I would normally grab a kid’s meal in the Middy Mess which is one level down from here. You could eat in the SOQ Mess which is on this level or the regular Officers’’ Mess which is two levels up. Or you could order from any of these from the console in the kitchen. Evening meal is usually served from 1730 to 2030 in all the messes except the SOQ Mess which stays open until 2200. The elderly gentlemen like to dine in a leisurely fashion and linger over their brandy.” There are also quick snack type places all over the crew quarters if you have a yen for Frangled Squid pastries or Jokarren Burgers with lime sauce.”
I thought about it for a few seconds. “OK, are you girls authorized to eat in any of those other messes, except the one that serves kid’s meals?”
“You can bring us with you to any mess except the Captain’s Mess which requires special invitations. But on our own, Middies can only get kid’s meals from the Middies Mess or by phone order.”
Amber brought out Teri’s snack and she set to eating it while Amber continued the conversation. “There are also fancy restaurants in the Passenger Quarters, which are really expensive but have some exotic foods there. I don’t think they let Middies and enlisted crew members there. Besides, you don’t want to eat with Ventans. They have nasty table habits and are really cruel to women and girls.”
“Well, I am going to have to deal with them sooner or later, but I won’t bring you girls along. So what are “kid’s meals?”
“Kid’s meals are heat-and-serve meals specially prepared to meet the nutritional requirements of teen age girls. The best part about them is that they are free to all middies. The worst thing about them is that they taste like well-balanced nutritional meals for kids.” She made a face and Teri did too.
I smiled. “Well, I’m sure I can find some nutritious meals on the menu that won’t taste like kid’s meals. I won’t tell the nutritionist, if you don’t. “
“Oh, we can eat grown-up food if we want.” Amber explained. It’s just that we have to pay for adult meals and Middies don’t get much of an allowance. Sometimes the guys will sneak us into the Enlisted Mess where they have good food and don’t charge for it. But we get spanked if we get caught doing it.”
Teri giggled, “Amber, you’d take three spankings for a slab of Merkenberry Pie. “
“Now that’s not true, Teri, “ Amber paused and thought. “Maybe two spankings if it was a really big slice.”
“Well, I am not going to be stingy with my children,” I stated firmly. “As long as you girls behave you will get food that didn’t come straight out of the yeast banks. Speaking of which, Amber, let’s go into the kitchen and program in some snacks and breakfast items. I like to eat breakfast in my pajamas rather than going out to a mess, How do you girls feel about that?’
Teri giggled again, “Middies don’t wear pajamas, Amber eats breakfast in the bare, but then she does EVERYTHING in the bare whenever possible.”
“Middies don’t wear pajamas?” I asked. “Is there a rule about that too?”
“Not as such,” Amber explained. “It’s just that we just get a small uniform allowance and pajamas are not a high priority item aboard ship. We get issued 10 sets of uniforms per voyage plus underwear and footgear. Crewgirls get one “dress-up” uniform for special events, Cadets get that and also a “shore party uniform” when we are in port. And we don’t have much room for storing clothes. So we sleep bare or in our undies. But it never gets too hot or cold on ship, so we don’t mind.”
A thought struck me. “This morning, when Teri got spanked, we left all her clothes in the Head’s office. Will she have to buy replacements out of her own money? Or can we go get them back?’
“No problem,” Amber stated. “All of our clothes have nanochips in them that tell the laundry who they belong to. The Head will just toss them into the laundry chute and Teri will get them back cleaned in a few days. Teri and I will put some chips for you in your clothes tonight when we unpack you. If you have anything that needs special handling, Teri and I will do it or find somewhere to get it done. Laundry gets dropped off at the Main Desk every morning and they pick up yesterday’s dirty stuff at the same time. One of us will pick it up each morning and drop the dirty stuff in the chute at night.”
I sighed. “Sounds like I am in good hands with you girls. But I really wanted you for your brains; doing research and helping me write my books. I don’t want you to spend all day doing my personal stuff.”
“Don’t worry,” Amber said. “There are 40 or so more Middies boarding the ship before undocking. We’ll find a couple of girls to help us with the housekeeping stuff and probably a couple more to do basic research. This is just pre-launch stuff, the real work will be when we go into stardrive and you get working on your books.”
 “Yeah,” Teri said. “Don’t worry, Amber and I will take REAL good care of our Papa.”
“That’s good,” I said. “I’ll try not to be too much of a burden on you.”
We made out a list of snacks, drinks and breakfast items and filed it with the ship’s computer. We got a note back saying that it would all be at the Main Desk by noon tomorrow except for two items which hadn’t been loaded yet. I went into the main bedroom to check the wine cooler and found several bottles of good quality wine and a small case of beer. There was also a console for ordering various wines, beers and spirits.
“Amber, come here.” I said. “What are the rules on you girls drinking alcohol?”
Amber hesitated. “Well, the Service Manual says that children are not supposed to be allowed alcohol. But the Captain’s policy is that cadets are allowed to drink wine and beer and crewgirls can drink with the approval of their Guardians. But if you won’t allow Teri to drink, then I won’t drink either. Which is not a big sacrifice because neither of us are big drinkers, anyway. And there is stuff at parties and on the wine menu that looks and tastes just like the real thing but has no alcohol.”
I nodded, “Well, I’ll let you girls have whatever you want in these quarters, as long as you don’t abuse the privilege. “
Amber giggled, “Don’t worry, we know exactly what you‘ll do if we mess up!”
I smacked her bottom. “Got the old buzzard all figured out, eh?”
She yelped but smiled. “Windsors are very good at figuring out other people’s characters, especially with other Windsors. Why do you think we started calling you ‘Papa’ right away? You’ve been aboard for seven hours and you’ve already got two VERY intelligent girls worshipping you. That is very unusual and the Adjutant was very impressed with you too and he’s a Level Eight Windsor. I’m a Level Six myself, and Teri is a level Seven.
I nodded, figuring this was something I’d have to do more research on, but the girls sounded VERY certain. “OK, now we have to find Teri something to wear to dinner. Amber can go bare or in uniform, as she wishes, but I don’t want anything tight fitting on Teri and she’s got too much grease on her to go bare. Probably wind up sliding off her chair and making me look dumb.”
Amber giggled at the thought. “Let me check the Main Desk, they usually have adult diapers or large child-size ones. If not I can nip down to the Nursery and get some.”
She was back in a few minutes with a bag of diapers labeled “Large Child” and a fresh red spot on her right buttock. “Got a bag of 12, which should be enough,” she said. “Unless Teri forgets her potty training.”
Teri stuck out her tongue. “I can’t wait to tell Papa what you did at the Midcourse Party last year.”
I chuckled. “I believe it already. Amber wasn’t out of the compartment for five minutes and she got herself spanked. “
Amber giggled. “Oh, that was Bev. She does that every time she catches me bare. She still calls me ‘Little Sister.’”
So we got Teri into her diaper, which didn’t look all that bad on her, and headed out he door. As we passed the Main Desk, Bev waved to us. “Have a good dinner, Dr Rogers. Keep a good eye on the brats. If they act up, let Auntie Beverly know and she will warm their little baby bottoms.”
Both girls stuck their tongues out at Bev and we headed out to the Main corridor to find an appropriate place for dinner.




(The End)