* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
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* * * * * The
Empire Spanks Brats –
Chapter 3 As we walked slowly through the hallways, I
asked Amber, “how big is this ship anyway?” “Three million tons,” she replied. “It’s the
largest class of ships ever built. It can hold 5000 passengers in cold sleep,
another thousand in warm quarters and it has crew quarters for 750” That was pretty impressive to somebody who
didn’t travel in space very often. By this time, Teri had stopped moaning and
seemed to have fallen asleep in my arms. “So we are in crew quarters now?” I
asked. Yes sir, “Amber replied. Your quarters are in
the Senior Officer’s section, which is just through this door here. “ I had noticed a considerable number of naked
girls and young women walking past us and down the connecting corridors and
made a mental note to ask Amber about it later. Coming through the door, we
paused at a small office labeled “SOQ Main Desk.” The desk was manned by a
young female ensign and an equally young enlisted man. Amber smiled at the girl and said, “Bev, this
is Dr Benjamin Rogers the new historian. Dr Rogers, this is Beverly Wilson, she
is the Purser for the SOQ section. Anything you need she can find for you if
it’s on the ship.” I nodded to Beverly. “I’d offer to shake
hands, but my arms are full right now. Beverly shook her head, “It looks like poor
Teri had another encounter with Archer and the Witch. I hope you can keep her
out of their clutches at least until Stahlhem. I’ll carry your electronics to your
room. Your luggage is already there along with Teri’s and Amber’s. “ Fortunately, our quarters were behind the
second door on the right. Beverly opened the door and turned on the lights. She
handed the electronics gear to Amber smiled again at me and left; saying
“Welcome again, Dr Rogers. If you need anything just hit the ‘desk’ button on
the display.” The suite’s main room was larger that I
expected, at least 5 meters square and well furnished. With some relief, I
gently laid Teri onto the couch. She murmured something with her eyes closed
and then went back to sleep. I had to shrug my shoulders and stretch my back. Teri
is a small girl and I am a large man, but carrying her several hundred meters
along the corridors had been a strain. Amber led me to the door on the left and
opened it. “This is the master bedroom. It has one large
bed, a couple of chairs and a private bathroom. It is really quite comfortable.
The office is behind the door in the center. And the door on the right is the
kids’ room.” I checked it all out and was surprised at the
amount of space in all the rooms. The “kids’ room” had two small beds, two
chairs and a student type desk with all the usual electronics. There was also a
small kitchen between the kids’ room and the office. “Why do you call it the “kids’ room?” I asked.
“I don’t have any kids with me.” Actually, you do now,” Amber giggled. “Teri
and I are considered your children for the voyage. The paperwork making you my
GPT is in the stuff I got from Beverly. As soon as we both sign it, it will be
official. All of the middies on the ship are assigned guardians unless their
parents are aboard.” I must have looked confused (which I was). “OK,
‘middies’ is a new term for me. Who are they?” “It’s an old term, an abbreviation for
‘midshipmen,’ she explained. “In the days of surface navies, they had boys from
12-18 assigned as middies. They were essentially officer trainees, but they
also ran errands for the ship’s officers, got the equivalent of a high school education
from the senior officers and would eventually be commissioned as officers
themselves if they made the grade. Now we have both boys and girls in the
program. The junior members are called “crewgirls” or “crewboys” and the older
kids are called “cadets.” See my name patch?” I looked at the patch sewn on her left breast.
It was yellow, bordered in silver and had “HMS Birkenhead” across the top and
“Amber” in large letters in the center. “Notice that the border on my name patch is
silver. That means I am a cadet. Teri’s patch is the same as mine but the
border is gold. That means she is a crewgirl.” But we all call ourselves
“middies” except when the rank makes a difference, like I would normally
supervise Teri. But we are all kids, so our bedroom is called the kids room.” “OK, I’ll get all this sorted out in a few
days, meantime you can kick me in the shin when I make a serious mistake. But
we really need to tend to Teri now. Can you get me my little black bag with the
snakes on it from the main bedroom?” I went out and made a more careful examination
of Teri’s injuries. Most appeared superficial but I wanted to be sure. In a few
seconds, Amber was back with my medical bag. “So you really are a doctor-type
doctor?” “Yes, I have an MD along with my other stuff.
But I don’t actively practice except in cases like this.” I checked Teri’s vital signs, which were good,
and gave her a shot. It was hard to find an undamaged area of skin on her
buttocks, but I managed. Then I picked her up, and carried her into the main
bedroom and laid her out on the bed, face down as most of her injuries were on
her back side. She stirred a bit and opened her eyes briefly. I stroked her
hair gently and noticed that Amber was gently massaging her shoulder. “OK, now I will need some medical supplies.
How far is the nearest clinic or pharmacy?” “Oh, you can just order what you need on the
communicator.” Amber said. Here, let me program in the quarters number and your
medical ID number. If you mark it “urgent” they’ll deliver it to the Main Desk
in about 20 minutes. “ “Very efficient,” I said. “Do they have a
pneumatic tube system?” No, for a small order it’s usually just a girl
on a bicycle. For big orders they have guys with three wheelers. “Splendid,” I said, and placed the order. “Now
the shot I gave Teri will take effect in 10 or 15 minutes or so. She will be
awake and alert, but the pain will be blocked. Maybe you could rustle up
something cold to drink and a few snacks for us while we wait for the supplies.”
She came back a few minutes later with a tray
of cheese and crackers and two large glasses of Klava and ice. “There’s more
snack type stuff in the kitchen and there’s a wine cooler in your bedroom, so
there’s probably wine and beer in there. There’s also a console in the kitchen
we can use to order food and drink” At that moment, here was a buzz from the suite
communicator followed by, “Doctor Rogers, you have a package requiring
signature at the Main Desk. “ “That must be the medical supplies. Let’s go
get them, Teri should be waking up soon.” We walked out to the Main Desk and I saw a
bicycle leaning against the counter. Next to it was a naked blonde girl who
looked about 13. She smiled. “These are the medical supplies
you ordered, Doctor. I need to see your medical ID and you need to sign the
requisition for the drugs.” I showed her my ID and signed on her recorder.
“Thank you very much, Miss…” She giggled and blushed. “It’s Angela, sir. I
sorta forgot to put on my neckband when I left the office. I’ll probably get a
spanking when I get back. Chief Higgins is pretty strict on dress codes.” We went back to my suite and sat down to
finish our snacks. OK, Amber, “I said. “I have seen a lot of girls walking
around naked. Is there some special rule about that?” “There are a number of rules on nudity. Middies
must be fully dressed everywhere aft of Frame 400. Frame #1 is the bow, Frames
1-100 are C3N, Frames 101-200 are Admin, frames 201-300 are Crew Quarters, Frames
301-400 are Life Support, Frames 401-500 are Passenger Quarters and Frames
501-999 are Engineering, Weapons and Ship Storage. Girls usually get dressed
when they go forward of Frame 100 or aft of Frame 300. Inside the crew quarters
middies are allowed to go naked if their Guardians agree. Some guardians want
their girls naked at all time, some like them in uniform at all times and some
leave it up to the girl.” “Hmm, “ I mused. So it’s basically up to me
whether you and Teri wear clothes and when?” “Yes Sir, you’re the Guardian so it’s your
call.” “Well I must admit that girlskin is my
favorite fabric, but I will go along with what ever you girls prefer. Unless I
order you to dress or undress, for a specific situation, you and Teri can do as
you please. You can both go bare, both stay clothed or one of you can go bare
and the other can be clothed. Does that sound fair?” To my surprise, Amber grabbed me and kissed me
on the cheek, “Thank you Papa,” she said gleefully, “That was Commander
Morris’s rule too and he is the bestest. I really like being bare. It feels so
free and natural. Can I start now, please?” I laughed. “Of course, child, whatever makes
you happy. But what’s the ‘Papa’ bit?“ “Oh,” She blushed. “That just came out. When a
girl really likes her guardian she calls him ‘Papa.’ I called Commander Morris
that all the time and you are very much like him. Girls are not supposed to
call adults by their first names and calling people you live and work with
every day ‘Doctor’ or ‘Commander’ or ‘Ma’am’ in private just sounds so formal. I
hope you don’t mind.” “Not a bit,” I reassured her. “It is actually
a compliment that I value. But you called Beverly at the desk by her first name
and she is an adult, right? Her ID patch said ‘Wilson,’ not ‘Beverly.’” “Wow, you don’t miss a lot, do you?” Amber
said approvingly. “Technically Bev and I are adult and child, but she’s only
two years older than me and she was a cadet when I was a crewgirl. In fact she spanked
me a few times when I was younger and more inclined toward mischief. Actually
she still could if I messed up around the quarters, but she would probably
check with you first.” “I understand and that’s fine with me.” I
responded. “You must remember that I am trained as a historian, an
anthropologist and a physician. These are jobs where paying attention to small
details can be critical, so I make it a point to notice everything. You never
know when an odd bit of information is going to link together two important
elements of a problem.” I heard rustlings from the main bedroom. OK,
now run along and get undressed if you want, I hear Teri waking up now and
we’ll need to clean her up and treat her injuries. “ I turned her around, pointed toward the more
kids’ room and smacked her bottom. She squealed and scampered toward the
bedroom door.