The Empire Spanks Brats Chapter 1

By Red Rover
Copyright 2012 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story takes place about 1000 years from now when the human race occupies a sphere of space about 800 light years in diameter. Of course, when I say "occupies" It doesn't mean the inhabited planets are close to each other. And, of course, most stars do not have habitable planets. There are about a dozen "empires" of various sizes in the sphere along with about two hundred independent worlds. The two major powers are the New British Empire and Commonwealth (NBEC) usually referred to as the "Empire" and the United Federation of Planets (UFP), usually referred to as the "Federation."
Travel between stars is similar in time to travel by sail on Earth in the 17th and 18th centuries. There are large and well-built starships, but the distances are great. Generally it takes about 3 months to travel 50 light years.
The Empire Spanks Brats – Chapter 1
I boarded HMS Birkenhead with great anticipation. I had managed to wrangle a full year sabbatical to travel to the Ventra colony on Stahlhem II. The trip would take four months out, four months on the colony planet and four months back. The plan was that I would write an expository book on the British Colonization Service on the way out, with particular reference to the Birkenhead and its sister ships. The Stahlhem colony was well established. This mission was to bring an additional 4,000 colonists and some agricultural machinery to the colony, along with the usual supplies. In the four months at the colony I would gather historical material about the Ventra religion and the Stahlhem colony. On the trip back I would polish up both books and then return to my teaching position at the University. As a single 45 year old professor with my only daughter serving with the Federation navy and my ex-wife somewhere out there in the Galaxy with her most recent boyfriend, I had nothing to tie me to Parcala except a modest home I had rented out for the year.
Coming on board, I was welcomed by a smartly dressed Lieutenant and a young girl wearing a pink shirt and black slacks. “Welcome aboard, Dr Rogers,” he said. “The crewgirl is Teri Anton. She will be your guide aboard ship and you will be her GPT for the voyage. “
“Pleased to meet you, Teri,” I said and she smiled winningly. She looked about fifteen with short brown hair, hazel eyes and a nice figure. “What’s a GPT, Lieutenant?’
“Sorry sir,” he responded. “A GPT is a Guardian Pro Tempore. Teri is under age and requires a legal guardian aboard ship for a voyage of more than two months. Since she will be helping you, it seemed only natural to make you her temporary guardian. Personnel will give you all the paperwork and instructions on your duties and hers.”
I looked down at her and smiled. “Sounds reasonable to me. Being a Yank, I am not all that familiar with British laws and customs. This is my first time aboard a Royal Navy starship. “
“Don’t worry,” he reassured me, “Our laws and customs are very much similar to your Federation. We do have some odd terms here and there but Teri and the Headmaster – or any ship’s officer - will be happy to explain them to you. And this is not technically a Royal Navy ship. It belongs to the Colonial Office, not the Admiralty. But most of our crew is present or former RN, so there is no practical difference.”
He turned to Teri, “and now you had better get Dr Rogers to the Headmaster’s office. You don’t want to be late for your spanking.”
Teri blushed and tuned away. “Follow me, please, Sir. Your luggage will be delivered to our quarters later.”
“Well, Teri, “ I am a history professor at Carmine University on Krender III which is about ten light years from here. I am 46 years old. I have a 24 year old daughter who is an ensign aboard the USS Valdez, a Federation light cruiser. I’m divorced and my ex-wife is drifting about the Galaxy with some fool that thinks she is in love with him. How about you?”
Teri smiled. “Well I am 19 years old and I have been a crewgirl for about five years. This is my second ship. My father is Royal Navy and my mother is a biotechnician. I have a younger brother who is 15 and a crewboy on HMS Revenge, a battle cruiser with Force K.”
“So how did you wind up in the Colonial Service? I would have thought you would be in the Navy with your father and brother.”
“Crewgirls are usually assigned to non-combat ships and crewboys are assigned to combat ship. It’s an old tradition and I don’t really know why. There are 22 crewgirls on this ship right now, counting me. There are about 40-50 crewboys on the Revenge. But adults are assigned to all kinds of ships, regardless of gender. It’s just the kids who are separated.”
I pondered that a moment. “You said you were 19, but still a kid, right? That is different from the Federation. We give cadet status at 18 and full adulthood at 22. How does it work in the Empire?’
“Oh, it’s very different,” she responded. In the Empire you are a child until age 13, a teen from 13-19 and a Cadet after age 20. And it’s not automatic like it is with you. We have to pass tests and be evaluated before we can go from teen to cadet and from cadet to adult. In theory, you can be declared a cadet at 18 and an adult at 22, but it doesn’t often happen. Most cadets become adults between 25 and 30.”
“Why the big difference, “ I asked.
“Well most British kids carry what they call the “Windsor gene.” It started out in the Royal Family in the 2600’s. There was a guy called Eric, Duke of Norfolk who developed the gene and managed to insert it into his cousins in the Royal Family. Strictly illegal at the time, but nobody asks an Emperor to provide a cell sample! Not if you want to keep your head.” It turns out that there are actually six genes involved and people can have from one to eleven at one time. The Windsor complex leads to people who are usually smarter, healthier and live longer than regular people. The drawback is that Windsor kids are slower to mature, especially the girls. One of the genes is on the “Y” chromosome so only the boys get it.”
I nodded, so you look 15 but you are actually 19, right?
“Yeah, being a girl I got shorted on Gene #6. So my brain is like 24-25, my body looks 15 and my emotional maturity level is like 12-13. So girls usually grow up slower than boys, but we are just as smart. It’s really frustrating to know that you are looked at as a child all the time and that you will ACT like a child sometimes and get into trouble.”
We walked a little farther while I digested all of that. “Back at the airlock, the Lieutenant said something about you getting a spanking. Was he joking or is that for real.”
Teri sighed. “Oh, it’s very real. Crewgirls and crewboys can be spanked if they misbehave, which they often do. Yesterday I was suppose to spend three hours consolidating supply inventories. But I got bored and started playing computer games so I only finished half of my work. Worse yet the Comm Chief caught me playing a game I wasn’t supposed to be playing so I got reported and now I am going to get a spanking.”
So you can get spanked for goofing off in addition to misbehaving. Who is authorized to spank you?’
She signed again. “Any ships officer or department chief. The Comm Chief could have done it last night and I wish he had. He doesn’t spank nearly as hard as the Headmaster does. In fact, as my GPT, you will be authorized to spank me too. It will all be explained in the paperwork they give you. Do you spank hard?”
I thought a moment. “I’m not really sure, I only had the one child and I stopped spanking her at age 15 so it don‘t have anything to compare it to. Albeit I was tempted to blister the bottoms of some of my students at times, but the University doesn’t allow that. Let’s just hope we don’t have to find out how hard I spank.”
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll find out,” she said ruefully. “Remember I am emotionally 12 years old and I am bound to mess up sooner or later.”
By now, we had reached the Headmaster’s outer office. There were a couple of people already waiting. The receptionist, a woman about my age, stood up to shake hands with me. “Welcome aboard Dr. Rogers,” she smiled. The Head will be with you shortly.”
She turned to Toni and said brusquely. “As for you, young lady, get your clothes off and get into the corner. You know the drill. “
Toni shrugged and started taking off her clothing. The man and woman waiting in the other chairs looked on with amusement. When she was completely naked, she walked sowly to the corner and stood with her hands on her head, displaying her bare bottom to everybody in the room.
I was a bit vexed at the procedure. “Was that really necessary, Ms Cardiff?” I asked somewhat crossly. “I can understand removing her pants, but why does she have to take off her shirt and bra when he is only going to spank her bottom? “ An unpleasant image flashed through my mind. “He IS only going to spank her bottom, right?”
Ms Cardiff gave me the traditional frosty glare. “Of COURSE, he is only going to spank her bottom. We Brits are not barbarians. The bare corner time is something the Headmaster uses to increase the effectiveness of the punishment. When you take over her control, you may do as you wish.”
This was not a good start and I held my tongue, fearing that if I made this woman angry, it would be Teri’s bottom that suffered. Fortunately, at moment the inner door opened and the Headmaster walked into the room.




(The End)