Peer Mentors Chapter 7

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Cast of Major Characters:
Baxter family: Mother: Catherine (41), Children – Lisa (15), Dougie (13) and Kelly (11)
Mallory Family: Father: Frank (43), Children – Marjorie (15) and Charles (9)
Carson Family: Mother: Sally (38), Children – Beverly (14), Alice (9) and Matt (7)
Miller Family: Mother: Barbara (32), Children – Brandy (11) , Elsa (8) and Anna (6)
Reynolds Family: Mother Carol (34), Children – Shannon (10), Donny and Deanna (8)
Madison Middle School Staff: Ralph Higgins (52) Principal. Emma Crowley (26) Nurse.
Peer Mentors – Chapter 7
When the Baxter group entered the auditorium again, Melanie Blake and her seven boy monitors were already engaged in the embarrassing exercises that would become so familiar to all the DRPY kids. The boys were tweaking her nipples, rubbing her bottom, playing with her little clitoris and running their fingers up and down her bottom crack, sometimes penetrating her anus with a finger. Three of the DRPY boys and their girl mentors were going through the same “exercise” in various parts of the room. Principal Higgins whispered to Nurse Crowley. “It’s ironic, I have spent thirty years trying to prevent boys and girls from doing this stuff with each other and now they are doing it in the schoolhouse with their parents and teachers watching.”
Emma giggled. “Yes, I still remember the paddling you gave me in 8th grade for making out with Ricky Summers in the music room during lunch period.”
Higgins laughed. “I hope you are behaving better these days. I think I still have that paddle.”
Emma blushed. “Well, if I do need a paddling, you’ll have to do it outside of school. The Board of Education would not be thrilled to hear about it.”
Higgins laughed again. “Nor would my wife. Besides, she’s probably want to help.”
The last of the seven DRPY’s and their mentors finally made it into the auditorium. “OK, everybody be seated,” the principal announced. “Parents on the left side of the aisle and children on the right.”
After everybody was seated, the principal finished the explanation of the program. “Now all of you parents, DRPY’s and Mentors have been issued your manuals of instructions, so by the time school starts you should all know what is expected of you. We will be having a special after-school period each day which will be held in one of the gymnasiums. Which gym will depend on which one is being used for sports that day. If the girls’ gym is being used for sports, we will have the DRPY session in the boys’ gym and vice versa.”
“All of the DRPY children will attend each afternoon session unless excused. We will have a rotating schedule of Mentors, usually two or three for each DRPY child. Each DRPY and Mentor will wear his or her medallion at all times during the sessions. Mentors will wear green tee shirts and shorts, DRPY children will be naked. After the final school bell, all DRPY’s and their mentors will proceed to the designated locker room where the DRPY’s will undress and the Mentor will change into their uniforms. Mentors have the option of using the school bathrooms to change clothes, but the DRPY’s will undress together in the same room. They will have the option of attending to their sanitary needs at this time and will shower together. After both groups are assembled, the supervising teacher will read the list of DRPY children and the nature and severity of whatever misbehaviors they have been cited for since the last session. Children who have no offenses on their record will then be given 25 hand spanks by each of their Mentors. Children with new infractions on their records will be spanked by hand, paddle or hairbrush for numbers to be determined by the teacher in charge. Names will be drawn randomly so that no child is always first or last.”
“While one child is being punished, the remaining children will be ‘entertained’ by their Mentors. Both child and mentor will be fully informed of what the Mentor is allowed to do and what he or she is not allowed to do. It is expected that the entertainment will be humiliating and possible somewhat painful for the child. Once all punishments have been administered, the DRPY’s and Mentors will be released from the session and allowed to return home. DPRY children will remain nude for the trip home on a special bus. Mentors may choose to take this bus or make other arrangements. Of course, they may take the opportunity to subject the child to more entertainment on the way home.”
The principal pointed to a leather-covered pommel horse on the stage. “This horse will be used to restrain children who are abusive, disruptive or who refuse to obey orders. It can hold as many as three children at a time. You will notice the various straps and buckles that can be used to secure the child or children to the horse. They will be placed in a position that presents their bare buttocks for punishment in the event the supervisor deems it appropriate. Most spankings, however will occur with the child being placed over the mentor’s lap. The horse is to be reserved for serious disobedience.”
“During the school day, teachers will assign points for misbehavior for all students as they do now. But DRPY students will receive double the normal number of points for each infraction. In addition, Mentors will also receive double points for their own infractions. This is to ensure that mentors modify their own behaviour so as to set an example for the children.” He glanced over at Lisa, Marjorie and Beverly. “This double penalty for infractions also applies to mentors who are attending high school. You will be held to the same standards as those in middle school.”
The three older girls blushed and looked uneasy as did several other high school boys and girls among the mentors.
“Returning to classroom behaviour problems, each teacher will have a file on each DRPY student on his or her personal computer. The computer will also show where each of the DRPY’s mentors is scheduled to be during the day. Should a DRPY student become disruptive in the classroom, the teacher will summon the nearest available mentor to the classroom. The designated mentor will then deliver a bare-bottom spanking to the disruptive student in the presence of the class. Number of spanks delivered will be determined by the teacher, who may also elect to allow the mentor to deliver the number of spanks the mentor thinks is required. Classroom spankings will be delivered by hand or by use of a small paddle as the mentor and teacher decide. A DRPY student who has been spanked in class will remain bare-bottomed for the rest of the school day.”
“To conclude today’s training session, we will have each mentor deliver a short hand spanking to the Child to which he or she is assigned. The purpose of this is to accustom the mentor to delivering punishment to that child and to accustom the child to receiving it from that mentor. The DRPY students will now draw numbers to determine the order in which spankings will be administered. Each child will be spanked by one of his or her mentors, then the next child in line will be spanked, and the procedure will rotate until all the children have been spanked by each of their own mentors. To speed the session along, each mentor will deliver 20 spanks to the bottom of his or her assigned child and the next pair in line will begin spanking as soon as the first is finished. We have seven numbered chairs set up on the stage. Each DRPY child will draw a number from the bowl on the table in front of me and then will go and stand behind the corresponding chair. As soon as a child is standing behind a chair, his mentors will line up behind him or her and the first mentor in line will be seated in the chair. Are there any questions?”
“OK, seeing no questions, the DRPY children will file up to the table and draw their numbers now.”
As the unhappy children lined up, Dougie found himself directly behind Melanie. “Hey Smelly Melly, he snickered. “You’re going to get a good ass-beating today.”
“So are you, Doggie Poop,” the girl retorted. “And I’ll bet you cry before I do and cry louder and longer. You’ll probably pee all over the lap of the poor girl spanking you.”
“Yeah, and just who wet her panties three times in the fifth grade? And one was before you were paddled. You’re just a crybaby and should still be in diapers.”
Melanie turned around and slapped at Dougie’s face but he blocked the blow and twisted her arm. She kicked at his shin, missed and both of them tumbled to the floor in a mass of squirming naked arms, legs and bodies. The principal quickly grabbed Dougie and the nurse grabbed Melanie. The squabbling children were quickly separated, much to the amusement of the gathered mentors and the chagrin of their respective parents.
“Well, I guess we will have to demonstrate the horse a bit sooner than I expected.” Mr. Higgins said, in disgust. “Looks like these two aren’t going to wait for the program to start.”
The two shamefaced teens were dragged up onto the stage and strapped in position over the horse, literally cheek-to cheek as their buttocks were in direct contact. They wiggled helplessly in their restraints, knowing that their bare bottoms were in a perfect paddling position and exposed to the entire audience. Mr. Higgins picked up a small paddle and delivered twenty strokes to each bare bottom as the kids howled in protest.
“OK, these two are secure for now. So we will just let them think about what’s coming while we give the other children their spankings. When we are done with the rest, we will have a good show because all of their mentors are going to paddle these two until they learn some manners.” He turned to the other DRPY girl who happened to be first in line. “OK, Darlene, draw your number.”
Darlene drew #5 and walked slowly to chair #5. Her boy mentors followed her onto the stage. Alex Clark sat in the chair and drew the trembling girl over his lap. He quietly massaged her bottom cheeks as the other DRPY kids drew their numbers and followed her onto the stage. Numbers 3 and 6 were not drawn, so those chairs were removed from the stage by Dougie and Melanie’s mentors, who then withdrew to the audience and waited for their turn.
Bobby Farmer drew #1 and placed himself reluctantly over the lap of Lena Fredericks, an athletic 16-year old. She walloped his bare bottom with gusto and tears were coming to his eyes before his first spanking for the day had ended. As soon as he got up, rubbing his bottom, Linda Fairfax in chair #2 began spanking 12-year old Steve Carter.
As the spanking and crying from the other end of the stage continued, Dougie turned his head to look at his erstwhile nemesis who would shortly become his partner in pain. “We really fucked up this time, Mel.” He said quietly.
Melanie noticed the “Mel” instead of the usual “Melly” and responded soberly, obviously fighting back tears. “Yeah, Doug, we sure as hell did. In a few minutes they’re going to beat the shit out of our asses and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.”
Doug thought about it for a few seconds. “You know, we really need to put this stupid feud behind us. We’re both in the same boat now.”
Melanie snickered. “Yeah, the fucking Titanic – and the damn iceberg is straight ahead.”
Their discourse was interrupted by a high soprano screech from the other end of the stage. Darlene had just gotten her first spank from Chuck Morrison, the 13 year old JV football star and didn’t like it one bit.
Both kids sighed, knowing they would soon be howling as well. “So can we make up and be friends?” Dougie asked. “If we keep messing with each other we’re going to need ass transplants by Christmas.”
Mel thought it over. “You’re right. We’re in deep shit and there’s no use pulling each other under.”
Both teens were quiet for a few minutes. Darlene’s yowls had stopped and it sounded like Tommy Parsons was getting his first dose. Both kids were thinking things over and seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same time. “You know, we’re going to be in this stupid program, for a year, maybe two,” Doug said. “But if we keep our noses clean and cooperate, we could be out of it once we’re in high school.”
“Yeah, I was thinking that too,” Melanie said. “And then we could get naked and do fun stuff instead of getting our asses whacked every time we sneeze the wrong way.”
Dougie chuckled, for the first time that horrible day. “You’re incorrigible, Mel. I like that in a girl.”
“You’re pretty bad yourself, buddy, “Melanie responded. “I think maybe we deserve each other.”
Doug reached out his left hand almost touching Melanie’s right hand. She managed to loosen her bonds just a bit and their hands met. They grasped each other’s hands like two toddlers about to cross a busy street. Fortunately, the bulk of the horse was between them and the audience, so nobody could see their gesture of affection.
Twenty minutes later, Principal Harris was amazed to find the pair smiling as he approached with the paddle and the twin gaggles of Mentors.
But, of course, the smiles didn’t last long.

 End of Chapter 7


(The End)