* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * *
Cast of Major Characters:
Baxter family: Mother: Catherine (41), Children – Lisa (15),
Dougie (13) and Kelly (11)
Mallory Family: Father: Frank (43), Children – Marjorie (15)
and Charles (9)
Carson Family: Mother: Sally (38), Children – Beverly (14),
Alice (9) and Matt (7)
Miller Family: Mother: Barbara (32), Children – Brandy (11)
, Elsa (8) and Anna (6)
Reynolds Family: Mother Carol (34), Children – Shannon (10),
Donny and Deanna (8)
Madison Middle School Staff: Ralph Higgins (52) Principal.
Emma Crowley (26) Nurse.
Peer Mentors – Chapter 5
dawned as usual in the Baxter house. Lisa, Marjorie and
Beverly were at
the table, still in pajamas and giggling over girl stuff as Dougie and
came downstairs nude and headed for the kitchen. Cathy greeted them and
set the
traditional bowl of mush in front of each. The kids grimaced but
managed to
choke down the bland cereal without protest, though they stole covert
at the other end of the table where the older girls were enjoying
waffles and
after breakfast, Sally Carson, Bev’s mother, came to pick up her and
Marjorie. The
Baxters relaxed and watched TV or did housework. At 11 AM, Cathy sent
children upstairs to get dressed. By noon, everybody was ready and
Cathy loaded
the kids in the car. First stop
was the Miller house where Brandy and her mother, Barbara Miller,
joined the
group. Next stop was the Reynolds house where Kelly was
to be dropped
off to spend the day with Anne Reynolds and her children.
however, was having none of this. “I’m not going to spend
the day with
Mrs. Reynolds.” She snapped. “She’s mean and her kids are all babies.”
Cathy sighed. “The Reynolds kids are 10, and 8, not much
younger than you.” Kelly
responded, “Well, the twins are OK even if Donny is a boy, but Shannon
is a
snob. She makes like she’s smarter than everybody and
she’s a year
younger than me. And I wanna go see Dougie get castrated.”
Cathy exploded. “Dougie is NOT going to be castrated. After
he finished his treatment he will be a normal man like everybody else.
He can
marry and have children of his own. And you, young lady are going into
house right now if you know what’s good for you!!”
Kelly stuck
out her lip. “NO!!” She bellowed.
grabbed the stubborn girl and dragged her over to a picnic bench near
driveway. Sitting down, she pulled the struggling
pre-teen over her lap
and yanked down her shorts and panties. Lisa came up and handed her a
paddle. Without a further word, Cathy smacked the howling little girl’s
bottom until it was bright red. Lisa smiled as she spotted the Reynolds
watching in fascination from the living room window.
When the
spanking was over, Cathy pulled up Kelly’s panties, but handed her blue
to Lisa. “Put these in the wash when we get home, she
won't be needing
them the rest of the day.”
She dragged
her protesting child to the front door where Mrs. Reynolds waited with
a smile
on her face. “Here she is, Carol, If she gives you any
trouble take away her panties for the rest of the day – and warm her bottom any time it
indicated. Here’s the paddle if you need it.”
Carol Reynolds chuckled. “I’m sure she will be just fine. I
don't think she wants to lose her panties with Donny and Deanna
watching, much
less Shannon.”
The rest of
the trip to the middle school was uneventful. As they
parked at the
school, Frank Mallory and his daughter Marjorie drove up along with
Carson and Beverly. It was 12:45 as they entered the building together
proceeded to the Music Rehearsal Hall. They could see a number of boys,
and parents milling about as they waited for the program to begin.
Nurse Crowley
spotted them and took charge of a reluctant Dougie, semi-dragging him
off to
the adjoining dressing rooms. A few more parents and kids straggled in
and the
group took advantage of the buffet table set up in the back and chatted
people they knew. Promptly at
1:00, Principal Ralph Higgins stepped onto the small podium and
addressed the
Group. Higgins was a tall, middle aged man with graying
hair and an
athletic build. He was universally respected by teachers, students and
as a strict, but fair arbiter.
Gentlemen and students, welcome to Madison Middle School,“ He began in
booming voice. “Some of you are new to the school and we
have some old
hands that I recognize. Those who have been here before know that we
set and enforce
high standards for both students and faculty here. “ (There were rumors
Higgins was in the habit of spanking young female teachers who did not
his standards, but nobody ever admitted to having been spanked.)
“I want to
give you a brief outline of the DRPY program as it applies to Madison
School.” Higgins proceeded to deliver the same
explanation that Mrs.
Baxter had given to the girls previously. He concluded with, “As with
schools, we have found more boys than girls who need the training and
medication that constitutes the DRPY program. At the present time we
have seven
boys and two girls in this school enrolled in the program. Almost all
of these
children are represented by parents, siblings and mentors today. There
will be
another introductory session next Friday for those unable to attend
Today we have parents of five of the boys and both girls here. They
will begin
the program on Wednesday. The others will join in later. We also have
about ten
children in the early stages of selection for enrollment, they will
come on
board later, if they qualify.”
Today we
have two students, a boy and a girl to demonstrate various aspects of
program. Douglas Baxter is thirteen and in the seventh
grade. Melanie
Blake is also thirteen but is in the eighth grade. Emma, bring the
out, please.”
Crowley, escorted Dougie and a girl none of the Baxter group recognized
out of
the dressing room and onto the stage. Dougie was dressed
in light blue
shorts that barely reached half way down his thighs. He was also
wearing a
light blue short sleeved sweater and blue knee socks under bright blue
leather shoes. He looked like a figure out of an old English school
Melanie wore the same outfit but in bright pink. Neither child looked
“As you can
see,” the principal said, ignoring the light titters that emanated from
audience, “They are dressed as small children, not as young teens. The
reason for this is to emphasize to them that they ARE young children
for the
purposes of the DRPY program. This is the uniform that boy and girl
DRPY’s will
wear to school every day. That is, of course, as long as they are
behaving. Any
misbehavior will be assigned demerits by the teachers or staff as
A schedule of the offenses and demerits to be assigned is listed in
handbook. A child may be assigned one to five demerits for each
offense. For
any offense that merits three or more demerits, a child will be spanked
in the
classroom by the teacher or one of his/her assigned Peer Monitors. All
spankings for DRPY children will be on the bare bottom and in the
presence of
whoever happens to be in the room at the time. A child will also be
spanked if
he or she accumulates more than two demerits in one day.”
“That is
for individual offenses. If a student accumulates more
than fifteen
demerits, the following procedures will apply. The student will be
nude, at the next scheduled assembly, by the appropriate Peer Monitor.
then on, he or she will be given a hand spanking, bare bottom during
the Home
Room Period at the beginning of each day. He or she will spend the rest
of the
day dressed in underpants. “He turned to the unhappy children. “OK,
each of you
remove your shorts now.”
The two
kids reluctantly lowered their shorts to their feet and stepped out of
them. They
were clad in nothing but rather skimpy briefs. Dougie’s boy parts were
outlined under the briefs, as were Melanie’s girl parts. The
gesture, both kids turned around to show the audience their backsides,
were barely covered with plenty of bottom cheeks and baby fat visible.
“This is
what we call the Phase Two uniform.” The principal continued, “With the
previous uniform being the Phase One uniform.“
There were
more titters from the audience, not all of them coming from the
children. ‘The
Phase Two uniforms will be worn until one of the following conditions
are met.
First, one demerit will be deducted from the total for each day the
does not incur another demerit. When the demerit balance is reduced to
5, the
student will go back to wearing the Phase One uniform. The second case
is if
the student’s demerit total exceeds twenty five. He or she will get the
spanking at assembly as in Phase One. He or she will also get the daily
spanking in Home Room, except that the spanking will be done with a
paddle or
hairbrush at the Mentor’s option. Additionally, the student will be in
Phase Three uniform until further notice.” He nodded
to the two children. Reluctantly, they shed their upper
garments and
stood bare to the waist. More titters from the audience. Ignoring the
titters and whispered comments from the audience, the principal
continued. “You
will notice that Melanie is not wearing a bra and Dougie is not wearing
undershirt. This is to emphasize the childishness of their actions and
behavior. In addition, the Monitor will make an adjustment to their
Turn around, children.” When both were facing away from the audience,
nurse, pulled up each child’s underpants into a “wedgie,” thus exposing
all of the child’s bottom cheeks.
principal continued, “Phase Three will remain in effect until the
demerit total drops below fifteen, at which point he or she will go
back to the
Phase Two uniform. BUT if a student’s demerit total
reaches fifty, he or
she will go into Phase Four. Our demonstrators will now show us the
Phase Four
uniform.” Urged on by the nurse and with a few sharp smacks on each
bottom, the
two teens lowered their underpants to their feet and stepped out of
Guided by the nurse, they turned around and displayed their private
parts to
their families and friends as well as a number of total strangers. The
realized that wearing the socks and shoes, just made their lack of
more traumatic than total nudity would have been.
“To relieve
all your minds, there is no Phase Five,“ The principal said with a
smile. “Students will remain in the Phase Four uniforms
until their
demerit total drops below thirty. For those of you who are not math
this means a minimum of twenty days of going to school basically nude.
addition there will be a second spanking every day after lunch period.
I might
add that when a student is in Phase Three or Phase Four, students of
opposite sex will be encouraged to rub, fondle or smack the offender’s
body at
will. They are not, however, allowed to injure the student in any way,
penetration of any orifice, penis pulling, scrotum squeezing or nipple
Any student found doing anything to injure a DPRY student will be put
Phase Three uniform for two weeks and be subjected to the same
treatment as
other Phase Three students.”
concludes the introductory part of the training session. I
encourage you
all to make use of the buffet table. Coffee, milk and soft drinks are
available. Melanie and Dougie, you may get dressed in your Phase One
and come out and join the others.”
The two
humiliated teens scampered back to their dressing room after picking up
discarded clothing. End
of Chapter 5
Peer Mentors – Chapter 6
As the Baxter group gathered around the snack table. Dougie
came out of the dressing room sporting his new “Little Boy Blue”
uniform and
Meanie came out in her “Baby Girl Pink” uniform. They noticed four
other boys
and a girl also sporting the new blue uniforms. Each DRPY child moved
to join
his or her family group. A number of other children milled around as
Everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves, except, of course, for the
kids in
uniform. Cathy downed a bit of sushi and said to Frank, “This sure
beats the
cafeteria food we had when we were kids, doesn’t it.”
Frank Mallory laughed. “Yeah. No “mystery meat”, mac &
cheese made with mucilage or porcupine meatballs.”
Marjorie snorted. “Dad, you don’t seriously think we get
this stuff every day, do you?”
Lisa agreed, “Yeah if you gave sushi to the school cooks,
they’d mix it with canned brown gravy and serve it over burned toast.”
The adults laughed, “I guess things haven’t changed that
much,” Sally Carson said.
Principal Higgins stepped up to the microphone again and
made an announcement. “For the second phase of our program, we will
into individual groups so that parents, DRPY kids and the Peer Monitors
meet each other and get acquainted. The group assigned to David
Anderson will
meet in Classroom 21, which is the next room on the right as you leave
room. The group assigned to Dougie Baxter will meet in Room 23, just
past Room
21. The group assigned to Melanie Blake will meet in Room 25, just down
hall from Room 23.”
He continued until all the groups had been assigned their
rooms and then said. “We will all meet again in this room at 2:30 for
the final
portion of your orientations. Are there any questions? No? OK, then
let’s move
out. Miss Crowley or I will meet with each group in turn for further
The main group broke up and each family group proceeded to
its assigned classroom. Cathy picked up a folder marked “Baxter Group”
from the
teacher’s desk and sorted through its contents. Four young girls that
Cathy did
not know joined them along with four adults. She asked the group to
take seats
and read the first note in the folder. It was from Mr. Higgins. “It
seems that
two of the girls originally assigned to Dougie have been dropped from
Mentor program. He doesn’t say why. So this means that Dougie will have
eight Per Monitors instead of the ten we had planned on. This should be
problem as we will still have five girls at the school and three more
at home
to monitor him.”
Cathy then introduced the Baxter, Carson, Mallory and Miller
families. “Lisa, Marjorie and Beverly are in high school, so they will
not be
available often during the school day. Brandy will be in the sixth
grade here
along with the four new girls. I’d like the new girls and their parents
introduce themselves at this time, Mrs. Henkins, why don’t you start?”
The short blonde woman stood up. “My name is Muriel Henkins
and this is my daughter Tiffany. Tiffany is twelve years old and in the
grade. She will be in Dougie’s home room this year. They are already
and I am sure Tiffany will do her best to help Dougie.” Tiffany smiled
nodded to Dougie. She was already taller than her mother, had the same
hair and appeared well developed for her age.
Next to introduce himself was George Tompkins. He introduced
his daughter Amber. “Amber is thirteen and in the eighth grade. She
Dougie from elementary school.” Amber was also tall for her age, with a
face and rather tentative smile. She, too, smiled and nodded at Dougie.
Next was Margaret Bancroft who introduced her daughter.
“Nancy is also thirteen and in the eighth grade. She doesn’t know
Dougie but
she is good friends with Amber and is eager to help.”
Finally Dolores Mendoza introduced her daughter. “Maria is
twelve and in the seventh grade. She will also be in Dougie’s home room
year. She was in the same home room as Dougie last year and they are
Cathy beamed. “That sounds like a good team. Now let the
kids get together in back of the classroom and the adults get together
in the
front for about fifteen minutes. We can all get to know each other
The girls all gathered around Dougie who seemed pleased and
apprehensive at the same time. Being the center of attention was great,
knowing that all of these girls were going to be spanking his bare
bottom at
one time or another was disconcerting. Of course, Lisa, Marjorie,
Beverly and
Brandy had already spanked him on the bare, but none of the other girls
ever seen him naked. The adults chatted amongst themselves and traded
home and
work phone numbers in case they needed to consult each other.
After a few minutes, Miss Crowley came in with a large
cardboard box. “OK, all the children come to the front of the room now.
please take your seats.” She turned to the youngsters. “Dougie, I want
you to
take off all your clothes now so the new girls can get familiar with
Dougie protested, “But I haven’t done anything wrong today,
Miss Crowley,” he pleaded.
Miss Crowley nodded. “I know that, but it is necessary for
the girls to become familiar with your body and you to become familiar
with them
seeing and touching you. It’s better to do it now rather than after
gotten in trouble. These girls are your friends and they are here to
help you,
cruel though it may seem to you. Besides, Melanie is doing exactly the
with seven boys in the next classroom.”
Dougie frowned. “I don’t care what Melanie is doing. The
less I see of her or hear of her the better. She’s the reason I am in
this shi…
program to begin with. And I’m the reason that she is in the program.”
Cathy looked puzzled. “Why is that, Dougie?”
Dougie frowned again. “We were in the same class in fourth
and fifth grades. We were fighting all the time over silly stuff. We
got in so
much trouble that they made me repeat the fifth grade. I think they
wanted to
keep Melanie back, too, but that would have put us back together again.
She had
better grades than I did so they let her go on to middle school while I
held back. So now we are both in the DRPY program, because neither of
us has
grown up much in the past two years.”
Cathy was stunned. “I didn’t know all this was going on.”
Dougie sneered. “No, you were too busy with your work and
groups and other stuff to notice what was happening with your kids. Now
Lisa is
about twelve in terms of maturity, I’m about ten and Kelly is maybe six
Lisa nodded. “It’s all true, Mama. I get more detentions
than any other girl in the high school. The principal once said that
after I
graduate they would name the detention room after me. That’s why I hang
with Marjorie and Beverly. They are almost as immature as I am, and the
kids call us “babies” and laugh at us.”
Marjorie and Beverly nodded in agreement. Frank Mallory
looked at Sally Carson. “You know, we should have seen this much
sooner. I have
to spank Marjorie about twice a week. That’s too often for a fifteen
year old.
Right Miss Crowley?”
”Yes, that’s much more often than normal, Mr. Mallory.” The
nurse responded. “An average fifteen year old girl might get spanked
once a
month or less. Lots of parents stop spanking their kids entirely at
fourteen or
“And I spank Beverley about twice a week too,” Sally Carson
admitted. “And that doesn’t even count the times she gets spanked at
your place
or Cathy’s.”
Nurse Crowley looked at the three unhappy parents. “Maybe having
the girls help Dougie will stimulate them to be more responsible
She suggested. “It has worked before in similar programs.” She
shrugged. “If
not, we have the DRPY program in high school, too.”
The three girls looked at each other in horror. “I am sure
it won’t be necessary, Mama.” Lisa blurted. “We’re all going to try
really hard.”
Cathy sighed. “I hope you all will. None of you is as
violent as Dougie or as mean as Kelly, so there is hope for you. But
you better
be on your best behavior. I’m going to ask the school for detailed
reports on you, Lisa and I suggest that Frank and Sally do the same.”
The three older girls blushed and hung their heads. “We
promise to do our best,” Marjorie said and the other two nodded in
Dougie had finally stripped himself bare and was now the
object of attention for the four new girls. They poked, prodded,
patted and fondled virtually every place between his neck and his
knees. Dougie
tried to remain stoic, but soon joined in the giggles and his wiener
rose in
salute as the girls worked their magic on his bare body. Of course,
after a
while, the other four girls joined in and all nine kids wound up on the
squirming and giggling and having a great time. Dougie managed to get
in a few
gropes of his own in the process, but nobody seemed to mind.
Finally, Nurse Crowley called a halt to the group grope and
the nine kids settled into seats. She passed out a digest sized book to
all the
parents and a smaller one to each of the kids. “These are the manuals
for the
DRPY program,” she announced. “Each of you should take the time to read
very carefully. The rules on the obligations and responsibilities for
Mentors are very important, and Dougie needs to know what is of
expected of him
and what the girls can and cannot do to him. Violations of the rules
may get
the Mentor suspended from the program or even put into the DRPY program
if the violations are serious.”
The girls looked apprehensive, as Nurse Crowley continued.
“Minor violations may well result in the Mentor herself being spanked
by the
Child. The three older girls have already been through this, but the
rest of
you need to be aware that your bottoms are not totally safe if you mess
Lisa, Marjorie and Beverly blushed on hearing that, but nobody seemed
She pulled a batch of large buttons or tokens out of the
box. “Each Mentor will have a green badge identifying her as a Mentor.
Her name
appears in large letters at the top and the Child’s name appears in
letters underneath. “ She held up a green badge and pointed out the
names “Lisa
– Mentor” and “Dougie – Child.”
“Dougie will have a blue badge with only his name on it, as
will the other boys in the program. Melanie and the other girls in the
will have pink badges. The boys mentoring the girls will also have
badges.” She passed out the badges to each of the Mentors and Dougie.
“Now you all go back to the meeting room. I have to brief
one more group and then the whole assembly will resume. There should be
food and drink left if Melanie’s group hasn’t scarfed it all up by now.
put your clothes in this bag and give them to your mother. You will
naked for the rest of the meeting as will the other Children.”
End of Chapter 6