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Mentors –
Chapter 4 Brandy caught up with the three older girls as they led Dougie into the
bathroom. Dougie was complaining already. “Lisa, I don’t need FOUR girls to
give me an enema. You can do it by yourself; I promise I won’t give you any
trouble.” “Sorry little brother, “Lisa said, “We have to train the other girls how
to do it. Just think, in a few days you’ll have SIX more girls playing with
you. Won’t that be fun for all of us?” Beverly and Brandy giggled, but Margie frowned. “Don’t let your mama
hear that or you’ll be sleeping on your tummy tonight, too.”
“I know, “Lisa sighed. “But it’s just so much fun to mess with him. OK, Dougie,
down on the floor in the usual position.” Dougie got down on his hands and knees and leaned forward on his hands
to bring his bottom up. Brandy scurried over to look at his spread cheeks and
his little rosebud of an anus. Lisa handed the little girl a tube of lubricant.
“OK Brandy, you get to help now. Pay close attention to what we are doing. First
take a blob of the jelly and smear it around his little poopie hole. “ Brandy squeezed the tube and blob of jelly landed on Dougie’s butt hole.
She smeared it around so that the whole area was thoroughly greased. Then,
following Lisa’s direction, she smeared more lube on her index finger and
slowly inserted it into Dougie’s rectum. She wiggled it around lone enough to
get the whole finger inside him and then rotated her finger around to spread
the lube evenly. Dougie grunted a few times but made no protest. Brandy
withdrew her finger and looked expectantly at Lisa. “Good girl,” Lisa said warmly. “Now comes the delicate part. “ During the lubrication process, Margie and Bev had been filling an
enema bag with warm water and just a dash of liquid soap. Bev stood holding the
bag at about chest level and Margie handed Brandy the business end of the enema
tube . Lisa bent over and took a small squeeze bottle and stuck the tapered end
into Dougie’s rectum and squeezed out some more jelly. “Normally, we don’t need that
extra jelly for an enema,” Lisa explained. “But we have to clean out Dougie’s
insides for several inches inside his colon for the medicine. So we add some
extra lubrication so we don’t hurt him when we push the tube in.” Brandy nodded. As instructed by Lisa, she then spread a generous amount
around the end of the enema tube and slowly inserted it into Dougie’s bottom
hole. “OK,” Lisa said. “Now we have to be VERY careful. See that little ring
around the tube? Brandy nodded again. “Now you want to push the tube very
slowly into Dougie’s colon until that ring comes in contact with the rim of his
poopie hole. Do it very slowly and carefully so you don’t hurt him.” Brandy pushed the tube slowly as instructed until the ring was snug
against the boy’s sphincter. “Very good,” Lisa said. “Now we need you to
scootch over a bit on the floor so you can reach Dougie’s tummy and his boy
parts. Good, that’s just about right. Now Margie will turn the water flow on. We
have to let the water flow in slowly, so he doesn’t get a cramp.” As the water flowed into his colon, Dougie moaned a bit but seemed to be
in discomfort rather than in pain. Lisa then said, “OK Brandy, now you need to rub
his tummy and the mound above his peepee, so as to stimulate the flow of water
into his colon. Just rub slowly and gently so that the water flows smoothly.” As the bag slowly emptied, Dougie began grunting and moaning in
discomfort. Brandy kept rubbing and making soothing sounds, “It’s OK, Dougie,
it’s almost over.” The three older girls beamed in pride as they saw the
youngster’s instinctive maternal techniques in action. Lisa whispered to the
other girls, “Wow, this kid is very mature for her age. It’s like she‘s 3-4
years older than Kelly.” “Yes, “Bev whispered back. “It’s hard to believe, Kelly is such a bratty
child. What were we like at eleven?.” Margie snorted, “A lot more like Kelly than Brandy, I am ashamed to
admit. Daddy says he wore out three straps on our butts while we were in middle
school.’ Finally, the bag was empty. Bev leaned over and started pulling the tube
slowly out of the boy’s rectum. As the end popped out, she quickly inserted her
own index finger into the boy’s anus. Lisa spoke to Brandy. “See, she is plugging up the hole with her finger
so nothing leaks out. Now he has to hold it in for five minutes to clean him
out good. Just keep rubbing his tummy. Dougie moaned and his bottom quivered as he tried to hold the three
pints of liquid inside him. Lisa finally said, “OK Brandy, move out of the way, we have to get him
onto the toilet without getting a quart of water all over the floor.” Brandy
scooted out of the way as Lisa and Margie grasped Dougie’s arms and slowly
lifted him to his feet. The two girls carefully maneuvered him over the toilet
seat as Bev kept her finger tightly in his bottom hole. As His bottom slowly
approached the seat, Bev withdrew her finger and quickly got her arm out of the
way. Dougie sat down on the toilet seat with a dull thud, rapidly followed by
a flood of nasty looking material that spewed out of his bottom. He signed with
relief as the pressure in his guts eased. Bev flushed the toilet as soon as the
initial gush was over. The boy suddenly realized that his hot red bottom was
pressing down on the hard toilet seat and raised halfway upright in pain. Lisa
and Margie held his arms so he remained suspended over the bowl while the
remaining fecal matter oozed out. When the flow ceased, Bev grabbed some toilet
paper and cleaned off his bottom as best she could. “OK, Dougie, you did well,” Lisa said, patting him gently on the back. “Now
lean forward and spread your legs so Bev can finish up.” She turned to Brandy.
“After somebody has an enema, there’s always some splashing around that leaves
poop in places you can’t see by yourself. So Bev is using the baby wipes to
clean up the rest of his bottom. Are you Ok with all of this, honey? I know
parts of it are kind of yucky. Some big girls and boys can’t handle it, so if
it’s a problem, let us know now.” Brandy smiled. “Hey, it’s the same stuff that comes out of the rest of
us when we go potty, right? It’s just a bit more smelly and splashy. And it
helps Dougie, so I’m with it all the way.” Lisa hugged Brandy and kissed her on the forehead. “I’m really proud of
you, honey,” she exclaimed. You’re going to be a great help to Dougie over the
next year or so.” Margie smiled too. Hey, it looks like we got us a junior member of the
‘Three Amigas.’ Welcome to the club, kid.” Brand smiled broadly and he n her face fell. “What about Kelly? She’s
my best friend.” Bev smiled softly, “You can still play with Kelly if you want. But you
can also come play with us big girls when Kelly gets in one of her moods. It’ll
be like Dougie, he does some stuff with you and Kelly and some stuff with us. And
then sometimes he’s off with his boy pals and ignores all of us girls.” Margie chimed in, “Yeah and we’ll introduce you to my dad and Bev’s
parents, too. So you’ll have four places you can feel at home at.” “Great,” Brandy beamed. It’ll be like having three big sisters. I never
had a big sister or brother. But what are we doing now?” “We’re going back to the living room so Mom can give Dougie his DRP-M
medicine. It has to be done in a special way, which is why Dougie needed the
enema. “ Back in the living room, Cathy was beaming. “How did Brandy do?” She
asked. “Great, Mom.” Lisa said proudly. “She’s a natural parent. A little bit
of training and she’ll be bossing us big girls around.” “Wonderful,” Cathy said. “Because I just talked to her mother and she is
delighted that Brandy will be able to participate. So she and Brandy will be
with us tomorrow.” Cathy picked up what looked like a large blue tackle box from the table.
“Brandy, this is Dougie’s medicine and the kit for giving it to him. Notice
that it is blue. That’s very important. There are two kinds of DRP medication. DRP-M
is for boys and DRP-F is for girls. The medicine packages and all the tools
associated with boys’ medicine are some color of blue. The packages for girls
are pink or red. It is very important that you don’t give DRP-M to a girl or
DRP-F to a boy. And it’s also important that the girls mentoring boys and the
boys mentoring girls don’t actually touch the medicine. If some of it spills
get a boy or man to clean it up for you.” She looked around, “OK, Bev, go sit in the straight chair. Dougie go
over her lap like you were going to get a spanking. And spread your legs as
much as you can.’ The boy and girl followed instructions and got themselves settled
comfortably. “Now, we get to the serious part,” Cathy said to Brandy. “I want you to
watch me very carefully and remember what I do. “ The little girl nodded. Cathy reached into the box and came out with a bright blue foil packet. “This
is the actual medicine. Make sure it says “DPR-M-80” on the foil packet. Also
make sure that it has not expired and there are no leaks or holes in the foil. If
you find anything wrong with the packet, place it in one of these plastic bags
and seal it up good. “ She picked up a long tube with a bright blue stem and a large
bullet-shaped device on the tip. “This is the inserter. The medicine goes in
here.” With a twist of the wrist, she opened the bullet shaped device revealing
a chamber about an inch long and half an inch in diameter. She carefully
unwrapped the foil packet revealing a bright blue capsule that looked like an
overgrown vitamin capsule. She inserted the capsule into the cavity of the
device and snapped it shut. “OK, that’s the basic first step. Don’t worry, you’ll get a lot of
training and practice with this apparatus before you get to use it on a real
boy. Now you saw that the capsule had a blue skin. That skin will start
dissolving an hour or so after we insert it into Dougie. Beneath the skin is a
kind of sponge which is saturated with the DPR-M liquid medicine. The medicine
will seep out of the sponge and be absorbed in the walls of the colon and get
into Dougie’s bloodstream. We have to do it that way for now because the
medicine would be digested in the stomach if we put it into a normal pill. And
it’s too much to do a normal injection with. As Dougie gets better, we’ll go to
a lower dose that can be safely injected weekly and later a dose that only has
to be injected once a month. But all of that is months down the road.” “Now Brandy, I want you to pull Dougie’s bottom cheeks apart so I can
see his poopie hole clearly.” Brandy complied and Cathy smeared lubricant over his anus and on the
injector tip. Then she carefully worked the flexible rod into the boy’s rectum
and colon. Finally, the tube was in far enough that the blue ring on the rod
was just touching his anal sphincter. “OK, it’s in the correct position,” Cathy said. “Now I take off the
safety catch here and pull on the ring under it.” She did so and Dougie gave a
little grunt and twitched his bottom. Cathy withdrew the rod about an inch and
asked;” Did that feel like a good release, Dougie?” “Yes, Mom,” I can feel the capsule and the inserter below it as two
separate objects.’ Dougie replied. “Good,” Cathy said. “It felt good on this end too.” For the first time that day, Dougie Laughed. “Well it sure as hell
didn’t FEEL good on my end, but I think it’s in there properly. “ Cathy carefully withdrew the probe from her son’s colon and handed it to
Margie. “Go clean this off and put it in the sterilizer, honey. Do you have the
butt plug, Lisa?” Bev stepped forward and inserted a large flanged plug into Dougie’s butt
hole. Cathy explained to Brandy, “it will take 3-4 hours for the medicine to be
absorbed from the sponge, so we use the butt plug to make sure he doesn’t expel
it while he is sleeping. The sponge part will come out in his next bowel
movement.” Cathy sighed in relief. “Well that is a job done. I really get nervous
doing this. OK, Dougie, you and Bev can get up now. I think it’s time for ice
cream.” After Dougie got to his feet, he grabbed Brandy and gave her a big hug
and a kiss on the forehead. “I’m glad you’re going to be one of my mentors,
Brandy. You’re a good kid, even if you are a little squirt. He patted her on
the head and sent her on her way with a little spank on the bottom of her
shorts. Brandy stared at Lisa as she rubbed her bottom. “How come Dougie is so
nice to me now?” She asked. “Especially after all we have done to him?” Lisa smiled. “Dougie is basically a good kid, but he can’t control his
impulses. With the DRP program, the medicines calm him down and the punishments
reinforce that to help him curb his impulses. The medicine also slows down his
sexual development but he will resume his normal development as soon as the
medicine is withdrawn. Dougie knows that and he loves us girls for helping
him.” Lisa looked thoughtful. “All three of us have problems that way. I was a
right little brat when I was your age and I still am not as mature as most
girls my age. Neither are Margie and Bev, which may be why we hang together. But
I wasn’t as violent as Dougie nor as mean as Kelly.” She ruffled Brandy’s hair.
But you, little girl, are more mature than I was at Dougie’s age, let alone
yours. I can see us in four years; you’ll be coming over to spank two college
girls when we mess up! OK now let’s go get some ice cream before the other kids
eat it all.” As everybody chowed down on ice cream and soda, Cathy laid out the plans
for the next day. “OK, school doesn’t start until Wednesday for you high
schoolers and Thursday for the middle schoolers. So I have set up a meeting and
training session for tomorrow afternoon at the middle school. We need everybody
to be at the front office by 1:00 PM sharp. Margie’s dad is taking the day off
to bring Margie and Bev and Bev’s mother. Brandy and her mother will be riding
with us. The other girls and their parents have made separate arrangements, but
we should have the whole crew there. Principal Higgins and Nurse Crowley will
do the introductions and the training. Any questions?” There were no questions, so they all went back to slurping down the ice
cream; some more neatly than others.