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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
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* * * * * Peer
Mentors –
Chapter 3 Sunday morning, just before eight o’clock, Dougie and Kelly made their
way gingerly down the stairs. Both were still nude and showing the after-affects
of their spankings on their pink bottoms. The three older girls were chatting
and texting in the living room while Cathy and Brandy bustled about the kitchen, doing the preliminary work for breakfast. Lisa was first to spot her younger siblings. “Hey guys, did you sleep
well?” Marjorie giggled, “Bet they slept on their little tummies.” Cathy came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel. “Marjorie,
you are supposed to spank Dougie before breakfast. But if you keep up the teasing,
I might just reverse your roles. Marjorie gulped and looked at Lisa in confusion. “Sorry Mrs. B.” Lisa laughed, “She means it Margie, it’s happened to me before. Mama is
dead set against us kids teasing each other about spankings.” Cathy nodded, “Yep, and the DRPY program is a real stickler for that,
too. Too much teasing and you find yourself bare-bottom in front of the whole
group. Once you sign the papers tomorrow you are expected to set an example of
maturity. It’s not easy to be a mentor when you’re still half-child yourself.” She turned to her younger offspring. “OK. Kids, time for bottom
inspection.” Dougie and Kelly turned around and bent over, presenting their bottoms
for inspection. Beverly whispered to Lisa, “I just love seeing a little boy’s
bottom that way.” Lisa shook her head. “I remember Dougie said much the same thing two
months ago when it was YOUR bottom on display.” Beverly shuddered. “Yeah, that was like majorly embarrassing.” Marjorie shrugged, “Hey, we’ve all been there and probably will be
again.” Cathy completed her inspection of Kelly’s bottom. “Not too bad, child,
but you’re still on Bare Day rules for the rest of the day.” She smacked her
youngest on the bottom. “Now get back to your corner while we deal with your
brother.” Kelly squealed and dashed for her corner. Cathy turned to face her son. “Your bottom is still pretty red, but no
serious bruises. It’s time for Part 3. Marjorie, come sit in the spanking
chair. I understand you have a variation of your own to try out” Marjorie sat in the sturdy armless chair. She produced a thin strip of
leather about two inches wide and a foot long. “Yes, Mrs. B. This is an old dog
collar. I thought I’d use it instead of the hairbrush. It gives a good sting
and hardly any bruising. “She blushed. “Daddy used it on me and Lisa a few
times. I can tell you it really hurts.” Lisa grimaced. “Yeah, major ouch factor.” Cathy inspected the short strap. “I see you’ve taken the hardware off
it. And since you’ve both felt it on your own bottoms, I guess it can’t be too
bad.” She smiled at Lisa. “Ill bet you let out a major shriek when your bottom
got its first taste of this. You always were a loud howler.” Lisa blushed, “MAAAAMAA ! You’re breaking your own ‘no teasing’ rule.” Cathy laughs. “Oh that rule only applies to kids under 30. The three girls looked alarmed at the words “kids under 30.” Surely she
meant “kids under 20.” Nobody asked for clarification, but all three were
thinking that they better continue good behavior through college and maybe
beyond. Mrs. B noticed their consternation and smiled. “OK, Dougie, get over
Marjorie’s lap. Marjorie, start off with hand spanking and when your hand gets
tired you can switch over to your little strap. I’m not sure how many he should
get , but I’ll monitor his bottom condition and tell you when to stop.” Dougie reluctantly placed himself over Marjorie’s lap. Marjorie was not
as big and strong as Beverly, but he was apprehensive about that odd little
strap. Marjorie began spanking Dougie’s already tenderized bottom. Her
individual spanks were not as hard. as Beverly’s had been, but she spanked more
rapidly and tended to re-spank areas that were already red. The boy was
silently weeping by the tenth spank and openly sobbing by the thirtieth. By the
time she had delivered sixty spanks, Dougie was howling in pain and kicking his
legs wildly. After eighty spanks, the boy was lying limp over her lap, to weak
to struggle. Marjorie rubbed the sobbing child’s bottom for a few minutes and then
reached for the little strap. Lisa cringed at the memory of that
innocent-appearing strap snapping at her tender flesh. SNAP!! The first stroke struck the center of Dougie’s right bottom
cheek. Before he could react, another SNAP set a small blaze under the skin of
his left bottom cheek. He shrieked in pain and his bottom bounced up and down
vigorously. Marjorie continued with short snappy wrist movements and set a
cluster of stingers on each bottom cheek before moving to the sit spots and the
thighs. A few well-directed snappers stung the tender inner skin of his butt
crack and a couple of direct hits on his exposed rosebud brought forth wild
howls of pain. It was all “sting” and no “thud” but the cumulative effect was
like a hundred beestings scattered all over his inflamed bottom. Cathy finally brought the spanking to a halt. “I think that’s enough for
now Marjorie. That was a real good job. I like that little strap; it doesn’t
take much effort to swing it and it packs a lot of sting. Be sure to bring it
over the next time you visit.” Lisa and Marjorie exchanged looks of apprehension. Cathy laughed. “Never
mind, I’ll pick one up at the pet store. I wouldn’t want to deprive your dad of
his favorite implement. Ok, Dougie, you can get up and get into the corner with
Kelly. Brandy and I will finish cooking breakfast and you girls can set the
table.” It took only a few minutes to finish cooking breakfast and set he table.
When all was ready, Cathy called Dougie and Kelly in for breakfast. Kelly sat
down gingerly and winced a bit as her still-pink bottom touched the hard wooden
chair. Dougie stood uncertainly at the end of the table. Sitting down would be
painful but remaining standing would expose his small penis and balls to the
four girls. Cathy smiled. “You can stand if you prefer, Dougie. You and Kelly are
getting the traditional post-spanking bowl of mush anyway .You can eat that
just as well standing up.” Lisa made a face, “Sometimes eating the mush is worse than the spanking.
It makes me feel like a three-year old.” Marjorie laughed. “Well, girlfriend, you better start behaving better. I
can look into your future and see many bowls of mush for you in the next ten
years.” Beverly gulped, “TEN YEARS? We’ll be like 25 years old then.” Lisa smiled ruefully, “You know my mom and Marjorie’s dad. Do you think
they would stop spanking us just because we reached some magic age? I plan to
get a Ph.D. . That means I’ll probably be going to grad school with a red
bottom when I’m 27 or 28.” Brandy’s eyes were wide. “You mean you guys are going to get spanked in
COLLEGE?” Marjorie nodded. “I can practically guarantee it. Neither of us is
likely to be able to behave for four years. And knowing we’re going to get our
bottoms blistered will hopefully keep us out of trouble most of the time.” Beverly sighed. “You two are lucky; you can go to State and live at
home. I’m going to be shipped off to Yale like my Mom and Dad. Nobody to keep
an eye on me.” Cathy chimed in, “Well you could always have your parents write a letter
to the Dean. Ask him to give you a good spanking once or twice a month to keep
you in line.” “I’m gonna hafta think about that,” Beverly mused. “If he’s young and
cute maybe…” Cathy laughed. “With your luck you’ll wind up with Wilford Brimley. Anyway,
you and Marjorie clean up the kitchen, the rest of you back to the living room.
Dougie still needs his spanking from Lisa and his medication. Kelly, go back in
your corner. Lisa, take your seat in the spanking chair.. Brandy, you can help
the big girls out here or help Lisa with Dougie. “I’d rather help Lisa,” Brandy said. “I already did the kitchen stuff.” “OK, baby, now Dougie, you need to get over Lisa’s lap.” Dougie sighed. “Do I hafta?” he asked plaintively. “Yes you do,” Cathy said firmly. “I promised you four spankings and four
spankings you will get.” She leaned down and whispered in Lisa’s ear. “Of
course, #4 doesn’t have to be a REAL hard one.” Lisa smiled and winked. “Come on, Dougie, get your butt over here.” As the red-bottomed boy bent over his sister’s lap, Brandy helped guide
his “boy parts” between Lisa’s thighs so they wouldn’t get injured by a
misaimed spank. She couldn’t resist stroking his smooth thighs and red bottom
as she did. Lisa began smacking her brother’s bottom in a methodical manner. They
were crisp smacks and echoed loudly though out the room. Dougie knew that his
sister was small for her age and not nearly as strong as the other two girls
her age, so he was not surprised that the spanks hurt less. But his bottom was
still red and sore, so even the milder spanks had him in tears very quickly. By
the time Lisa had covered his entire bottom and thighs, he was sobbing, moaning
and bawling as one would expect from a small boy who had endured several
hundred bare-bottom spanks over a 2 day period. When she had finished the hand spanking, Lisa asked Brandy to bring her
the small paddle instead of the hairbrush. Brandy complied and Lisa began the
final phase, bouncing the small paddle vigorously over the boy’s ravaged
bottom. By now he was bawling and howling with every stroke, with piercing
shrieks as the narrow paddle came into contact with the creases between his
buttocks and thighs. Finally, Lisa decided he’d had enough, put the paddle aside and began
gently rubbing her brother’s bottom. His gulping sobs gradually died down to
quiet sobs and moans. The other girls came out of the kitchen and joined Lisa
in comforting the well-spanked little boy. Cathy motioned Brandy to come over to her and sat the little girl in her
lap. “Well, honey, what did you think of Dougie’s spanking?” Brandy thought a minute. “Well it was really hard. I never saw anybody
spanked that hard before. He was really mean to Kelly, though, even if she did
start it.” Cathy nodded. “Yes, she did start it and got spanked for it. But Dougie
carried on way out of proportion to her actions. That’s what we call being out
of control. He didn’t have to call her bad names, kick over the board and throw
the game piece at her. And he was already ahead in the game, wasn’t he?” Brandy nodded, “Yep he was ten spaces ahead of me and twelve spaces ahead
of Kelly. Even after she moved her piece, he was still nine spaces ahead.” “Exactly, so he was probably have won the game even after she cheated. And
it was only a board game. You guys have played board games hundreds of times
and each of you have won and lost many times over. When somebody does something
like that we call it over-reaction. If a child over-reacts all the time he or
she needs treatment. And that’s what the DRPY program is all about. There is
medicine to calm him down and spanking and nudity to correct him when he does
wrong. But most important, there are people who care about him to give him the
medicine, spank him when he needs it. And give him guidance and support when he
is good. “ “Tomorrow we will start the Peer Mentoring program with Dougie. He’s
going to need ten girls who love him enough to devote a lot of time to help
him. Lisa, Marjorie and Beverly will be the leaders, but they are all in high
school so they won’t be around him during the school day. I have signed up
three eighth graders, two seventh graders and one sixth grader to help him
during school hours. I was going to have Kelly be the other sixth grader, but
she is just not mature enough to do the job. Now you seem to like Dougie and
you know the other girls. Do you think you are mature enough to help Dougie?’ Brandy hesitated. “Dougie is a real nice kid when he’s not getting mad
at somebody. I really like him. I don’t know if my mom would let me do it
though. It seems like a lot of responsibility.” “Well, if you think you want to try it, I’ll have your mom come over
later and we can talk about it. I have a book for the mentors you can read and
the other girls can help you with the big words the big words.” “Yeah, that would be great, Mrs. B. I do love Dougie and I want to help
him. “ “Good,” Mrs. Baxter beamed. “I’ll go call your mom. Right now the girls
are taking Dougie to the bathroom for his enema. Why don’t you tag along and
watch?” “Enema?” Brandy made a face. “Won’t that be yucky?” “Not if it’s done right,” All the girls get them too, when they need
them. It’s not a big deal for them or for Dougie.” “OK,” Brady smiled. “I’ll try it.” She scampered off to catchup with the
other girls who were guiding Dougie toward the bathroom.