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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * * Cathy led the four girls into the kitchen and sat at the table. Lisa and
Marjorie set the milk glasses on the table and brought out the cookies. Beverly
poured the milk and they all sat down together. Brandy was still a bit
shaken by the previous hour’s events. “Do you always spank Dougie and Kelly on their
bare bottoms?” she inquired shyly. Cathy laughed. “Yes, and Lisa too when she needs it.” Lisa blushed and looked away. Cathy smiled. “Well it doesn’t happen very often with Lisa any more but
she gets it the same way the younger kids do. Bare bottom and in the living
room regardless of who is present. Marjorie was here a couple weeks ago and
witnessed that whole dramatic episode. But Lisa has seen Marjorie and Beverly
get it too. “ “Wow,” Brandy exclaimed. Did you ever spank all three of them at the
same time? Cathy chuckled. “I’m not sure if you mean my three or Lisa, Marjorie and
Beverly, but the answer is yes, either way. I have never spanked all five
of them on the same day, but it is still an option. I have permission
from their parents to spank them whenever I need to and yours, too, of course.
“Now all four girls blushed. “But I am really worried about Dougie, “she continued with a sigh. “His behavior is getting worse and worse, so I
have to spank him twice as often as the two girls combined. But I think I have
found the solution. Did you ever hear about the DRPY program?” Beverly snickered, “Dougie’s gonna be a drippie!” The smile left Cathy’s face. “Young lady, if I EVER hear you or one of
the other girls use that term around Dougie, your bottom will be redder than
Kelly’s is now.” “No, Brandy, the DRPY program is to correct misbehavior for teen and
pre-teen boys and girls. The local school program is called “Peer Mentoring.” There are other DRPY programs for families and
neighborhoods as well , but Dougie is going into the PM program at his school.Basically he will be stripped, spanked and
humiliated by a group of six to ten girls close to his own age. They will have
total control over him, with adult supervision, of course, while he is in the
program. This can be anywhere from one
year to age 21, depending on how well he responds to the therapy. There is a similar program for naughty girls,
except they are put under control of boys.” “Ugggghhh,” Brandy shivered. “I’d hate to have a bunch of BOYS spanking
me and bossing me around.” “Well, baby, then you better behave yourself. Cathy said. “Lisa, Marjorie and Beverly will
be three of his Mentors. I was thinking about including Kelly, but she is not
nearly mature enough. The other seven girls will be from his Middle School. You
may even know some of them.” “I can’t believe they have kids spanking other kids,” Brandy said. “It
just seems weird.” “It won’t be all that new to Dougie,” Cathy said. “All three of
these girls have spanked him at one time or another and he has spanked all
three of them, but not very often. He’s usually the one in trouble.” The three older girls blushed in unison again. Brandy realized that embarrassment was an
integral part of Cathy’s child raising philosophy and resolved to be on the
best behavior around Cathy’s family lest it be HER bare bottom on display. Brandy
was the oldest of three kids and always got her spankings in private. They hurt
plenty but it wasn’t as bad as having other kids watch, let alone participate. Cathy drained her milk glass and stood up. “Now it’s time for Dougie’s
spanking. Marjorie and Beverly, put away the stuff and come on back into
the living room. Lisa and Brandy, follow
me.” Cathy led the two girls back into the living room. Both Dougie and Kelly
were quietly weeping in their corner. “OK, Kelly, get those panties off and put
them in the wash. Then you go straight to bed and if I hear another peep out of
you, I’ll have Beverly and Marjorie spank you.” “Yes, Mama,” the little girl squeaked and scampered naked out of the
room. “As for you, young man,” Cathy stated firmly, get you butt over here
right now. I was going to have Kelly start your spanking, but she was naughty
too, so I’ll have Brandy do the honors.” “B-b-but, she’s just a little kid, “Dougie stammered. Why don’t you have one of the big girls spank
me?” “Because it’s more embarrassing for you to be spanked by a younger kid. And,
don’t worry; the older girls will have their turns as well.” Dougie did NOT
look happy as that realization sank in. “OK, Brandy, you sit in the straight chair and make a lap for Dougie to
put himself over.” Brandy sat down, with a mixture of anticipation and fear in her mind. She
straightened her legs and patted her lap. “Over here, little boy,” she
commanded with a bravado she was far from sure of. Dougie lowered himself across his sister’s friend’s lap reluctantly,
displaying his pale white bottom to Brandy and the other girls. He was not
quite crying, but his lips were quivering. The girls, of course, go a good view
of his boyish private parts as he placed himself into position. Brandy winced a bit as the boy’s full weight settled onto her thighs. But
she gamely used his penis and balls to guide him into a comfortable (for her)
position. Then she looked up at Cathy. “That’s good, Brandy,” Cathy said encouragingly. “Now just start spanking his naughty little
bottom with your hand until you get tired or I tell you to stop. Spank him as
hard and as fast as you want to, but let me know when your hand starts to hurt.
Then we’ll go to Phase Two. “ Brandy started spanking the inviting target somewhat timidly at first,
but was soon smacking the boy’s pink bottom with full force. Dougie tried
to be brave at first, but that little hand was smacking him harder that he had
thought a little girl could spank. By the thirtieth spank he was
sniffling and whimpering and by the time Brandy had delivered fifty spanks, he
was openly sobbing. At the fiftieth
spank, Brandy looked up enquiringly at Cathy. “Very good warmup,” Cathy said encouragingly. “Now for the REAL spanking.” She handed Brandy
the big wooden hairbrush. “Give him
twenty five spanks as hard as you can. Concentrate on the middle of each cheek,
but give a few higher and lower as well. We want his naughty little bottom to
be bright red ALL OVER.” Brandy set to with a will and gave a full arm swing to every stroke. Dougie couldn’t remain silent for long. He
gave out a strangled “YEEEOOWWW” at the third spank and continued to sob and
whimper as the hard wooden brush descended time after time onto his now-red
bottom. Cathy and the three girls watched with glee as his bawling
reached a crescendo and his bottom bounced up and down in response to the
stinging spanks. After the twenty fifth stroke, Brandy paused and sat quietly, bouncing
the paddle gently off his flaming, quivering bottom. “Please, Brandy,” the boy sobbed, “I’m sorry I was naughty, I will be
good to you from now on and even to Kelly. Just stop spanking me, please.” “OK, Dougie, stand up.” Cathy said quietly. “You too, Brandy, you did a
VERY good job. “ Dougie stood up uncertainly and then went into the famous “spanking
dance” rubbing his red bottom and jumping around the room. The five women
giggled at his antics and made encouraging remarks as his tiny penis and balls
bounced around while he displayed all of his secrets for the group. After a few minutes, Cathy turned to Beverly.“OK, your turn now. Sit down in the chair. Dougie,
you get over Beverly’s lap and politely ask her to give you a good spanking.
And call her “Miss Beverly.” Dougie groaned but did as he was told. “Miss Beverly, please give me a
good hard spanking on my naughty bottom.” Beverly giggled. “Of course, little boy. I will be happy to tan your
little bootie so it’s nice and red and warm.” Brandy, in the meantime, suddenly realized that her panties were a bit
wet. She knew she hadn’t peed and wondered where the wetness came from. She
sidled over to Lisa and asked for an explanation. Lisa smiled and whispered back to her. “When girls our age get excited,
we sometimes “leak” a little bit. It’s very normal and it’s not really pee. I am getting a bit damp myself right now. It’s
perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. I’ll get you some clean panties
after the spanking is over. Me and the other girls will probably need them
too.” Beverly began spanking Dougie with her hand as Brandy had done. She was,
of course, older and stronger than Brandy and the smacks were harder –
especially on Dougie’s already tenderized bottom. He was soon sobbing, bawling
and blubbering as the snot ran out of his nose and down his chin to the floor. Beverly
kept up a measured pace until his entire bottom was a uniform scarlet, then
started working on his upper thighs which brought forth fresh howls of anguish.When her palm started hurting, she stopped
and looked expectantly at Cathy. Cathy
handed her the hairbrush and surveyed the boy’s bottom. “I think a dozen with the hairbrush will be enough, Beverly.” She said. “Marjorie
and Lisa still have their turns coming and we don’t want his little bottom to fall
off too soon.” On hearing this, Dougie groaned and pleaded between sobs, “Please, Mama, I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll be
good forever and ever.” “Not good enough, little boy,” his mother replied, handing the hairbrush
to Beverly. “A dozen good hard ones and
we can take a break for a while.” Beverly tapped the boy’s bottom a few times with the hairbrush, evoking
anticipatory sobs and twinges. Then she gave a full arm swing and landed the
brush squarely in the center of his left butt cheek. WHAAAACCCKKK! Dougie gave a piercing howl and his bottom bounced up and down
vigorously over the girl’s lap. Cathy and the other girls laughed out loud as
he continued to squirm and struggle over Beverly's lap. But Beverly was an
athlete and quite strong for her age and was able to hold him in place with
ease. When the squirming died down, she brought the brush down squarely in the
center of his right butt cheek. YEEEOOOOWWWCHHH The boy screamed in pain and resumed his desperate wriggling and
squirming, but Beverly was unrelenting. The brush came down hard ten more
times, covering his entire bottom and culminating in two strokes to the “sit
spot” where his bottom cheeks met his thigh. This time, Dougie was unable to stand up when told to do so. He half-crawled
over to his corner and struggled to stand up. Cathy smiled in approval. “OK, girls, lets go back for some more
milk and cookies. We’ll leave the naughty boy in the corner for a while and,
since you are all sleeping over, we can resume the entertainment in the
morning. Lisa, you have extra panties
for the big girls and I can get a pair of Kelly’s for Brandy. End of Chapter 2