Joey 2

By Red Rover
Copyright 2014 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Joey Goes to Camp, Chapter 2.
Setting:  Glenview Heights, a middle class housing development outside a small Midwestern city. Time – late 1960’s.
Characters: The Worden Family - Mother Agatha age 41 (divorced),  Children: Mary (14), Joey, (13) and Cathy (12)
Glenview Heights began as an ambitious project created to provide housing for defense plant workers as the buildup for World War II began in 1939. It housed almost 600 families during the peak of 1944-5.  After the war, most of the plants closed and workers moved away. In 1953, the development was purchased by a foundation operated by the Matron’s League, a group founded in the 1920’s to preserve the matriarchal family. Most of the homes were purchased by female heads of household during the 1950’s. By 1965, there were almost no adult males in the Heights except for a few elderly people who had remained after retirement from the defense plants.
One of the first actions by the League was to clear 50 acres of wartime apartments from the center of the tract and construct the Hippolyta Academy, often called “Hippo Tech” by derisive students in the city.  The fact that the first Dean of the school had been an overweight woman with large buck teeth had not helped the image of the school. The Academy admitted boys from grades 1-8 and girls from grades 1-12. Most of the children were from the Heights families, but some girls from the city were admitted on an as-available basis. Most boys left the Academy after the 6th grade to attend junior and senior high schools in the nearby city.  In the spring of 1966, the 7th grade contained six boys and 31 girls.  The 8th grade had three boys and 35 girls and the 9th grade had only one boy, who was physically disabled. There were no boys in grades 10-12.
Hippolyta Academy was noted for two things; high levels of academic standards and a firm dedication to the principle that the female should be the head of the household. Almost all the women heading families in the Heights were single, divorced or widowed. The entire Academy staff was female, even to the maintenance personnel.  Discipline, for boys, was strict and behavior standards were high. The slightest deviation from the rules could result in a bare-bottom spanking or worse. Spankings were conducted on the spot and in the presence of whoever happened to be there at that time. In fact, school officials encouraged a maximum number of female witnesses of all ages at a boy’s spanking. Girls were never spanked In school and very rarely at home. The most punishment a girl could expect was a detention or a note home.
The Worden family lived only two blocks from the school, so Joey was able to get there only a few minutes late after getting dressed following his spanking. But even a minute late was a punishable offense for a boy. Joey was in grade 7A along with his step-sister Cathy, two other boys and fifteen other girls. Mary was in Grade 9B, with 17 other girls. Joey hoped to sneak in and get to his seat without being noticed, but that was not to be.
The teacher, Miss Simmons, was a tall, athletic woman in her mid-thirties. She was popular with the girls and dreaded by the boys – for good reason.  After the morning prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, she addressed the boy directly, “Joey, you seem to be squirming around in your seat quite a bit and you were three minutes late to class. Are those two facts related?”
Joey blushed and stammered. “Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry I was late, but I was delayed at home.”
Cathy giggled. “What he means is that he got a major spanking at home this morning.  I know, because I helped with it!”
“Well, that doesn’t come as a surprise, Joey. You are a very naughty little boy and I am sure you deserved it,” the teacher responded.  “But you are still responsible for being late and that is a punishable offense.  Come up to the front of the class, young man.”
Reluctantly, Joey made his way to the front of the room and stood in front of the teacher’s desk, looking apprehensive.
Miss Simmons came around the desk and stood next to him. “So you received a major spanking this morning, did you?”
Joey blushed and several girls tittered. “Yes, Ma’am.”
“Well then you may not need another just now,” Simmons responded. “But we’d better check the damage to be sure. Drop your pants and bend over my desk.”
With tears in his eyes, Joey complied, dropping his trousers to his ankles and bending over the teacher’s desk. More titters from his classmates. Miss Simmons slipped her fingers under the waistband of his briefs and lowered them to his knees.  Joey’s chubby bottom came into full view and there were murmurs from the class as his very red bottom cheeks, covered with small bruises, came into view.
Miss Simmons smiled.  “Now that looks like a very well spanked bottom. Most appropriate for a naughty little boy like you. And you helped with this, did you, Cathy?”
Cathy giggled. “Yes, ma’am. And Mary did, too.”
“Excellent work,” The teacher beamed. “You two are obviously growing into strong young women. Now come on up and help me get this little boy properly prepared.”
Cathy came forward eagerly and stood beside her humiliated brother.
“First of all, let’s get his shoes off and then his pants and underpants, there’s a good girl.”
It was tradition at the Academy that a boy who had been spanked would lose his pants, and sometimes his underpants, for the rest of the school day. Though he had been expecting this, Joey couldn’t help blushing and moaning a bit as he was bared from the waist down. Miss Simmons, patted his bottom gently a few times.
“Now, Joey, you are such a sensitive little baby, aren’t you? Nobody has hurt you and these young women have all seen little boys’ bare bottoms before. Boys have no need for false modesty, you certainly have nothing worth covering up down there now, do you? Now stand up, turn around and face the class, little boy.”
Joey stood up and slowly turned around to face the giggling girls. His hands went reflexively to cover his penis and testicles.  Miss Simmons gave him a sharp slap across his already sore bottom, which made him yelp. “We will have none of that, young man,” she snapped. “You are not allowed to touch your little boy parts at any time except when you are peeing. Now put your hands on your head and don’t move them unless you want another paddling.”
She turned to Cathy who was smirking. “I think we’d better have his shirt off as well, it covers too much of his bottom in the back.”
Cathy carefully unbuttoned the trembling boy’s shirt and pulled it over his head. This left Joey with nothing but a rather thin undershirt which barely reached to his waist.
“Very good, Cathy,” the teacher said. “Now gather up his clothing, except for his shoes and fold them neatly. You might as well put them in your locker during the next break, he won’t be needing them the rest of the day.”
Miss Simmons ran her long fingers slowly over Joey’s trembling bottom. He winced as she pressed on the sorest spots but said nothing. “Well, I think we are going to have to take a closer look to check the damage.  Climb up onto my desk, Joey and get on your hands and knees with your head to the blackboard and your bottom facing the class.”
Joey complied, with an assist from Cathy. Now his bottom was clearly visible to every girl in the class. But it was about to get worse.
“Cathy, go around the desk and hold your little brother’s shoulders,” the smiling teacher directed. Janet Simmons loved to look at little boys’ bare bottoms, especially when they were spanked to a rosy glow, as Joey’s was now.
“Susan and Betty, come on up and help,” Janet directed. As the girls complied, she placed them on either side of the bare-bottomed boy. “Now Joey, put your head down on the desk and lift your hips up so the class can get a good view of your naughty little bottom.  Good. Now spread your legs as far apart as you can. Susan and Betty, help move his legs apart.”
Joey turned even redder. He had had a “thing” for Susan for the past two years and would have done anything to impress her. Now she was not only observing his humiliation, but was actively participating in it. All of his romantic fantasies evaporated. No self-respecting girl would have anything to do with a boy she had seen degraded in this manner. His love life was over before it had even begun.
Janet made a close inspection of his exposed privates. “Well, aside from the bruises and some surface irritation, there doesn’t seem to be too much damage, although there are a couple spots I am not sure about and your testicles seem to be a bit swollen. I think we need to have the nurse take a look at you  And now that I look closely, it doesn’t seem as though you are doing a very good job of cleaning yourself down there. We’ll have to do something about that, too.”
Janet walked over and punched the “2” and “C” on the intercom.  This connected her to Helen Cramer, the teacher of section “C” of the second grade.
“Helen, this is Janet in 7A. Do you still have those packages of baby wipes in your cabinet?”
“Sure, Janet. Do you need some?” Came the voice out of the intercom.
“I’m afraid so, Helen,” Janet replied. “I have a boy here who is not good at cleaning his bottom and I need to demonstrate the technique to the girls in the class.”
There was a giggle from the intercom. “I’ll bet it’s that little rascal, Joey Worden,” Helen replied.  “I’ll send one of the girls up with a packet of wipes.”
“Wonderful,” Joey thought. “Now a bunch of second graders know I can’t wipe my own ass. And some seven year old is coming up to look at my private parts. Maybe the school will be hit by a meteor and we’ll all be killed. At least I’d be out of my misery.”
Miss Simmons punched the intercom again and a girlish voice answered, “Nurse’s station, Becky here.”  
“Is Nurse Patrick available, Becky?” Janet asked. “This is Miss Simmons in 7A.”
“She’s patching up a third grader who scraped her knee on the stairs,” the girl replied. But she’s almost done.”
“Good, ask her to come up to 7A when she’s finished with the girl. I have a boy here who got a hard spanking at home this morning and I would like her to check him out.”
“Sure thing, Miss Simmons,” Becky replied. “We’ll be there in five minutes or so.”
Joey groaned. Two more people to observe his degradation. And Becky was an 11th grader who lived just across the street from him. Now the whole neighborhood would hear about it.  “Come on, meteor,” he thought.
End of Chapter 2

(The End)