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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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Joey Goes to Camp, Chapter 1
Agatha Worden was on the phone with her older
sister, Clara. She did not realize that her son Joey, age 13, was listening in
on the upstairs extension. Joey had disabled the transmit circuit so he could
listen without her being able to hear his breathing or other sounds. “I was really hoping I could take the girls to
the Women’s Empowerment Party’s Summer Training course this year, but Liz
Bennington had to go to Maine to care for her sick sister and there’s nobody
willing to take Joey, so I am stuck with the little bastard all summer.” Clara said, “Yeah, I understand you problem. You
don’t like Joey and he doesn’t like you. Why don’t you send him back to Frank?” “No, that’s not an option, “Agatha said
bitterly. “I am still getting $2500 a month in child support for Joey. I only
get like $900 per month from Darrell for both the girls. Those bastards at work
won’t give me a raise and I need the money from Frank to give the girls a
decent upbringing. I can feed Joey on leftovers but the girls need proper
nourishment, good clothes and stuff like dance and singing lessons. Darrell has
a crappy job and can’t really afford much more. And Frank’s money is in the
trust fund and comes in automatically every month. But it stops if Joey goes
back to Frank.” “So , what happens when Joey finishes high
school? “ Clara inquired. “Oh, I’ve got that covered.” Agatha said. “There’s
a crappy little vocational school in town, I can send him to until he’s 22. The
child support continues and the trust fund pays the tuition. What happens after
that, I don’t know. “ “But, what if Joey decides to go back to Frank
on his own. He can do that after he turns 18.” Agatha laughed. “The little weasel doesn’t know
that, and I’m damn sure I won’t let him look at the papers. Frank doesn’t have
our number, it’s unlisted, and I shred all the letters he sends to the kid and
the ones that Joey sends to him. Our mailbox is locked and I have the only key.
And the address the brat has for Frank is the old one, Frank is in Seattle now
and the kid thinks he is still in San Diego.” Sounds like you have the situation well under
control, Sis, “Clara commented. “But I think I may have a solution for the
summer. Did you ever hear of Camp Rodham? “ Agatha shook her head, “No that doesn’t sound
familiar.” “It’s listed in the WEP Handbook under ‘summer
camps,” Clara stated. “It’s for boys 10-16 who need structure and discipline. All
the staff is female, the camp is described as “austere” and there is strict
discipline at all times and corporal punishment for those who misbehave. The
testimonials say stuff like, ‘Turned my stubborn little hellion into a quiet,
obedient little boy in just one summer.’ Camp starts on June 20th
and run until August 23d. And WEP members get a 50% discount.” “Great!” Agatha enthused. “The WEP session
starts on June 24th and runs to August 16th. Hey, what’s the number?
I’m gonna make the call first thing tomorrow morning.” Joey hung up the phone and started thinking
about his options. His life had been a nightmare ever since Agatha’s brief
marriage to Darrell when he was four Darrell had brought with him his two
daughters, Mary, a year older and Cathy, a year younger than him. Agatha had
fallen in love with the two girls and kept them after Darrell had been caught
molesting a student in his Algebra class when Joey was six. Now Joey was stuck
with his wicked mother and two nasty step-sisters. He often thought of himself
as a male Cinderella, but there was no Fairy Godmother in sight, let alone a
beautiful Princess to take him away from his misery. Joey’s options, at that point were slim and
none. He had no money, wasn’t old enough to work and was not allowed close
friends. He was small and a bit chubby, not athletic and had no real social
skills. So none of his schoolmates were especially fond of him, his teachers at
the private school they attended thought he was a bit slow and inclined to be
sullen and reclusive. He had no way of contacting his father and certainly did
not want to contact Darrell who had regarded him as a pest. Breakfast was the usual routine. Joey cooked the
eggs, made the toast and poured the juice for his sisters. His own breakfast
was a small bowl of oatmeal and a glass of skim milk. Agatha came down while
the children were eating, still in her bathrobe. She worked from 10 AM to 6 PM
at the local supermarket, which left Joey at home with his sisters after school
every day. Her breakfast was usually donuts and coffee. As usual, the girls
were on Joey’s case as soon as Agatha arrived. “Joey didn’t put away the towels, last night,”
Mary said gleefully. “Cathy had to go down to the laundry room this morning in
her jammies to get a clean towel.” “Yeah, and he put my red blouse in Mary’s
closet,” Cathy chimed in. “He’s been messing up our stuff all week. I think he
does it on purpose to be mean to us.” Agatha glowered at Joey, “Is that true, young
man?” She demanded. “I..I…I forgot the towels last night,” Joey
stammered. “But I didn’t mean to get the blouses mixed up. I’m sorry if I
messed up.” “Sorry isn’t good enough,” Agatha snapped.
“You’ve been slacking off your chores all week. It’s time for an attitude
adjustment. OK, everybody into the living room. I’m going to get to the bottom
of this. Cathy, go get the hairbrush.’ The girls giggled as they trooped into the
living ro0om. Joey’s lip was already trembling. Cathy dashed upstairs,
chortling, “joey’s gonna get it!” .Agatha set a kitchen chair in the center of the
living room directly in front of the large window. The side windows were open
and the house was only 15 feet from the sidewalk so the children passing by on
their way to school would be able to see and hear everything. She looked at
Joey and snapped, “Get those clothes off right, now, young man or I’ll have
Mary get the razor strap.” Joey fumbled frantically at his zippers and
buttons. He had his shirt off and his pants down to his ankles in a few
seconds. He tried to pull his pants off over his shoes and fell down in the
process. “Shoes and socks off, too, you little brat.” Agatha
snapped. “I want you completely naked.” Several young children on the sidewalk heard the
word “naked” and stopped to see and hear what promised to be a good show. A few
of the bolder girls came onto the lawn to get a closer view. Most of the boys
went on their way determined to ignore what they knew would be happening soon.
Joey finally struggled out of his clothes and stood naked and trembling in
front of the window, trying to ignore the giggles and remarks coming from the
lawn. Agatha frowned. “You are a messy little boy,
Joey. Don’t leave you clothes strewn all over the floor. Pick them up, fold
them neatly and put them on the table next to the window.” Joey complied, blushing furiously as he exposed
his naked boy parts to the approving crowd of girls on the lawn. Several were
from his class at school. In less than an hour he would have to face their
teasing remarks and hear their comments to the other kids. Agatha directed Mary to sit in the straight
chair. “I am going to reserve my strength for the main event, Mary. You and
Cathy can do the warm-up with the Ping-Pong paddle.” Mary took the proffered paddle and motioned to
Joey. “OK, little boy, come and lie across my left leg, you know the process.” She
pulled up her short skirt so as to expose her thighs almost up to her panties. Joey reluctantly lowered himself over Mary’s
left thigh with his bare bottom facing up. She clamped both of his legs with
her right leg and adjusted his position so that his bottom was properly
presented for the spanking and also clearly visible to the growing audience on
the front lawn. To heighten his tension, she rubbed her hands slowly across his
bare buttocks, slipping her fingers into the cleft between and spreading his
cheeks to expose his sphincter to the girls outside and playfully inserted her
index finger partially into his rectum. Joey blushed furiously at this ultimate
indignity, knowing that it was being closely observed by the giggling girls on
the front lawn. Finally, Mary withdrew her finger, lined up her
target and gave him a firm SMACK on his left cheek. Joey yelped in pain and
surprise and the audience applauded. Mary continued to smack his cheeks
alternately, varying her pace so that sometimes she paused for a few seconds
between spanks and other times delivered a fast and furious series of swats to
the same cheek. Joey’s cheeks were now bright pink and getting redder with
every stroke. As usual, Joey had tried not to cry at being spanked by a girl
less than a year older than himself. As usual he was not successful and tears
were running freely down his cheeks by the time Mary finished delivering her
allotted 50 spanks. “Now show our visitors your nice red bottom,
little boy,” Mary said as she helped him to his feel and guided him closer to
the front window, making sure the girls got a good view of his semi-erect penis
and testicles as he made his way there. Ben ding =him over with his rear almost
touching the window, she directed him to move his legs wide apart so the girls
could see his dangling boy parts between his legs. When she was satisfied, Mary
led him back to the chair where Cathy had already taken her place. Cathy went through the same procedure as Mary
had before her. This was even more humiliating for Joey as Cathy was a year
younger than he was, even though they were both in the 7th grade in
school. But since both girls were taller and stronger than he was, he had
little choice in the matter. Two years ago, Agatha had ruled that both girls
were “ever so much smarter and more mature” than Joey and had given them
permission to spank him “whenever and wherever” they chose to do so. Needless
to say, this resulted in many painful and humiliating situations for the
undersized boy. When Cathy had finished her 50 smacks, which
were not as hard as Mary’s but being delivered onto an already sore bottom,
stung just as much; Joey was sobbing loudly and tears were freely streaming
down his cheeks, which were now almost as red as his throbbing bottom cheeks. Cathy
guided him back to the window for another “showing” to the admiration of the
dozen or so girls assembled on the lawn. Then it was time for the “main event.”
Agatha did not bother with any preliminaries. She
simply lulled Joey across her lap and began to smack his bottom with the heavy
wooden hairbrush at full strength. Handling boxes of frozen and canned goods at
the supermarket for many years had developed her arm muscles to the point where
her upper body strength was equal to many males of her age. Joey simply howled,
bawled, blubbered and moaned throughout the fifty ferocious strokes of the
brush. By the time Agatha was finished, Joey was lying limp across her lap, his
voice bawled out, dripping tears and snot onto the carpet and just making a
piteous whining sound. Even the girls outside the window has ceased their
giggling and just stood in awe of the severity of the spanking. Agatha dumped the sobbing boy off her lap and
straightened up. “Right, now it’s off to school for the three of you. Get
yourself dressed and stop your blubbering, Joey or you’ll be late for class.” With that she stomped out of the room and went
upstairs to get dressed for her day’s work. The two girls gathered their school
kit and headed to the school with their compatriots from the lawn crowd. Joey
scrambled around, stumbled into his clothing and set off after them End of Chapter 1