The following story is done as a letter to the advice
column "It's Not Fair!" in the monthly magazine Boy Stuff
published for boys six to twenty. The letters are usually
boys who protest and complain about things they don't like generally
about lack of privacy and that (frequently younger) girls are in
charge. Occasionally, there are other kinds such as this one
a girl. The editors decided that it was more appropriate for
sister magazine Teen Miss which is concerned with
girls' issues and so it was published there.
This story contains scenes of spanking and domination
of young
teens. If these subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if
are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. The fictitious
Puericil™ is described at puericilInfo.htm.
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their own stories and comments about the Sandy's treatment which they
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Sandy (16 years old) Dear Dr Baker, I am glad that you approve of “Uncle” Donny.
is depending on him more and more to take care of me and Robby.
Sometimes it’s
like she has given up on us. Donna
not really as responsible as Donny is. She still bathes and spanks
Robby when
he messes up (which is often), but she doesn’t take as active a role as
does with me. Sometimes it seems like we have three kids and two adults
in the
house. Mummy always asks Donny for advice on stuff and never asks the
rest of
us. It really started when we got home from the
pediatric clinic. When we pulled into the driveway, we saw Mrs. Emerson
down the block with her two kids Katie (9) and Jeff (7). Of course, I
was still
naked, since Mummy had put the bag of my clothes into the trunk. The
two kids
were staring at me and giggling about how red my bottom was and I just
to die. I started to dash for the house but Mummy got one of those “Oh,
no you
don’t” looks in her eye and said, “Now Sandy, be polite and talk to
Emerson for a few minutes.” I must have stammered something, but I knew my
face was as red as my bottom, and all I could think of was that I was
naked in my driveway with two younger kids enjoying my plight. Then Donny came to my rescue. “I hear Donna and
Robby in the back yard, Sandy. Why don’t you take Katie and Jeff back
there and
play with them for a while your mother and I talk to Mrs. Henderson?” Well that was almost as bad; me a
sixteen-year-old young woman, being sent off to “play” with a couple of
pre-teens, but anything was better than standing nude in the driveway
for the
whole neighborhood to observe. So, I tried to sound chipper and said,
you guys want to play croquet?” “I’ll get you some milk and cookies in a few
minutes,” Mummy said. “Now scamper off, you three.” “Scamper? Like, I am 16, not six, for God’s
sake,” I thought, but wisely kept my mouth shut. The two little kids
off as directed. I knew better than to ask for my clothes back, so I
after them at a more dignified pace. (But really, how dignified can you
walking across a lawn in the nude, displaying a well-spanked bottom?)
bless his heart, whispered to me, “Just play it like you were nine,
kitten,” and
smacked me gently on the bottom. So I scampered after the two younger
kids. We actually did play some croquet and I sort of
enjoyed myself in spite of being the only one without clothes. At least
we had
a fenced yard so the rest of the neighborhood wasn’t observing my
humiliation. Meantime
Donny and the two moms had coffee in the kitchen and watched us. I know
were talking about me but I tried to concentrate on playing and not
about what they were saying. I am not saying that I found my “inner
eight-year-old” but I could sort of pretend for a while. We had our milk and cookies like good little
children and I started feeling a little better. (Except for one thing.
try sitting in a metal lawn chair with a bare bottom if that chair has
been in
the sun for half the day!) Then the Emerson’s went home and the five of
us went
into the living room. Of course, we had to fill in Donna and Robby on
all that went on in the Clinic and I worked myself up into a good cry.
Donny had taken the “daddy chair” just like it was his right to and
called me
over to sit on his lap. I just sort of snuggled up with him, bare
bottom and
all and he soothed me, calling me “kitten” and other baby names. After
a while
I actually fell asleep in his lap as the conversation droned on around
me. When
I woke up, I was mortified to find my thumb in my mouth and the other
grinning at me. Robby held up his camera phone and said, “I got
a real good shot of your thumb in your mouth, BABY sister. Can’t wait
to show
it around school.” Well that got all of my attention right away.
little cock-sucker,” I screamed and started to get up, but Donny held
me down.
Donna grabbed the phone and tossed it to Mummy and said “Erase all his
pictures.” Robby howled in protest as his pictures were
erased, but it did him no good. Next thing you know, he was over
Donna’s lap
with his bare bottom on display while she smacked it bright red with
hairbrush. Mummy was furious. “I will NOT tolerate you
children making fun of each other while you are being punished. Nor
will you
use that kind of language around the house. Donny, I think your niece
needs to
have her bottom warmed up a bit.” Donny promptly turned me over on his lap and
spanked my bare bottom until I was bawling all over again. So in the
space of
ten minutes there were TWO naked teens with red bottoms standing in
respective corners. “Now,
of you keep your noses in your corners until dinner is served.” Mummy
said in a
tone of exasperation. Anybody walking in the house that afternoon
would have had a hard time keeping from busting out laughing. There we
sixteen and fourteen, brother and sister, standing naked in the corners
of the
living room with bright red bottoms. Robby was bawling and I was
sobbing like
ten years had suddenly slipped away. It was like going from high school
pre-school in a few hours. Dinner was no picnic either. Nobody felt like
cooking, so Mummy ordered pizza. As luck would have it, the delivery boy was
Frankie Callaway, a junior boy that I had sat with in History the
year. He was tall, not bad looking and always cheerful. Of course,
Donna met
him at the front door and conducted him to the kitchen by way of the
room where Robby and I still stood in our corners. “Looks like somebody got in trouble today,”
remarked as we cringed in our corners. “Hi Donny, the brats been
keeping you
busy?” Donny laughed. “Yep, an Uncle’s job is never
done.” “Or an Auntie’s,” Donna piped up, with a giggle. “I can see that,” Frankie smiled. “I’ll bet
those bottoms are as warm as this pizza.” “Feel free to check them out, Frankie,” Mummy
said, with an evil chuckle. “I’m sure they’d both like a little rubbing
now.” I let out a wail that must have echoed for
blocks, “Muuuuuuummmyyyyyy, please, just kill me right now!!!” Everybody laughed and Frankie patted Robby’s
bottom a couple of times, then came over to me. “Don’t worry, little,
girl,” he
said in a soothing voice, “I won’t let anybody about this. It will be
little secret.” Then he rubbed my bottom a few times and said,
“Still nice and silky smooth.” It was humiliating, of course, but also
thrilling, especially when he ran a finger casually between my bottom
and touched my rosebud. I didn’t know if I wanted to die or have an
orgasm at
that point. Then Donna broke the spell by saying, “Yeah,
like a baby’s bottom as the saying goes.” More laughter and Frankie gave my bottom a
pat and squeeze and went off on his route. When the door closed behind him, I realized
I had a VERY urgent problem. “Mummy, I have to go pee right now,” I pleaded,
shifting my legs from side to side and trying to contain myself. “No problem, kitten,” Donny said. And he took
hand like I was three and led me to the bathroom. I almost made it all
the way,
but leaked a few drops before he set me on the throne and I could let
completely. I was sobbing in relief and embarrassment at that point,
but my
bladder was emptying and that was what mattered.
At that point, I was so weak and flustered that
I could only hang on to Donny’s shoulders as he wiped my private parts
and the
stuff that had run down my legs. I didn’t even protest when he bent me
over the
tub, spread my bottom cheeks and used a baby wipe to clean off my anal
area. As
usual, he poked his finger about an inch up into my rectum as he made
sure I
was clean there as well. I always felt especially childish at that
point, but
this time, I just moaned a little. So he dried me off and we went out
to the
kitchen to have our pizza. Robbie and I ate ours standing up, of
course, but it
still tasted good. After supper, it was into our baths for me and
Robbie. Two of Donna’s classmates, Debbie and Linda came over and they
had fun
“helping” bathe us. Robbie, of course, was humiliated at two girls from
class seeing him naked and washing his privates. But that was nothing
new for
either of us as several boys from the same class had helped Donny bathe
me in
the past. That was worse for me, of course, since the boys were all
than I was. After our baths, Robbie and I were allowed to
lie, still nude, on our towels in front of the TV. Mummy sat in her
Donny had the daddy chair and the girls were on the couch. This was the
arrangement for evening visitors. Anybody who came to the house between
7 and 9
PM was “treated” to the sight of two bare bottoms, often freshly
spanked, on
the living room floor. Donny and Donna sometimes got to take their
guests to
their rooms, but not us “little” kids. It was even worse when we were
told to
get up and fetch food or drink for visitors as our private parts were
display along with our bottoms. Don’t even ask about nights when there
was a
party of some kind down in the rec room and Robbie and I had to serve
stuff to
all the visitors. Finally, it came near bed time and Donny
in his new kit for giving me my nightly Puericil-G suppositories. He
spread out
the kit on the coffee table and explained all the stuff to the family
and the
other two girls who were still here. Everybody, of course, had to have
directions read aloud and got to examine me and all the stuff. I
realized that
this explanations thing was likely to be repeated any time we had new
over, which was really depressing. Of course, Donny started off by putting on a
latex glove and lubricating my rectum for the thermometer. That brought
from the girls, especially when I squirmed around as he moved his
finger in,
out and around. “Gotta get a good coating of lube here,” he said in a
tone. (Not that that fooled anybody!) Then the stupid thermometer with
clown head went in and he spent a good five minutes holding it in my
wriggling it a bit now and then to watch and feel me squirm. Finally,
withdrew it, proclaimed my temperature normal and set it into a bowl of
on the table. Then he picked up a rubber syringe and
announced. “I will need to use this if he has a lot of poop in her
rectum. Just
fill it with water and squirt a bit up into her bottom to loosen the
stuff up.” The girls were, like “Eewww” but they giggled
again. “Of course, I’d have to do that in the
bathroom,” Donny continued. But she’s pretty clean right now so it
won’t be
necessary. If she’s really plugged up, I might have to give her an
enema, but
that’s a lot of work and can get messy.” The three stupid girls were just hanging on his
every word like he was the resident medical expert; but he was just
the stuff that Lisa had told us earlier at the clinic. I was just glad
Frankie hadn’t come back so it was just girls watching my humiliation.
But I
was sure that there would be boys observing me in the future, which did
for my morale. Finally, it was time for the actual insertion
the suppository. Donny made a big issue of greasing up his finger again
inserting it full length into my rectum. Then he unwrapped the
suppository and
gently inserted it into me while the girls watched in fascination. When
it was
all the way in, he took a short plastic stick and poked it up another
inch or
two. “Don’t want it coming out too soon,” he explained. It didn’t really hurt, but it was an odd
sensation having it pushed up inside me and it felt kind of strange
having it
in there after he pulled the stick out. “It will mostly dissolve on its
own in
an hour or two,” he explained to the girls. “And when she poops in the
all the rest will come out with no problem.” He patted my bottom. “Almost done, little girl.
we just have to put the ointment on your girl bits.” Damn,
I had forgotten about the vaginal
infection. Donny directed me to lie on my back on the
coffee table and lift my legs into the air to fully expose my pussy.
Debbie and
Linda, or course, volunteered to hold my legs up and spread so he had
access to my girl parts. He made a point of tossing away the glove he
had used
on my bottom and putting on a new one. “Don’t want to risk cross-contaminating her
vagina with the poop from her rectum,” he stated solemnly. “Oh, Donny, you are so smart,” Linda said in an
admiring tone. I almost gagged at that, knowing he was just
repeating Lisa’s instructions. But, of course, I was (literally) in no
to come back with a smart-ass remark. I may be immature, but I am not
stupid. Feeling him spreading the ointment around in my
vagina was kind of stimulating and kind of creepy at the same time. But
didn’t take long and I was allowed to stand up finally. Donny gave me a big hug and patted my bottom.
were a very brave little girl, Sandy.” He said. “I am proud of you.” Then I got hugs and pats from Robby, Mummy and
the three girls. Robby and I were led upstairs and tucked into bed
together. The
two girls went home and Mummy, Donny and Donna stayed up for a while
talked. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but it sounded like
talk and I started crying a little, thinking that it should be me down
talking grown-up talk with Mummy. Robby hugged me and said, “I know how you feel,
Sis, but this is something we have to go through.” So I kind of
snuggled up
next to him and we went to sleep. It had been a long day. IT’S JUST SO UNFAIR!!
Dr Baker comments. It was a rough start for you, Sandy, but you
managed to make it through it. This has to be the hardest part, getting
on a new regimen. But I doubt if anything you need to go through in the
will be as embarrassing as this day was. Hopefully, the medication will
well for you and you can grow up into a normal young woman in a few
years. Just
don’t get discouraged if it seems to be taking forever. You will be a
person for it in the long run. Paul Baker, MD