The following story is done as a letter to the advice column "It's Not Fair!" in the monthly magazine Boy Stuff published for boys six to twenty.  The letters are usually from boys who protest and complain about things they don't like generally about lack of privacy and that (frequently younger) girls are in charge.  Occasionally, there are other kinds such as this one from a girl.  The editors decided that it was more appropriate for the sister magazine Teen Miss which is concerned with girls' issues and so it was published there.  

This story contains scenes of spanking and domination of young teens.  If these subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now.  The fictitious drug Puericil™ is described at puericilInfo.htm.

This work is copyright by the authors and commercial use is prohibited without permission.  Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.

The author would appreciate your comments – pro and con, including constructive criticism, and suggestions.  Please take a moment to e-mail.

Both the author and site owner feel that our readers might have their own stories and comments about the Sandy's treatment which they would like published here.  Submissions are welcome.

It's Not Fair
Sandy's Letter 3


Red Rover <>

Sandy (16 years old)
Dear Dr Baker,
The trip to the pediatrician was a real nightmare from start to finish. First of all, it wasn’t like a regular doctor’s office, it was a “Pediatric Clinic.” There were the names of seven doctors and six nurses on the wall (all women) and there must have been 30 or 40 kids running around the waiting room and play area in all stages of dress. Some were completely naked, some had on underwear and some were fully dressed. They ranged in age from 3 to 10 – I was the only teenager in the whole room. Plus there were a dozen or so women from 25 to 45 who seemed to be the mothers of the little kids. Worse yet, there were a bunch of college-age girls wearing badges that said they were student nurses. Some of them were only a couple years older than me!
When we got to the desk, the girl took our names and motioned to one of the student nurses. “Lisa, this is Mrs. Walters, her daughter, Sandra and Sandra’s uncle, Donald Baxter.” Donald will be Sandy’s primary care-giver and he will be with her for the whole visit and future visits as well.”  
“Uncle?” This was new to me, but it sounded better than “nanny” or “baby-sitter,” so I went along with it. People would probably assume he was a few years older than me because I sure as hell didn’t want people knowing I was being baby-sat by a boy two years younger.
Lisa was about 20, with blonde hair and a nice figure. She was about 5’5” and had a babyish face. And she smiled at Donald like he was a prospective boyfriend. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Walters, and you, too, Uncle Donald. We will take good care of little Sandy for you.”
“Little Sandy?”  ARRRGGHHH.  I’m small, but not that small, dammit! I had to resist the temptation to kick this bitch in the shins, but that’s not very practical when you are wearing sneakers and Mummy would be REAL upset. So for the sake of my bottom, I gritted my teeth and gave Lisa the Lecher a simpering smile.
Lisa led us to an alcove off the main waiting room and showed us a chair and table. “OK, Sandy, I need you to take off your clothes and put them on the table, starting with your shoes and socks.”
“ALL my clothes?” I asked in dismay. “Can’t I leave my underwear on, at least?”
“Doctor Hansen has a rule that the children she examines remove all their clothing before the appointment.” Lisa said firmly. “It save a lot of time and fuss in the long run. You can see that most of the children in the waiting area are nude as well.’
“B-b-but some of them have all their clothes on and some are in their underwear,” I stammered. “Can’t I at least keep my panties on?”
Lisa shook her head. “The children in their underwear are Dr O’Brien’s patients,” she explained. “She is older and doesn’t really approve of nudity. The fully clothed ones are siblings of the kids who are here for treatment.”
“But it’s embarrassing,” I whimpered. “Can’t I be Doctor O’Brien’s patient instead of Dr Hansen’s?”
Lisa shook her head again. “Dr O’Brien doesn’t see Puericil patients. Dr Hansen is the only one here that does that.”  
Mummy set me straight. “Sandy, stop being so difficult. The doctor has rules and we have to follow them. Look around. There aren’t any men or older boys around, just little kids and women. Try to grow up a little bit.”
I shrugged and started to undress, starting with the shoes to delay total nudity as long as possible. Seeing that I was finally obeying orders, Lisa smiled and turned to Donald. “So, ‘Uncle Donald’, do I call you Uncle, Mr. Baxter or just Donald?”
Donald laughed. “You can call me Don or Donny or Donald, whatever you like. Just don’t call me late for dinner.”
Lisa giggled at the really ancient joke and simpered, “So what college do you go to, Don?”
“Oh, I’m still in high school, Lisa,” he smiled. “I just look older than I am.”
Lisa was undeterred. “Well, I’m sure the college girls will be chasing you soon. Not to mention my fellow student nurses. You may have to beat us off with a stick. We don’t see many boys our age around here.”
At that point, I was just starting to pull down my panties and something made me explode. “Listen, you horny bitch, Donald is FOURTEEN! That makes him jail-bait for you and your fucking little junior cougar buddies out there. So lay off or I’ll call the cops on you, miss hot pants!”
Mummy was shocked and outraged. “Missy that is totally unacceptable conduct for a young lady. You apologize to Miss Lisa right now or you’re getting a spanking right here and now!”
That sent me into a full stage tantrum. “Fuck you, ‘Miss Lisa, ‘Uncle Donny’ and the whole shit-eating crew out there. You’re treating me like I was six years old instead of sixteen. You’re making me strip naked in front of a bunch of little kids, women I don’t know, a dozen college girls with wet pussies who want to suck Donnie’s cock and God knows who else. Why don’t you invite the fucking football team in to jack off while I dance on the tables naked?”
“ENOUGH,” Donald shouted. “Yes, Lisa, I am fourteen and Sandy is sixteen. But she acts like a six-year old most of the time so I’m her full-time nanny to keep her under some degree of control. I’m not her uncle, I am her neighbor. I pose as her “uncle” because it would be too humiliating for her to admit to having a baby-sitter younger than she is. And I can pass for 20 if I choose to.”
He turned to Mummy. “Marcy, did you bring Sandy’s hairbrush with you?”
Mummy nodded grimly and produced my instrument of torture at which time I broke down into a blubbering mess. “I-I-I-I’m sorry, Mummy, Uncle Donald and Miss Lisa. P-p-please don’t spank me in front of all these people. I’ll be a good little girl, I promise.” (I don’t remember the exact words, but it was just as pathetic as it sounds.)
Donald took the dreaded hairbrush, sat down in the chair, pulled my panties down to my ankles and put me over his left knee, pinning my legs so I couldn’t wriggle away. Then he patted my bare bottom a few times and announced, “This is going to hurt – a lot. But you will remember this episode any time you are tempted to act up in public again.”
With that he smacked my left cheek hard with the hairbrush and I yelped in pain and shock. Then the right cheek, just as hard. The alternating shots to the center of my bottom cheeks, interspersed with a few hard smacks to the sit-spots. After a dozen smacks, I was howling like a banshee. Tears and snot were running down my face and dripping onto the tile floor and my bottom was bouncing up and down as I struggled to free my pinned legs. I went from cursing, howling and pleading to uncontrolled sobbing and then finally just lying across his lap moaning.
When he finally released his grip, I was able to just barely struggle to my feet and stand there wearing nothing but my bra, rubbing my ravaged bottom and bawling.
Mummy looked grimly satisfied and Lisa had a “deer-in-the-headlights” expression on her face with her eyes so wide open I thought her eyeballs would fall out. Some of the other student nurses were standing there in shock and awe and some of the older kids were staring while the younger ones were crying and seeking solace from their mothers.
Donny held me in his arms, rubbed my back gently and spoke some kind of soothing words in my ear while I cried on his chest. Lisa came out of her shock, picked up my panties from the floor and took off my bra. She put them with all my other clothes into a green cloth laundry bag and handed it to my mother.
She said, “I’m going to leave you guys here for a few minutes while I do some paperwork. Girls, go back to work and kids, go back to the playroom. The show is over.”
After about ten minutes, Lisa came back and looked at Donny. “Remind me to never get you mad at me, Uncle Don.” Donny smiled kind of sadly and said, “I don’t think it will be a problem. I didn’t like it any more than Sandy did.”
Before we left the alcove, I looked in the mirror. Not only was my bottom totally red, but there were two “target” type bruises in the centers of my butt cheeks. So I was not only stark naked in a huge room full of strangers, but everybody could see that I had just had a major spanking. With Donny’s arm around my shoulders, I was able to walk over to the admin desk and we filled out the paperwork. Believe me, I had no desire to sit down!
After the paperwork was done, Mummy could leave for her hair appointment. “Give me a call when you guys are ready to leave,” she said. “I have some shopping to do after my appointment. I’ll take Sandy’s clothes, she won’t need them the rest of the afternoon. Do you want me to leave the hairbrush with you, Don?”
Donny shook his head. “No, Marcy, I am sure Sandy will be a very good little girl the rest of the day.”
The next half hour was routine as anything could be after the previous hour. Lisa took my weight and height; she showed Donny how to take a urine sample from me and explained the importance of keeping the pubic area clean. She also took a blood sample and I didn’t cry. Then I lay across Donny’s lap while she showed him how to take a rectal temperature. I almost freaked out when I saw the thermometer had a clown head on the end, but remembered that it was a Pediatric Clinic after all.
As I was lying over his lap resting, I heard one of the student nurses say to another, “If Lisa doesn’t grab him, I am going to lock him in my cellar until he turn 18.”
The other one giggled and said, “I’d be careful about that, Tammy, You’ve seen what he does to little girls who make him mad.”
I lifted my head up and saw Lisa turn bright red. Donny chuckled and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t toss you away.” Then he reached over and patted her bottom possessively. I was amazed that she didn’t object and, instead, put her hand out and squeezed his shoulder.
I almost made a sarcastic remark at that point but quickly realized that I was lying across Donny’s lap with my bare bottom in the air and thought better of it.
After a few minutes, the receptionist announced “Dr. Hansen will see you now, Sandy.” So Lisa led us down the hall to the doctor’s office. Of course, I was still naked with my bright red bottom on display and I heard a few giggles as we passed other kids and the nurses.
“I’m glad to meet you Sandy,” Dr Hansen said. “My name is Marie Hansen and I am a pediatric internal medicine specialist. I handle all the Puericil patients at the Clinic, both boys and girls. She held out her hand to Donny, who shook it gracefully but firmly. “And you must be the “Uncle Donald” that all the girls are talking about.”
Donny smiled and nodded. “I’m not really her uncle, just a neighbor, but it sounds more dignified for her that way – not like she was being supervised by another kid.”
Dr Hansen smiled warmly at him. “Well, from what I have heard from Sandy’s Mom and the Clinic staff, you are very far removed from being ‘another kid.’”
She turned back to me. “OK, Sandy, it’s time to get the pokey-proddy stuff out of the way. Just hop up on the table and lie on your tummy for now. I want to check out that red bottom and make sure your uncle hasn’t damaged it beyond repair.”
Donald chuckled and Lisa giggled, which made me blush – all over. Dr Hansen poked and prodded, very gently, the damaged area and delivered her verdict. “Looks fine to me. It’s going to be sore for a day or two but no damage done. I’d say your ‘uncle’ did a thoroughly professional job. You must have had practice, Donald.”
Donny blushed and smiled. “Well, I have an older sister, a twin sister and a younger sister. Plus I have been looking after Sandy for several weeks now, so girls’ bottoms are no mystery to me.”
“Obviously,” the doctor said. “I may have to call on you for assistance the next time one of my nursing students misbehaves. I am sure you could get to the bottom of the problem very quickly. Right, Lisa?”
It was Lisa’s turn to blush. “Yes, Ma’am. I think he could handle any of the girls quite adequately.”
“Indubitably. OK, Sandy, you can turn over now so we can look over your girl parts.”
For the next twenty minutes, Dr. Hansen did all the usual stuff that you get with a routine physical. The real difference was that she had Donny at her side and went into great detail about all my girl parts, how they functioned, what to look for and how to deal with it. She had him put on gloves and do his own exploration of my body which was somewhat embarrassing but also kind of reassuring. Donny was very gentle and professional with my body parts and I could tell that he was genuinely concerned with my welfare which made it a lot easier for me.
Dr Hansen did get concerned when she examined my vagina and brought Donald’s attention to it. “See that red area? That should not be nearly as red as it is, just a light pink. I am afraid she may have a minor infection there. Some girls don’t clean themselves as thoroughly as they ought to and that can lead to trouble.”
Donny took a close look and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I see what you mean. So what should we do about it?”
Dr Hansen produced a tube of some kind of cream. “This is a topical antibiotic made for use in sensitive areas. You need to take about a half inch of it on your finger and rub it in around the red area. Do this morning and night for about a week and show Lisa the area again. Meanwhile, you need to use a baby wipe with an aloe component to clean her after each time she pees. She can probably do that herself, but you need to make sure she does.”
Wonderful, wonderful. I’m sixteen years old and need to be supervised going potty. Next thing they’ll have me in diapers and drinking out of a sippy cup.
“Now, Sandy,” the doctor continued. “Your brother is on the Puericil pills, Right?”
“Yes, ma’am, he gets one every morning at breakfast.”
“OK, Puericil can be very nasty if a girl gets the stuff made for boys or vice versa. So I am going to put you on the suppository form. Donald will insert a capsule into your rectum every night just before you go to bed. That will avoid any mix up in your medication and your brother’s.”
She turned to Donny. “Now, Don, when you insert the PG into Sandy’s rectum you must wear a glove. I don’t want you getting any on your skin. And don’t handle the capsule with your bare hands, either. They come in individual foil packets, so you must remove the foil just before inserting the capsule. The capsule coating will dissolve in about an hour and the liquid will be absorbed by her colon. Any residue will pass with her next bowel movement.”
Donny nodded. “That seems pretty straightforward.”
“Oh, and you will have to take Sandy’s temperature rectally just before inserting the capsule. Don’t give it to her if her temp is over 101 degrees. Just wait until next evening and take it again. If it stays over 101 for three days, call me. Now Lisa will take you to the nurses’ station and teach you how to do the insertion. You can get up now, Sandy. I hope this works out well for you. Donald, it was a pleasure to meet you. I am sure you will take very good care of our little girl.”
Out at the nurses’ station I had to climb up on another table and stick up my bottom so Donny could practice inserting the capsules. Some of the other girls giggled, but at least there were no little kids or parents around to enjoy my humiliation. Lisa gave Donny one of those stupid clown-head thermometers, a box of gloves and my various medications and he called Mummy to pick us up. Back in the waiting room, I was, of course, still naked and my bottom was still red and sore, but Lisa found me a pillow to sit on while we waited for Mummy.
When Mummy got there, Lisa gave her a full briefing on what the doctor had said, then she shocked me by saying, “Dr Hansen wants me to come by your house and check on Sandy at least once a week for the next two months. I’ll be taking blood and urine samples and giving her a general checkup. I’ll coordinate with Donny on the times and make sure to bring whatever supplies he will need.”
Great – Now Donny and Lisa can play “doctor” with me a couple times a week and then go off and make out after they put the “baby” to bed. I could see them smiling at each other and knew damn well what was on their minds.
Then came the real crusher. Avoiding eye contact with me, Lisa gave the crowning indignity. “Dr Hansen thinks that Sandy needs to spend as much time as practical bare-bottomed at home. She can cover her boobs and pussy, but her bottom should be bare and visible. And she needs regular spankings as well; not every day unless she really misbehaves, but at least a couple of times a week.”
I almost swallowed my teeth at that point, but Mummy just smiled and nodded to Donny. “I’m sure Uncle Donny can take care of that, right, Donny?”
Donny smiled. “Sure thing, Marcy. I am sure she’ll be a perfect little angel for me.”
I don’t know how I managed to walk out of the Clinic under my own power. I know we passed a dozen or more people on the way to Mummy’s car which, of course, was at the other end of the parking lot. I am sure they all noticed my nudity and red bottom, but it didn’t seem to matter to me and I didn’t even try to cover up my pussy.
It’s all so unfair!
Dr Baker Responds:
Hello Sandy,
I can understand how traumatic that day must have been for you and I’m sorry it all had to come at you in just a couple of hours like that. I don’t want to be overly critical of Dr Hansen, but she and your mother could have prepared you for what was to come so it didn’t hit you all at once. It must have been overwhelming to be hit with all of those embarrassing situations at once.

I am also a bit dismayed that your mother didn’t stay with you during the ordeal. It would have been more reassuring to have her there instead of leaving you with Donny and a group of strangers. I am just glad that your Aunt Laura wasn’t along with you. That would have been too traumatic.

I must say, however, that I am very pleased with the performance of your new “uncle.” He displayed much more maturity than I would have expected from a younger teen. He obviously cares about you and wants to help you as much as he can. I think it is quite likely that he will turn out to be the strong male figure you have been lacking all these years. As for his interest in Lisa and her obvious interest in him, it would seem that the two of them are much closer in maturity level than their relative ages would suggest.
Now, dear Sandy, is the time for you to get a fresh start on your road to maturity. As with boys on regular Puericil, girls on Puericil-G will tend to lose a few years in mental age when they start the program. So be prepared to be treated like a much younger girl for a while. But when your body and emotions stabilize, you will be able to take a more rapid road to eventual maturity than you would have without treatment.
So keep me posted on your progress.
Paul D. Baker, Ph.D.