The following story is done as a letter to the advice
column "It's Not Fair!" in the monthly magazine Boy Stuff
published for boys six to twenty. The letters are usually
boys who protest and complain about things they don't like generally
about lack of privacy and that (frequently younger) girls are in
charge. Occasionally, there are other kinds such as this one
a girl. The editors decided that it was more appropriate for
sister magazine Teen Miss which is concerned with
girls' issues and so it was published there.
This story contains scenes of spanking and domination
of young
teens. If these subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if
are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. The fictitious
Puericil™ is described at puericilInfo.htm.
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use is
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permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.
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Both the author and site owner feel that our readers
might have
their own stories and comments about the Sandy's treatment which they
would like published here. Submissions are welcome.
Sandy (16 years old) Dear Dr Baker. Well, I turned 16 in March as I told you in my
previous letter. But that’s about all the good news. I have now been put on
Puericil-G as my mother threatened to do a few months ago. Worst of all, I am
now under the full charge of a boy two years younger than I am. You remember me
telling you about the Baxter twins, Donnie and Donna who live a couple doors
away. Well they turned 14 a few days after I turned 16. Mummy (which is what I
have to call her now) made Robbie and me attend her birthday party in our
pajamas, which was embarrassing. Fortunately it was a small party, but the
Baxter twins are #3 and #4 of six kids so we had kids both older and younger
than us. But the real humiliation was at the opening of presents. Donnie got a package labeled “From Sandy” –
which I knew nothing about. Inside was a heavy wooden hairbrush with “For
Sandy’s Bottom” engraved on the back. I was devastated. Then Donna opened her
present “From Robbie” and it was an identical hairbrush with “For Robbie’s
Bottom” engraved on it. Robbie went pale and then blushed bright red – just as
I had done a few minutes before. Then Mummy said, “I think Sandy and Robbie
should take Donald and Donna’s birthday spankings for them, don’t you all?” Mrs. Baxter, Aunt Laura and the Baxter kids all
laughed and applauded. So I went over Donald’s knee, he lowered my PJ bottoms
and gave me 15 hard spanks with the hairbrush on my bare bottom. Of course, I
was howling in pain half way though and blubbering like a baby when he let me
up. Then Robbie went over Donna’s knee
and got the same, with about the same result. Then as we were standing there
crying and rubbing our sore bottoms, Mummy made the REALLY scary announcement. “You all know that I have been talking about
putting Sandy on Puericil-G like Robbie is on regular Puericil. Well we will be
going to the doctor next week to get her started. AND, we were hoping that
Robbie would have matured enough to take care of her, but that hasn’t happened,
so they will both need supervision while I am at work.” (Mummy worked from noon
to 8 PM five days a week. Aunt Laura used to babysit us, but she had changed
shifts, too) “So we have worked it out so that Donald and Donna will move into
our house and take over the supervision of the children.” Great!! Robbie and I
were now “children” even though we were both older than D&D. Robbie and I were in such a state of shock that
we both stood there with our PJ’s down around our ankles, never even thinking
about pulling them back up, even though a dozen people were looking at our bare
bottoms and privates. Robbie managed to croak out a pitiful, “But, but, but…” In
turn, I livened up the party by losing control of my bladder. That, of course, led to a parade to the bathroom
where I was stripped and put into the tub by Donald and Donna who washed me off
and dried me with a towel. Since my PJ bottoms were wet, Mrs. Baxter put them
into a plastic bag and I went back to the living room bare from the waist down.
Robbie was allowed to pull his PJ’s back up so I was the only bare-bottomed
person in the room. Aunt Laura wanted to have me spanked again for wetting
myself, but Mummy decided I had had enough for one day. (Which has got to be
the understatement of the century.) Walking back home bare-bottomed, I was
terrified that somebody might see me, but we didn’t meet anybody. That was Saturday. On Sunday, the twins moved
into our house. Donald got Robbie’s bedroom and Donna got mine. This left me
and Robbie sharing a double bed in the guest room. Mummy wanted to get us twin
beds or bunk beds, but Aunt Laura said it was too much money and that we were
just little children and it was OK for us to share a bed. (I really hate that
old bitch!) Robbie was more upset than I was because he thought that I would be
wetting the bed and making him uncomfortable. But Donald said that he would put
me in diapers if that happened. Oh, and now we have to call the twins “Mister
Donald” and Miss Donna” to emphasize their authority over us. And we have to
call Mama “Mummy” even in public. Of course, they call Mummy “Mrs. K” in public
and “Marcy” in private. And the Wicked Witch of the West – as we now call Aunt
Laura - is full of praise for their “maturity” and “good judgement” and acts
like they were adults all the time. In fact sometimes when we are in bed, often
sniveling, we can hear the four of them sitting around the kitchen table and
talking about things like they were all grown-ups and we were babies. It
doesn’t help that Donald is 5-11 and weighs 175 pounds and Donna is 5-7 and
weighs 130. They are both good athletes and much stronger than either of us.
They both could pass for 18-19 years old. Robbie is 5-2 and I am 5-1 and we
look like little kids beside these two monsters. No longer are we four teenagers.
Now Robbie and I are the little kids and D&D are like grownups in the eyes
of everybody. Sunday night, D&D put us into the tub
together for the first time since I was 7 and Robbie was 5. Donna even dropped
in a couple of rubber ducks so we could “play” while we soaked. They left us
there for almost 20 minutes while they watched TV with Mummy and Laura in the
living room. Then it was “scrubby time” and our pitiful little bodies were
washed by the two of them along with much hilarity (on their part) and plenty
of hand-to-body contact, especially around our private parts. Then we were given
our pacifiers, toweled dry and led to the bedroom where we put on our PJ’s and
were tucked into bed. I think we lay there sobbing in each other’s arms. For
almost an hour before we cried ourselves to sleep. On Thursday, I am going to a new doctor. She is
a pediatrician, which is humiliating enough, and also the only doctor in town
who handles Puericil-G patients. Worse yet, Donald will be coming with me and
be present throughout the entire session so he can learn to take care of my
personal stuff, like I was a 2 year old instead of a young woman. Last night,
he and Donna took Mummy’s razor and shaved off all of my measly patch of pubic
hair so now I am as bare as a 9 year old down there. It’s all so unfair! Dr Baker Responds: Hello Sandy, I am sorry that the transition to Puericil G has
been so traumatic for you. But it was unrealistic for your mother to expect
Robbie to mature enough in a short time to be able to take care of you. Boys
taking Puericil are not usually good leaders and caregivers, their maturity is
delayed along with their aggressive tendencies. A boy (or girl) needs a certain
amount of aggressiveness to be able to take care of other children. Since
neither you nor Robbie is as mature as other kids your age, it will be a
difficult transition for you. I do agree that your treatment at the Baxter’s
birthday party was a bit extreme. It sounds like your Aunt Laura was the
instigator there. She seems to be a bit of a control freak and a domineering
personality, judging by the way she treats you and your mother. I hope that she
stays out of the picture as much as possible, you need to be disciplined and
sometimes embarrassed, but not totally humiliated. On the other hand the Baxter twins sound like a
good choice for bringing you and Robbie up for the next couple of years. They
seem to be very level-headed and it seems that they care about you and Robbie
very much. I am sure it is hard on them, too. They have to act as parents when
they are still kids themselves. So they will miss out on some of the things
that young teens do while having to take care of you and Robbie. But I am sure
it will be a maturing experience for them as well. I am looking forward to hearing about your
initial experiences while taking Puericil-G. There is not a lot in the literature
yet about Puericil-G, although the initial reports seem to be very positive. Paul D. Baker, Ph.D.