It's Not Fair - Benji

By Red Rover
Copyright 2015 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Note from the editor: this is a story set in the Puericil Universe. It's in the form of a INF letter, but since some of the language and sexual references would be inappropriate for the Boy Stuff magazine I'm publishing it as a separate story.

Benji (16 years old)
Dear it’s Not Fair:  
My name is Benjamin, but everybody calls me Benji.  I am 16 years old and in the 11th grade.  I have two sisters Diane (17) and Lori (13). 
My summer was even worse than I predicted.  When we started off for our drive to Aunt Janet’s place, I was naked in the back seat with Lori while Mom and Diane sat in the front.  Lori and I usually try to ignore each other while we are in the back seat, but this time I was playing a video game (G-rated, of course) while Loris was listening to tapes.  She kept bugging me about the noise that my game machine was making and my moving around manipulating the controller.  Finally I got tired of her bugging me and yelled out, “Fuck off and die, you stupid bitch; just stop bugging me.”
As usual, my timing was terrible.  Diane had stopped the music she and Mom were listening to in the front seat to change discs in the car radio and there was dead silence in the few seconds when I made my outburst.
Mom was incensed.  “I’ve warned you two about fighting in the back seat, but that outburst was totally over the line. Young man, you are getting your bottom blistered as soon as I find a rest stop.”
In a few minutes, we passed a rest stop and Mom pulled over.  She grabbed the hairbrush out of the glove box and dragged me out of the car and started out across the parking lot.  We must have been an amusing sight, an obviously irate woman, dragging a naked boy with one hand and holding a huge wooden hairbrush with the other, trailed by two giggling girls.  Of course, we attracted a following immediately.  She quickly found a park bench in full sight of the parking lot and in full view of the picnic area and playground.  There must have been 50 or more people in the rest area, mostly kids, but a lot of women, too.  I was dismayed to see about a dozen teenage girls wearing T-shirts labeled “Tennis Camp” among the kids.
Mom wasted no time. She sat down on the bench and pulled me over her left thigh. Then she pinned my legs with her right leg so my bare bottom was fully exposed and I was helpless to struggle. By this time, most of the boys had drifted away, but there were at least two dozen girls and women, including the tennis camp girls, gathered around in eager anticipation of the forthcoming entertainment (for them).  I could hear comments like, “He must have been very naughty,”  “Cute little chubby bottom,”  “Bet it will be bright red real soon,” and the like.
Once she was satisfied with my positioning, Mom went straight to work and bounced that heavy wooden hairbrush off my quivering bare bottom with all her strength. I was yelping in pain after the first three smacks and crying almost immediately.  Blubbering, sobbing, whimpering, pleading for mercy and promising to be a “good little boy” from the tenth smack on, I must have been a piteous sight.  I felt like I was five years old instead of fifteen, but I couldn’t stop putting on the sorry display, it just hurt too much. 
The comments from the “peanut gallery” continued. I could hear stuff like, “Wow, his bottom is REAL red now,”  “Look at his bottom bouncing up and down,”  “I saw his butthole on that last bounce,” “I’ll be he is a real sorry little boy right now,” and more.  The girls from the tennis team were the loudest. Seeing a teen boy getting his bare bottom blistered, was obviously a big turn-on for them. Even the mothers chimed in, “Little boys need to be spanked hard and often,”  “I hope you’re getting a good look, Jacob, this could be you if you keep misbehaving,”  “I need to start spanking my 12-year-old again.” 
Finally, Mom got tired and stopped spanking.  I thought my ordeal was over when she dumped me from her lap onto the grass.  I was up and doing my “spanky dance,” rubbing my blazing bottom and hopping around so my tiny penis and balls were bouncing around for all to see and giggle over. But Mom had other ideas.
“My arm is getting tired.  Diane, you take over now and give him a few dozen more good whacks.  I want to see his bottom so red we can roast wienies on it.”
So Diane pulled me over her lap and took the hairbrush from Mom.  I was too weak to resist by that time and she didn’t even bother to pin my legs. She didn’t spank as hard as Mom, but she made up in enthusiasm for what she lacked in physical strength.  Soon, I was howling as hard as ever and my legs were kicking like a windmill. The audience was visibly enjoying themselves and I could still hear their remarks to each other.  When Diane gave up and dumped me back onto the grass, she got a big round of applause from the assembled “guests.” 
Once again, I hoped it was over, but Diane passed the hairbrush to Lori and she took Diane’s place and pulled me over her lap for my third session of the afternoon.  She didn’t spank as hard as Mom or Diane, but my bottom was so red and sore by then that she could have tickled me with a feather and I would have yelled just as loud and squirmed just as much. My face was awash with tears and snot and I lost control of my bladder when she finally let me up.
Mom grabbed a paper towel and wiped me off and the, to my horror, she spoke to one of the girls from the tennis camp.  “Would you and your friends like to help us punish this VERY naughty little boy?  I think he’s had enough of the hairbrush, but you could use your hands to tenderize his legs and thighs so he will remember his little lesson for a long time.”
The girl, who looked about 17 or 18, gave her a big smile and said, “Sure thing, I’d be happy to help little…” 
“Benji is his name,” Lori piped up.  “He really is a very naughty boy.”
“My name is Brandy,” the new girl smiled.  “And me and my girls would be very happy to teach little Benji to behave.  I have a ten-year-old brother and I spank his little bare bottom all the time at home.”
So she sat down and pulled me over her lap. She was wearing a tiny tennis skirt and blue panties, which set my little boner rising at the sight of all that bare girl-skin. She positioned me so that my penis and scrotum were pinned between her bare thighs and we both got maximum stimulation. It was more than I could bear and I felt myself coming as she stroked my bare bottom. 
When her strong hand made contact with my thigh just below the sit spot, I lost control and ejaculated all over her bare legs. She just giggled and started to spank in earnest. She covered all of the backs of my thighs with quick, sharp spanks and then pried my legs apart to work on the inner thighs.  Sexual desire forgotten, I resumed screaming in agony and begging for mercy all over again. 
When I got up, Mom noticed the cum on Brandy’s thighs and commented, “It looks like my bad little Benji has made a mess on your legs, Brandy.  If you move your legs apart a bit, he can lick it all off for you.”
Brandy giggled.  “That sounds like it could be interesting.  Lick away, Benji.”
So I had to bend over and lick up all the sperm that I had spilled onto Brandy’s bare legs. With my head just inches from her (now damp) panties, I was barely able to control myself as I stimulated her into her own orgasm.  By now the mothers had pulled the little kids away from the scene and it was just me, Mom, my sisters and the tennis girls.
But it still wasn’t over.  When Brandy’s legs were clean enough to me her and my mother’s inspection, one of the other girls took over and eventually I got spanked by all nine tennis girls.  Most of them didn’t spank very hard, they just took pleasure in having a helpless naked boy over their laps and concentrated on feeling and fondling everything in sight.  The fondled my penis and testicles, ran their fingers down the crack in my butt and stuck their fingers into my rectum.  One girl actually got three fingers inside my rectum and wiggled them around until I got another erection.
She apparently liked the taste of sperm, because she turned me over and put my little erect penis in her mouth and sucked until I shot my whole load into her mouth. The other girls were like “EEEWW,” but I think a couple of them wished they had thought of it first. That was the only pleasant moment of the entire day for me.
It turned out that there were no adults with the tennis camp group.  Brandy (18) was the oldest girl there and drove the mini-bus that was taking them to the camp. They had brought food for a picnic lunch and invited us to have lunch with them at the rest stop. My sisters agreed and we dug out some food of our own to join them.  The girls and my sisters were exchanging phone numbers and showing each other the photos and videos they had taken of my ordeal. Of course, these were all posted to the Internet so millions of girls the world wide got to see my naked body and watch me cry like a baby as my bottom turned red.
Since I was still naked and not inclined to sit down, I was dispatched on errands to the concession stand and the cars to fetch ice cream, soda and other stuff. This, of course, exposed my bare red bottom and privates to a whole new group of tourists as I made repeated trips between the picnic area and the parking lot.
We found out that the tennis camp was only about ten miles from Aunt Janet’s house, so Brandy invited us to drop by there any time while the camp was open – about six weeks that summer.  My sisters and Mom readily agreed and I was not asked my opinion.
Brandy said, “That’s super!  And be sure to bring the little boy, we can have lots of fun with him!”
All the girls giggled at that and I knew that it would not be much “fun” for me, but nobody really cared what I thought about the matter.
As we were about to leave, somebody said, “We need to make sure little Benji is cleaned up before we start out. Wouldn’t want to make a mess in the car.  So three of the tennis girls “escorted” me to the family bathroom where they made me pee and poop under their direct supervision. Then they cleaned me up and stood me in the little tub that was for washing little kids and scrubbed me from head to toe, with special emphasis on my bottom and privates. Then they took me, still wet, out into the parking lot and had me run around in the sun for a while to air-dry.  So a bunch more tourists got to see my bare bottom and private parts.
Of course, I had to go through the line with all nine tennis girls and get hugged, fondled and play-spanked (which still hurt on my bruised bottom.)  Finally, Diane found a pillow for me to sit on in the back seat and we resumed our trip to Aunt Janet’s place. 
That was the first day of “How I spent my summer,” but not the worst. I will tell you more in my next letter.  



(End of File)