The Bare Bottomed Boys Club 7

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is set in a small town in the American Southwest in the near future.
Main Characters:
The Leonard Family: Mothers: Janet (38) and Patricia (41), Children: Jean (15), Jackie (13), Joanne and Jason (11) and Jodie (10).
The Parker Family: Mother: Velma (36), Children: Keisha (15) and LaDonna (12)
The Fallon Family: Mother: Sandra (33), Children:  Amy (12), Lisa (9), Donna and Donnie (2)

Chapter 7
Next morning my daily oatmeal contained bits of carrot.  Of course, I knew exactly where that carrot had been the previous day, but it was food and I ate it all.  After breakfast, Jackie escorted be out to the front porch where I found LaDonna waiting for me, along with a dozen or so neighborhood girls. 
Jackie showed me a brand new wooden paddle. “Mom Pat got this yesterday and had it personally inscribed for you.  Isn’t that cute?”
I looked at the inscription and, sure enough, it said “For JASON’S Bare Bottom.”
I flinched, and then flinched again when LaDonna said, “And I am the one who gets to use it on you first!  This will be epic!”
But there was no escape for me.  In a few seconds, LaDonna was in the chair and I was over her lap.  The first spank was hard, but not as hard as the hairbrush had been.   But she was persistent and kept on spanking until my bottom felt like it was on fire and I was bawling my eyes out.    She enhanced the agony by spanking slowly for a while then giving me a sudden flurry of rapid smacks on the same cheek, so I never knew what was coming next.
When she finally let me up and I started doing my “spank dance” around the porch, I noticed a few passersby, all women, had joined the admiring crowd, probably drawn by the novelty of a black girl spanking a naked white boy.  The crowd of course had applauded the spanking and admired my dancing, with lots of giggles and comments about my little wiener and balls bouncing around as I tried to rub the soreness out of my flaming bottom.
Then, it was off to the Fallons’ again, with the usual pauses for giggling girls to rub my bottom, play with my boy parts and give me a few spanks.   The day at the Fallons’ was much the same as the previous day.  House work in the morning, a spanking by Lisa at lunch time, followed by my plate of scraps.  The afternoon was yard work and “playing” with Lis and her friends.  The “playing” of course, was on the part of the girls.  I just provided a body for them to torment.
The only real difference was that Amy had a butt-plug to insert into my rectum instead of the carrot.   It was bigger than the carrot, but at least it didn’t have a sharp end that might have injured me.  I discovered that I could not expel it by simulating a bowel movement, it had a bulb on one end that narrowed behind it and kept it firmly in my rectum.  The rule was that it could only be removed for me to poop and that I had to have one of the girls remove it before I pooped and re-insert it afterwards. 
After “dinner,” which for me was another plate of scraps, Amy’s friends came over and watched her give me my evening spanking with great interest, lots of giggling and much kibitzing.  Amy spanked harder than Lisa had, of course, and my bottom was red and sore afterwards.  Now I realize that the scraps I was fed at the Fallons’ were far more nutritious than the mac & cheese that was my steady diet at home.  I actually gained a bit of weight daring that three weeks and was measurably stronger than when I started, although I was still small for my age and looked more like a nine-year old than an 11 year old.
When the three weeks were up, I went back home to the usual routine. The girls were happy to see me back because they had had to do most of my normal chores while I was occupied at the Fallons’.  Having sampled the “good life” at the Fallons’, it was hard to adapt to my daily dinner of rewarmed mac and cheese while the Moms and girls ate pizza, steak, chicken and veggies.
The moms decided to keep my collar on and Mom Pat went out and bought a long leather leash so the girls could lead me around like a puppy dog.  This produced lots of giggling from the neighbor girls and moms.  It was even more fun for them when the girl who was leading me would take me under her arm and spank my bare bottom with the other end of the leash. Of course, I would howl and wriggle around trying to escape the stinging slashes and afterwards, I’d do my “spanking dance” for their entertainment with my boy parts bouncing around as I tried to rub the sting out of my bottom and thighs.
About a week after my sessions with the Fallons were over, the girls decided to make a trip to the local mall to buy some new school clothes.  Of course, I wouldn’t need new clothes, but they took me along to help carry the packages.  So we all set off in the van, two moms, five girls (LaDonna decided to come along) and one very naked little boy.  I sat in the middle of the third row between Jodie and LaDonna, who teased me all the way, playing with my boy parts, smacking my thighs and pinching my bottom.  By the time we got to the mall,  my little penis was standing straight up, which brought about a whole new set of giggles from the family and other girls in the parking lot;.  Naturally, Mom Pat parked as far as possible from the store entrance so the maximum number of women and girls could admire my puny little body and stiff little wiener.
As we were about to enter the mall, Mom Jan stopped next to a couple of benches next to the door and said.  “I don’t think Jason should go into the store with his little willie sticking out like that.  LaDonna, why don’t you work on it a bit and see if we can get it to go down.”
So LaDonna sat on the bench and gripped me between her bare legs and started working on my penis, stroking it up and down with one hand and massaging my testicles with the other.  Before long, I was writhing in excitement and felt as though my penis was about to shoot a load.  But I was not yet able to produce a full orgasm, so I wound up having a “dry cum” with only a few drops of clear liquid coming out of the tip of my penis.  But it was obvious to all observers, of which there were at least a dozen by that time, that I had experienced a massive, albeit non-productive orgasm.
Mom Jan produced a tissue and wiped the liquid off the tip of my penis and told LaDonna to let me go.  So I and my deflated penis followed the girls into the main part of the mall.
No sooner had we cleared the glass doors, but Jodie piped up: “Don’t you think Jason should be punished for embarrassing us by having a stiffie in the parking lot?” 
Mom pat smiled and tousled her hair.  “You’re right, Jodie, he should get a good spanking for that.  Lucky, I remembered to bring his paddle so we can warm his little bottom right now.  In fact, since you brought it up, I’ll let you do the honors.”
Jodie giggled and grinned and led me over to a very prominent bench in the middle of the mall where everybody could witness my humiliation.   She pulled me over her left knee and pinned my legs with her right leg so that my bare bottom was sticking up in perfect spanking position.   Jodie was a year younger than me, but almost two inches taller and much stronger.
Pat handed her the paddle and she announced loudly, “This naughty little boy is going to get his naughty little bottom spanked bright red so he will learn to behave in public.”
I was already crying at this point when Jodie brought the paddle down on my right cheek with all her strength.  Of course I yelped at the first spank and continued yelping and moaning as she continued to roast my bare rump, spanking hard and fast, so I had no chance to catch my breath between smacks.  Before long, I was sobbing in pain and humiliation and tears and snot were running down my face and dripping onto the floor.
I could hear girlish giggles and titters from the gathering crowd of women and girls.  And comments like “Boy he’s getting it good” and “Wow, his bottom is red” and  “That’s the way to handle boys”  and the like.
When Jodie was finished blistering my butt, she let me up on my feet and unsnapped the leash from my collar so I could do my “spanky dance” all around the room, to the applause and giggles of the watching girls.  At that point, I didn’t care that my boy parts were bouncing around wildly for all to see, I was too busy trying to rub the sting out of my red-hot bottom.
Finally, Pat snapped the leash back onto my collar and remarked, “Now, THAT’S the way a little boy’s bottom should look all the time.’
She handed the leash to Joanne and we proceeded to the clothing store.  I was still crying and had to stop now and then so the strange women and girls could admire my red bottom and give it a pat or pinch as they chose.
END of Chapter 7




(The End)