The Bare Bottomed Boys Club 6

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is set in a small town in the American Southwest in the near future.
Main Characters:
The Leonard Family: Mothers: Janet (38) and Patricia (41), Children: Jean (15), Jackie (13), Joanne and Jason (11) and Jodie (10).
The Parker Family: Mother: Velma (36), Children: Keisha (15) and LaDonna (12)
The Fallon Family: Mother: Sandra (33), Children:  Amy (12), Lisa (9), Donna and Donnie (2)
Chapter 6
Mrs. Fallon smiled at me as she got out of the car. “How are you doing, Jason?  Can you help me with these groceries?”
“Sure, no problem,” I said and went over to the trunk of the car to get the groceries..
She giggled as I turned my back to her. “Why on earth do you have that carrot stuck in your bottom, child?”
“Amy put it there,” I explained sheepishly. “She didn’t want me getting poop on the furniture or floor.”
“OK, I guess that makes sense,” she said. “Grab one of these bags and take it into the kitchen and tell Amy to come out and help you.”
So Amy and I unloaded the car while her mother and Lisa put away the groceries. The other kids had gone home and the twins were napping in their cribs. Amy filled in her mother about the events of the day.
When she finished the recitation, Mrs. Fallon nodded and said. “Very good, Amy. It sounds like you and Lisa have things well in hand. Jason may put up a bit of a struggle at first, but once he knows his place, things will be easier. Did Lisa do a good job spanking him?”
Amy nodded, “Yep, his little bottom was bright red and he was bawling like a 5 year-old.”
“Excellent,” her mother responded. “Both you girl’s should spank him at least once a day each until he is properly submissive. You can spank him after supper before he goes home.”
Mrs. Fallon started cooking dinner and Amy, Lisa and I went into the living room to watch TV. The girls sat on the sofa and I just lay on my stomach on the floor since I wasn’t allowed on the furniture and still had that carrot sticking out of my butt. We had just sat down when the front door slammed open and a distraught young girl came in, sobbing her heart out.  I recognized her as Anita Benjamin; she was 11 and in our grade but another classroom last year.
“Amy jumped up and hugged her. “What’s wrong, ‘Nita? Why are you crying?”
Anita caught her breath and blurted out. “We have to move to Utah next month and I won’t ever see any of my friends again!!”
Mrs. Fallon came out and guided Anita to the couch. She sat on one side of her and Amy on the other. They comforted her and she finally was able to speak.
“Yesterday my father took the boys to stay with my uncle in Utah. He came back today and told us that we are all moving to Provo next month. My uncle got him a job in his company, so we can move as soon as we sell the house.”
“Anita has two younger brothers,” Amy explained. “Eddie is 8 and Max is 5.”
“Why on earth did he do that?” Mrs. Fallon asked.
“W-w-when the Mayor announced the Bare Bottom Boys program,” Anita sobbed. “Dad said he wasn’t going to let his sons be abused by a bunch of lezzie perverts.”
“Well, that’s a pretty mean-spirited attitude,” Mrs. Fallon snorted. “Didn’t he even think about what you and your mother will be going through moving hundreds of miles away?”
“Yes, but he said that it would be better for me to grow up in a place where boys and girls are equal, not one where the boys run around naked and the girls get to beat on them.”
Mrs. Fallon shook her head. “That’s just nonsense. Everybody knows that girls are superior to boys in everything except physical strength. They are smarter and more mature and just think better. Males just think with their penises, it takes a woman to civilize them.”
“I know,” Anita said. That’s what they teach us in school, but Dad doesn’t believe it.”
I had kind of scooted over into the corner while they were talking and must have made some kind of noise because Mrs. Fallon looked over at me and said. “We can’t talk about this stuff with that boy in the room. Excuse me, Anita, I have to get him secured in the back yard. Lisa, get me the bag from the hardware store, Jason, come with me, Amy, sit here and talk to Anita. I’ll be right back.”
She led me out to the back porch. Lisa came up and handed her the hardware store bag. Mrs. Fallon took out a heavy leather collar with some foam padding inside and fastened it around my neck. It snapped into place and she led me over to the corner of the porch where there was a heavy metal ring screwed into the corner post.  She had me kneel down next to the ring and looped a metal chain through the loop and then through the ring on the back of my collar. She then snapped a small padlock onto the ends of the chain.
“Now, Jason,” She said. “This is where we will secure you when we have stuff to do that doesn’t involve you. The collar doesn’t come off; it will have to be cut off when it is no longer needed so you will wear in 24/7 as long as you are under our control. The chain will be removed whenever we want you to be somewhere else. Is that clear?’
“Yes, ma’am” I said, sniffling a little bit. I had not expected to be chained up like a dog, but I guess that was my status in this household.
“Good. Now if the collar starts chafing you’ let us know and we will get some more padding for it. We don’t want you to develop any sores. There will be a pail of cold water next to the post and a plastic cup if you get thirsty. If you have to pee and nobody is around, there is an empty bleach bottle next to the post.  Just don‘t go jerking at your chain or you could hurt yourself. Somebody will check on you every hour or two in case you need to poop or have your bottle emptied.”
She went back into the house and Lisa came out with a plastic pail filled ¾ of the way with water. There were some ice cubes floating in it. “I put some ice in it so the water won’t get warm too fast,” Lisa said. “I know I hate to drink warm water.”
I tried to thank her but choked up and started to cry. She went back into the house and closed the door.
So there I was, chained on the back porch, without even a blanket or doghouse. Just my bare skin on the concrete. I found that I couldn’t quite stand up because of the shortness of the chain. I could only curl up on the concrete or kneel on my hands and knees. Sitting was out of the question due to the carrot. I wondered what the girls were talking about inside, but knew better than to attract any attention to myself.
After an hour or so, Lisa came out with the metal dish I had gotten my lunch in. She put it down in front of me and put another tray of ice cubes into my water pail. She checked my pee bottle, which I hadn’t used and went back into the house without saying anything.
I looked into the dish. There were some mashed potatoes, a few bits of meat, some peas, a few Brussels sprouts and some green beans.  It was all cold and the meat had bits of congealed fat on it, but it was food. Probably leftovers from yesterday’s dinner. No utensils. But it was food and complaining was not likely to get me anything better and would probably get me another spanking or worse. So I ate it as best I could, though the mashed potatoes were a challenge without a spoon or fork.
I heard the family having dinner and then the doorbell started ringing as a bunch of people apparently came into the house, I could hear lots of talking but couldn’t understand what was being said. Lisa came out again and took away the empty food dish without saying anything. Then Amy came out and unhooked my chain and told me to stand up. I was so cramped up from the odd position that I could barely walk. She held me by the ear and guided me into the living room which was full of women and a couple of girls, including Anita.
“This is Jason, our temporary slave boy,” Mrs. Fallon said. “He is helping around the house while I work my overtime. He’s a very naughty little boy and needs a lot of spanking. Amy will give him his evening spanking now and we can go on with our meeting. The carrot is so he doesn’t poop on the floor or the furniture. Little boys are so messy.”
Amy sat in a straight chair in the middle of the room and pulled me over her lap. She pulled out the carrot and handed it to Lisa. “Wash this off and bring it back.” She said,
Then she picked up the hairbrush and started spanking me. No warm-up, just hard smacks from the beginning. Of course I was bawling and pleading right from the beginning, but she kept on blistering my butt until I was just limp and stopped squirming over her lap. I think I may have passed out for a few minutes, because when I woke Up, I was on my feet and Amy was jamming the carrot back up my asshole.
The women were nodding and even applauding a little.  “That girl gives a damn good spanking.” One of them said.  “She’ll make a good mother some day.”
Of course all the women and girls had to feel my sore bottom, giving me little pokes, pats, rubs and pinches. Finally, Mrs. Fallon said. “OK, Jason, You can go home now. Just be here promptly at eight in the morning.”
So I made my way home, crying and rubbing my bottom. There were a dozen or so girls out playing between the Fallon house and home and all of them had to play with my privates and give me little spanks and pats on my bottom as I went by, so it was almost dark when I got home. The bad part was when they wriggled the carrot up and down and in and out. That really hurt.
Jean met me at the door, pulled the carrot out and took me down to my room in the basement. “There are two loads of laundry tonight,” She said, “ Make sure you get one load dried and folded before you go to bed and the other one into the dryer.” Then she locked the door and left me alone for the night.
END of Chapter 6




(The End)