The Bare Bottomed Boys Club 5

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is set in a small town in the American Southwest in the near future.
Main Characters:
The Leonard Family:  Mothers:  Janet (38) and Patricia (41), Children:  Jean (15), Jackie (13), Joanne and Jason (11) and Jodie (10).
The Parker Family:  Mother: Velma (36), Children: Keisha (15) and LaDonna (12)
The Clark Family:  Mother:  Maxine (38) Children: Deanna (16) and Emma (13).
The Fallon Family:  Mother:  Sandra (33), Children:   Amy (12), Lisa (7), Donna and Donnie (2)
Chapter 5
As I stepped up onto the porch, I could see two small girls following me.  They stood a few steps behind me as I rang the doorbell.   My erstwhile “girlfriend,” Amy opened the door and giggled at my appearance. “Hello, little boy,” she simpered.  “Did you come over to play with us girls?” She relieved me of the plastic bag of baby wipes and escorted me over to the chair. Her little sister, Lisa, followed, giggling.
“Come on up, girls,” Amy called to the two kids who had followed me.  “It’s time for you to learn about the care and handling of little boys.  This is Jason. He has been a naughty little boy and it’s our job to see that he is punished for his naughtiness and also to be our slave for the next three weeks.”
She indicated the two new girls.  “This is Cathy, she’s nine and her sister Brandy, who is seven.  They live next door. Brandy is Lisa’s best friend and Cathy comes over to play with them some times.”
She sat on the chair and pulled me over her knee.  “As you can see, girls, Jason has already had his little bottom spanked once this morning.  It may be a little bit warm, still.  You girls come up and feel it.”
So the four girls patted, rubbed and pinched my bottom for a while.  Then Amy shifted me so that my bottom was over her left knee and her right leg was pinning my left leg.  Then she spread my legs as far apart and she could and pulled my bottom cheeks apart so that the girls could see my anus. 
“Now, one of the first things you have to learn about little boys,” She explained, “Is that they don’t do a good job cleaning themselves, especially after they have pooped.  So you have to make sure that they are cleaned off after they pee or poop. Since Little Jason here is going to be inside our nice clean house, we need to make sure his little body, especially his nasty little bottom is clean before we let him in.”
“Lisa, go get the washcloth out of the basin and make sure there is plenty of soap on it.”   The little girl went to the basin, splashed some water around to get good suds and brought it back to Amy.
“I am going to let you start, Lisa,” Amy said.  “Now take the washcloth and give his bottom a good hard scrubbing, especially in the crack area and around his poop hole.”
Lisa obediently rubbed the rough textured wash cloth all over my bottom and rubbed hard in the crack and around my anus.   Then Amy said.  “Very good Lisa, now put a lot of soap on the cloth and put your finger in it like so.  Good, now poke your finger and the washcloth up into Jason’s poop hole as far as you can.”
I could feel Lisa’s finger entering my rectum and instinctively clamped my sphincter shut to block its passage. Amy reached down, picked up a hairbrush which I had not noticed and gave me ten hard smacks on my already sore bottom.  Of course, I yelped in surprise and pain, which all four girls found vastly amusing.
Amy then chided me, “You are a very naughty little boy, Jason.  If you don’t cooperate, we can spend all morning here on the porch spanking you.  Would you like that?”
“N-N-No,” I stammered.  “I’ll be good.  Please don’t spank me anymore.”
She gave me five more hard spanks and then put down the brush.  “OK, then, relax your muscles so Lisa can wash out your poop hole.”
Knowing further resistance was futile, I relaxed my sphincter and let Lisa’s finger explore my rectum.  It hurt a little bit, but not much compared to the spanking.  When Amy was satisfied, she told Lisa to pull her finger out and hand the washcloth to Cathy.   Cathy took the washcloth, wrung it out and repeated the whole procedure.  By then, of course, my bottom was clean as a whistle, but Amy then gave the cloth to Brandy, who went through the whole humiliating process for the third time.  It was bad enough that a girl only a year older was doing this to me, but to have three younger girls molesting my most private parts was too much and I started to cry.
Amy gave a mock sigh, “Such a little baby.  You’d never believe he was eleven years old, he acts more like he was five.  So we’ll just treat him like a five-year old, right, girls?”
The girls all giggled.   Lisa smirked.  “I always wanted a baby brother to play with, so I could be a Mommy.”
So, after dumping the dirty water from the basin onto the lawn, I was led into the house with Amy’s final instructions.  “Now, little boy, you are not allowed to sit or lie on any of the furniture except the toilet.  And you can only use the toilet when one of the girls is with you observing.  If yu just have to pee, the girl will hold your little peepee so you don’t spray all over the place and make a mess. 
“If you have to poop, you will wipe your bottom and then get up and the girl will inspect you to make sure you cleaned yourself properly.  He will use the baby wipes to be sure.  If the baby wipe comes out dirty, she will give you a thorough washing with the facecloth and scrub brush.   Then you will get ten spanks with the bathbrush for not cleaning yourself properly.
“You will not sit or lie on any rug or carpeting.  The only time you may sit on the floor is if it is tile like the bathroom and kitchen or concrete like the back porch.  We will make sure you don’t have any accidents that would mess up the house.  Cathy, go get a carrot from the refrigerator.”
Cathy scampered off, giggling, and came back with a medium sized carrot.  Amy bent me over and inserted the carrot into my rectum leaving an inch or two sticking out.  I hurt a little going in, but afterwards it just felt uncomfortable like I had to have a bowel movement.
Amy smiled as I straightened up and told me, “You will keep this carrot in your poopie hole at all times except when you are sitting on the toilet. If it comes out, you will get a spanking.  Clear?”
I nodded, miserable but resigned to my fate.
My first task was to clean the main bathroom and then the girls’ bathroom.  For that, I had to get down on my knees and scrub everything with a scrub brush, bucket and hot soapy water.  The girls took turns supervising me and taking pictures with their cell phones of my bare bottom with the carrot sticking out in various humiliating positions.  They would also stop me now and then to play with my penis and testicles and took pictures of that as well.  The pictures, of course, were immediately posted on the Internet for all their friends to admire.
Amy created a special website called “Jason the Slave  Boy”  and posted all the pictures, including ones of me being spanked, molested and bared in humiliating positions.  That site was up for at least a year and popular among girls in town and elsewhere on the web.  I even got “fan mail” from girls suggesting new poses, spanking instruments and tortures.   Of course, I was not allowed on any computer, but Amy and my sisters would show them to me when they wanted to embarrass me in front of their friends.  Even the Moms got into it and showed them to their female friends.
By the time I was finished cleaning both bathrooms to Amy’s satisfaction, she announced “Lunch time.”   The four girls sat down at the kitchen table with milk, juice, sandwiches and other snacks.  I was escorted to the back porch where there was a plastic pan filled with odd bits of food stuffs sitting on the floor.
“What’s this?” I asked naively.
“It’s your lunch, silly,” Amy announced.  “It’s leftovers from the refrigerator. No sense letting good food go to waste.”
“Can’t I put it on the picnic table and use a fork and spoon?”  I asked plaintively.
“Don’t be silly,” she replied scathingly.  “You can’t sit down properly with that carrot in your ass and you don’t need silverware.  Just kneel down and eat it with your hands and slurp up the liquid, like a doggie.”
“I’m not hungry,” I whined. 
“Nonsense, you need to eat.” She snapped. “It’s perfectly good food. We had that broccoli for dinner last night and the lima beans the night before.  There are some chicken nuggets, a pork chop that’s still got some meat on it and half a cheese sandwich.   You will clean your plate or I’ll get the belt and beat your butt off.”
So I ate my “lunch”, realizing that the stuff was healthier than what I normally got at home, although the mixture of flavors was far from appetizing and the stuff was all cold.  There was also a glass of whole milk, which was better than the skim stuff that Mom Pat gave me.
The afternoon was devoted to yard work mostly.  Weeding the garden on my hands and knees was exhausting, but any sign of goofing off was met with a few smacks from the paddle or a couple of swipes from the belt.
I made the mistake of “talking back” to Lisa at one point.  She promptly dragged me over to a bench, put me over her knee, pulled out the carrot and gave me a serious paddling with the ping pong paddle.  It was totally humiliating being spanked bare by a girl two years younger than I was, but she was almost my size and much stronger, so I had no choice.  The other three girls watched, giggled and encouraged her.  Three other girls and a young woman from the neighborhood also came over to watch and applaud.
When Lisa finished, my butt was burning and I was bawling like a 3 year old.  Lisa invited all the other girls to come and feel my hot little bottom.  Of course, they all giggled and some of them copped a feel of my dangling boy bits. The young woman told Lisa, “You give a very good spanking for a girl your age, you’re going to make a good mother some day.”
Amy sent Cathy back into the house for the baby wipes, leaving me still naked over Lisa’s lap.  When she came back, Amy gave her the carrot with instructions to was it off with the garden hose and bring it back.  Meanwhile Lisa cleaned off my bottom crack and poked her finger, covered by a baby wipe, up into my rectum.  Then she re-inserted the carrot, to the amusement of the other girls and the young woman who commented,” Better watch out for the bunny rabbits, little boy, they’ll be after your butt.”  
Everybody except me, of course, found this hysterical.  And they took turns turning the carrot around in my rectum, giggling when I squealed in pain. Finally, Lisa let me up, handed me the little metal pail with the soiled baby wipes in it and told me to dump them into the dumpster at the curb. 
So I had to cross the street to the dumpster, showing off my red bottom with the carrot sticking out.  Fortunately, only one car passed and that was driven by an older woman who just glanced at my humiliation and drove off.  So I was able to get back to the house without further exposure.
Of course, by then I had to pee really badly.  I told Amy and she directed Lisa to conduct me to the bathroom.  The two little girls trailed along as did one of the smaller girls from the neighborhood.  When we got to the bathroom, Lisa directed me to stand in front of the commode.  She took my penis in her hands and told me to “Let it go!”
At first I couldn’t do anything with three little girls watching me and another one holding my penis. So Lisa smacked my bottom a few times and twisted the carrot around until I finally was able to release a stream into the toilet.  When my bladder was empty, she took another baby wipe and very carefully cleaned off my penis and scrotum, spending a lot more time at it that was necessary and smirking at my discomfort.
Then it was back to work.  I had to gather up all the wastebaskets in the house, dump the contents into a garbage bag and carry it across the street to the dumpster. I had just finished my second trip when Mrs. Fallon’s car pulled into the driveway.
END of Chapter 5



(The End)