The Bare Bottomed Boys Club 3 and 4

By Red Rover
Copyright 2013 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is set in a small town in the American Southwest in the near future.

Main Characters:

The Leonard Family: Mothers: Janet (38) and Patricia (41), Children: Jean (15), Jackie (13), Joanne and Jason (11) and Jodie (10).

The Parker Family: Mother: Velma (36), Children: Keisha (15) and LaDonna (12)

The Clark Family: Mother: Maxine (38) Children: Deanna (16) and Emma (13).

The Fallon Family: Mother: Sandra (33), Children: Amy (12), Lisa (7), Donna and Donnie (2)

Chapter 3

My name is Jason Leonard. I am nineteen years old and a sophomore at Carson State College. This paper was originally written as a term paper for Professor Walter’s Psychology 203 course (Childhood Trauma and its Effects). He suggested that I polish it up a bit and submit it to this publisher. The names of the city, schools and people in this account have been changed for obvious reasons.

After the first round of spankings, I was made to stand in the corner, still naked with my bare red bottom on display. The girls and moms were laughing and giggling in the kitchen as I struggled to get myself together. My bottom was sore, but I knew it would be much sorer before the evening was over.

As I expected, the doorbell rang again and I went to answer it. It was Emma Clark, Jackie’s best friend and her older sister Deanna. They lived about two blocks away and were frequent observers of my humiliations. But the third girl at the door was totally unexpected. It was Amy Fallon, a classmate of Joanna and me. Amy was a year older than the rest of us but in our same class as a result of repeating the second grade because of some disease I never heard of. She was the tallest and most physically mature kid in our classes and was often mistaken for an 8th or 9th grader. She was not really close to any of my sisters and had never seen me punished.

But the worst part of it was that I had a mad schoolboy crush on Amy and had since the third grade. To me she was the epitome of Womanhood and I was desperate to attract her attention in a favorable way. Sometimes she had appeared to be amused at my antics, but never approached me in friendship and I was too chicken to approach her for fear of being laughed at.

And now she was staring at my naked body and giggling. This was utter humiliation. The girl I most admired in the whole world was staring at my naked body, would be watching me get spanked and would probably be invited to spank me herself. I wanted to just quietly sink through the floor and die.

Deanna brushed past me and turned me around to admire my well-spanked bottom. “Looks like they’ve made a good start, but we’ll have to get it a lot redder and warmer before bedtime.”

The three girls took turns feeling, rubbing and patting my bottom, along with playing with my penis and balls. I was just a boy doll for them, something to play with and make dumb jokes about.

At that point Mom-Jan came out of the kitchen to greet the girls. “Glad you could make it, Deanna and Emma, there are goodies in the kitchen, help yourselves. And I am especially happy to see you, Amy. This is Jason’s first day in the Bare Bottomed Boys program and you are going to be a big part of his therapy.”

Therapy? Amy? Why her? Why not one of the other girls? Something was going on that I knew nothing about and I was sure that I was not going to like it.

Mama talked to me about it this afternoon, Mrs. Leonard,“ Amy said. I think it’s a great idea and I’m happy to be a part of it.”

Now I was totally confused, but nobody said any more and I went back to the corner while the new girls pigged out in the kitchen.

The second round of spanking was much like the first. I went over the laps of each girl, in order of the girl’s age as before. Amy followed LaDonna, Emma followed Jackie and Deanna followed Jean. Each girl gave me 11 hard smacks with the Ping Pong paddle and it was not long before my bottom was on fire and I was pleading for mercy, bawling and squirming. The girls, of course, found my antics hilarious and often interrupted the spanking cycle to rub and pat my bottom, and even to grope between my legs and fondle my boy-parts.

But after the last girl was done with the paddle, Mom-Jan announced a change of plans. “Instead of Pat and me finishing up Jason’s spanking, I have asked Amy to give him his final 22 swats with the hairbrush. Amy will be basically in charge of Jason for the next three weeks and I want to be sure she can handle him effectively.”

I was too busy sobbing to take much notice, but there was a stir in the room and I was confused. Why would Amy be “in charge” of me? She wasn’t a relative or even a close friend of my sisters like the other girls in the room. If I had to be in somebody’s “charge”, why not Keisha and LaDonna who lived right across the street? Amy’s house was over three blocks away.

Deanna stood up, dumping me on the floor and Amy took over her seat in the straight chair. She was holding Mom-Pat’s heavy wooden hairbrush and looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. I knew this was not going to be a good finish to a very bad evening. Reluctantly, I climbed over her lap and braced myself for the inevitable. Amy made a few tentative pats on my bottom with the hairbrush and then, WHAM! It was harder than any smack I had gotten thus far and even harder than Mom-Jan and Mom-Pat usually spanked me. And twenty one more to come!

Amy spanked slowly and deliberately, spacing the spanks so that the wicked brush covered every inch of my bottom, especially the sit-spots which had been mostly spared during the paddling. Every smack was like a hot iron on my already stressed-out bottom, and I howled in agony with each stroke. When the last of the twenty two strokes had been delivered, I just lay across Amy’s lap, totally limp, unable to even try to get up. I was crying so hard, I couldn’t even see the floor in front of me and snot, tears and saliva were dripping off my face onto the rug.

When Mom-Pat picked me up and set me on my feet in the corner, I had to brace myself against the two walls, just to be able to stand up. Then Mom-Jan explained my fate.

Amy’s mother has been scheduled to work a lot of hours of overtime for the next three weeks on a special project for her company. Most days, she will be leaving the house at 7 AM and not getting home until after 7 PM. And there will be some weekend work too.”

Amy will be too busy taking care of the twins to be able to do much of the housework and Sandra will be too tired to do much after she gets home. Lisa can help a little, but she is only seven and can’t do the heavy stuff. So I have volunteered Jason to be their “houseboy” for the next three weeks, starting Monday. “

So Jason will report to the Fallon house every morning at eight and work for Amy at whatever needs to be done. Amy will feed him lunch and supper and be in full charge of him the whole time. She will be authorized to spank him any time she considers it appropriate. He will obey every order she gives him promptly and without any back-talk. He will also obey any orders given him by Lisa as long as those orders do not conflict with Amy’s.”

Oh, wonderful. Not only was a girl just a year older than me going to be my slave-mistress, a girl four years younger was also going to be my boss. This was a total disaster!

Of course,“ Mom-Jan continued, “Jason is in the Bare Bottomed Boys program so he will walk naked to and from Amy’s house every day and will remain naked while he is working there. Amy may give him an apron to wear for some jobs, but his bare bottom will be exposed at all times.”

As a side benefit, this will give Pat and me more time to be with the girls, without having to drag some nasty little boy along with us. And I know Jean and Jackie have summer programs they want to enjoy. They will take turns taking care of Joanna and Jodie while Pat and I are at work.”

Now I am going to show Amy around the house and explain the ‘care and feeding of little boys,’ the rest of you girls can play with each other or go home if it is getting close to your bedtimes. Amy and Jason, follow me.”

So the girls dispersed and Amy and I followed Jan to the main-floor bathroom. “Pat and I share the master bathroom on the second floor and the girls have another bathroom of their own up there. This is where we bathe Jason. It also serves as a backup if the upper bathrooms are occupied and one of the girls has to go. Jason, of course, is not allowed on the second floor at all.”

She pointed out the large tub. “One or two of the girls will bathe Jason every evening and sometimes during the day if he gets dirty working. They will also supervise his use of the toilet. Jason is not allowed to touch his penis at any time. One of the girls will hold it and make sure the stream goes into the toilet and not all over the floor. She will also clean it off with a baby wipe after he has finished. Jason will sit on the potty and be allowed to use toilet paper in the usual way when he defecates. The girl, however, will check his bottom afterwards to make sure he has cleaned himself afterwards. If his cleaning is not adequate, she will smack his bare bottom five times with the plastic bath brush you see hanging next to the tub. Then she will clean him up using the baby wipes. I will send over a big box of baby wipes when he comes over on Monday, you will need a lot of them.”

She turned to me. “Jason, show Amy how you present yourself for inspection.”

Obediently, I moved my legs far apart, bent over and exposed my bottom crack and butt-hole for Amy’s inspection. She took a baby wipe and wiped down my butt crack, terminating at my anus where she poked her finger just a bit into my sphincter, which made me jump.

It’s a good idea to poke your finger all the way into his rectum to make sure there is no loose material ready to come out,” Mom Jan said. “You don’t want him leaving stains on your furniture or your rug. In fact, I recommend that you don’t allow him on your furniture at all. Little boys are nasty and without pants on, he’s likely to stain whatever he sits on.”

Amy giggled and inserted her finger all the way into my rectum and wriggled it around a few times. That caused my penis to come erect for the first time since the spankings started.

Mom-Jan noticed the reaction and told Amy, “If you feel around in there, you can feel a small round lump. That is his prostate. It’s pretty small now, but it will get bigger as he grows up. Stimulating that with your finger will give him an erection and, if you stimulate it long enough he will have an ejaculation. Jason is big enough to produce a small amount of fluid and sometimes a little sperm, so have a cloth or tissue ready if you decide to stimulate him.

She opened the bathroom closet and took out the enema gear. “We give Jason an enema two or three times a week. Normally it’s one quart of soapy water, followed by another quart and then two clear rinses. The girls will show you how to do it.”

Now we’ll go down to Jason’s room. “ We went down the back stairway to the rec room which filled up about 2/3 of the basement. She pointed out the doors on either end of the rec room. “The door on the right leads to the heat pump and air conditioning equipment. The door on your left leads to the laundry room and Jason’s bedroom.”

We went through the door an she pointed out the laundry equipment. “Jason is responsible for all the laundry. Normally he will put one load in to wash every night and take the load in the washer out and put it in the dryer. In the morning, he will take the clothes out of the dryer and sort and fold them on those tables. That is his job before breakfast.”

Then she led Amy into my bedroom. It was about eight feet wide and ten feet long. There was a bare mattress on the floor and a small desk and chair in one corner. In the other corner was a dresser. There was a bare overhead light bulb and a small lamp on the desk. Several concrete blocks with boards between them served as my bookcase. A small wardrobe held my school clothes. There was one window, which was covered with black paint. The walls and ceiling were bare wallboard.

Does he sleep down here when he is being punished or is it all the time?” Amy asked.

All the time,” Mom-Jan replied. “He’s just a boy and doesn’t need anything fancy. We have two large and two small bedrooms on the second floor. Pat and I share the master bedroom, Jackie and Jean each have a small bedroom for themselves and Joanna and Jodie share the other large bedroom. Jason used to have his mattress on the floor of Joanna and Jodie’s room, but about three years ago, they decided they wanted more privacy, so we moved Jason down here.”

Now that Jason is in the BBB program, of course, he won’t need the wardrobe and the dresser. So we will move them out and just have a couple of boxes for his shoes and socks. We’ll send his clothes to Goodwill. By the time he is allowed to wear clothes again he will have outgrown these.”

We walked back out into the laundry room. “The door to the rec room is locked at 8 PM every night and Jason stays down here until somebody unlocks it in the morning. Usually between 7 and 9 AM. That’s to keep him from wandering around the house at night. Sometimes Jean and Jackie have parties in the rec room and we wouldn’t want him bothering them.”

But what if there’s a fire or something and he’s locked up down here?” Amy sounded troubled.

That’s no problem.” Mom-Jan replied. “He can open that window and crawl out, we make sure he can fit through it. Of course the window is alarmed along with the door, so if he tries to escape we’ll know about it.”

It sounds like a prison to me,” Amy said, shaking her head.

Nonsense,” Jan snapped. “He’s only a boy, it’s not like he had feelings or anything. As long as boys are fed, kept inside out of the elements and go to school, they don’t need any more. Boys and men are very simple creatures.”

Of course, I said nothing during this dialogue. Anything I said would surely get me a beating, now or later.

END of Chapter 3

Chapter 4

My name is Jason Leonard. I am nineteen years old and a sophomore at Carson State College. This paper was originally written as a term paper for Professor Walter’s Psychology 203 course (Childhood Trauma and its Effects). He suggested that I polish it up a bit and submit it to this publisher. The names of the city, schools and people in this account have been changed for obvious reasons.


Since it was after 8:00 PM, Mom-Jan locked me in when she and Amy went back upstairs. I could hear some of the girls stirring around in the kitchen, so I shrugged and loaded up the dyer and started it, then put a load into the washer and started it. I could hear some laughing and talking in the rec room and there were the sounds of a game of Ping Pong in progress, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I went back to my desk and read for a while until all the noise died down outside. For the thousandth time, I wished that +I had my own computer or even a game console, but Mom-Pat insisted that such things were too dangerous for a boy and that I would get too many wild ideas on the Internet. Each of the girls had their own, of course, and each of the Moms did too.

But I did have one secret of my own. The Air ducts for the second floor went through by bedroom and I could just barely reach a small trap door that was apparently used for cleaning. By opening it part way, I could hear everything that went on in the Moms’ room and most of what went on in Joanna and Jodie’s room. I could seldom hear anything from Jackie and Jean’s rooms unless they were yelling. Their room and the bathroom were on a different duct, apparently, but I learned a lot of stuff that way, some of which I really didn’t want to know.

Tonight, Pat started off on one of her usual rants, “I don’t know why you don’t get rid of that little bastard,” She was saying. “He’ll never be of any use to anybody. He’s not that bright and he can’t work with tools or anything else and he’s too scrawny for manual labor.”

We’ve been through this before, Pat,” Jan said wearily. No adoption agency will take a healthy boy out of a family just because the parents want to get rid of him. And who the hell in this town is going to want a boy anyway? Especially a boy that’s almost into puberty.”

Well that’s another thing,” Pat said. “Why didn’t you get him neutered? That would have solved the puberty problem and he could have grown up fat and stupid and not bothering anybody.”

I couldn’t find any doctor who would do it, not even a vet.” Jan said. “They say it would violate medical ethics or something.”

So we’re going to have to put up with the little twerp for another seven years?” Pat sounded disgusted.

Maybe not,” Jan said hopefully. “There’s a military school in Colorado I can send him to when he is 13. They will board him full time, even in the summer and by the time he finishes up he’ll be 18 and we can tell him to go to hell. With any luck he’ll join the Army and we’ll never see him again.”

By this point I had heard enough for the night and closed the vent. Nothing I hadn’t heard variations on before. I was actually looking forward to military school. Whatever bullshit they handed me would probably be a walk in the park after dealing with Pat and Jan. I am pretty sure that if Pat had figured she could get away with it, she would have taken me out in the desert, clobbered me with a shovel and buried me in some isolated patch of dirt. And Jan would have gone along with it, albeit she was too chicken to do it herself.

I didn’t sleep well that night, thinking about all the stuff that had happened that day and wondering what the next three weeks would be like. I knew that I would be naked and under the control of Amy, and that was kind of scary. Now she was going to be like my babysitter instead of my girlfriend. All the times I had daydreamed about her being my girlfriend were over. Now she obviously considered me just an annoying little kid. So much for my first romance.

Next morning I was awakened by Jackie barging into my room and shaking me. “Time to get up, twerp.” She said. “Get the laundry folded and head upstairs so you can poop, pee and get washed up for breakfast.”

I didn’t bother to ask what time it was. I didn’t have a watch or a clock in my room. So I got up, got the clothes out of the dryer and folded them on the table. Then I went upstairs where Jackie was waiting for me. We went into the bathroom where she held my peter while I peed and then had me sit down to poop. After I wiped myself off, she got a facecloth and washed my bottom and my privates. This was normal procedure anyway, it was always one of the girls taking charge of my morning ablutions.

I looked at the clock and it was just after 7 AM. Pat was in the kitchen, she was always an early riser. She was making pancakes and sausage for the girls today. It smelled good but I got my usual bowl of oatmeal and skim milk. Sometimes, when I had been especially good, Pat would put brown sugar or even some fruit on it, but this was not one of those days. Once in a while I even got a tiny glass of orange juice, but not today. The girls, of course, got a full glass of orange juice every morning and as much as they wanted of 2% milk.

Jackie led me back to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth. Then it was out onto the front porch where an old straight chair was sitting next to the door. This was new. Jackie sat down in the chair and produced a Ping Pong paddle. “Mom-Jan wants you to get a spanking every morning before you go over to the Fallon house. That will remind you that you are just a naughty little boy and will show everybody who sees you that you have been recently spanked as all little boys should be.”

But I didn’t DO anything!” I wailed. “Why do I need a spanking?”

Because, you are a nasty little boy, and nasty little boys need to be spanked at least once every day.” Jackie replied. “Hi, Keisha!”

The last was to Keisha who had come out to get the morning paper. Seeing Jackie put me over her lap, she came over to watch the fun. “Starting the day off right for the twerp, I see,” she said cheerfully.

Yep,” Jackie said enthusiastically and proceeded to smack my bottom with the paddle. She kept up a slow and steady pace, whacking both cheeks and covering my entire bottom with smacks. Once in a while she would suddenly deliver a fast series of hard smacks in one spot which always made me howl in pain and rage. As usual, I was blubbering and squirming the whole time as my ass got hotter and hotter.

Keisha stood by giggling and making approving remarks the whole time. Finally Jackie stopped, saying “Well, my arm is tired. Want to give him a couple dozen smacks to finish him off?”

Sure thing!” Keisha replied. She took the paddle and gave me about twenty more smacks on my already sore bottom. “That’s a pretty shade of red now, isn’t it?”

Yes it is,” Jackie said and dumped me off her lap. “OK, Prince Redbottom, off you go to Amy’s house for your first day as a slave boy. Behave yourself or she’ll blister your bottom again.”

As I walked down the street, I heard Keisha say. “This has been fun. I’ll wake up LaDonna tomorrow, she’ll enjoy this too.”

Of course,” Jackie replied. “The more the merrier. After all, Jason’s cute little bottom is public property now. And it’s fun to watch it get all hot and red while he blubbers away like a two-year old.”

The three blocks to Amy’s house seemed like three miles. There weren’t a lot of people around at this hour, but it seemed like every block had a few little girls playing in the front yards and all of them giggled and pointed at the naked little boy with the red bottom walking by. A few cars, all driven by women, slowed down to get a better look. It struck me then that there were very few men and boys in my neighborhood. I knew there were only three boys on my street; one was 16, one was 8 and the third was 5 or six. I had not had a boy my own age to play with for several years. And there were only two adult males. One was an older man whose kids were long grown and out of the house, the other was the father of two girls in their late teens. All the other households were headed by women. All my schoolteachers were women as were all the City government workers, even the police. As a preteen boy, I was definitely out of place in that town.

When I got to Amy’s house, my heart sank again. On the porch, there was a straight chair and what looked like a washbasin next to it. Things were not looking good.

END of Chapter 4


(The End)