* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * BARE
story is set in a small town in the
American Southwest in the near future. Main
Characters: The
Leonard Family: Mothers: Janet (38) and Patricia (41), Children: Jean
Jackie (13), Joanne and Jason (11) and Jodie (10). The
Parker Family: Mother Velma (36), Children Keisha (15) and LaDonna (12) Chapter
name is Jason Leonard. I am nineteen years old and a sophomore at
Carson State
College. This paper was originally written as a term paper for
Walter’s Psychology 203 course (Childhood Trauma and its Effects). He
that I polish it up a bit and submit it to this publisher. The names of
city, schools and people in this account have been changed for obvious
the summer of 2015, I was 11 years
old and living in the small city of Toklas in the Southwestern USA. I
knew my father or even his name. All that I knew was that he had been a
student at Arizona State and had sold my mother, Janet a dozen vials of
frozen sperm, which she had used to produce me and my four sisters. She
had inherited
a lot of money from her parents and had a good job, so we were never
poor. In
2010, she moved to Toklas to be with her lover Pat, whom she later
married when
it became legal. The town of Toklas had been a sleepy small town until
a major
mail-order company opened a large distribution center just outside the
town. The
center employed a lot of women and gradually the town became dominated
women’s rights activists. One
evening, as we were all finishing
dinner, my fifteen year old sister Jean dashed back into the dining
room. “Hey
everybody, The Mayor is on TV announcing the Bare Bottomed Boys
Program. It’s
going to start here next week!” The
rest of us quickly gathered in the
living room. All were looking fascinated except for me. I knew this was
going to be a good day for me. Mayor
Gladys Newcastle stood at the
lectern straining the seams of her usual gray business suit. Her
Sylvia, sat behind her along with several members of the City Council.
Council Chambers only held about 100 people, and almost all the seats
filled by women. Even the local TV crew was exclusively female, albeit
were a few male reporters from regional TV stations and newspapers
present as
well. “As
you all know,” the mayor began, “The
State Legislature passed the “Bare Bottomed Boys Bill” – as the press
dubbed it – several months ago. The Permissive Male Nudity law, as it
properly termed, took effect on July 1st. As of that date, male
children under
the age of sixteen are not required to wear clothing in public places
streets, stores, buses and other facilities open to the public. Schools
private institutions such as churches, day care centers and such are
required to comply, but may do so by issuing appropriate regulations of
own.” “The
purpose of this law is to recognize
the fact that young boys are, by nature, rebellious and headstrong and
firm discipline to ensure that they do not disrupt normal activities
and try to
dominate young girls, whom we all recognize are smarter and more mature
boys of equivalent ages, but are often smaller and physically weaker.” “In
the City of Toklas and the Toklas
School district, we have taken the further step of requiring young boys
to bare
their bottoms at all times when in public and to be liable for corporal
punishment by a number of persons in authority positions. These persons
parents, teachers, police officers, other public officials and female
Other persons may be designated as well.” “Thus,
effective today, no boy between
the ages of 6 and 15 may appear in public with his buttocks covered
specific authorization from a designated public official or school
principal. This
will apply to all students at our three elementary schools and the
Middle School. Since our high school students are bused to the Regional
School at Crenshaw, they will not come under these rules and may be
fully clothed
at all times. They will, however, be required to carry legal
cards attesting to their status as high-school students. The
Mayor stopped and smiled. “Of
course, this does not apply to clothing needed to cover the body during
wet or
cold weather. We don’t want our little boys’ bottoms to freeze, in fact
we plan
to keep them quite warm.” There
were a few laughs from the
audience and even Sylvia Newcastle cracked a thin smile. “The
Child Discipline Ordinance also
brings back corporal punishment to public schools in the District, only
boys, of course. There have been rumors that girls might be spanked as
but there is no intention of doing so, unless, of course, discipline
girls becomes a problem in the future. Nor will girls be required to
disrobe in
the presence of boys, but, of course, boys may be required to be naked
and to
be spanked in the presence of girls, regardless of the relative ages of
children involved.” “The
full text of the Child Discipline
Ordinance will be released to the press immediately after this meeting.
will be posted in all public places by next Monday. Now let me
introduce Ms.
Hortense Bustle, the chairwoman of the Toklas School Board who will
explain the
school program.” Ms.
Bustle, a thin, hatchet-faced woman
with graying hair and a perpetually sour expression came up to the
microphone. It
was not just her appearance that caused her to be labeled “The Wicked
Witch of
the West” by most of the district’s school children and a good many
parents. “First
of all, I want to thank Ms.
Prunella Hagworthy of our local chapter of the Council of Women’s
Societies. The
C.O.W.S. has given the school district a grant of $250,000 to create a
after-school facility to handle boys who do not have parents at home
during the
work day. We are calling it the Bare Bottomed Boys Club or the BBBC. It
will be
located at the Abzug Elementary school with is centrally located
Steinem Middle School and Rodham Elementary School. Boys from the other
schools will be bused to Abzug immediately after school ends and will
there until they are picked up by their parents or adult siblings.” “The
BBBC will be staffed primarily by
girls 16 and older from the Regional High School. Since they do not
arrive back in town until after 3:00 PM, the first hour of operation
will be
staffed by teachers and parent volunteers. The BBBC will operate from 2
PM to 7
PM each day, to allow for parents who have longer commuting times. At
least one
trained adult will be on premises at all times when the Club is in
operation. This
may be a teacher, parent or other adult female trained by the District.
We are
also investigating the possibility of having overnight and weekend
hours to
accommodate parents with unusual or variable work schedules.” “Boys
attending the BBBC will be completely
naked at all times both in the buildings and on the grounds of the
compound. All
staff members will be allowed, indeed encouraged, to spank the boys for
perceived deviation from proper behavior. Staff members will be issued
choice of paddles, hairbrushes or short straps which they will carry at
times to serve as an incentive for good behavior. They may also spank
the boys
by hand if they wish, this is more appropriate for the younger boys.” “Girls
from the three schools may also
be placed in the BBBC at the request of their parents. They will be
clothed and not subject to physical punishment, of course. Selected 8th
grade girls may be appointed as Special Aides. They will also be issued
spanking instruments and be authorized to spank the boys at their
discretion.” The
physical plant will consist of four portable
classrooms renovated to meet the Club requirements. One will be
outfitted as a
gymnasium for sports, recreation and fitness purposes. The other three
buildings will serve as playrooms and have limited sanitary facilities
and a
small kitchen area for limited meal preparation. There will be a fenced
area in back of the building with the usual playground equipment. The
will be surrounded by an eight-foot chain-link fence to prevent
escapes. It
will be locked at all times except when children are arriving at or
leaving the
facility. All staff members, of course, will have keys in the event of
emergency.” “A
complete operating manual for the
BBBC will be mailed to each family with children enrolled in one of the
schools involved. You should expect to get it in the mail within two
weeks. In
the meantime, the complete text of the manual as well as the City
will be posted on the school District web site within 24 hours.” Ms.
Bustle left the lectern and Mayor
Newcastle returned to the microphone. “We will now have some
demonstrations of
allowable attire for boys under the new rules. Note that there is a
considerable variation of skin exposure, but every costume places the
buttocks on full display and accessible for immediate spanking as
required. Bring
out the boys.” Six
boys, ranging apparent age from ten
to twelve reluctantly marched onto the platform. As each boy reached
his designated
spot, he stopped, turned around and displayed his bared buttocks to the
audience and the TV cameras. The first boy was completely nude except
for short
white socks and sneakers. “This
is Nathan.” The Mayor announced. As
you can see, he is completely naked above the ankles.” The
next boy wore only a thong with a
large pouch enclosing the penis and scrotum. The rear string of the
disappeared entirely between his buttocks so he appeared to be
completely nude
when viewed from the rear. “This is Kevin, he is wearing the standard
and athletics costume. The pouch supports his genitals, but leaves his
bare for viewing and spanking.” The
third boy was wearing a similar
thong but the sac only covered his balls and left his penis hanging
out. “This
is Alex. His pouch only covers his scrotum and leaves his penis free to
about. Many women and girls find it more aesthetically appealing to
have the
penis visible, especially for older boys who may experience erections.” The
fourth boy wore a narrow loincloth
which hung down below his testicles in the front, but had only the
narrow thong
in the back. “This is Michael. You will note that the loincloth covers
genitals while he is standing or walking, but will offer tantalizing
of his penis and balls as he moves around more vigorously or sits on a
bench or
chair. Some women and girls prefer the occasional glimpse over the full
exposure. The
fifth boy wore an apron, similar to
those worn by cocktail waitresses. It was tied around the waist and
covered the
front of his groin, but had no string in the back, so the boy’s bottom
completely bare. “This is Harold. His costume is designed for places
church or organizations where display of sexual parts is discouraged. “ The
last boy wore what appeared to be
normal pajamas until he turned around. The audience could then see that
back part of the one-piece PJ’s was cut out from the waist down almost
to the
knees. “This is Matthew. This costume is designed for wearing outside
the town
where display of male genitals is not permitted, the city of Crenshaw
example. A boy can travel anywhere in the state under the new rules
this costume, whereas some of the others would be illegal under local
laws.” At
her nod, the six boys left the
platform and began to circulate among the audience members, moving
slowly and
giving each woman or girl ample opportunity to stroke, pat or grope
exposed buttocks and genitals. “This
concludes the televised portion of
the press conference. The mayor announced. “After we go off the air,
there will
be a question and answer session for the press and parents here. The
and answers will be summarized on the City and School web sites within
hours.” “Thank
you members of the City Council,
the School board and the C.O.W.S. for all your hard work in making this
possible.” END
of Chapter 1 Chapter
name is Jason Leonard. I am nineteen years old and a sophomore at
Carson State
College. This paper was originally written as a term paper for
Walter’s Psychology 203 course (Childhood Trauma and its Effects). He
that I polish it up a bit and submit it to this publisher. The names of
city, schools and people in this account have been changed for obvious
the Mayor went off the air,
Mom-Jan and Mom-Pat looked very pleased and all the girls were
chortling and
looking at me saying stuff like “Jason’s gonna be bare all year.” And
naked boys all over the school” and such. I was trying to keep from
into tears. Jackie dashed off to her room to get on her computers and
the rest
of us went back into the dining room for dessert. I had no appetite and
gave my
pie to Jodie who scarfed it down without hesitation. Pretty
soon, Jackie was back with a
printout which she showed to the Moms. “it says here that mothers
should strip
all their boys immediately, even though it’s two months before school
starts up
again, ” she reported gleefully. “and that every boy should be spanked
at least
once a day for the first two weeks to get them accustomed to being
under female
control.” “That
sounds like a splendid idea,”
Mom-Pat exclaimed. “Jason get your clothes off right now. And Joanne,
go get
the paddle and hairbrush from our bedroom.” I
started to undress, knowing what was
coming. I was always spanked naked in the living room with all the
other family
members watching, along with any female guests who happened to be
there. None
of the girls were ever spanked at all. If they had to be punished, they
grounded, had their phones taken away or were banned from their
computers or
given extra chores. The last part was fine with me because the chores
something I would have had to do if nobody else was being punished. The
all looked forward to seeing me bare-bottomed over one of the mom’s
getting my bottom blistered and giggling while I squirmed, kicked and
bawled my
eyes out. They often invited their friends over to watch when they knew
it was
going to happen, so my bottom was very often the evening’s
entertainment for
the whole family. Usually
I was spanked by one or both of
the moms, but since she turned 15, Jean was also allowed to spank me
and she
took great pleasure in doing it. I could see both her and Jackie on
their cell
phones as I undressed, so I knew there would be visitors soon. When
I was naked except for my socks, I
had to bring one of the heavy dining room chairs into the living room
and set
it up so that everybody could have a good view of my spanking. Mom-Jan
announced the new rules for the house. “Jason
will be kept naked for the rest
of the summer, except for his socks and, when he is outside, his
sneakers. He
will not attempt to cover any part of his body and any girl or female
guest is
allowed to touch his private parts whenever they want to, providing
they don’t
do him any injury. Up until now, only Pat, myself and Jean have spanked
but, starting tonight any of the girls can spank him at any time for
any reason
– or no reason at all, if they want to.” “Since
he will be bare-bottomed at all
times, we do not want him having any accidents on the furniture, so
every time
he goes to the bathroom, one of the girls will go with him and check
his bottom
to make sure it is clean. She will use a baby wipe to check him, and if
comes out soiled, he will be given a dozen smacks with the bathbrush on
spot and the girl will then clean off his bottom. Girls, we will keep a
box of
baby wipes in the living room, so you can check him at random times
during the
day and immediately if he passes gas.” For
tonight’s spanking, we will begin
with Jodie, the youngest, she will give him twenty five hand spanks and
Joanne will do the same, and so on in order of ages. After the hand
each girl will give him 11 spanks with the paddle and Pat and I will
finish up
with 11 smacks each with the hairbrush. Depending on the condition of
bottom, we may then add a strapping. Of course any resistance at any
stage will
result in doubling the number of spanks due from that person and I will
five strokes of the strap to his final round. Are there any questions?” Seeing
the broad smiles on the girls and
the tears starting to run down my cheeks, Mom-Jan nodded to Jodie. “OK,
go sit in the chair, the rest of you make yourself comfortable.” I
started to get over Jodie’s lap when
the doorbell rang, as I was sure it would. Mom-Pat snapped, “Get the
Jason, and no covering up.” So
I trudged out to the front door. It
was Keisha and LaDonna Parker, the 15 and 12 year old girls next door.
They, of
course, giggled when they saw me naked and walked past me into the
living room.
Keisha gave me a smack on the bottom as she passed and said “This will
be so
much fun!” Mom-Jan
smiled. “Hello girls, you are
just in time for the inauguration of the Bare Bottomed Boys program.
The girls
will fill you in on the plans for tonight. LaDonna will spank Jason
Joanne’s turn and Keisha will spank him after Jackie’s turn.” Wonderful,
another fifty hand spanks and
22 more paddle smacks. And I had a feeling that there was more to come. As
I lowered myself over Jodie’s lap, I
could see the big smirk on her face. “OK big brother, now you’re
yours,” she laughed. Actually,
even though she was a year
younger, she was two inches taller than me and an inch taller than
Joanne. I
was the runt of the litter, for sure. The Parker girls were both bigger
stronger than I was, too. Jodie
started by patting and rubbing my
bottom until I was getting frantic with anticipation. Finally she gave
me a
hard spank on my right buttock and I jumped and yelped. Then she
followed up
with a series of hard spanks, covering both cheeks and putting an
smack on the top of my thighs. Knowing that she was the youngest of the
I tried to put on a brave face, but the tears were flowing by the time
finished up. When
I got up, I was directed to walk
around the room and show all the girls my nice pink bottom, so they
stroke it and pat it and check it for warmth. The Parker girls also
took the
opportunity to play with my boy parts, which was even more embarrassing
they had only gotten short glimpses of my penis and scrotum during my
spankings. Then
my darling twin sister Joanne took
me over her knee and repeated the process. You would think that her
being my
twin and sharing a womb for nine months would have made us closer, but
she had
really never liked me. I think she resented sharing the attention of
the moms
and older sisters when we were toddlers. So she spanked just as hard as
had and I was sobbing by the time it was over. Another
round of “inspections” and
LaDonna took over. She was a tennis player and had very strong arms and
She spanked hard and fast and I was bawling my head off by the time she
finished spanking me. The
whole sorry episode was repeated
with Jackie, Keisha, Jean and the two moms. By this time I was a
mess. At the end, I was just lying limp over Mom-Pat’s lap, completely
with snot and tears running all over my face and onto the rug. Mom-Jan
picked me up and marched me to
the corner. “Now we’ll let our naughty little boy recover his composure
for a
while befre we start the second round. Meantime, there is coffee, milk
cookies in the kitchen in case anybody is interested.” END
of Chapter 2