Amber in Charge 2

By Red Rover
Copyright 2014 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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                    AMBER IN CHARGE
This story is set in a small town in Florida in the near future.
Main Characters:
The Milton Family: Mother: Pamela (38), Children: James (17), Robert (15), Amber (13), Daniel (11).
The Kelly Family:  Mother: Caroline (32), Children: Maxine (13), Jennifer (11)
Chapter 2
About a week after we moved in, Mom decided to take the boys to the pediatricians who worked for the WIX group.  She also invited Aunt Caroline and the girls to come with us as she planned to involve them more fully in the boys’ treatment.  The boys were usually nude around the house but the rules were that they had to cover their privates when they left the compound and the doctors’ offices were in a medical clinic about three miles from the compound.
So the boys put on their underpants and we all got onto the bus and proceeded to the clinic. (The WIX group had several small buses that provided free service to the town and malls in the area.)  Of course, the first thing that happened when we got to the clinic was that the boys had to take off their underpants and stand along the wall completely naked. They didn’t like this, and Bobby put up a fuss, so Mom took out her hairbrush and gave him a few smacks on his bare bottom. The dozen or so girls of various ages who were sitting in the waiting room found this quite amusing, of course.  Danny and Jimmy just took off their underpants and did as they were told.
After about a half hour, Doctor Alberts’ nurse called us into the examination room. She weighed and measured the boys, took a blood sample and had them pee in a cup. Then she had each of them, in turn, get up on the tab le, put their feet in the stirrups and spread their legs so she could examine their boy parts. She measured their penises and testicles and checked for rashes or any other injuries. Then she stuck thermometers into their rectums and took their temperatures. She stimulated their wieners and tried to get them erect.  Jimmy was able to get a full erection, but Bobby only got a partial one and Danny couldn’t get one at all. Of course we girls got a close up look at the whole process and giggled throughout it, which made the boys turn red.
Then we were all sent back out into the big waiting room until the doctor could see us. This was a pretty big room as there were three pediatricians at the clinic so there were over twenty people out there. Most of them were kids, of course, all of them were dressed except for my three brothers. I figured that they were town kids and not subject to Wix rules. The other boys pretty much ignored us but the girls were fascinated by my three naked brothers. Some of the little ones would even come up and touch their privates and giggle.
Finally, we were all led back into the examination room and met the doctor. Doctor Jeanine Alberts was a tall woman in her late 30’s and had a very “no-nonsense” air about her. She lined up the three boys and started her examination, while the rest of us sat in chairs against the wall and observed. She poked and prodded every part of the three boys, who squirmed and blushed sometimes when she touched their sensitive areas.  
When she was finished, she stood up and announced, “I will see the women and girls in my private office now. You boys wait here.”
When we were all seated in her office, which was kind of crowded with all five of us in there with her, she addressed Mom. “I understand that you want Mrs. Kelly and the three girls to help you in the care and supervision of the boys, right?”
Mom nodded.
“OK, then I will explain it all so that the girls can understand it. You ladies are both Licensed Practical Nurses, I understand.”
Caroline spoke up. “Yes, Doctor, we are. I work at the Fern Hill Nursing home and am hoping to get Pamela a job there as well.”
“Very good, then you will have no trouble supervising the girls,” the doctor continued. I have reviewed their medical records and it seems that the boys’ Puericil levels have varied quite a bit over the last several months. You have had them on oral medication, is this correct?”
“Yes, that’s right,” Mom said. “And there are three different pills so it gets confusing some times. I am sure I have given them the wrong pills some times.”
The doctor smiled, “Well, I am going to switch them all over to suppositories, so that will make it simpler for you to keep track of. And you don’t have to treat them every day. Twice a week for Tommy and Bobby and once a week for Danny.”
She took out a foil-wrapped object that looked like a giant vitamin capsule. “These are all the same size and strength so you will only have one box to keep track of. And each suppository comes in its individual bubble pack, so there is no cross-contamination.  One of the bad things about the pills is that their effectiveness can be increased or reduced by certain foods and food additives. And young boys eat such a variety of stuff that it’s impossible to keep up with all of them, even for one boy, let alone three.”
“In fact,” she continued, “There is really only one thing that you have to be careful of and that is body temperature. You must NEVER put in a suppository when the boy’s body temperature is over 99.8° F. This can cause the Puericil to be absorbed too quickly and can cause irritation of the bowels. So you will have to take the boy’s temperature with a rectal thermometer as the first step in the process. If the temperature is 99.8° or higher, skip that day’s treatment and do it the next day, assuming his temperature is normal then.”
I looked at the other girls and we all smiled. This was going to be even more fun than we thought it would be!
Dr. Alberts saw our expression and smiled. “The next step in the process will be to give the boy an enema.  It doesn’t have to be a big one, just a pint or quart of plain water will be fine. I’d say to start with a one-liter bag and give him about half the bag the first time. You can give more or less as you see what it takes. It may be different for each boy. We just need to flush out his rectum and lower colon so we can insert the suppository properly. Just make sure you have a toilet or bucket ready as he may not be able to control his sphincter at first.’
She picked up a tool that looked like a giant hypodermic needle, but with a soft tube instead of a needle on the end. “Now this is the part that can get tricky and you need to pay close attention when Nurse Ramirez supervises you doing it on the boys later.”
“Notice that the tube is wide and flexible. Well that would make it hard to insert into the boy’s rectum, so it comes with a plunger that has a hard tip and fits right into the tube. You will need to get it at least three inches into the colon, past the wide blue line on the barrel of the tube. You can put it in up to four and a half inches if the boy can tolerate that. “
“Now comes the tricky part. You have to pull out the plunger while leaving the barrel of the device fully inside the boy’s rectum. Make sure you lubricate the plunger very thoroughly before you insert it. And you need to do it fairly quickly so none of his poop leaks out of the tube when you remove the plunger. It works best if you have another girl standing by with the suppository when you withdraw the plunger.

“Once the plunger is clear, insert the suppository into the tube and SLOWLY push it into the boy with the plunger. When the plunger is fully inserted, you draw it out slowly, leaving the suppository inside the boy’s colon. You just need to move the plunger back an inch or so and then slowly pull out the tube. The boy’s anal sphincter should then close and the suppository will be in its proper place.”
“The suppository has a soluble coating which will dissolve in about an hour and there is kind of a small sponge in there which will release the medicine over a period of 2-3 hours. So you must make sure that the boy does not have a bowel movement for at least four hours after the insertion. If he cannot control himself, then you can insert a butt plug and keep it in overnight.  I recommend that you do the insertion just before bedtime and that the boy be encouraged to empty his bladder and bowels before you start the procedure. The medicine will be absorbed overnight and the residue will pass out harmlessly with his next bowel movement.”
“You will, of course, need to wash off all the apparatus after each procedure. We will give you a container for you to fill with water and soap solution in which you can keep the tools overnight.  Next day you will want to rinse and dry all the items and store them in a cylinder of alcohol to keep them clean. Be sure to wipe off the alcohol on a clean paper towel or a baby wipe before you use them on the boy.”
Dr. Alberts stood up and looked at us. “I there are no questions, You can go back out into the main treatment room and Nurse Ramirez will help each of you girls to give the initial treatment to each of the boys. You will all get copies of a small pamphlet which will explain the process in detail, including pictures and diagrams.”
The three of us were looking at each other wide-eyed and giggling as we thought about what we would be doing to the boys. This was going to be a great year!!
END of Chapter 2

(The End)