Amber in Charge 1

By Red Rover
Copyright 2014 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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        Amber In Charge
The time period is the near future. The place is southern Florida. Amber Milton is a 13 year old girl with three brothers: James, age 17, Robert, age 15 and Daniel, age 11. All three boys have been taking Puericil since they were nine years old. Their mother, Pamela, a divorcee, has recently moved them to a gated community of about 300 houses. Shortly after moving in, Pamela takes a job at a nursing home and works the 3 PM to 11 PM shift. She has placed Amber in full charge of the three boys, giving her permission to give them orders and punish them for any transgressions.
This story is set in a small town in Florida in the near future.
Main Characters:
The Milton Family: Mother: Pamela (38), Children: James (17), Robert (15), Amber (13), Daniel (11).
The Kelly Family: Mother: Caroline (32), Children: Maxine (13), Jennifer (11)
Chapter 1

My name is Amber and when I was 13, I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world! I had three brothers and I was in complete charge of them. I could tell them what to do, what to wear, when to go to bed and everything. It’s just like I was the mother and they were my little kids. I could even spank them on their bare bottoms any time and any place for any reason. Even when there were other people around to watch!!
When Mom and Dad were married, they bought a home in Long Island. Dad was a stockbroker and made a really good living. But when I was 4 years old, he got caught doing something illegal and went to prison. Fortunately for Mom and us kids, he had set up a trust fund, which the feds couldn’t take away, so we got the house and money for groceries and that stuff.
But when I was 12, the money started to run out. The House was expensive to maintain and prices were going up while the money from the trust fund wasn’t. So Mom decided to move us all to Florida into a gated community run by a feminist group that she had joined. She was able to sell the expensive house in New York and get half of a duplex in the Balboa Heights community. This left a big chunk of money for our future expenses.
Balboa Heights had about 350 homes, which were a mix of singles, duplexes and 4-plexes. It even had its own school, Balboa Academy which was a private school that had grades 1-12 in two buildings. At the time we moved in there were about 600 school-age kids in the school.
The complex was run by a Community Board of which had 5 members from the Corporation and four members elected from among the residents. The Corporation was formally called “Women In Total Control of Homes.” We called them the “Wix.” They had some very strict rules.
First of all, only women could own or rent homes in the complex. All the employees in the complex were female.
No males between the ages of 22 and 65 were allowed to live in the compound. There were a few older couples but almost all the families consisted of a mother (or two) and children.
All boys between the ages of 9 and 21 had to be on Puericil. This is a medication that keeps boys from growing up and being sexually active. It also makes them timid, weak and dumb. More on that later. All three of my brothers had been on Puericil since they were nine or 10, so they looked like little boys, even though Jimmy and Bobby were teens. I was bigger and stronger than any of them.
We shared the duplex with the Kelly family. Their mother was Caroline and she had two girls, Maxine was 13 and Jennifer was 11. Best of all, there was a door between the halves which could be locked from either side when one family wanted privacy. But it was almost always unlocked so we kids could go through it at will. And there was a HUGE playroom in the cellar which was shared by both families. There was a partition that could be used to divide it in two, but it was never used while I was there, in fact it was removed entirely a couple of years after we moved in.
Max, I became good buddies right away. Max was only a month younger than me and we almost instantly became Best Friends Forever (BFF). Jen was mature for her age, so she fit in pretty well with us except for a few “teen” things that she couldn’t join us in. We moved in the first week of August and school would be starting in September. Max and I would be going into the 8th grade, and Jan into the 6th. The boys were well behind their age groups because of the Puericil, so Jimmy would be in the 10th grade, Bobby would be in the 8th with Max and me and Danny would be in the 5th.
Our side of the duplex had three bedrooms on the second floor. There was a master bedroom with its own bath and two medium sized bedrooms and a large bathroom for us kids. I got a room of my own, but the three boys had to share one room. And because there wasn’t room for three beds, the three boys had to share one queen-size bed. This meant that the two older boys had to go to bed at Danny’s bedtime, which was 8 PM, every night except for special occasions. Jimmy and Bobby complained about this because they had separate bedrooms in the old house, but a few trips over Mom’s knee convinced them that they had to put up with it.
Mom was very strict with the boys. The slightest transgression meant that the boy went over her knee for a bare-bottom spanking. This was usually in the living room, in full view of anybody who happened to be there. After a spanking, the boy(s) went into a corner and stayed there completely nude for at least a half hour. Max, Jen and I thoroughly enjoyed the spankings. It was fun to watch them squirm, kick their legs, wriggle their little bare bottoms and see them turn bright red as the hairbrush or paddle did its work. And their yelping, bawling and pleading for mercy was music to our ears. Even better was the “spanky dance” that followed as they danced around the room, bawling their heads off and rubbing their bottoms, while their little boy parts bounced up and down for all to see.
Max, Jen and I were never spanked, of course. We were girls and “future mothers” and we were considered much more mature than the boys. We were sometimes allowed to help by undressing the boys and giving them their “warm-up” hand spankings before Mom went to work with the paddle or hairbrush. It was no problem, because I was 5-4 and Max was 5-5 and Jen was 5-2 at the time. Jimmy was only 5-1, Bobby was 5-0 and Danny was 4-10. And all us girls were much stronger than the boys because we were on sports teams, while they were not allowed to play on sports teams.
We were also responsible for bathing the boys. At 7:30 every night, we undressed the boys and put them in the tub, (we had a very large bathtub). Seeing them all bare and wet was lots of fun. We took turns washing their hair and upper bodies and then had them stand up and bend over so we could wash their bottoms and boy parts. If they gave us any trouble, we had a long handled plastic bath brush we could use to give them a few hard swats on their bare, wet bottoms. They really howled when we did that!
Then we put them into their baby pajamas, covered with pictures of bunnies and stuff and tucked them into bed. They didn’t like the pajamas, either but they had no choice in the matter.
Jan had to go to bed at 8:30 on school nights, but Max and I were allowed to stay up until 9:30 on school nights and 10:30 on weekends.
Things were great, but they got even better after school started.

END of Chapter 1

(The End)