Tough Love 8

By Arclos

Copyright 2016 by Arclos, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 8: Fin
It was tough for Antonio and Thomas to sleep that night. Sure, they were exhausted so they did get some rest. But fear for what lay ahead kept waking them up. Thomas had multiple nightmares about what could happen: being made to masturbate in front of his whole church, having to suck the dick of every kid there, getting spanked by his parents. As for Antonio, he kept dreaming that they would cut his balls off as his final punishment. That it was God's will.
That morning, Antonio was released from his bondages by his parents. They made him put on a tie: that's all he would be wearing to church. He briefly looked at himself in the mirror. Despite having no hair on his body and a chastity belt over his genitals, he did think that he looked hot wearing nothing but that tie. At least he had that going for him. They made him eat breakfast which included a little pill so that he would get an erection throughout the Church service. Which mortified Antonio: it was bad enough that the Church he had been raised in was seeing him naked! Now he would be in constant pain as they saw him try to get erect!
Thomas had a similar morning. He was freed, he was then given breakfast with the same little pill. Thomas was already blushing, already dying from the embarrassment that so many people were going to see him naked. Only they didn't give him a traditional tie. Instead they made him wear a bowtie. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he thought he looked like a little girl trying to pass as a boy. He almost started crying then and there. As for his parents? They thought he actually looked adorable wearing nothing but the bowtie.
Once Antonio's family got to church, they looked at him before getting out of the car. Antonio was sitting at the backseat, looking at all the people walking past the car in the parking lot. One thought was going through his mind: this is actually happening! They were actually going to be seeing him naked!
His mom said “Well son, I hope you are ready. We're going to take you backstage before going to our seats.”
“What do you mean I'm going backstage?” Antonio said.
His mom replied “We talked it out with the pastor, to make sure it was okay bringing you and Thomas naked. He thought it wasn't just splendid, but he worked it into his sermon. So you'll be going on stage with him.”
“What?” Antonio asked.
His dad replied “Yup. It was actually hard. We had to check with the Church's legal team because you know how they air these sermons across the country and worldwide. Millions of people see them. Anyways, as long as they don't get any close-ups of your genitals and there's some representatives from the government, it's perfectly legal they think. Luckily, plenty of the right people attend the Church and they signed off on it.”
“Please don't make me get out there. Please, please, please!” Antonio begged.
But his parents didn't listen. They took him out. Antonio's first reflex was to cover his private areas but his parents dragged his arms behind him. They held him as they walked him towards the Church like a prisoner. The people around the parking lot didn't notice him at first but all it took was one little girl to scream about a naked boy and suddenly the whole lot looked at him. Antonio wanted to get out of there as people gawked, laughed, made fun of him. Some people even whistled at him in order to tease him. But his parents held him tight.
As for Thomas? He had a similar experience as his parents told him he'd be joining the pastor. Only he didn't beg. He simply accepted it. And when he got out of the car, he fought his reflex to hide his privates. In fact, he held his hands over his head even as people made fun of him for being naked. Even in just the parking lot, more people than ever were seeing him naked. His cheeks were as red as they could get. He kept walking.
Once they got backstage, Thomas and Antonio saw each other. To Antonio's surprise, Thomas' parents actually took off the chastity belt. They promised to put it back on after the service. For the first time in over twenty four hours, Antonio's penis was finally allowed to get erect. Which made the situation even worse for Antonio because he really, really wanted to get off. He was so horny, he didn't realize how much until that moment.
But he didn't get a chance to do anything about it. For the Church's employees had brought out two empty four-by-four frames. They quickly tied Antonio's hands to the top of one of them and his feet to the bottom. He was spread out: tied around the corners so he was spread eagle. He wouldn't be able to move. He couldn't escape, he couldn't cover up, he was completely helpless. Which made him even hornier somehow.
They did the same to Thomas only on the other frame. So they were both completely tied up, as if on display. Their parents then left them to go to their seats. The employees also left them alone for now. The two were left alone, backstage, with only each other for company.
“Man, millions of people are going to see us naked.” Antonio said.
“Yeah, I know. And the sermon is an hour. Even without close-ups, with HD and everything, people will get a good look at us.” Thomas replied.
After about ten minutes, a couple of female Church volunteers, teenagers really, came out. They giggled when they saw the two naked boys there. They grabbed the frame and finally took them out to the stage. The whole church could see them: thousands of people peering at their naked bodies. Worse, the Church was so big so that it had multiple TV monitors spread around to help people see the stage. They too could see the naked kids.
And then there were the television cameras, the light red meaning they were recording, capturing them in their birthday suits.
They were positioned behind the fire-and-brimstones preacher. On one hand, he was carrying a painful looking rod. On the other hand, he was carrying a martinet. He introduced the two boys to the world before beginning his sermon. As for the the actual sermon? How every sin comes with a consequence. He described most of Antonio's sin, leaving out the sexual bits. He then described that Thomas' sin was so bad it was unspeakable for even Thomas.
Occasionally, throughout the sermon, he would use the rod to hit Thomas or Antonio on the butt, on their balls, or on their thighs. It always hurt, causing them to cry out. He would also occasionally use the martinet to strike at their back.
At the end of the sermon, the preacher had his son come up to the stage. He also had Thomas' and Antonio's parents come up. He handed the martinet to his son. Thomas' dad had his belt, his mom was carrying a whip. Antonio's dad also had his belt, his mom carrying a large wooden ruler. They looked at the two kids, who were putting two and two together, as they started to cry.
The preacher's son went behind Antonio so that he could whip his back. Antonio's dad positioned himself so that he could spank Antonio's butt. His mom so that she could hit his hands. Thomas' dad so that he could hit Antonio's chest. Thomas' mom so that she could whip his feet (the frames were slightly elevated and positioned in such a way to make it possible). The preacher so that he could hit Antonio's balls.
At first, they took turns. One by one, they would hit Antonio. It didn't take long for him to cry and beg them to stop. After five minutes of hitting his body, they started to hit him at the same time. This lasted for another couple minutes before they finally stopped: they didn't want to permanently injure him after all. Antonio was crying really hard. After all, he had gotten at least a hundred spanks all over his body (except his genitals since the preacher had spaced that out and skipped turns so he only got hit like 15 times). Thanks to the little pill, he was still erect, even though his penis had taken a lot of punishment (his balls luckily only got a few spanks every now and then).
They then moved to Thomas, taking the same positions and repeated the same process all over again. They didn't go easy on him. He did start to cry although he did last slightly longer than Antonio and he never begged.
Once they were done, the preacher went on to finish his sermon.
They had to remain on display, for anyone to come see them up close, for an hour as people slowly left the Church. It felt like most members wanted to at least pass them by. A few of them would spank their butts, grab their balls, or twist their nipples. But most were content to just, watch, point, judge, and laugh at them.
After the hour was up, they were finally let down. The families then went their separate ways as they went to two different restaurants.  Being in public certainly was embarrassing. Afterwards, they were left alone in their houses to do as they wished. They both did homework and watched television, played on the computer, and acted like normal kids.
When they went to sleep, Thomas was finally allowed to put on pajamas as he assured his parents that his sins had been paid. And Antonio was also allowed to clothe themselves. Their time being naked and punished had come and pass as the weekend was over.
It wasn't totally done for them. Antonio had to deal with a chastity belt for the rest of the school year. The kids teased him about it and the international broadcast of the biblical sermon that had drawn a lot of media attention due to the content. Did he learn his lesson? At first, maybe. Once his chastity belt was gone, it would take him a month before he started masturbating again. And he would find at least a couple new victims: one over spring break and another during a school trip. But those are stories for another time. He would eventually go to college where he majored in political science. He eventually pursued a career as a lobbyist in Capitol Hill. He adopted a couple kids as a single dad and he kept them under a very strict routine once they reached ten years old.
As for Thomas? Being a local naked celebrity thanks to the church sermon wasn't bad enough. No, it was that the bullies had video of him doing sexual acts to Antonio: footage only they had. And boy did they take advantage of this. Each kid in his school, including the girls, would see him naked for at least a few minutes. They made sure to find creative ways to hurt him and they would even spank him. And they made him suck their dicks. A few would even fuck him.
At the end of the school year, the bullies released the whole video. Which mortified Thomas. This did cause a police investigation due to the sexual content but the same cops who had spanked him were the ones who got to investigate. In the end, they managed to make it go away despite the public outcry. It helped that the D.A. helped them. The D.A. Had after all known what Antonio did but she belonged to the Church and figured the boys had been punished enough. Together with the cops, she determined there wasn't enough evidence to charge anyone with a crime.
As for Thomas, he would grow up. He would go to college and he eventually became a prosecutor. He married a good woman and had a few kids of his own. But every now and them, he will go to a special adult club where he could pay to get spanked.


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