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* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * *
Chapter 7:
Like Thomas, Like Antonio That morning,
Antonio's parents woke him up. It took a minute or two before Antonio opened
his eyes and his brain fully woke up. As he rubbed his eyes with his hands, he
saw his mom and his dad looking at him. “Time to wake up
sleepy head!” said his dad. “What time is
it?” Antonio asked. “It's five in
the morning.” said his mom. “Ugh, it's so
early. Can I sleep some more?” Antonio asked again. “No, it's time
for your punishments to begin.” his mom replied, shaking her head. Antonio realized
he was still naked. He almost covered himself up before remembering his
spanking from last night. They dragged him
to the shower. To his surprise, his mom and dad each took out a razor. “What
are you doing with that?” Antonio asked. “Wow, you sure
seem to be asking a lot of questions. We're going to shave your body,
silly!”Antonio's mom replied as if the answer was obvious. “What!? No, you
can't shave me!” Antonio insisted. “Why not?”
Antonio's dad asked. “Because....I
like my hair. I'll look like a little boy if you do.” Antonio replied, sounding
childish in his answer. “Yeah, well,
that's the point.” Antonio's dad insisted. Antonio thought
about running away but he knew that wasn't going to do any good. They were
between him and the bathroom door after all. So they started
shaving him. They started with his legs: soon he was as hairless as a swimmer
or girl. They then move all the way and shaved his armpits: they were soon as
empty as a child's. Antonio almost started to cry as they shaved off his chest
hair. They even shaved off his arm hair! Before he knew
it, the only thing left to shave was his pubic hair. As they started to take
that off, Antonio did start to cry. Just like he had shaved Thomas' pubes, the
same was happening to him but by his parents. Once they were gone, Antonio's
body looked remarkably like the kid he had been torturing the last week. Oh,
sure, his penis was larger and his balls had dropped but other than that? He
looked like a kid! “Now it's time
to wash you.” said Antonio's mom as she suddenly turned on the shower, spraying
Antonio. Antonio tried to move away from the freezing cold water, but his
parents held him in place. “I can wash
myself.” Antonio said as he was cold. He looked at himself in the mirror: now
his penis looked as small as Thomas'! His balls had retreated! Oh no! He
started to cry even more: he was supposed to be a man, not a little boy! Antonio's
parents ignored Antonio as they washed him in the cold water. Once they were
done, they even dried up him with a towel. “Go to the
bathroom Antonio.” Antonio's dad commanded. “But you guys
are in here.” Antonio pointed out. “Now!” Antonio's
dad said in his most stern voice. Antonio went to
the toilet. It took him a couple of minutes but soon he went to the bathroom.
In front of his parents, who stared at him and his naked body! It was so
embarrassing! They then went
downstairs. They gave Antonio some cereal for breakfast. Once that was done,
they took him into the garage. “Wait, where are we going?” Antonio asked as he
realized he was leaving the house naked looking like a little boy! “Did you already
forget? We're taking you to Thomas'!” Antonio's mom reminded him. Suddenly,
Antonio realized something. Thomas, of all people, was going to see him looking
like...him! Oh, this was terrible. Antonio actually
tried to run away but Antonio's dad grabbed him. He forced Antonio into the
backseat, turned on the child's lock so Antonio couldn't open the door, and
closed the door. “Please don't make me go!” Antonio pleaded but his parents
ignored him. So they took him
to Thomas' place. How did Thomas
spend the early morning before Antonio got there? His parents also woke him up
early. They too went his body with a razor only they barely had to shave
anything: a few pubes that had started to grow back. They then washed him, made
him go to the bathroom, and gave him breakfast. Unlike Antonio, he didn't ask
questions or beg them to stop. He was just as embarrassed as Antonio but he
accepted his fate. After breakfast,
they tied his hands behind his back. They then took him outside and had him run
around the block. Boy, did Thomas get some looks! The neighbors who were up
early in the morning, thankfully not that many since it was Saturday, figured
he had lost a bet so they left him alone. They had him go
around the block, many times, until Antonio's parents arrived. They then had
Thomas meet them at the car. Antonio's
parents got out of their car. They opened Antonio's door. He just sat there so
they grabbed him and forced him out of the car. Thomas' eyes
grew big as he saw that Antonio was now as hairless as he was! He couldn't get
but let out a little chuckle, even as Antonio stared at him. Of course, it was
hard for Antonio to terrify Thomas when he was crying because he knew it to be
true: he looked as pathetic as Thomas now. Thomas had every right to laugh a
bit. It took all of
Antonio's willpower not to cover up again as they went inside Thomas' house.
Thomas' parents tied Antonio's own hands behind his back. “You know
Antonio almost looks like a little kid like Thomas.” Thomas' mom observed which
of course embarrassed both Antonio and Thomas. Antonio for knowing he now
looked like Thomas; Thomas for knowing his own mom thought he looked like a little
kid. “Yeah. There is
just one issue. His penis and balls.” Thomas' dad added. “Well we'll have
to fix that.” said Antonio's mom “It's a good
thing you got the device.” Antonio's dad said. “Why do you have one?” “Oh, you know,
we'd thought it would spice up our love life.” Thomas' mom said. Thomas was
disgusted and ashamed of this comment. “It didn't
really work but we can use it for this.” Thomas' dad said. They went into a
closet and took out something that terrified Antonio. He even took a couple
steps back. He didn't know
what it was but it looked scary. There were spikes around a circular metal
object. It looked medieval. In fact, Antonio was looking at a chastity belt.
The kind that doesn't just stop a man from getting erect: the one that hurts if
you get erect. Antonio's
parents grabbed him so he couldn't go anywhere. “This is a chastity belt.”
explained Thomas' mom. “It'll hurt you when you get erect. And since your a
teenage boy, it's going to hurt you a lot.” She smiled as she said this. “You'll have to
wear this for the rest of the school year.” Thomas' dad said. Now Antonio went
to boarding school. That would mean whenever he got naked in front of his male
classmates at locker rooms and in the bathroom to change, they would see his
chastity belt! “Don't worry, your parents worked it out with your principal
after you went to bed. He'll make sure to keep the belt clean so you don't get
any diseases.” Great Antonio
thought. He was going to have to wear something that looked straight out of a
medieval dungeon all the time. They put it on
him. To his surprise, it wasn't painful-just a bit uncomfortable but he could
get used to it. Then again, he was soft. Thomas' mom locked the belt with a
key-and then put it away somewhere, out of sight. Of course, they
instantly wanted to try it out. “Thomas go lick
Antonio's nipples until we say stop.” commanded Antonio's mom. “Okay.” Thomas
obediently said. He thought it was strange, kinda disgusting, and shameful to
do in front of his own parents but he figured that would be pretty tame for
what was coming. Thomas started
licking Antonio's nipples. Remember how he was surprised the chastity belt
didn't hurt? Oh, boy, was he wrong! It hurt a lot. If his hands weren't tied
behind his back, he would have instantly tried to cover his privates in pain. “Ow! That really
hurts!” Antonio complained. Of course, Thomas kept licking. “Please take it
off! Make him stop!” Antonio begged as he cried. They ignored him for a few
minutes before they obliged him. They had a whole bunch of punishments they
needed to dole out after all. A week's worth in one day. “Okay, from what
we gather on Monday you had Thomas do chores naked. On Tuesday, you dedicated
the day to just spanking him. On Wednesday, you tortured his cock. On Thursday,
it was his ball's turn. On Friday, you tied him naked to a tree and left him
there for a day. This is after spanking him and making him give you a blowjob
last Sunday Is that right?” Antonio's mom asked after summing up Spring break. Antonio nodded. “Okay, well
we'll start with making Sunday and Monday right.” Thomas' mom said. They untied
Antonio and Thomas' hands. Antonio almost covered himself before remembering he
would likely get spanked if he did. And so they had
Thomas and Antonio do chores around the house. Naked and supervised, of course.
Between the two of them, they finished in no time. The most embarrassing task
was taking the trash out but that job was left for Antonio. He did that one as
quick as he could, using the trick Thomas used to accidentally cover his
privates using the trash bag. He then ran bag into the house before anyone had
a chance to see him. After the
chores, Thomas and Antonio stood before the two sets of parents. They got
Antonio to go on his knees and tied his hands behind his back. They then move
Thomas, making him stand on a small stool, so that his penis was right in front
of Antonio's face. Antonio tried moving his head away but they forced him to
look straight on at Thomas' soft penis. “Lick it until
we tell you to stop.” Antonio's mom commanded. Antonio couldn't
believe the command. He had sort of had an idea this might happen but still!
His own mom commanding him to have his tongue touch another boy's penis? In
front of her? Worse yet, the penis of a boy he didn't really see as an equal?
Oh, sure, he was gay. He was also okay with having Thomas sucking him or
penetrating him. But to suck Thomas? Thomas of all people? That was degrading
to Antonio. As for Thomas?
Yeah, he wasn't happy with this either. For one thing, he was entirely
straight. Sucking Antonio's dick had been degrading, disgusting, and shameful
for him. He had done it, without complaint, first out of fear then to punish
himself. Having Antonio fuck him sucked: it was often painful as it was
degrading. None of those times had remotely come close to getting an orgasm or
enjoying himself. And yet now Antonio was going to lick him, and no doubt suck
him, which he would enjoy despite the shame. And it would be in front of his
parents. “Please don't
make me do this.” Antonio begged. “Now Antonio
unless you want a spanking right now. And that'll just make the spankings
you've got coming more painful.” Antonio's mom warned. Seeing no
choice, Antonio started licking Thomas' penis. He ran his tongue along the
whole penis over and over again.It took
a couple of minutes before it got hard. Making matters worse for Antonio?
Antonio's own penis wanted to get erect but the painful chastity belt stopped
it. He fought through the pain. They had him lick it up until Thomas was about
to orgasm but then they suddenly turned Thomas around, denying him the climax.
Thomas was a bit relieved for now. “Kiss his butt
until we tell you to stop. Make sure to spread the love.” Antonio's dad
ordered. Not seeing a way
out of this, Antonio complied. He alternated between butt cheeks and the crack,
making sure that Thomas' entire butt was covered with his kisses at least
twice. During this time, Thomas' penis went back to being soft. As for
Antonio's penis? It continued to strain to get hard despite the pain. “Good.”
Antonio's dad said. Thomas' parents then spread Thomas' legs and Antonio's
parents moved his face so that he could see right into Thomas' butthole. “I think you
know what to do.” Antonio said. Antonio knew exactly what he meant: he had made
Thomas do the same to him. So Antonio put his tongue into Thomas' asshole. It
was very clean but that didn't make it any less disgusting or humiliating for
Antonio-although his penis wouldn't give up on trying to get hard. Soon, Thomas
was erect yet again. They made him do
this for a couple of minutes, right until Thomas was ready to orgasm yet again.
They pulled Antonio out at this point. They waited a couple minutes for Thomas'
penis to go back to being soft again. They then turned
Thomas around again so that Antonio's face was right in front of it. At this
moment, Thomas realized he needed to pee badly. “I really need
to pee.” Thomas told the adults. “So go son.
Right now, right here.” Thomas' dad said. “But I'll pee on
Antonio's face!” Thomas pointed out. Antonio's face was disgusted, his head
kept in place by his parents. “Make sure to
get all of his face.” Thomas' mom reassured him. Antonio tried
shooting him daggers with his eyes but that was hard to do when Thomas started
peeing right on him. It was gross and Antonio tried to move away but his own
parents wouldn't let him. After what seemed forever, and Antonio spitting out
any pee that got in his mouth, Thomas was done. “I guess it's
time to suck him. Go ahead Antonio.” Antonio's mom said. “But he just
peed!” Antonio said. “Yeah, we know.
We were here and we just saw. Go do it now.” Antonio's dad insisted. So Antonio put
his mouth around Thomas' penis and balls. It didn't take him long to get Thomas
erect again. In fact it didn't take long for Thomas to orgasm: he was pretty
horny as it was thanks to the previous licking and ass tonguing. Antonio stopped
sucking at the obvious climax. “Why did you
stop?” Antonio's mom asked. “He...finished.”
Antonio pointed out. “But you didn't.
Keep sucking until we say so.” Antonio's mom said. “Okay. I'm
sorry.” Antonio said. So he went back
to giving Thomas a blowjob. Thomas had three more dry orgasms before they
finally allowed Antonio to stop. It was an
interesting experience for Thomas: sure he was ashamed and sure he wasn't
attracted to Antonio at all but a mouth is a mouth and it did feel good. He
wondered if he would ever get a girl to do this to him...probably not with his
current body but one day in the future. As for Antonio?
His penis was extremely frustrated and in pain at the same time. “Now it's time
to make Tuesday right.” Thomas' dad said. They led Antonio
and Thomas outside. Of course, they both got worried that people were going to
see them but what were they going to do? They took Thomas
and just like the day before, they tied him so that his hands were behind a
tree. Thomas looked down in shame. “Lucky for you Thomas, we want to give you a
break from spankings for the day...unless you misbehave. We want to let your
butt heal a bit before tomorrow. So we've got something else planned for you.”
Thomas' mom explained...sorta. She took a
couple of clothes pins and put them on his nipples. Oh, wow did that hurt him!
She also attached one on his soft penis and one on his balls. Thomas started to
cry from the pain but he didn't complain. Antonio, who was watching this, felt
some pain as his penis tried to get erect yet again. Thomas' parents attached
some string to the clothes pins. Clearly they had a plan. They then took
Antonio and tied him to the same tree (Thomas had little idea because they were
behind him). They tied him so that he was facing the tree, displaying his butt
perfectly for anyone who wanted to see it. The way they tied him was connected to
the strings: for what purpose, Antonio and Thomas didn't know. Antonio was
worried about the spanking he knew was coming. Thomas' dad took
off his belt. “Remember, we're doing this for your own good. Antonio, for
taking advantage of Thomas. Thomas, for whatever it is you did that you are too
ashamed to tell us.” And he struck
Antonio hard on the butt! Oh it was even more painful than his spanking from
yesterday! And as he got hit, his body strained against the restraints. When
that happened, the strings attached to the clothes nipples moved-twisting them,
causing more pain to Thomas! And so this went
on, both of them howling. Unlike Thomas, Antonio did beg for it to stop
multiple times but they ignored him. Their howling did attract an audience but
nobody did anything. They figured the kids must have done something serious to
attract such a serious punishment. At least Antonio's penis stopped trying to
get hard. They each gave him about 50 spanks with a belt. “We'll let you
recover some before we move on to the real spanking.” Antonio's mom said. “What do you
mean the real spanking! What do you call that!?” Antonio asked through his
tears. “The warm-up.”
Antonio's mom replied. The parents went
inside. Some of the audience went away but some stayed. They observed the two
kids. A few of them even slapped Antonio on the butt or twisted the clothes
nipples. They did this for a few minutes before they too mostly left. Every now
and then a new person would see what was going on. Most of them soon moved on,
but a few took a minute or two to bring them into pain. There was a
brief period of time when they were alone and settled down. “How do you do it?”
Antonio asked Thomas. “What?” Thomas
replied with a question. “Just take it?
No complaints? How do you not struggle to cover yourself when you aren't tied?”
Antonio clarified with his questions. “I don't know. I
just don't think begging will do anything. You never seemed to care about what
I wanted and now, I feel like I deserve it. I mean, you were right, I have a
pathetic body. I always struggle not to cover myself. It's so hard but...I just
accept that I don't deserve modesty. People should know my shame.” Thomas
replied. “Oh. Well that
doesn't help me.” Antonio said. “Why is that?”
Thomas asked. “Because I do
deserve modesty. I don't have a pathetic body like yours.” Antonio said. “I
wouldn't even care about being naked if they hadn't shaved my body to make it yours.” “Well I guess
that sucks for you.” Thomas replied. After about an
hour or two, the parents came back. This time they carried a very strong,
sturdy cane. Without warning, they started to spank Antonio again. He started
howling in pain, attracting an audience once more. Despite his efforts, it
wasn't long until he started begging for it to stop. As for Thomas? He started
crying again. After all, Antonio thrashed around as much as he could in his
restraints, bringing a lot of pain to his sensitive nipples and balls. They each gave
him about a hundred spanks each, making sure to take breaks as necessary so as
to ensure there was never any real damage, but making sure it hurt like
hell.That made the spanking worse
actually: Antonio never knew when to expect to get hit! After they were
done, they left them tied to the tree for another hour. For the first
half hour, strangers would slap Antonio's very sore butt or manually twist
Thomas' pins. In fact, two annoying kids played a game for a few minutes to see
if they could get Antonio to move his hands by spanking him! The game was made
worse for Thomas because the kids would manually twist the pins even more when
Antonio didn't move. For the second
half hour, a few strangers would notice them for the first time but they were
mostly left alone. They settled down from the pain, even if they felt
ridiculous being tied naked to a tree. Antonio was wondering how many people
were seeing his butt. Thomas didn't have to wonder: he could see everyone who
looked at him and his penis. A lot of them had been women and girls. So many of
them had pointed, snickered, and made fun of him. He had heard whispers that
they didn't think he was a real man. It sucked but he secretly agreed with
them. During that
time, Thomas realized he really had to to go the bathroom again but couldn't
because of the pin on his penis. As for Antonio? He just went on the tree. It
would trickle down his body and the tree to the floor. Once the hour
was up, the two sets of parents came outside. They started by releasing the
clothes pins from Thomas' nipples: he cried out! They had hurt when they had
been put in and when they were twisted but other than that, his body got used
to them being on. When they were taken out, it was very painful! They then
removed the pins from his penis (finally!) and his balls. As soon as the
clothes pin on the penis was off, Thomas immediately peed. He simply couldn't
hold it. Luckily, the parents had anticipated this and quickly ducked out of
the way so that none hit them. They waited
until Thomas was done peeing before they untied Antonio from the tree. Antonio
was left to just stand there, awkwardly naked, as they then untied Thomas. They then went
inside to the dining room. “Now it's time to kill two birds with one stone.
It's time for lunch and time to make Wednesday right.” Thomas' mom said. At
this point, she reached out and grabbed what looked like a giant plastic
penis-shaped tool, commonly known as a dildo. It looked very big. “Now you would
have....intercourse...with our son before he could have food. So I think you
can guess where this is going. It's going up your butt, staying there for the
whole lunch, while vibrating. This will frustrate your penis to no end, hurting
it continually, just like you hurt Thomas' penis.” said Thomas' dad. Thomas' mom spit
in her hands and put it all over the dildo as lube. It's not the best or most
comfortable but it would be guaranteed to make a rough entrance. She then
turned the dildo on before going up to Antonio. Antonio looked
at his mom, his eyes somehow teary despite all the crying he's done up until
now. “Please, no,” He begged her. His mom simply ignored him. “If you don't
want another spanking, sit down and spread your legs.” Thomas' dad ordered. So
Antonio complied, begging for a reprieve. Sitting down hurt but he knew the
dildo would be worse. He just knew it. He didn't get
one. Before he knew it, the dildo was shoved up his butt! He tried resisting
it, which of course only made it more painful. They kept shoving it up there,
vibrating, it was truly in. They then had Antonio shut his legs. And lo and
behold, his penis tried reacting to the stimulation the only way it knew how:
to get hard. Only the spikes would make that hurt and the belt would make it
impossible. “What about me?”
Thomas asked. They looked at him. He looked so small, with his tiny soft penis,
and his eyes afraid of the answer. He looked adorable, like a naked little kid
who got caught with his hands inside the cookie jar, hoping that it won't lead
to any punishment. Antonio's mom
went up to Thomas. She grabbed his penis and pulled him forward with it! Ouch!
That hurt! The female's
grasp on the penis caused it to quickly get hard. “Simple. You
have to keep that hard, stroking it continually, without having an orgasm
during lunch. If you fail, we'll spank your penis and balls.” Antonio's dad. And so that's
how they spent lunch. Antonio with a dildo up his butt, constantly trying to
stimulate him but only causing pain. Sure, he got to eat his food, but it was
hard for him to enjoy it. As for Thomas? He had to eat with one hand, using the
other to constantly stroke his penis. He almost orgasmed a few times but
luckily, he was able to stop himself in time and slow down long enough to
withhold it. Only the adults
kept eating. And talking. For what seemed forever. Eventually, Thomas
failed and he did orgasm. They ordered him to keep going. And he climaxed three
more times before they were done talking and told him to stop. They soon
removed the dildo from Antonio's ass. His penis? It was so sore, he felt like
the pain would never really subside. It would, of course, in the future. “Now it's time
to make Thursday right. Since Thomas had four orgasms, I think that means you
both get fourty spanks to the balls.” Thomas' dad announced to the chagrin of
the two boys. “But that's not
fair!” Antonio said. “Why not?”
Thomas' mom asked. “I didn't have
any control over his....well you know...what he did! Plus, I didn't really hurt
him in the balls like you can hurt me. I mean....mine have dropped.” Antonio
said. “Yes. That's why
with Thomas, he gets forty total. With you, you get forty on each ball.”
Thomas' mom replied. “What! That's
not fair! Please! Please! Don't do that!” Antonio pleaded. But it was to no
avail. They tied Thomas
and Antonio so that they were spread eagle. They took the
wire that charges a laptop. Thomas' mom then slapped the cable on both of their
butts. They each jumped! That hurt! That hurt badly! “We're going to
use this.” Thomas' mom said. The two kids gulped, Antonio pleaded some more. “You know what?
We're tired of hearing you beg.” Thomas' dad said.He went upstairs. As the kids waited, the
fear of what was going to happen to them only grew. This was going to hurt
really badly! Antonio struggled to free himself but couldn't. Thomas' dad
returned with a dirty used underwear worn by Thomas. He stuck it in Antonio's
mouth. Now Antonio couldn't beg. Thomas' dad
grabbed Antonio's ballsack. He separated the two balls. So with shocking
precision, Thomas' mom hit Antonio ten times with the wire. Oh, god, it hurt so
much Antonio almost blacked out! He couldn't take it anymore...and yet he had
to take it thirty more times just on that ball alone! Luckily she gave
Antonio a moving to Thomas! Antonio's mom held up the penis,
allowing her to hit with precision his ball sack. Oh! Thomas cried with the
first hit. After five hits, she went back for Antonio's other ball. And that's how
all of the parents went in. Each got ten ball spanks to each of Antonio's balls
and each got ten balls spanks to Thomas' ball sack. And they would alternate.
Ten to one of Antonio's balls, five to Thomas, ten to Antonio's other ball,
then five to Thomas before switching parents and starting the process over
again. It also helped ensure maximum pain with no lasting damage. Shockingly,
despite not wearing any gag, Thomas never complained. He never begged. He just
cried and took it. They left them
there alone, spread eagle, dirty underwear in Antonio's mouth for about an
hour. Thomas didn't say anything during that time. Once they returned, they
finally freed the two. They even removed the dirty underwear. “Now on Friday,
you had the tree day. We sort of already did that this morning but....we still
have to make it right. So Antonio, it should take you about two hours by foot
to get back home.” “What? Please
don't make me do that!” Antonio begged. They handed him
Google maps directions to their house. “Now go. If you
try to beg, if you don't leave immediately, we'll tie your hands behind your
back and make you walk him that way.” Thomas' mom warned. Antonio couldn't
help but beg. Anything but being forced to walk home naked by himself. “Very well. You
were warned.” Thomas' dad said. Before Antonio knew it, his hands were
handcuffed-not just tied-behind his back. They then had him look at the Google
Maps page. “I hope you
remember this or it's going to be a longer walk than two hours.” Thomas' dad
said. Antonio kept
begging but he did look over the map. He got the directions down. They led him out
of the house. Antonio's parents got into their car and drove home without him.
Antonio tried begging after him, even ran after the car for a minute, but they
left him behind. He tried going back to Thomas' house but they had locked the
door. Antonio was
stuck outside, his hands cuffed behind him, naked. It took him four
hours to get home. Oh, sure, there were moments he got lost and had to get
directions. But what really slowed him down was all the people. He couldn't
help but walk along busy streets (he didn't know the backroads way to getting
back home, it was too far) so a lot of people saw him. Some people slapped his
butt. Others would twist his nipples (which hurt!), kick him in the balls,
punch his stomach, and messed with him in similar ways. They would make fun of
him. They would often stimulate him. He did come
across a few cops. They forced him to explain to them that he was being
punished by his parents and why. The cops, who were slightly racist even if
they didn't realize it and definitely homophobic, decided that this Mexican boy
is getting what he deserved for messing with a white boy. They would each spank
him either with a belt or their baton or both. One of them even threatened to
taze him to the balls but settled on just kicking him there! Heck, there was
a group of a dozen teenage boys who wore leather jackets and rode on motorcyles
who stopped him. They didn't just take turns spanking him, but he had to give a
blowjob to each and every single one of them! A couple of them even did him in
the butt! Of course, that only tried to arouse him which brought him more pain. When he finally
got home, it was evening. His parents let him in, uncuffed him, and during
dinner, conversation turned to Church. “I've never
looked more forward to Church tomorrow than ever before.” Antonio said. “Why?” Antonio's
mom asked. “Wearing my
Sunday's best after today? Something to really look forward to.” Antonio
replied. “Oh, honey, you
have to be naked the whole weekend. That's your punishment.” Antonio's mom
said. “'s
Church. I can't be naked in the house of the lord!” Antonio replied, in panic! See, they didn't
attend a small Church with a couple of people going to Sunday service. This was
a real major Church with thousands of people attending and big jumbo screen
TVs. Being naked there? Yeah, something you don't want. “Well too bad.
Plus we have a surprise for you at the church.” Antonio's dad said. After dinner,
Antonio went to bed. They tied his hands to the bed posts as he lay there in
fear of Sunday-the last day before he had to head back to boarding school with
a painful chastity belt. As for Thomas?
They tied Thomas up so he couldn't move, gagged him, blindfolded him and
stuffed him inside a closet. They pretty much left him there until his bed
time. Nobody could see him but it did leave him time to relive every single
thing that happened to him...all of the people who saw him naked....all of the
pain he's had to ensure. How he didn't just have to masturbate in front of
people-even his own parents-but how he was so sore from doing so. “Do you still
feel the need to be punished?” Thomas' mom replied. Thomas looked
down at his naked body. His hairless body. His pathetic genitals. If he wasn't
so ashamed of his own body, if he wasn't so modest, he would have allowed
Antonio to release the initial video of him getting pantsed! You couldn't even
see his genitals! Just his hairless legs! So what if some girls saw his
underwear? He had put himself throughout the week! It was his fault and for
that he deserved whatever Antonio got tomorrow. There was
nothing more that Thomas would have liked than to say that he'shad enough, that the sin his parents think he
did has been paid for. But he couldn't. “Yes.” Thomas
meekly said. “Well then
hopefully being naked tomorrow at Church...and what happens at Church...will
make it right.” His mom replied. They gave him a
quick bite to eat before tying him spread eagle naked to his bed. And Thomas
and Antonio both thought: they were going to be naked in the presence of
thousands of people! And something was going to happen to them! Sunday looked to
be just as bad if not worse than Saturday.