Tough Love 5

By Arclos

Copyright 2016 by Arclos, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 5: Balls!
If Antonio knew anything, it was that Thursday was going to be a great day. Oh, sure, he was starting to feel a little bad about torturing Thomas but then something amazing had happened: Thomas had started to actually want to be tortured. He wondered on Thursday morning how someone could actually want pain. Who knows? Maybe if he was lucky, he could find people like Thomas. People who he didn't have to blackmail to have his way with.
But for now, he had what was essentially a slave. Someone he could hurt, someone he could see naked at any time, someone who would sexually please him at command. For Antonio, it was a way to punish himself. A way to allow his insecurities to finally play themselves out. That morning, he examined his cock. It hurt to touch, it hurt to pee, and he knew that if he was asked to masturbate that it would continue to hurt. He desperately waited and yet at the same time dreaded for Antonio to force him to perform the deed.
More than that, he examined his little balls: or rather he examine the sack that they would one day drop into. Oh, sure, the balls might not have dropped yet but it still hurt like hell when he was kicked there. He squeezed them a bit. He winced in pain.
It wasn't long until he found himself at Antonio' house. His parents left before he even got to the door: they were in a hurry that morning. Thomas stripped naked before ringing the doorbell. Antonio opened the door. They greeted each other and Thomas was allowed to enter the house. Antonio got Thomas' clothes and hid them in a closet.
The two went upstairs to Antonio's room. Antonio tied Thomas up so that Thomas couldn't move. He then took one of his old, dirty socks and put them in Thomas' mouth. Antonio then took dirty tighty-whities-so dirty that the front had dried up yellow spots-that he put over Thomas' head.  “This is going to hurt.” Antonio said. What Antonio didn't see is Thomas smile even as he closed his eyes in fear.
See, Antonio wasn't a stupid kid. He had created a special battery once for a school project that got him a great grade. Antonio took the battery and attached the wires to the ball sack. Thomas had no idea what was going on, all he knew was that Antonio had put something on his ball sack. Antonio started out the battery at it's lowest setting: it would be a quick shock to let Thomas know what was going to happen. Antonio pressed the button and Thomas suddenly sprang up. Suddenly Thomas realized that holy shit, Antonio was going to electrocute his balls!
And so that's what Antonio did over the next hour. Nothing permanent, nothing that would really damage him, but it sure hurt him-and of course, Antonio slowly made sure to increase the voltage so it got progressively worse every time. There was nothing Thomas wanted more than to cover his balls up in pain but he had to settle for making fists.
After the hour was done, the battery ran out of juice. Antonio removed the wires. He let Thomas just hang there for another hour as he went into another room and watched some TV. This was to let Thomas rest but also because not being able to move for a long while is torture in it's own right. Antonio then came back.
“You know I have to say something Thomas.” Antonio started telling him as he got ready the next stage of the ball torture. He started tying strings to a couple of tennis balls. This was going to hurt Thomas like a bitch. “You sure have a surprising tolerance for pain. Who knows? Maybe in a few years, you might actually turn into a real boy before becoming a man.” That hurt Thomas a little: the reference that he's not actually a boy at the moment and yet Thomas believed it. But he did like the idea that one day, things could get better for him. One day, he could belong to the gender he was born into. And he was proving he should get that chance through this week.
And then Antonio attached the weights to Thomas' ball sack. Ouch! Still, Thomas got used to it after a few minutes. Which is when Antonio finally released Thomas' restraints. Thomas instantly moved and quickly realized: the more he moved, the more it would hurt him.
“It's time for lunch. Let's go the kitchen.” Antonio said.
Thomas smiled. He said something that surprised both of them “Okay fine, but the last one there gets a spanking.”
Antonio considered it for a few seconds. On the one hand, he didn't want a spanking and didn't want to risk getting one. On the other hand, he was faster than Thomas and Thomas had ball weights that would surely slow them down. The risk was small. Antonio accepted.
So they raced there. To Thomas' credit, even though he knew the race was there, he actually tried to get there as quickly as possible even though it meant far more pain for him. The tennis ball weights were hurting his balls but despite this, he refused to use his hands to cover his balls. After all, he felt like he deserved it.
Of course, Antonio won. Thomas knew this: Antonio was the real man in the relationship. And Thomas also knew it meant he was going to get a spanking. Antonio offered him a choice: he could either get fucked before lunch then a spanking or he could get a spanking, eat lunch, then get fucked. Thomas chose to get spanked first.
The spanking hurt a lot. Oh, it wasn't the toughest spanking he's had. In fact, one could argue that for the first time that Antonio went easy on Thomas. The problem? All of the past spankings had made his butt more sensitive to pain than normal. It really didn't take a lot to make Thomas want to cry: even a quick weak slap to his butt could cause him a lot of pain. Once this week was over, it was going to take a while for him to sit down without hurting.
After lunch, Antonio went into Thomas and pretty much fucked him harder than ever. Thomas took it like only he could: even though the fucking was so hard that it caused his body to move, bringing pain to his balls.
Once that was done, Antonio had Thomas go through the house and do chores for the early part of the afternoon. This meant a lot of moving, all while Antonio followed him. When even the chores were done, Thomas and Antonio went to the TV room. While Antonio sat down and watched TV, Thomas did some jacking jacks and other exercise routines. His balls were getting to be really sore through the constant pain.
Finally, the end of the day had come. Thomas went down and gave Antonio a blowjob before masturbating. Antonio finally relieved Thomas of his ball weights. Once Thomas' parents arrived, Thomas rushed to put his clothes back on before they could arrive to the door and press the doorbell. “I can't wait for tomorrow!” Thomas said as he left Antonio's house.
Ah, yes. The last day of the week. Spring break was bound to be over. Antonio knew he had to make tomorrow extra bad for Thomas. Thomas hoped that tomorrow would be extra bad.
Little did they both know: it's true it was going to be extra bad for Thomas... but also it was going to be bad for Antonio.


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