Tough Love 3

By Arclos

Copyright 2012 by Arclos, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Tough Love
Chapter 3: The Opposite of Love

Tuesday. It was still about the beginning of the week. Thomas would have traded his own soul just so that this week would be over. It was just getting worse and worse for him, and it was all because of his stupid body and Antonio's video. When he got out of bed that morning, Thomas knew it was going to be another terrible day for him. He was going to have to spend it naked and Antonio was going to see his little penis again. The very idea of having to be nude in front of someone else was embarrassing. He had no idea why it kept being so mortifying for him, but then he remembered that's because his body is to be ashamed of. As Thomas went into the shower, he realized that his feet were still sore from yesterday. As he turned on the shower, his hands revealed they were also sore. His butt still hurt a bit from getting ravaged and spanked. He thought about telling his parents the truth but he didn't want to admit his lack of puberty.
While Thomas was getting ready for another day of torture, Antonio was preparing. He called a friend of his. Her name is Ashley and he knew that she would love what he was doing. Ashley hated men. Her father was a deadbeat loser that rarely sent the child support bills. Her grandfather was a perverted old man who got drunk and almost molested her once. Her uncle had gotten arrested after having raped his wife. Ashley thought that all men were sick and disgusting creatures thanks to their penises. Thomas knew that if given the chance, Ashley would love to torture him. He was going to give her the next best thing: the chance to torture a preteen named Thomas. When she picked up the phone, he explained to her the opportunity she had. They agreed on some terms and then he hang up the phone. Thomas' day just got a lot worse.
Thomas arrived at the house and Antonio let him in. Once Thomas' parents drove off, Thomas stripped down without being told to do so. He was soon completely naked, and he wasn't covering up. He was completely blushing. Antonio said “Well, that's good. You remembered the rules. Now today, you won't be doing chores for me. We'll instead make sure your day is filled with pain and embarrassment.”
“Oh, I invited a friend over. You'll hate her. She's Ashley and she just can't wait to destroy your balls. I might as well tell you what's going to happen. When she gets here, all three of us are going to go to my room. You remember yesterday how you picked a slipper and I picked a ruler? Well, we're going to use the remaining tools on your ass and other body parts. The thing is, we need you to be embarrassed. So we're not going to be punishing you in my bedroom. We're just going to put the implements in a bag and we're going to drive over to a private park. I have contacted security and they know not to bother us, but you'll be spanked and hurt in public. I also made sure to send out a couple of e-mails to attract an audience and even some volunteers.”
“Why do you hate me?”
“Oh, I don't hate you. If I hated you, it would be so much worse!”
“Can I at least wear clothes in the park?”
“Nope. You'll be naked. Since it's not public, it's within the law!”
“I can't believe you found a way to make this even worse than it already is.”
“It's not all bad! At least you won't be licking my asshole today!”
Thomas rolled his eyes. Antonio went into the kitchen and started to prepare some sandwiches. He put the food in a basket. When he was done, Ashley arrived. Ashley was about Antonio's age, and she wasn't the most beautiful girl. She had a nice body, but her face wouldn't win any modeling contracts. The three went upstairs and put a lot of spanking implements into the bag. They also got a couple of chairs. They all went to Ashley's car and she drove them to a nearby park. There were some girls around Antonio's age, and some adult females, there. When they got out of the car, nobody was surprised to see a naked thirteen-year old. If anything, they just made fun of him for his small penis and lack of overall development. Thomas was completely ashamed but he managed not to freeze this time. The three went to the middle of the park, which just happened to be where they could be seen the easiest.
After they had set up the chairs, Antonio addressed a crowd of females, and now some males, that gathered around them. “Thomas here has agreed that his specific body is something to be ashamed of. He wants me and my friend to punish his body so much. He wants no mercy, if anything he wants the opposite. So, what you will see is some extreme spanking and other painful measures to punish his body for being so pathetic. Now, if you want to join in that punishment, you'll be able to. If you have any objections, I ask that you leave now.” No-one left. The crowd was largely made up of teenagers and preteens, but there were some adults who looked eagerly on. “Now, as I finish, I ask no pictures or videos be taken. Thank you all and I hope you enjoy his screams of pain and tears of hurt.”
Thomas, during that speech, was filled with fear of what was to come. He didn't want to be spanked. As he was reminded of how shameful his body was, he got even more embarrassed. He realized that even though he didn't realize it, he did want his body to be punished. If he had a body to be proud of, then he wouldn't even be in this situation! His body might deserve what's about to happen, but Thomas didn't want it to happen. He knew it was going to hurt and he knew that he was going to hate it. He sighed when Antonio finally finished his speech.
Ashley and Antonio then sat down on the two chairs that they brought. Antonio told Thomas to get over the lap of either one of them. He decided that the girl was probably not going to spank as hard, so he went over and got over Ashley's lap. He heard her squeal with glee. This was not going to be good. Antonio stood up and opened the bag with the spanking implements. He decided to start with the one that he thought would be less effective. He took out a hairbrush and gave it to Ashley. He announced to the crowd that Thomas will be first spanked by a hairbrush. She smiled and then she spanked him one. This was enough to make Thomas scream in pain, and suddenly he realized an error. Ashley might be a girl, but she spanked harder than Thomas! She spanked him a second time and then a third time and he started to finally cry.
It's not known how many spanks she gave him, but it was a lot. She did spank him for five minutes straight-with only about a couple seconds between each spank. When she was finally done, he stood up and his legs were wobbly. The crowd was laughing as they had cheered her on. Once Thomas was finally able to recover, he had to go on Antonio's lap. Antonio revealed that he will spank Thomas will the hairbrush as well. He caressed Thomas' ass before starting to spank him. Antonio spanked him about forty times with the hairbrush. Once he was done, Antonio applied some ointment into Thomas' burning ass before letting Thomas stand up in order to ensure there is no infection. Thomas cried but he eventually was able to recover.
Once this happened, Antonio asked for any volunteers. “Does anyone want to spank him with the hairbrush? Now remember, the e-mail stated you each get to spank him with one implement. If you want to wait until we get something tougher, I suggest waiting. Remember-you each get exactly ten spanks.” A couple females did volunteer and Thomas got 20 more spanks with the hairbrush. Antonio checked the time and then announced “Well, we're making good time! The good news is we're just beginning!” Antonio then punched Thomas in the balls, which caught Thomas by surprise. He bent over as Antonio sat down.
Once Thomas was able to regain composure, he was able to pick which lap to sit on again. He decided to go with Thomas, since he was fearing sitting on Ashley's lap again. This meant that Ashley got to pick the spanking tool. She looked into the bag and took out a birch. She handed it over to Antonio and he began to spank Thomas hard with the birch. Thomas had never stopped crying since his last spanking, but this made his cries be even harder. He got about 30 spanks with the birch from Thomas and then an additional 30 spanks from Ashley. Nobody volunteered to spank him with the birch and he was happy about that. Once Ashley was done with him, he got the ointment.
They decided to let Thomas have a water break, but that meant having to give a public hand job to Antonio. To Thomas' surprise, no-one in the crowd objected at all. So much for this being a conservative town, thought Thomas! Once Antonio climaxed, Thomas was given some water. Once he was done, he was paraded around the crowd. They were allowed to touch his body, and they did. They touched his ass, which caused him to spring up in pain every time they did, they touched his penis, his balls, and his nipples. Once the parade was done, it was time for the pain to continue. Before Ashley took her seat, she surprised Thomas by punching him in the balls. Once he recovered, it was time for him to pick again. He decided to start with Thomas' lap.
Ashley looked through the bag and took out some switches. She handed one to Antonio and Thomas got about 40 spanks. Whenever the switch broke, Ashley was able to replace it. Once done, he went on Ashley's lap and she spanked him about 45 times with a switch. This time some people did volunteer to spank him. He got about 30 more spanks from the switch. He was in a lot of pain and he was hoping that the day would almost be over. Once the switch was done, he was given some time alone as Antonio and Ashley talked amongst themselves. It was clear they were only giving him a break so that the spankings would continue all day. While he was left alone, he could feel that eyes were still watching him and he merely stood there and cried for a long time. Once he finished crying, he just stood there in fear of the rest of the day.
Once an hour had passed, Thomas was told to go to the bathroom right there in public, close to the spanking chairs. Thomas complied, although he felt embarrassed at having to pee in public and it took him a little while. Once he was done, it was time for the spankings to begin again. It was no surprise to Thomas when Ashley punched him in the balls again. It seemed like whenever it was time for him to pick a lap to sit on, his balls were going to get punched. This time Thomas decided to sit on Ashey's lap since his butt was still hurting-he knew it made no difference ultimately who went first. It was going to hurt a lot. Ashley smiled. Antonio decided to pick a big wooden spoon and he handed it to Ashley. She smiled and began spanking him even harder than she had before. Thomas started crying just about immediately.
He got spanked about 30 times by the spoon by Ashley, and then 40 times by Antonio. He got spanked a further 40 times by some volunteers. Once that was done, his butt was on fire again. People had to wait for him to be okay to be spanked again, and then it was time. Antonio punched him in the balls, and he picked to sit on Ashley's lap again. Antonio went into the bag and he decided to pick a long, wooden paddle. He gave the paddle to Ashley and she started to spank Thomas. He got spanked about 60 times by Ashley and then a further 50 times by Antonio. To make matters worse, he got spanked 50 times by volunteers. Once that was all done, the ointment went on his ass again. He asked Antonio if the day was almost over, and Antonio laughed. He revealed it was merely lunch time which meant one thing-having Antonio violate his ass again.
This time it was even more painful since his butt cheeks were very red. Once Antonio cummed in Thomas' ass, Thomas got to eat a sandwich. He was left alone during the lunch, and then there was another break. Once about another hour had passed, Antonio decided that it was time for Thomas to suffer again. He got punched in the balls by Antonio and now it was time for Thomas to pick the lap. Thomas decided to go with Antonio's lap.
Ashley went into the bag and chose the cane. She handed it to Antonio who promptly started to spank Thomas. Antonio gave him about fifty spanks with the cane and then Ashley got her turn. She gave him about forty spanks. When they were done, some people volunteered and Thomas got thirty spanks. When they were done, Thomas wondered how many implements could possibly be left. He didn't know how much more his butt could possibly take, it just hurt so much! It was also taking him longer and longer to recover between each spanking. Not only that, but the spankings were made worse now that Antonio had done him in the ass. There was a break once again to make the day go by, and Thomas couldn't wait until the break was over. He didn't want another spanking, but he wanted to get them over with. Once Ashley punched him in the balls, it was time once again for another spanking. He chose to sit on Antonio's lap.
This time Ashley chose an actual whip. To the credit of Ashley and Antonio, he was only given fifteen total spanks between the two of them with the whip. It seemed like the whip was the only spanking tool that wasn't going to get any volunteers. Once the two were done, Thomas was crying again but he had to pick a new lap. Before he could, he got punched in the balls yet again by Ashley. He decided to pick Antonio. Once on Antonio's lap, Ashley picked a belt. A belt that was going to give him a more powerful spanking than the belt that Antonio had used in the previous two days. This time they didn't limit the number of spankings. Antonio gave him about eighty spankings and Ashley about seventy spankings. He got about fifty spankings from volunteers. Once the belt was put away, Thomas was given the ointment yet again.
This led to another break, and it was starting to get late. Antonio then announced that it was time for the final spanking tool-the tawse! Thomas got punched in the balls by Ashley and he decided to sit on Ashley for the tawse. She gave him about forty spankings with it, and then the volunteers got their turn. They gave him a total of thirty spanks. Once they were done, Thomas had to get on Antonio's lap. He spanked him for five minutes straight, with each spank coming seconds after the last. Thomas' butt wasn't just on fire by the end! It was so painful! Once Thomas was done, an ointment was rubbed on his ass again. Thomas stood up and Antonio congratulated him for taking the spankings like a men. “Sadly your time for suffering isn't over just yet.” Thomas, whose heart had risen now that the spankings were done, sank. “What now?” Antonio merely used the belt to tie Thomas' hand behind his back. Antonio then held Thomas as Ashley came up.
Suddenly Ashley started to punch Thomas' balls as if they were punching bags. After several minutes of sheer pain, Thomas blacked out. Once he woke up, he was in the car being taken back to Antonio's home. Once they arrived, Ashley left. Thomas was forced to give Antonio a blowjob. Once that was done, he has to masturbate again. He orgasmed but he had to wait about ten minutes before he was allowed to put his clothes back on. Once his parents arrived, he clothed himself quickly. As he was dressing, Antonio stated that the week was only beginning. “I have to keep topping myself you know, so tomorrow will probably be worse for you.” All Thomas could say: “I know.” Once Thomas was dressed, he left.
On the ride home, Thomas could barely sit still his butt hurt so much. His dad and mom merely took that to mean that Thomas was really excited that he was going back to Antonio's place the next day, and Thomas never corrected that assumption.



(The End)