Tough Love 1

By Arclos

Copyright 2012 by Arclos, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Tough Love
Chapter 1: It Begins

Thomas Hawke wasn't happy. It's not that he was being punished, or that anything was necessarily going wrong for him. He wasn't happy because after having gone to school, he had to go to the house of family friends: the Bala. There was the really nice, condescending maternal figure named Gloria Bala. The fun, albeit repressive, male named Pedro. They also had a teenage son, who was in boarding school and was utterly sadistic towards Thomas, named Antonio. The Bala family were Mexicans, and went to the same church as the Hawke family. He liked the adults just fine, it's the son that he didn't like. The son that was 16.
The Hawke family was white. His father, George, was tall and generally nice. His mother, Samantha, tended to be over-protective but she loved him. Thomas was about thirteen years old, in the eighth grade. He had blond hair, with somewhat bushy eyebrows. He was the kind of teen who was so self-conscious about his body that he wore a shirt when he went swimming. Nobody had seen him even shirtless for years, much less naked. He always wore pants, mortified people would even see his hairless legs.
Here's the thing about Thomas. He may have been thirteen, but he somewhat looked younger in some aspects. He had some pubic hair, but his penis still looked like it belonged to a child. His balls had yet to drop, and he had no armpit hair. He was tall, and he had began to shave every couple of weeks. He was quite proud that he could grow some facial hair. In other words: he was still developing but he was quite embarrassed that he wasn't fully developed.
The Bala family had been welcoming as usual, except for the misbehaved (albeit charming) Antonio. The problem was that after a couple of hours, the adults were just beginning to warm up. Realizing that the Hawkes were going to be here for a while, Antonio decided to invite Thomas upstairs. Thomas didn't want to go upstairs, since it usually meant that he was going to get punched quite a bit. He didn't know that this time it was going to get worse.
Antonio was annoyed. He had just arrived by plane, a couple hours earlier, to begin his Spring Break. Instead of being able to simply rest, Antonio had to pretend to be a host. He also had a secret: he got a secret sexual fetish of torturing other men, both physically and emotionally. He got that arousal whenever he punched Thomas, and was even a little into him. Antonio was closeted: he wasn't open, having been raised by a family who didn't believe in homosexuality. Antonio got most of his sexual pleasure by being a bully, and masturbated thinking about how he wished it had gone perfectly. He always imagined the bullying going farther than it ever did, including sexual favors. His general unhappiness at having to be a host and his secret sexual desires led Antonio to having one of the greatest nights of his life and led to Thomas having one of the worst nights of his life.
Once upstairs, Antonio found every excuse he could to punch Antonio as they watched TV. Hoping to get away from the pain, Thomas suggested they play Wii Bowling. This meant one thing: he would get only punched between games. This meant less pain in general, and it could lead to have some fun. During his first turn, Thomas was going. He was standing when Antonio noticed something. The jeans of Thomas seemed a bit loose, as if they were perfect to pull down. Antonio always dreamed about pulling shorts and pants off, as the very idea of it could usually help him get into the mood. Antonio got out his phone camera, and set it at an angle where it could record the action. Antonio then pulled Thomas' pants down.
The pants fell down, which caused Thomas to panic. He swung the Wii remote so that his bowling ball went into the gutter. He then tried to pull his pants back up, but somehow tripped. Antonio was laughing at him, making fun of his hairless legs. He was also feeling a bit happy that he saw Thomas was wearing color briefs. Thomas finally managed to pull his pants up and Antonio stopped the recording on his phone. Antonio was smiling as Thomas felt like he was simply dying. Antonio then drove the knife of embarrassment deeper into Thomas.
“This is going to make a great video on the internet, you know.” Antonio told Thomas.
“You can't put that in the internet!”
“Oh come on, don't you want your friends to see your underwear? Or better yet-the girls in your class to see those hairless legs?”
“You wouldn't share the video! I'll do anything!”
This caused Antonio to pause. Antonio had been planning on releasing the video on the internet, and simply watching Thomas as his whole social life collapsed. The idea of being able to use the video as blackmail? Much better. He could essentially make Thomas do almost anything he wants. It was simply an offer too good to be true. He did feel like he could simply keep making things worse for Thomas. He excused himself for a second, and he went to his room. He got a video camera that he had and went back to the living room. While he did this, Thomas panicked. The very idea someone might see that cell phone video, even a total stranger, was simply too much to bear.
“So you don't want me to share this video?” Antonio said.
“Okay, I'm going to let you strip to only your underwear and I'm going to have some fun. I'll record the whole thing, but I'll delete my cell phone video. I promise that as long as you do exactly as I say, I won't release the new video I'm making. Oh, and one more thing-don't ever cover up. Okay?”
“Okay” said Thomas.
Thomas stripped down to only his underwear and Antonio was amazed at the lack of development. No armpit hair, no stomach hair. Thomas almost covered up, but he managed to remember not to. Thomas was utterly embarrassed. He knew that someone had finally seen his body, and he couldn't hide. He knew that his chest was exposed, his legs, his underwear, his nipples. Everything was out there, and the air he felt simply proved it. This wasn't a bad dream, or a nightmare. This was reality and it was upsetting him. He simply stood there, not sure what to do. This was the worst moment in his life up to that point: he wanted to go into the fetal position as his whole world crumbled around him. He didn't know that he was soon going to feel nostalgic for this moment: it was about to get a whole lot worse. At that point in time, he simply thought that life had hit a low point and it could only go up from there. He didn't realize that Antonio had even more sinister plans for him. If he did, he would have let Antonio release the original video.
Antonio pressed the record button, catching Thomas in only his underwear. Antonio wondered how far he could take Thomas, and decided that the underwear was getting in the way of his enjoyment. Antonio told Thomas to strip down completely. Thomas looked at Antonio, unsure of what to do. It took him a couple seconds but Thomas decided that he might as well do as Antonio says. He took off his underwear, and stood there. He knew that Antonio could see his few pubic hairs and there was nothing else to see. He saw by Antonio's reaction that Antonio expected him to be further along in his development.
“Oh wow. No wonder you're so shy about your body. There's literally nothing to be proud of,” said Antonio.
“God, your penis shows you're just a child. And you don't even have balls yet. You are such a little kid. I'm surprised you have pubes.”
“Please, please don't tell anyone.”
“I won't, but if you don't do as I say-everyone will know.”
“I already said I'll do anything.”
Thomas was utterly ashamed of himself. Everything he thought about his body turned out to be true. He had to be ashamed of it, and what was worse was that someone was looking at it. Someone was looking at something that should be covered. He just stood there, his face burning up. This was even worse than any nightmare he had ever had. He had nightmares where he showed up to school in only his underwear, except this situation was making that nightmare into a idyllic dream. He wished that he would get out of this situation, that Antonio would show mercy.
Antonio was simply loving this moment. He knew that Thomas was dying of shame, but Antonio didn't care. All he cared about was that this was exactly what he wanted, this was his fantasy. Total and complete humiliation. He considered shaving off Thomas' pubes, but he decided against it. Antonio decided that it was time to bring intense pain. Antonio took of his own belt, intending to use it as a spanking. Thomas look confused, not sure what was going to happen but he remained quiet. Antonio then picked up Thomas' underwear, and told Thomas to put it in his mouth. Thomas did as he was told. Antonio smiled.
Antonio then sat down on the couch, and told Thomas to go on his lap. Thomas finally figured out that he was going to get spanked. “Please don't spank me, please” Thomas begged, his voice muffled by his underwear. Antonio merely rolled his eyes and said “I guess people will see how small of a man you are, everywhere.” Thomas realized he had no choice and got on Antonio's lap, the camera catching everything. Antonio then started to caress Thomas' buttocks, and his erect penis moved a bit. Thomas realized that Antonio was getting turned on, and was a bit shocked that his penis was that large that he could feel it through Antonio's jeans.
Antonio then got the belt, and waited a couple of seconds before starting to spank Thomas. Thomas let out a gasp, although the underwear ensured no-one would hear it. He clearly wasn't expecting it to hurt so much. Antonio then gave him another swat with the belt, and Thomas' eyes started to water. The third swat got him to start crying, and he tried to scream but the underwear effectively gagged him. The pain he was feeling was intense, and it simply kept building up. Antonio swat again and again and again. He wouldn't stop, and the pain simply kept getting worse.
Thomas had never been spanked before. His parents had threatened to spank him, but he never behaved badly enough to actually get one. He always knew, or thought, they were painful. What he didn't know was how painful a spanking could get. He didn't know that the pain would sting, and that it simply kept getting worse and worse until it was intolerable. He didn't know that the pain was nowhere near enough to make him faint, but strong enough to make him wish he fainted. This spanking was the most painful thing he had gone through, to that point.
Although it didn't last that long, it felt like an eternity. After about 80 spanks, Antonio's arm was tired so he finally stopped. He made Thomas stand up, hands crossed behind his head. Thomas was facing Antonio and was sporting an erection, right into Antonio's face. It was really small, and Antonio couldn't help laugh at Thomas' tiny member. “Even erect, it's barely visible” Antonio said, to torment Thomas even further. Thomas didn't care so much, since his butt was still on fire. His underwear was dripping wet from his saliva, his eyes crying as if everyone he knew had died.
Antonio decided that it was time to take things even further. He waited until Thomas was able to think beyond how his butt was burning with intense pain. He unzipped his own jeans, and stuck his penis out of the jean's hole. Antonio's penis easily dwarfed Thomas' tiny penis. “This is what a real man's penis looks like.” Antonio stated. He then said something that shook down Thomas. “Unless you want people to see how you can barely be considered to be even a little boy, go ahead and suck it.” Thomas was shocked. He simply couldn't believe his years. “What?” Thomas said. Antonio repeated that he wanted a blow job from Thomas. Thomas almost thought about telling Antonio to just release the video. The problem was that he simply couldn't survive knowing that there were a whole bunch of people who would be seeing his body or his spanking.
Thomas got down and started to suck Thomas' penis. He didn't like the taste, he didn't like the action. It completely mortified him. He much rather would get spanked! Heck, he would much rather get kicked in the balls continuously! This was the worst thing possible for Thomas. For Antonio, this was a dream come true. He really enjoyed it. To his disappointment, it didn't last long. The sucking only lasted about 20 seconds before he finally cummed. He cummed right into Thomas' mouth and Thomas was essentially forced to swallow it. Thomas hated the taste of cum. It was salty and disgusting. Thomas then stood up, wonder what Antonio was going to have him do next. Antonio was satisfied with the blow job and was almost about to let Thomas put his clothes back on. He then got an idea. “Okay, now jerk off.”
Thomas didn't really think this was such a big deal. He had just sucked off Antonio and that was simply the worst think he's had to do. He was still standing right next to a seated Antonio, his penis still on the same level as Antonio's face. He started to stroke his penis. It took him a couple of minutes, but he eventually managed to climax. There was, of course, no cum. This led into Antonio making a couple of jokes for the camera. Antonio then let Thomas put his clothes back on as Antonio turned off the camera. This would have been the end of the worst night for Thomas, except for one thing.
When his parents were finally read to leave, Antonio went downstairs. He offered to hang out with Thomas for the rest of his spring break. Thomas' parents were very busy and they didn't really have time to take Thomas to his friend's house. This meant that Thomas would have spent his spring break at his house, watching TV and playing on the computer. Thomas' parents thought it would be nice if Thomas did something other than just watch TV, so they accepted. They told Antonio they would bring Thomas over in the morning. Thomas only knew that this meant that Antonio had something dark planned. Antonio didn't really have a plan, but he had an idea of what he was planning to do.
Part of his idea was a way to get people to see Thomas naked. Not enough people to make it so that the video lost value in the blackmail, but enough people to mortify Thomas. This wasn't going to be a good spring break for Thomas, but an excellent spring break for Antonio.



(The End)