Simon Blackmails 5 and 6

By Arclos

Copyright 2016 by Arclos, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Chapter 5

Hope was conflicted. She hated Mr. X, that's for sure. She was really resenting his control over her. And that latest, albeit optional request, of making Simon masturbate in front of her? The very idea of it was gross. Sure, she had liked the idea of having him be under her control. She liked the idea of torturing him, making him pay for the sins of other men. And yes, it was a little exciting to see the penis of another boy. But making him have an orgasm right in front of her? That was disgusting! It was vile! It made her gag!
And it also turned her on. That night, after getting the e-mail from Mr. X asking her to consider asking Simon to masturbate, she had done the deed herself not once, not twice, but three times. There was something about bringing Simon so into control that he would do one of his most private and personal deeds for her. Plus, she had to be curious on how it was like to actually be in the room as he did it. It's true she had sought out videos before so she know how men did it. But a boy like Simon? While in front of her? That was different. It would be more real.
She didn't decide that night. She didn't decide in the morning when she woke up, when she took a shower and masturbated yet again using her vibrating toothbrush, or when she got on the school bus. She decided the moment she saw Simon Filcher. Something in her just clicked. It was the way he was walking. There was a confidence, a cockiness, to that walk when she thought that his penis was actually rather small for his age. He didn't deserve that prep in his walk. He needed to be brought down a peg. She smiled.
She waited until lunch. After all, she thought that was the best time to do it.
She found him right before lunch was supposed to begin. She made him follow her into a closet which she locked.
She could see something in his eyes: concern. Trepidation. After all, he had no idea wha she was going to do. If she could read his mind, she would know the concern was less his fear of what she might do and more of a mixture: what if he couldn't perform? How embarrassing would it be? What if she only made him edge? What if she didn't even make him masturbate? He had no idea what would be worse but he needn't worry about one thing: he was already hard.
“Pull your pants and underwear down to your ankles.” Hope commanded.
Simon complied albeit slower than one might expect.
“I'm going to add this to my blackmail collection.” Hope said as she took out a camera and started recording. Of course, being a part of the video when your mostly exposed is bad but the small reminder that she had power over him in that instant was as smart as it was subtle.
“Now why don't you give me a good show? I want you to masturbate.” Hope said.
If Hope knew better then maybe she would have noticed that Simon's first instinct was to fight a smile. This is after all what he wanted: to be under someone else's control. But he didn't want her to know. So instead Simon looked down as if in shame. Which wasn't completely wrong: he was ashamed to even be commanded to do this.
“I don't want to.” Simon said. “Please just let me go.” He pleaded with her.
“It looks like you do. Plus unless you want a lot of incriminating photos of you out there, you better do as your told.” Hope insisted.
Simon waited a few seconds, as if he was thinking it over, before his hand moved over and he started doing it. Oh, god he was actually doing it! Hope was mesmerized. This was actually happening! If someone was taking a picture of her, her eyes would be bulging wide open. She simply could not believe it.
It took him a few minutes. A few minutes that was on the video she was making. As she saw, she was conflicted. On the one hand, she couldn't take her eyes away from the sight. On the other hand, she really wanted to. There was a part of her that wanted to laugh at the sight. She wanted to mock him because he was just very pathetic. Finally, she was also slightly turned on. Not by Simon, mind you she was straight but she saw him as a little boy and wasn't attracted to him, but by her power over him.
Finally, after what was at that point Simon's longest minutes in his life, he had a dry orgasm. It was also the best orgasm of his life. It made the whole week worth it. He almost tripped, it took almost all of the energy in his body.
Hope laughed when she realized he couldn't cum yet. “Wow, a little boy in so many ways. A dirty perverted one but still little.” She stopped the video. “I'll see you next week.”
Simon lifted up his pants and underwear as she left. He stood in the closet a little longer than he had to. His mind was racing: that was embarrassing! He was so ashamed! He wanted to go home, curl up in a ball, and just lay there! He considered finding ways to call of his torment that day now that he wasn't horny but it wasn't long thinking about all the things that were coming to him that got him going again. Plus, that orgasm, it was amazing. He had to experience it again. He had to keep living this life to get it. He smiled as he left.
As for Hope? During lunch, she caught up with Jay, Grant, and Mike. “So, I hear you boys are messing with Simon.” Hope said as she sat down next to them. Of course, that got their attention. No girl, much less Hope, ever sat with them.
“Why are you sitting with us?” Mike asked her.
“I'm trying to get answers and you dorks might have some.” Hope replied.
“We're not dorks. You are.” Grant retorted.
“Shut up you two. What do you want to know?” Jay asked.
“Why Simon?” Hope asked him, hoping to get some answers.
“Maybe we feel he deserves it.” Jay replied.
“Yeah he's a loser.” Grant agreed.
Only Mike didn't say anything.
“So you guys haven't heard from a Mr. X?” Hope asked, hoping she wouldn't sound crazy.
“You know about him? Are you Mr. X?” Mike quickly replied.
“No. Is he making you pick on Simon?' Hope asked Mike.
“He really has it in for that kid. How did you know?” Mike replied.
“Because he's having me mess with him.” Hope answered.
Hope then explained about how she had to pants him, take a picture of him, then blackmail him into doing what Mr. X wanted her to do. She did leave out the part about making Simon masturbate or the clothespins. After all, she didn't have to do those plus she didn't know how much to trust these three kids.
She found out from them about how they had also pulled his pants down, how they had given him a wedgie, and the disgusting bath they had given him. Plus how later today they were going to be whipping him with their towels. Hope grimaced at this. It was not going to be a good day for Simon, that's for sure.
“It's good to know we're not the only ones.” Mike said. “Maybe together we can find out who he is.”
“That's the plan.” Hope said. “But in the mean time, we have to keep doing what Mr. X says. We don't want him getting suspicious.”
“I agree.” Jay said, a little too quickly.
“So do you guys have any suspects?” Hope asked them.
They all looked down at the table before Mike replied.
“Yeah, Coach Marvin. He helped us with the bath and golden shower. Now he claims to also be blackmailed by Mr. X but we think it's a little suspicious that an adult is involved.” Mike replied.
“That's an interesting theory. I'll see what I can find out.” Hope said. Finally, a clue to Mr. X's identity!
As Hope stood up to leave, Grant asked her “Say, what is he holding over your heard?”
Hope replied with “Well if I just told people, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?”
She walked away from them.
When Simon walked into gym class, he knew what to expect. What he didn't know was how Coach Weatherby would make it happen or how Ted, Jay, Mike, or Grant would react.
Once the whole class was there, Coach Marvin and Coach Weatherby walked in. Coach Marvin was carrying a paddle. Ah, Simon thought, this was interesting. Coach Weatherby got the whole class to sit in the bleachers. He then had Simon come forward.
“So, students, we think it's very important to learn how to properly kiss girls. After all, one day soon, you will all be doing it. So in order to do that, we've decided to have some demonstrations involving young Simon here.” Coach Weatherby announced his thinly veiled excuse for what he was about to make Simon do.
One could almost feel a wave going through the crowd of 11 and 12 year old sixth graders. After all, this was actually pretty interesting as their sex drives were starting to kick in and the only knowledge they had was from the internet or boring, dried up sex classes that taught very little practical lessons. Since they had no idea what to expect, some girls wondered which would be lucky or unlucky enough to kiss Simon.
Simon made his best to seem confused by the whole situation.
“Now we can't actually have Simon kissing girls in front of you all because it's improper.” Coach Weatherby said, practicing the words Coach Marvin and he had come up with. “So we're going to have him practice on boys.”
Now another wave came: which boys would be unlucky enough to be forced to kiss another boy in front of immature boys and girls?
Simon pretended to be disgusted at which point Coach Marvin stepped forward.
“Now Simon and whatever boys we choose will do this or they will be paddled naked in front of the whole class and then you'll have to be naked during the kiss. And before any of you smart alecs say, it's not only within American law but within our school guidelines that coaches can paddle.” Coach Marvin warned. Simon gulped. Coach Marvin looked at him. “Yeah, I'll do what you say.” Simon replied. He definably didn't want to get naked in front of everyone and paddled-especially not with the spanking and whipping he knew was coming his way!
“Ted Blanton! Come forward!” Coach Weatherby yelled out the order.
It took a minute for Ted to accept that it was his name that was called forth. For the last week, he'd been fortunate. His three tormenters had been leaving him alone and he's been relatively happy at school. Having to kiss another boy in front of the whole gym class? Yeah, he didn't feel that would stay the same! He was already hearing sniggering from multiple students.
Still, getting paddled naked in front of the class before kissing would be far worse. So Ted slowly walked down the bleachers and into the front of the class.
“Take off your shoes and socks, Ted!” Coach Weatherby ordered like a drill seargant.
“I don't want to be stripped naked! I'll do what you tell me, just let me leave my clothes on!” Ted begged, thinking they were going to make him get naked even though he was complying.
“You won't get naked as long as you do what you are told. For the first demonstration, you must be barefoot.” Coach Weatherby explained.
Ted accepted that explanation. He took off his shoes and socks. He cold feel the cold gym floor.
“Now some of you guys, you might have a foot fetish. That is where you are, for some god forsaken reason, into feet. Simon, you will kiss both feet. You will also suck each toe until we tell you to stop. Understood?” Coach Weatherby said.
Simon nodded. He was actually surprised. He didn't expect to have to suck toes but he figured Coach Weatherby didn't want to just pass the test but show Mr. X he doesn't plan to be a problem.
Simon got down so that his face was right in front of Ted's feet. There was definably something very embarrassing about having to kneel in front of a boy and kiss his feet in front of a whole bunch of kids. It was an act of pure submission, a disgusting one too since feet aren't the cleanest part of the body. For Ted, if this was it, he would be happy. There's nothing shameful about having your feet cleaned. If anything, it made him look dominant in the eyes of his classmates.
And so Simon kissed the left foot of the chubby kid standing in front of him. He then kissed the right foot. Ted definably hadn't been planning on someone being that close to his feet: they smelled bad! Simon sucked it up in more ways than one when he put one of Ted's big toes in his mouth. He sucked in for a few minutes before the coaches had him suck another toe. They had him suck that toe a little longer.
After that was done, Ted was allowed to put his shoes and socks on before going back to the bleachers. The students wondered: was that it? Or would there be more demonstrations?
“Grant Dixon! It's your turn!” Coach Weatherby announced.
Grant didn't take as long as Ted. Hey, he wouldn't mind it if Simon kissed his feet. Plus, he had an ingrown toenail that would have been utterly disgusting for Simon to suck on!
But Grant was disappointed when he was merely made by Coach Weatherby to put his hands forward in front of the still kneeling Simon.
“Simon, show the class how to be a proper gentleman and kiss both of Grant's hands.” Coach Weatherby said.
Simon complied. For Simon, this was even more embarrassing to kiss Grant's hands. After all, this was also seen as an act of submission but there's something more romantic and thus passionate about this action. As for Grant, sure it was a tiny bit awkward to have his hands kissed in front of the whole class but it was still keeping him dominant.
Grant was allowed to sit on the bleachers yet again.
“Mike Simpson! Come forward” Coach Weatherby yelled.
Mike Simpson came forward.
This had been a point of contention for both Coach Weatherby and Coach Marvin. The instructions were to have Simon kiss Mike's cheeks. Did Mr. X mean the butt cheeks or the cheeks on the face? He wasn't clear on the matter. In the end, they settled for both.
“Simon you must kiss Mike's butt cheeks and then the cheeks on his face. Both of them. That's four kisses total. Mike, it's up to you on whether you moon the class or not. The first exercise is useful during some intimate moments in case you have a butt fetish, like most people do, and the second  exercise is to show how to properly greet someone in other cultures.” Coach Weatherby said.
Simon was more than surprised: he hadn't expected this at all! Clearly, Simon realized, there must have been some confusion. He had meant the cheeks on the face but it's not like he could explain that now. Nor could he get out of it: they would paddle him naked and then they'd make him do it anyways. Simon nodded, to show he would do it.
As for Mike, he quickly weighed the pros and cons of pulling the back part of his shorts and underwear down. On the other hand, the whole class would see his butt. On the other hand, it would be more embarrassing for Simon. Plus, as the Coach said, he would be mooning the class and that wasn't that bad. Butts are okay: penises and balls aren't.
So to Simon's horror (and secret delight) and the Coach's surprise, Mike did pull his shorts and underwear down to expose his butt-nothing else though. The class reacted first by looking away and exclaiming they were disgusted but soon they were all looking ahead.
Simon leaned in, as he was still kneeling, and kissed both butt cheeks. For Mike, the most embarrassing point was having people view his butt. For Simon, well you can imagine not only was he disgusted but his cheeks were very red indeed!
After that, Mike pulled his shorts back up. Kissing the cheeks on his face was easy for Simon! Mike was actually a little more embarrassed about that then he was showing his butt to the class!
Once Grant was back on the stands, it was time for the final demonstration.
“Jay Charles! Come forward!” Coach Weatherby ordered.
Jay did come forward. He wondered where he would be kissed. Jay was hopeful for a few areas: his penis, his balls, his asshole (not the cheeks), but also his mouth. See, Jay hadn't accepted it yet and it was part of the reason he liked bullying with other boys but he was attracted to boys. He liked bullying Simon because he had a small crush on Simon and this was a way to see him exposed and to touch him. Plus, he was a sadist.
“Simon, you are to french kiss Jay on the mouth until we tell you to stop. This is to show the class how to french kiss.” Coach Weatherby said.
And so Simon stood up. He looked at the kid with red hair and freckles in front of him. He could swear there was a tiny tent in Jay's shorts. That was interesting. Maybe he could take this way farther in the future...
Simon leaned in and kissed Jay in the mouth. Jay let him. It was embarrassing for both kids but they also both enjoyed it immensely.
It lasted for a grand total of five minutes before the Coach told him to stop. And just like that, that part of impromptu health class was over.
For Simon, it was embarrassing but exhilarating being forced to do all those things! For the Coaches, they were a bit worried the parents of the kids would find out. After all, what they just did was technically illegal.
Of course, the day was only beginning for Simon.
Simon went into the locker room and stripped naked. He went to the shower and was about to turn it on when suddenly, from out nowhere, he got hit on the butt by a towel! Grant was behind him, fully clothed, and he struck at his butt again! Ouch! It hurt! He was about to turn around when Mike came from out of nowhere and hit him in the balls with his towel!
Simon had been paddled and wedgied. He'd had to put on clothes pins on his nipples, penis, and ball sack. And yet, despite all of this, the moment he got hit in the balls by the towel was the most painful experience he's had yet.
He moved his hands to cover his balls but before he knew it, Grant hit him a couple more times: once on his butt and another time on his back. One of his hands went cover his butt while his other hand tried to go over his back, letting Mike hit him in the balls yet again. They continued this process for a few minutes.
As Simon's back, butt, and balls were tortured by the two separate whip-like towels, Jay made sure to capture it all by the cameras. He made sure to capture it as Simon didn't just tear up as it continued but started to cry. They didn't stop then. No, the instructions were to make sure they did it enough to make Simon cry and then some.
After a few more minutes, they decided that the red streaks over Simon's butt, back, and balls meant he really had enough. Grant went to him, grabbed his hands, and forced them to be behind him. He brought out handcuffs from his pocket-given to him by Coach Marvin-and he cuffed Simon's hands. Mike decided to take advantage of this and actually whipped him a couple more times in the balls. Simon continued to cry.
Grant then took some ankle cuffs and put them on his feet so that Simon couldn't walk propery. He took a chain and made sure to attach Simon's handcuffs to Simon's ankle cuffs so that his movement was really impaired. He also tied Simon up to a nearby pole so that even if Simon tried to walk, he wouldn't be able to get very far. Jay then threw Grant a piece of underwear: it was the one Simon had worn during gym class! They used it to gag Simon. The boys then left him alone.
Simon was surprised not only by how much the whipping had hurt him but also because he wasn't just tied-he had been cuffed by actual handcuffs! The boys had taken this very seriously. He also figured Coach Marvin must have provided the tools.
And so there Simon stood, naked, tied up in the boy's locker room. He saw his class leave their shower stalls and get dressed and leave him. To his surprise, nobody offered to help him. It didn't take long until Simon was completely alone. At this point, Coach Miles walked in. He saw Simon naked. He looked around: they were the only two people in the locker room.
He walked up to Simon. He had two clothespins in his hand. Simon tried asking him what he was doing but it was garbled by the underwear. Coach Miles put one of them on Simon's left nipple. Oh, it hurt even more than Simon remembered! Coach Miles then put the right clothespins on Simon's right nipple. “I am sorry, you know.” Coach Miles said as he just left Simon alone.
It didn't take that long for the pain from the clothespins to disappear-which Simon knew meant it was really going to hurt when he took them off. Still, he had to wait a while for his next torment. In fact, there was about a whole hour where he spent, by himself, naked, gagged, cuffed in the locker room. At least it was the boys.
After the hour was up, the high school football team (as well as other sports) came into the locker room to change for football practice. They were all a little surprised to see a naked prepubescent kid helpless in front of them. A lot of them made fun of him, being jocks and all, but they mostly left him alone. All  except for Bradley Starr.
His teammates asked him what he was doing but he ignored them as he walked up to Simon. He took out a container of icyhot and stuck his fingers in there. Bradley couldn't believe what he was about to do. Was he seriously going to touch the kid's penis and balls? Bradley wasn't gay and he thought it was disgusting what he had to do but he didn't want anyone to find out he used steroids. It wouldn't just destroy his future or even maybe send him to jail. He was scared how he would disappoint his parents.
So he didn't just rub the icyhot over Simon's penis and balls. He actually pulled Simon's skin back, exposing the most vulnerable part of Simon's penis to the icyhot. He didn't just apply a little bit of it. He applied a lot of it.
As you can imagine, it was awkward for Simon as for the first time he felt another hand pull his skin back and to feel another person's hand with the ointment apply it.
Bradley then left him alone, refusing to explain himself to his teammates. But they didn't really care that much: they actually thought it was going to be funny once the “icy” part of the ointment ended. But they didn't stick around: they had to go to football practice.
Once Simon was alone, he quickly realized this might have been his worst idea ever. It hadn't been bad at all in the beginning and it was embarrassing (and the guys had made fun of him for this) getting an erection. He didn't know that icyhot had two active ingredients that make it impossible to get rid of an erection while they are at work. For another thing, the burning sensation was so bad that he immediately started to cry. This was more painful than getting hit in the balls, putting on clothespins, or getting paddled combined! He wanted to do anything to make it stop so he decided to try to wash it off only he couldn't reach the shower to turn it on.
As Simon tried to live through the pain, Coach Filip came into the locker room and found him with a huge erection that was turning blue and purple (his penis will be fine but not for a while). Coach Filip walked up to Simon.
“Well, Simon, I'm sorry but I can't believe I found you like this. I'm going to have to punish you.”
Coach Filip then twisted the clothespins on Simon very hard so that they would hurt again. So not only was Simon's penis still on fire but now his nipples hurt. Coach Filip then started slapping Simon's belly hard.
The combination of all three pain: the clothespins, the icyhot, and the process of getting a pink belly meant that Simon was not a happy camper at all. This was the most pain he's ever been in his life! It didn't take long for Coach Filip to finish his job. Once he was done, he twisted the clothespins all over again before leaving him alone.
Now granted, the pain on his belly and his nipples eventually subsided. You know what pain didn't? His burning penis! It simply would not go away. In fact, it was only getting worse!
He had to wait about almost an hour as the burning pain in his penis kept his mind occupied before the sports teams came back from practice. Once again, they made fun of him but otherwise ignored him. Simon didn't care about their taunts: he hoped someone would turn on the shower, pull the skin on his penis back, and get rid of the icyhot!
But that didn't happen.
In fact, Coach Sorenson walked in and walked up to Simon. He then said that he was going to have to punish Simon. The teams were confused by this but they didn't question it: they were just curious to see what Sorenson was going to do to poor little Simon.
To their surprise, Coach Sorenson dragged Simon so he was facing the wall. He then started slapping Simon's butt!
That stung!
For Simon, the consistent burning pain on his penis and the stinging slaps on his butt would have made him cry except he was all out of tears. It would have made him scream in pain except his underwear muffled it out. He would have begged for it to end except he couldn't.
Slap! Slap! Slap!
It was a spanking that seemed to take forever. It turns out that 100 spanks is a lot and to avoid Coach Sorenson's hand getting sore, he would take frequent breaks which only dragged out the pain even more.
Slap! Slap! Slap!
When Coach Sorenson reached 25 hand spanks, Simon just wanted it to be over. By the time he reached 50 hand spanks, Simon was able to start crying again. By the time he reached 75 hand spanks, Simon was convinced it would never ever end. That he had died, gone to hell, and this was to be his punishment for all of eternity.
Once Coach Sorenson was actually done at 100 spanks, he started  to use the keys he got from Coach Miles to see Simon free. He also removed Simon's underwear from his mouth. It was at that point that the sports teams, that had all watched the whole spanking with the attention normally reserved to the sports games they followed, finally dispersed.
Simon wanted to stand there and let the pain from his spanking subside. But his burning penis needed his immediate attention.
He turned the shower on and started the process of washing off the icyhot. The problem? The shower only had one setting: hot! And so it took him a while since he felt the need to jump out of the shower every few minutes because he could have sworn his penis was literally on fire.
But eventually, he managed to get it off. When he got dressed, he noticed he was still semi-erect. Indeed, he would be that way until he got home and until the following morning.
When he was home, he noticed he could barely sit without his very spanked, paddled, and whipped butt begging for relief. Good thing, Simon decided, he had the weekend to rest. Because he knew that no matter how bad it was today, he wasn't going to stop. In fact, there was a part of him that was disappointed his parents weren't going to paddle him over the weekend over some silly excuse. If only he had dirt on his parents...
Simon did get on his computer. He complimented each Coach and Bradley for passing their test and he was happy to also get video footage from the day before on the shower he took in the girl's locker room from Coach Miles. He also sent an e-mail praising Hope for her actions (plus he liked the footage of watching himself masturbate) as well as the e-mail to the boys and their video of him getting whipped by towels.
Simon also reviewed his strategy. He knew that Monday was going to be a big day. While many boys had seen him in only his underwear or naked, he knew Monday was going to be the day when girls would start seeing him in only his underwear.
He smiled. Next week was going to be even worse for him-which by his twisted mind, also meant it would be better.
What he didn't know was that beginning on Sunday, he was going to need to up his blackmail investigations because the parents found out about the kissing lesson the Coaches orchestrated!

Chapter 6

Ted Blanton was flummoxed. Monday had been a normal day for Ted. In the locker room before gym, Jay, Mike, and Charles had made fun of him for having boobies. During gym class, one of them even twisted his very sensitive nipples. That hurt him a lot. Then after gym class, they teased him some more about his very tiny penis, non-existent ball sack, and breasts. They said he really was a girl but God had mixed up and accidentally given him a penis and a balls. He had gone home that day, crying into his pillow, and wishing he could just one day stand up to them and beat them up. But he knew he was weaker than they were and he couldn't make it come true.
That all changed on Tuesday. They didn't tease him at all in the locker room. He was able to change and shower in peace. During gym class, the three of them left him alone. Instead, they pulled Simon Filcher's pants down. Now Ted knew how embarrassing that was. Just liked Simon, his own shorts had been occasionally pulled down during gym class. Girls would laugh at him, saying they would never go out with a guy like him. He didn't even wait to cry until he got home on those days: he did it on the car ride with his mom. He refused to tell his mom what was wrong and she would eventually dropped it. Just like Simon, he also wore underwear that was considered to be for little kids and losers: tighty-whities. Ted thought it had been strange when Simon switched from boxers to briefs but he kept it to himself. He thought at that moment than Simon probably regretted switching underwear. The only difference? While the girls laughed and Simon's face went red, nobody tried to claim Simon was really wearing panties like Jay and his friends had done with Ted.
On Wednesday, Simon Filcher was once again the target while the kids ignored him. He saw Simon getting a wedgie so bad his underwear ripped before gym class. Ted had been given a wedgie or two in his time: they always hurt and the boys would always make fun of him when he started crying but he never got it as bad as Simon. Still, Simon only screamed out in pain. He never cried. And then Ted saw the three bullies show pieces of Simon's underwear to girls during gym class. Then on Thursday, he was perplexed when he saw Simon get a golden shower and cleaned with urine-soaked rags. He was even more surprised when the Head Coach not only joined the bullies but made them take it farther than they were clearly planning to. It was on Friday that Ted knew something had to have been up. Not only did Simon get mercilessly whipped by towels and tied up after gym class, but during gym class Coach Weatherby gave his kissing class where he forced Simon to kiss different boys at different parts. So you can see why Ted would be suspicious. It's one thing for the bullies to change targets but quite another for the Coaches to jump in.
He had wanted to investigate why this was happening that Friday afternoon but when he got home, his step-dad who hated him was drunk. His step-dad sent his weak mother on an errand that would take her out of the house for hours. Ted hated his step-dad. His step-dad was the one who refused to let him switch to boxers because he thought Ted needed to prove his worth as a man first. His step-dad might have never laid his hands on his mom but who liked to take advantage of his authority over Ted. In fact, once Ted's mother was out of the house, Ted knew what was coming. He had tried fighting it at first. He had tried resisting, begging, and all other sorts of things. He knew it would make no difference.
His step-dad came over to him, towering over him like a giant. Ted was a small eleven-year old kid so he was still at the age and height where everything seemed bigger. A big, scary man? Was always far more terrifying than he actually was.
“You are a loser. A little cry-baby.” His step-dad said, mocking Ted.
“Please leave me alone.” Ted said, hoping for once his step-dad would listen to him and back down.
“See? You are a little girl. You need to man up and I'm the man to make that happen.” His step-dad said, boasting despite having had zero success in his mind.
“Please, not today. You can do whatever you want tomorrow, just leave me alone today.” Ted begged, tears already forming in his eyes.
“Oh, look, the little loser is already crying. Take off your shirt, give us a show like the little girl that you are.” His step-dad ordered.
Ted already knew what was going to happen. It was in these times that he wished Jay, Charles, and Mike were the ones messing with him instead. Ted took off his shirt. No hair on his body, his breasts, and his chubby belly truly displayed why Ted wasn't proud of his body or why kids picked on him for it.
“Oh, look at your little breasts. When you grow up to be a beautiful woman, I'm sure babies will love to suck on them.” Ted's step-father daunting him. Ted started to cry. “Oh, wait, you are supposed to be a man aren't you? Why don't you take off your pants and prove it?” Ted's step-dad continued.
Ted took off his shoes and his pants, leaving him in only his briefs and his socks. Even though he was wearing underwear, Ted felt very exposed. His thighs, his hairless, legs were on display.
“There's like no bulge on your underwear, how am I supposed to know your a boy? I think your a girl.” Ted's step-dad teased him. “I should make you wear your dress.”
“Please, don't. Anything but the dress.” Ted pleaded. He hated wearing that dress, especially since Ted's step-dad then liked to invite his friends over for a poker game and make Ted wait on them like a 'good wife'. Man, if the kids knew he had his own dresses, they would never let him live it down!
“Then take off your socks and underwear. Prove your a boy.” Ted's step-dad said.
Ted took off his socks then as he had done many times before his step-father, took off his underwear. His very undeveloped penis wasn't just small because of age. He had been diagnosed by a doctor for having a micropenis. Even his ball sack, where his balls had yet to grow, was larger than it.  Ted's step-dad delighted in mocking him for it.
“That's weird. I mean, I can kinda see a ball sack, but not a penis. I could swear it's just a tiny vagina there.” Ted's step-dad said.
“I'm a boy!” Ted interjected, trying to retain the non-existent dignity he had.
“Well, whatever the case, you are a little pussy. I need to make a man out of you.” Ted's step-dad said.
Ted's step-father took off his own belt. Ted knew what that meant. Without even being asked, Ted took a dining room chair and dragged it to the middle of the room. He put his hands at the top of the chair, gripping it as hard as he could.
Even drunk, Ted's step-dad was able to hit with a surprising amount of precision. Ted, who had already been crying, was soon screaming like a little girl, encouraging some teasing from his step-dad and harder spanks. His butt soon got very red as Ted's step-dad simply liked to spank until his arm got tired.  It felt like eternity for Ted but it was only ten minutes of hard spankings.
Once Ted's step-dad was done, he had Ted turn around.
“Listen, girl, you are pathetic. A loser. Next time I give you a spanking, you should try taking it like a man.” Ted's step-dad said. “Because I am very disappointed in you.”
For a kid, there were no words more damaging, more hurtful, than hearing a parent, even a hated step-parent who had been raising you almost all of your life, than to hear that he or she is disappointed in you.
“I am sorry dad.” Ted said. “Let me make it up to you.”
Ted's step-father just laughed. He then let Ted put on his underwear and go to his room. After his mom returned and made him some delicious dinner, she wasn't happy that Ted was in his underwear or that he could barely sit down without grimacing in pain but she said nothing. She also did nothing when she walked by his room that night as he cried himself to sleep. She hated what her husband did to Ted but she didn't have the strength to face him.
The following morning, Ted woke up. At breakfast, he learned his step-father was working that day, as a police officer he often had to work weekends. Ted couldn't help but smile when he learned that. He went into the computer room, logged on, and started to get to work at uncovering why the bullies and coaches were messing with Simon. It took him  an hour but he was able to hack into Coach Marvin's e-mail account. Once that happened, it didn't take Ted long to find out two things.
One thing is that some of the students had told their parents about the kissing lesson. The parents had lodged an official complaint and there was going to be a school board hearing at the end of the coming week to investigate what happened and what to do about it. Based on the e-mails Coach Marvin said, he was clearly afraid that not only would he lose his job but that the board would then alert the District Attorney and he'd face criminal charges. The second thing is he uncovered e-mails from a Mr. X making him do these things.
Ted quickly started running IP checks and other things that Coach Marvin and the other blackmailed people clearly hadn't thought of: it didn't take him to learn to his surprise that the e-mails had come from Simon's household! Once he hacked into the e-mails, Ted learned everything: about Hope, about the bullies, and about the other coaches. He learned about the blackmail evidence Mr. X used. And in hacking the e-mails, he was able to use other techniques to hack into the computer that had accessed them. Based on the evidence he found, it shocked him even further. Not only was Mr. X a clear pervert based on the porn he watched and stories he read, but the school papers and other evidence clearly showed Simon Filcher was Mr. X!
He got enough evidence to come out of the printer, put them in his backpack, and told his mom he was going to visit a friend. Ted's mom was so surprised to hear that. Ted never visited friends. She didn't even know he had any! She told him to stay there for as long as he wanted.  Ted got on the bike he rarely rode and took it all the way to Simon's house.
Simon Filcher's mom was surprised to see him. Simon had many friends, sure, but she never thought he hanged out with Ted. She let him inside and Ted went up to Simon's room. Simon was surprised to see him and was even more surprised that without a word, Ted displayed the evidence showing Simon was Mr. X. Simon's heart started beating faster. He always knew there was a risk that someone would find out he was Mr. X. Ted, to be honest, was the last person he thought would know who Mr. X was or even care to find out. He wasn't even blackmailing Ted!
Simon closed the door.
“How did you get these?” Simon asked.
“If you do anything online, you can always look hard enough to figure these things out.” Ted claimed.
“So what do you want? Are you going to expose me as Mr. X?” Simon said.
“Expose you? Why in god's name would I want to expose you?” Ted asked. “Look, Simon, I don't get why you are doing this to yourself. I don't get why you would want these things to happen to you. If you want this, then fine because it's the best thing to happen to me.”
“Really?” Simon asked.
“Are you crazy? Before this, Jay and his friends would mess with me. Now they leave me alone. My step-dad is bad enough. I'm happy that I don't have to worry what's going to happen to me when I go to school.” Ted admitted.
“Your step-dad? What does he do to you?” Simon inquired.
Ted merely shrugged.
Ted then took out some more files from his backpack.
“Right now you need to worry about yourself.” Ted said. “The parents complained to the school about your kissing lesson. There's going to be a school board hearing Friday to discuss it.”
“Oh. So?” Simon asked.
“Coach Marvin and Coach Weatherby might lose their jobs. They might go to jail.” Ted said.
“But if they do that, I won't have the coaches under my control anymore. There will be new coaches.” Simon said.
“Yes.” Ted confirmed.
Simon thought about this problem: this was going to put a huge wrinkle in his plans if he had to start over from the beginning!
“There is one thing you could do.” Ted said.
“What?” Simon asked.
“You have to blackmail the members of the school board. There are six of them. I'll help you and I think we can find enough dirt on all of them to save the jobs of the Coaches. And before you think you don't need me, I've already started setting up safety precautions so no one else can hack you like I did.” Ted said.
“Why would you help me?” Simon inquired.
“Simple. As long as you can do your thing, I'm left alone. It helps me. Plus, I do want something in return.” Ted said.
Ah, yes. Simon had quickly realized that since Ted knew the truth, for the first time, someone really had some level of control over him. Sure, Hope was “blackmailing” him but as Mr. X, Simon had the final say. He had no dirt on Ted. Ted could make him do anything. If Ted wanted, he could force Simon to strip naked, give Ted a blowjob, or let Ted punch him in the balls. The possibilities of what Ted could do were getting Simon hard.
“What do you want?” Simon asked.
“I want you to get dirt on my step-father. I want you to give me that dirt. Do you think you can do that for me?” Ted asked.
“That's what you want? To blackmail your step-dad?” Simon asked.
“Yes.” Ted confirmed.
“But he's your dad.” Simon said.
“So? Just like the coaches, he's not perfect. Just like your parents.” Ted said.
Now that threw Simon for a spin. Up until that point, he had never seriously considered his parents as targets for his blackmail. Oh, sure, he'd love it if he could set special home rules for himself. No privacy, spankings, no clothes when at home. But if Ted's step-dad wasn't perfect then maybe, just maybe, his parents weren't either.
“Okay, fine, I'll help you Ted. Starting tomorrow, we'll start looking into the school board members and your step-dad. I need a day, though. To do homework and get other things out of the way.” Simon said.
“Thanks Simon.” Ted said.
Ted was going to leave then when Simon stopped him. “Wait, Ted.” Simon said.
“Yeah?” Ted asked him.
“You know of all the people, you right now have control over me.” Simon said.
“I know.” Ted said.
“So that's it?” Simon replied, a little disappointed. “You don't want to know what it's like to have me do anything?”
“Not really. Can we just be friends?” Ted asked.
Simon nodded. “Sure, we can. Want to do homework together and then play some video games?”
For most of the day, Simon and Ted played together. It was rather uneventful. After Ted left, Simon decided to take care of his “other thing” before going after the school board members and Ted's step-dad.
While his dad and his mom were busy in the yard, Simon sneaking into his dad's study. He found at the top of the desk was a book detailing all the accounts. He tried getting into the computer but it was password protected and unlike Ted, he didn't know how to hack into it after he tried some obvious passwords. He started going through the desk drawers but found nothing.
Suddenly, Simon froze! He heard footsteps! He wasn't allowed to be in his dad's study-he'd get grounded for sure and that would make it difficult to blackmail people!
He quickly ducked under the desk, hidden from view. He put his head on the ground so that he could hear footsteps.
They got closer, closer, closer. He was sure they would go into the study.
Simon closed his eyes in anticipation of getting caught.
The footsteps then started to go away. Simon breathed in relief. After a few minutes, he could hear nothing. Simon rose his head and accidentally bumped into the top of the desk. But it wasn't the desk, he noticed. It was a book that looked just like the one on the desk. He grabbed it.
After really making sure nobody was near the study, he got out from under the desk. He opened the book and learned that it looked almost identical except some things were different! He wasn't sure what but he knew if his dad was hiding it, it couldn't be legal. He took pictures with his smart phone. He put the book back under the desk and snuck away.
When he got on the computer, he uploaded the pictures. He then looked up online and figured out that his dad, an accountant, was clearly stealing money from his clients: the real ledger was under the desk while he presented a fake ledger to the public! Simon couldn't believe his luck: his dad was a crook which meant he was vulnerable!
But he wasn't done. If his dad had his secrets, his mom must as well. He went into his parent's room. Normally, they wouldn't like him in there without them being present but he could get away with it. He opened up a cabinet, turned on the TV so if he got caught, he had a valid excuse. He couldn't find the remote so he had to turn it on manually.
It was then that he noticed something strange. He saw some big blocks behind the TV.
His parents had a Blu-ray player. So why then was there big VHS tapes behind the TV? He started looking through the cabinet and found a VHS player. Making sure his parents were still in the yard by looking out the window, he was happy to see they were still there. His mom was now serving his dad some wine. That must have been why she had left the yard earlier and almost caught Simon: the study was right next to the kitchen!
Making sure the TV was on low volume, he put in the VHS tape and started playing it. He didn't know what to expect but this sure wasn't it! His mom worked for the government. The VHS tapes were of classified documents! His mom had been secretly bringing the documents home, recording them on VHS, and then hiding them! He didn't know why. But he just knew that she was breaking federal laws and those came with the death penalty!
Simon knew this had to be big but he wasn't going turn in his, he found the perfect blackmail material! He took some of the VHS tapes to his room, went to the attic, and found a device that transferred VHS footage to DVDs. He got the device, took it to his room, and before you knew it, he got the DVD files on his computer.
He then put the VHS tapes back.
Simon smiled.  He got started on drafting up e-mails for the bullies, some of the coaches, and his parents as well as the school board members. He didn't hit send on any of them: after all, he still had to get dirt on the school board members.


(End of File)