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* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
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* * * * *
Chapter 3 It was Wednesday
morning. Simon woke up and quickly got ready. He was as nervous as he was
excited to go to school that day. A girl was going to see his penis “against”
his will! Granted, he really did wish it wasn't because he was blackmailing
Hope but you know, beggars can't be choosers. The night before he had actually
dreamed about it. Her forcing her into the room, pulling his pants down, and
laughed at his tiny penis. He pretended to fight her, granted, but he would
eventually put his hands over his head as she threatened to take his pants with
her. She took a picture and actually took his pants with her. When he woke up,
he had an erection he wanted to take care off. But then he remembered, he
wanted to get permission from someone first. He did wonder:
what if he she did take his pants? Would she just leave it right outside the
room or really leave him? Would he have the courage to walk around school with
his genitals in display for everyone to see? It made him very anxious but at
the same time, he hoped she would do it even though she wasn't told to. It
would mean he wasn't in control anymore but then again that was the fantasy,
the dream, the ultimate goal. Of course, he
would have to wait until after school before she would do anything. And before then,
he had the exciting prospect of having his underwear pulled up into his ass
until it was ripped apart. That promised to hurt and be embarrassing as girls
got the pieces of his underwear. This was going
to be a good day in Simon's horny mind. In his rational mind, he knew it was
going to be tough to actually get through. He just hoped it would be worth it
for when he finally had his next dry orgasm. When he got to
school, first period English was very slow. During second period Social
Studies, he actually excused himself pretending to be sick. See, Simon knew
that in order for him to really be embarrassed, spanked, and bullied would be
to get the staff to jump on board. So he had set a goal for himself: be kicked
out of the locker room in only his underwear which would lead to him having his
briefs be his sole gym uniform. At least until he transitioned into being
naked. Now in order to
do that, he would need the gym coaches to be under his control. He would also
need the school nurse seeing as how her office was in the gym building. The
locker room the school had two doors. One of them was within the gym building,
one of them was outside. He obviously wanted to be kicked out of the door that
led outdoors, locked behind him, so he'd have to run inside to the other door.
That would involve having to go past two offices: the nurse's office and the
Head Coaches' office. He had a plan for both. The night
before, he had gotten one of those books that is secretly a contained. He cut a
hole through the spine and placed a secret camera in there. So he went over
to the gym building. He smiled when he saw that the Head Coaches' office was
empty but the door was open. He quickly went in, placed the book on a shelf,
and snuck out. Nobody saw him. With any luck, nobody would notice the brand new
book. He went to the
nurse's office. She examined him, he managed to pretend he was dizzy, and she
agreed to let him take a quick nap. He took out his phone and secretly aimed at
her. As he pretended to close his eyes, he really kept them barely open. There was a
rumor around the school that the nurse, Marjory, would secretly pop pills. He
hoped he would catch her in action. Fortune must have been on his side. It
didn't take long for Marjory to head to a counter, open it, and take a drug. He
aimed his cell phone to capture the name of the drug. He would later look it
up: it was a prescription drug clearly meant for a different student. What she
did was definably illegal. Soon, Simon
returned to his regular day. He would make sure not to shake his penis as he
went to the bathroom so that pee stains appeared on the front of his underwear.
When he pooped right after lunch, he made sure not to do that great of a job at
wiping. So it was that his underwear wasn't in the cleanest or most presentable
state by the time gym class came rolling around. Finally, the
last period of the day came. Simon walked fast to the locker room. Once Grant,
Mike, and Ted were in the locker room, he started to change. He took off his
shoes. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it off. He replaced it with his gym
shirt as Grant took out his camera, “secretly” aiming it at Simon. Simon
pretended not to notice. He then took down his pants, making sure his back was
to the three boys. Mike went in
front of him. As soon as Simon set his pants down, Mike grabbed his hands. “What are you
doing!?” Simon said, pretending to be surprised. “Shut up loser.”
Mike replied. “Let me go!”
Simon said as he tried to resist. Mike was stronger than him, plus Simon was
only putting on a show. Jay grabbed
Simon's underwear and pulled it up. While Simon had previously given himself a
wedgie, he never did it bad enough to rip. So he was surprised by how much it
hurt as Jay kept pulling and pulling it, pushing it deeper and deeper into his
butt. Simon was soon screaming in pain for real, begging for it to end. It finally ended
when Jay finally ripped the underwear in half. The front quickly fell to the
floor. Jay quickly grabbed the piece of underwear. Mike pushed Simon to the ground
and the three boys laughed at his state: his shirt not really covering his
small erect penis or balls that have yet to really drop. His hands were to his
side, on the floor. There was something very embarrassing about having been
erect in front of the three boys (and the other boys in the locker room, who
were also pointing and laughing at him)! Once they were
gone, Simon smiled. It had hurt and it was embarrassing but it was working!
Simon quickly put on his gym shorts. During gym class, he would grow red as Jay
made sure to get a picture of each girl in gym class when Coach Weatherby was
distracted and Simon's underwear. It didn't help that Jay would point to Simon
each time. The state of the underwear definably added to Simon's shame. Soon,
gym class ended. Simon rushed to
the locker room and changed back to his normal clothes, sans underwear. He
happened to walk to the English Department since he knew that's where Hope had
her last period class. It didn't take long for black-haired Hope to find him.
She quickly grabbed him, pushed him into a janitor's closet, and she locked the
door. “What are you
doing?” Simon asked, pretending to be clueless. “What I have to
do.” Hope replied. “What do you
mean?” Simon asked even though he knew exactly what she meant. She quickly
pulled Simon's pants down. “Why did you do
that!?” Simon asked. He allowed his body to follow his instincts, which was to
cover his private parts. It must have
been quite a sight, seeing Simon with his pants around his ankles with no
underwear, hands over his delicates! “Look, if you
don't want me to take your pants out of here, put your hands behind your head.”
Hope demanded. “Oh, come on!
Please just leave me alone!” Simon pleaded. To Simon's
surprise and delight, she actually pushed him just enough so that his body left
his pants. She quickly scooped them up. “Sure, if you
want me to leave, I'll leave you alone. I'll just take your pants with me.”
Hope answered. “Okay, fine.”
Simon replied, pretending to give up. Simon slowly raised
his hands, putting them behind his back, incidentally lifting his shirt so that
Hope could see everything. Hope couldn't help but chuckle as her brown eyes
pierced his penis. “Wow, you aren't even a man or a boy. You are just like a
tiny, little baby.” She quickly let out. Simon blushed even harder at this very
degrading comment. Hope took a
picture with her phone. “Have a nice
day, baby Simon.” Hope said. She threw his pants at his face before she left.
Simon quickly put his pants on. Which was good because as soon as she turned
around and went out the door, he got an erection. Simon was both relieved and
disappointed he didn't get hard while Hope was looking at him. He waited until
he was soft before he left the closet door. He went back to the gym building,
and put himself in a position where he was looking at the Head Coaches' Office.
The Head Coach, Coach Marvin, while pretending to tie his shoes for the longest
time. Luckily nobody paid attention to him. When Coach
Marvin left his office, presumably to go to the bathroom, Simon quickly rushed
into the office and took the book. He left before anyone really realized he was
in there. At home, he
reviewed the footage and he was satisfied when he saw the footage. Coach Marvin
is married to some woman, he didn't really know who, but he knew she didn't
work in the school. But on the footage, he was clearly having sex with Coach
Sumner! His small school
had six coaches: Coach Marvin, Coach Weatherby, Coach Sumner, Coach Miles,
Coach Sorenson, and Coach Filip. He now had footage on two different coaches!
Any other athletic need by the school was covered by the ordinary teaching
staff but they wouldn't go to the gym building during normal school hours. His
goal was now way closer to being achieved! So he set out to work on his
e-mails. First his three
bullies. He was delighted to get the footage from Grant. The video of him
getting a wedgie, exposing his butt, was embarrassing! Plus when it ripped and
you could see his erect penis after he was pushed was even better! The multiple
pictures of each girl in his gym class with a piece of his underwear! Oh, they
really lived up to their word! And Hope's picture of him, man it made him seem
like a pathetic little boy! Dear Boys, You exceeded my
expectations with the wedgie and showcasing Simon's dirty underwear! Really,
it's nice to have even more evidence against you, but man you guys sure seem to
be enjoying this so I guess we all win! Tomorrow, you
guys are after gym class in the locker room going to surround Simon before he
takes his shower but when he's naked. You are to drag him to a toilet, one
unflushed with urine, and you are to wash him that way using a rag using that
water. Sincerely, Mr. X. Oh, the idea of
him being covered in piss was enough to make Simon hard! He then went ahead and
sent his new tasks to Hope. Dear Hope, You passed your
test, although I'm disappointed he wasn't hard. Tomorrow, you'll have a simple
task. Print the photo you have of Simon. Show it to him before school. Threaten
that if he doesn't do as you say, you will release the photo to the public. Have him do
something, anything, to prove he'll follow your word whether it be
embarrassing, disgusting, painful, sexual, or any of the above.Make sure it's not easy for him to experience
at all. I want it to be a surprise so don't tell me but don't go easy on him.
Just like you are under my control, bring him under your control. Sincerely, Mr. X Simon smiled at
the multiple levels of blackmail he's setting up with Hope. She'll be
blackmailing him while he's blackmailing her to do just that! Plus, he was
asking her to use her imagination! He really wouldn't know what she's planning!
Plus, it'll happen before school guaranteeing a terribly awesome way to start
his day-just like he'll finish his day with his gross task! It didn't take
long for him to get replies. Mr. X, I really am
having a lot of fun! I would have never thought of giving a ripping wedgie and
then showing the underwear to girls! Anyways, this sounds like fun as well!
I'll be holding Simon in place during his toilet bath. Sincerely, Jay The second
reply: Mr. X, This sounds very
disgusting. Still, Jay convinced me to give him the towel bath. Gross but not
as gross for Simon I guess. Sincerely, Mike The third reply: Mr. X, I'll be taking
the video again. Man, you must really have something against Simon. Sincerely, Grant Hope's reply: Mr. X, What do you have
against Simon? I have a feeling this is key to me finding out who you are. I'll
do as you say. Trust me, Simon
won't enjoy at all what I'll make him do. Sincerely, Hope Simon smiled at
the replies. He wondered what Hope had in mind. But still he had three new
people to blackmail. So he started working on that: Dear Nurse
Marjory, My name is Mr.
X. As you can see from this video footage, I clearly having you breaking the
law. You could not only lose your job and your medical license, but you could
go to jail. I can end your life anytime I want. But it's not your life that
interests me, it's Simon's. So from now on
you are to follow my tasks whenever they come. You will also live by the
following rules: [*] No matter
what, you will not help Simon if he's being bullied or pranked. Do not
intervene unless you have a way to make it worse. [*] If Simon is
sick you are to examine him in only his underwear. Do not give him any privacy,
make sure he's near the door, and that the door is open. [*] Any
thermometer reading you give him will be taken must be done rectally. If
possible, you must also give him medicine through the butt. Once again, no
privacy. Don't even let him hide any of his private parts. [*] If Simon
gets an erection or resists in any form, give him a painful bare bottom
spanking. Don't worry: the Head Coach is under my control too. You won't get in
trouble. You are to prove
you will follow my instructions by passing my test tomorrow: as Simon heads
into the locker room before gym class, make sure to publicly tell him not to
worry about his small penis size. That'll embarrass him! Sincerely, Mr. X Simon smiled.
This would ensure his nurse office visits would always be embarrassing for him.
Plus his task for her tomorrow will for sure make him blush! She quickly
replied: Mr. X, I don't know who
you are and if I didn't have a family I'd need to provide for, I would not
allow myself to be blackmailed. You are a despicable human being and if I ever
discover who you are, don't expect me to not go to the police. I will do as you
say. Sincerely, Nurse Marjory Simon smiled as
he moved on to the two coaches. Coach Marvin
& Coach Sumner, As you can see
in this video footage, I have video footage of you two having sex on school
grounds. This would end your marriages and open you up to potential lawsuits:
after all you are near kids. If you don't want this to come out, you will do as
I say as I occasionally might send you tasks. My target is
Simon. You two are never to help Simon out if he's being
bullied/pranked/spanked/whatever. Tomorrow you
must show that you are willing to do what I want by fulfilling my test. Coach Marvin,
tomorrow after last period's gym class, go into the locker room. There you will
find Jay and Mike giving Simon a special bath while Grant records it. You will
not intervene but instead you will help them. Once Simon is “clean” you are to
have him get dressed and kick him out of the locker room for the day.You are to commend Mike, Grant, and Jay for
their creativity. Coach Sumner,
you are to wait for Simon outside the locker room. You are to accuse him of not
taking a shower. Present him with the following punishments: either a shower in
the girl's locker room with no privacy or a bare-bottom spanking in the privacy
of your office. Don't accept any other punishment. You two should
consider getting a paddle for the gym class. If you already have a paddle,
instead of the spanking, offer Simon the choice of a paddling instead. Whatever
he chooses, don't go easy on him! Sincerely, Mr. X Simon could
barely keep his hands off his erect penis. He was sure Mike, Grant, and Jay
would be very confused to be “caught” only to be helped. He also didn't know
what he would choose: the spanking or the shower in front of the girls. They
were both pretty bad and very exciting for him. It didn't take
long for him to get replies. Mr. X, How dare you
threaten to tear apart my marriage! What kind of “man” does that!? I love my
wife and I don't want to put my family through hell if she found out. I will do
as you say. Sincerely, Coach Marvin And then: Mr. X, I wanted to go
to the police but Coach Marvin convinced me to play along. So I will, at least
for now. I do have a paddle, so I will use that if that's what Simon chooses. Coach Sumner. Simon smiled.
This couldn't be going better plus his spanking just got upgraded! So to recap,
Simon had the following to look forward to: Hope's mysterious test, the nurse
embarrassing him before gym class, a toilet bath after gym class, and either a
spanking or a public shower in the girl's locker room!
Chapter 4
It didn't take
long for Hope to find him before school on Thursday morning. Simon didn't
exactly make it hard for anyone to find him: he hung around near the school
entrance. He had gotten there early actually, convincing his parents he needed
extra time at the school library to complete a report. So when Hope arrived
about half an hour before school began, the two would have plenty of time for
whatever Hope would have him to. Simon was a bit
nervous. After all, he knew what was going to happen to him towards the end of
the day. He was going to get washed using dirty toilet water. He was still
undecided on whether he'd chose to be naked in front of girls and get clean or
get a painful paddling in private. Still, there was a relative comfort in
knowing what was going to happen even if it wasn't as exciting. With Hope, he
was nervous. What would she have him to? There was a part of him that was
afraid she'd go too far. But that's what he hoped. There was a part of him that
was equally afraid she'd be too timid. Too conservative. And yet, that would be
for the best, wouldn't it? Simon figured
the real question was: how much was Hope willing to take advantage of the
situation? Incidentally,
that was the same question Hope had asked for herself. Oh, sure, she had only
pulled his pants down and taken a picture of his penis because the mysterious
Mr. X had asked her to. And she had to admit, she secretly enjoyed having some
power over Simon. And yes, the only reason she was going to blackmail him and
give him a test was because Mr. X demanded it of her. And yet, there was a part
of her that was delighted by this. She had no idea who Mr. X was, she had no
idea how Simon could have made such a determined enemy, but she was slightly
grateful about being blackmailed. Of course, she also wanted to get rid of him.
For as long as he could incriminate her to the cops, he was a threat to her. It hadn't even
crossed her mind that Simon and Mr. X were the same person. Still, she had
done her research when Mr. X had ordered her to give a test to Simon of his
loyalty. She had searched the internet, found female domination stories, and
slowly started to get some ideas. There were some things she wanted to try out:
dildos, butt plugs, chastity devices. But she didn't have any of those things
plus this was supposed to be a test. She eventually found a dare site and
that's where she got her idea.She got
some clothes pins from her family's laundry room and put them in her backpack.
It surprised her by how much she was enjoying this, how seriously she was
taking it. Still, she had made her choice. If Mr. X was going to force her into
this role, she might as well tackle it like she did her schoolwork: excellence
only. So that Thursday
morning, Hope quickly dragged Simon into an empty classroom. It was a classroom
she, like most students, knew would remain empty since it was assigned to a
teacher that was only there on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The classroom had
blinds that hid what went in there. It was often used on Tuesdays and Thursdays
by the less scrupulous middle school students who sought seclusion. Hope locked
the room. “Why am I here?”
Simon asked, trying to add as much fear and curiosity into his tone as
possible. He didn't have to try hard. “Here.” Hope
replied by taking the picture of Simon and his penis out of her backpack. She
showed it to him. “It's clear as day.” “What are you
going to do with this?” Simon asked. He knew the answer but Hope didn't know
that. “I'm going to
keep it only if you don't say what I want, do what I want, or experience what I
want...then I'll share it with everyone. If you try to tell a teacher, I'll
share it with everyone. You belong to me now. You get it?” Hope replied. “You are
blackmailing me?” Simon asked. He wanted to confirm. Because Hope didn't know
something. Hope didn't know Simon had figured she'd pick this room. It was too
obvious. Hope didn't know Simon had hidden a tape recorder. He wanted Mr. X to
get more incriminating evidence against Hope. “Yes.” Hope
said. “What do you have
against me?” Simon asked her, wondering what excuse she could come up with. “Nothing. I do
wonder, though, do you have any enemies?” Hope asked. “I didn't think
so but now you. And I guess, for some reason, Jay, Grant and Mike are messing
with me.” Simon replied. This was true, although he knew that he was the
reason. “Interesting.”
Hope replied. She wondered if the three boys were just being their normal
selves...or if they were targeting Simon for a reason.She was definably going to investigate this
later. Hope snatched
the photo from Simon and put it in her backpack. “I have copies of this by the
way. So don't think you can just steal it and rip it apart.” Hope replied. Simon had to
respect her for that. “Okay, now strip
naked.” Hope ordered. “Now?” Simon
replied. “Yes, now.
Unless you want that photo out there.” Hope replied. Simon went down
and took off his shoes. He then took off his socks. He went and took off his
shirt. So far, not that bad. As his hands got closer to his pants, he started to
breath more rapidly. This was really happening! Plus he knew that while he
could control Hope through Mr. X, right now she had all the power. He wasn't
stripping because he wanted to and had told her to do it but because he really
didn't have a choice. Simon pulled his
pants down, leaving him in his underwear. He looked at her. She had taken out a
cell phone. She took a picture of him standing there in his own tighty-whities.
His legs were very close. He was very embarrassed, a girl was seeing him in only
his underwear-and one of the most embarrassing underwear for a boy his age! “I said get
naked. And don't you dare try to hide your private parts.” Hope ordered him. Simon slowly
took off his underwear. He was now completely naked. He put his hands on his
side as Hope took a few more pictures.First soft but as she took pictures, Simon started to get erect. Soon,
Hope had pictures of him with a full erection. Of course, this all added to
Simon's shame. Most eleven-year old boys would have died of shame by now.
Simon, while there was a part of him that was enjoying this, was no different. “Okay, now it's
time for a test. To see if you really get you are my new slave. Got it?” Hope
asked. Simon merely nodded. She took out the clothespins. “I want you to put
these on. One on each nipple, one on your ballsack, and one on your penis.
Don't take them off until I say so.” Hope ordered as she put the clothespins on
a desk. Simon walked
over. At first, he was a bit disappointed. He didn't think they would really
cause anything more than an annoyance, like a mosquito bite or maybe a bee
sting. That was until he put one of the pins on his nipples. Wow, did Simon
quickly change his mind. It took all of his will to avoid instantly taking it
off. He then put the other
pin on his nipple, adding to the pain. Hope took a few pictures. He really
wanted to take both nipples off. “Please don't
make me put the other two on.” Simon begged. “Do it.” Hope
demanded. She walked over to him and twisted the pins he had on, hurting his
nipples even more. Simon cried out. Simon picked up
one of the pins and put it on his penis. But now for the one he was afraid of
the most: the one on his ballsack. He gulped as he quickly put it on. “Ow!”
Simon yelled out. Hope took some more pictures before taking her cell phone
away. For the next
five minutes, Hope would pull on an individual pin, causing Simon to cry out.
When he did, she would make fun of him for being a little baby, a boy toddler.
This only made Simon blush. After that, she
waited another five minutes. Finally, Simon started getting used to having the
pins on. He knew they were on but they weren't really hurting him. When Simon
got accustomed to having them on, that's when Hope ordered Simon to take them
off one by one. Okay, no big
deal, Simon thought. They had stopped hurting so obviously taking them off had
no danger. Imagine his very real surprise as soon as he took off the pin on his
left nipple the pain that shot through him. It was way worse than ripping off a
band-aid! He had to cry out. Still, he followed instructions. He took off the
other pin on his right nipple-it really hurt as well proving it wasn't just a
fluke! Then the one of his penis. Finally, the one on his ballsack. Just like
it was the worst one to put on, it was easily the worst one to take off. “Okay, get
dressed.” Hope told him. Simon quickly rushed and before Hope could unlock the
door, he had his clothes back on. “I'll see you later.” Hope told him before
walking out. Simon followed her out.As
he left, he had to admit it was a great experience for him. Hope not only saw
him completely naked but she had pretty much given him a pretty painful test of
his loyalty. He looked at the
clock. He had some time before his class so he rushed to the gym building. He
found that the door to the office most of the Coaches shared was open but
nobody was in there. He quickly went in, hid his hidden camera, and got out
before anyone noticed him. When he sat down in first period, one would never
assume he had just been tortured naked or that he had planted a hidden camera
in the coaches' office. The rest of the
day leading to gym class was pretty uneventful. Hope mostly avoided him, he got
a C on a test he had forgotten to study for, and he spent lunch wondering how
the three bullies would react to an authority figure helping them. How would he
react, for that matter? Hope incidentally spent lunch thinking of things she
could have Simon on top of what Mr. X wants. After all, Simon was under her
control now. Why not have some fun with that? As Simon headed
to gym class, he blushed when Nurse Marjory's head stuck out of her office and
called out to him. “Don't worry, Simon, your small penis will grow one day!”
She yelled out in public and it did get giggles. Simon pretended to look
puzzled as well. Sure, he knew the real reason why she had said that. He had
made her. But Marjory didn't know he was Mr. X. Therefore, he had to act like
he wasn't and the Nurse randomly yelling that out would be very confusing for
that version of Simon. Marjory quickly
popped back into her office, clearly hoping Simon would be so embarrassed he
wouldn't try to ask her questions. Like how did he know his penis size and why
would she yell that out. She had no answers for that. And although Simon did
have the answers, he didn't want to press her since he was so embarrassed he
didn't even want to face her, much less talk to her. One person did
notice what Marjory had said: Head Coach Marvin, whose office was across from
the Nurse's Office. He thought that was strange. So during Simon's otherwise
uneventful gym class, the two talked. They soon realized they were both being
blackmailed by Mr. X but they had no idea how Mr. X had gotten the
incriminating information or who was interesting in making Simon suffer. After
all, Simon wasn't the most popular kid but he didn't have any enemies. Kids
didn't pick on him and he was very nice and respectful to all the teachers.
They did agree that while Mr. X was clearly a messed up individual, they would do
as he says for now. At least until they figured out who he is so they could
fight back. Coach Marvin was also shocked to find the rules for Simon if he
ever came to the nurse's office but he did agree they should be followed to the
letter so as not to upset Mr. X. After gym class,
Simon went to the locker room and he stripped naked. He feigned surprise and
tried to resist when Jay and Mike grabbed him. They dragged him to a toilet
that was filled with yellow urine. It even had a smell.Grant was, true to his word, recording
everything. The other boys in the class, just watched, bemused. “What are you
guys doing?” Simon asked. “Just giving you
a hand.” Mike replied. Mike let go and
Simon tried his best to run away but Jay held him firmly. Even though Jay was
the shortest of the three bullies, about as tall as Simon, and was as strong as
Simon-Jay clearly knew from some self-defense class on how to hold a boy from
karate classes. Mike got a rag
he had brought from home. He dipped it in the water. He started to wash Simon's
left foot. “Oh, gross!”
Simon yelled out. “Oh, shut up or
we'll stick a dirty sock in your mouth.” Mike replied. Simon shut up.
Mike's speed wasn't that fast but nor was it too slow: he moved up Simon's left
leg at a decent pace. He didn't want to rush and have Mr. X get angry. He also
didn't want to go too slow and risk getting caught or worse. Simon was
disgusted but he was also embarrassed. Getting washed by boys his own age?
Yeah, that'll do it especially since they were fully clothed. Mike wondered
how confused Simon must be at getting bullied this week all of a sudden. Plus
they were going farther than they ever did with Ted (Ted was incidentally was
just happy they were leaving him alone for once). Grant was curious to see how
far Mr. X would take them before they finally said no. As for Jay? He didn't
care, he was just in heaven making Simon's life miserable! He should have had
his friends pick on Simon way earlier! Once Mike was
done with Simon's left leg so he moved to Simon's right foot. That's when Mike
stopped. His jaw opened wide. Grant moved back a bit. “Stay right
where you are Grant.” A booming authoritative voice told them. It was Head
Coach Marvin! Jay let go off
Simon and turned to face Coach Marvin! So did Simon. Simon forced a
smile on his face: pretending that he didn't know Coach Marvin was there to
help the bullies but rather that he thought he was saved. As for Coach
Marvin? He thought the “special bath” Mr. X had alluded to was absolutely
disgusting! He almost wanted to throw up, kick the three kids out of the
school, and help Simon out! He also did briefly think that the three bullies
might have been Mr. X but he also knew their academic record. There was no way
they were the ones behind this. Of the four kids Coach Marvin was looking at,
Simon was the brightest and even then he was only an average student. Granted,
most teachers felt Simon was smarter. He just wasn't applying himself. That
wasn't the case with Jay, Mike, and Grant. They really didn't seem that smart. But the thought
that Simon was Mr. X didn't even pop up in Coach Marvin's brain. “Well, boys, I
think it's great how you are helping Simon here.” Coach Marvin said, relenting
to Mr. X's instructions. Man, if the boys
were shocked to be discovered, they were even more shocked by what had come out
of Coach Marvin's mouth! Simon made sure to act like he was shocked! “I think you
should continue with what you are doing.” Coach Marvin added. Jay, Mike, and
Grant didn't say anything to each other but they all had the same thought: this
had to be a trap! But it wasn't,
as they soon saw, when Coach Marvin picked up the rag, dipped it in the toilet,
and started cleaning Simon's right leg. “What are you
doing, Coach Marvin?” Simon asked. “Making sure you
are clean. Now shut up unless you want a paddling after your bath.” Coach
Marvin replied. Simon did shut
up! He was a bit surprised by Coach Marvin's reply. A paddling? He didn't
expect that! He then beckoned
the boys to help him. So Grant recorded as Jay grabbed Simon again. Coach
Marvin handed the rag back to Mike. He also got out a handkerchief and dipped
that in the water. Together, the
two washed Simon's chest, his back, his stomach, his arms and his hands. “Okay, I'll
clean his face while you clean his...well you know.” Coach Marvin replied. And so Mike took
care of Simon's penis, his butt, his balls, and his pelvic region while Coach
Marvin cleaned Simon's face! Man, was Simon disgusted when that rag went all
over his nose, his mouth, his eyes, his forehead! He almost wanted to puke! “Time to make
sure his hair is clean.” Coach Marvin said.He grabbed Simon by the back of his neck. He then directed Simon and
plunged his head into the still dirty water. He flushed the toilet at that time.
Once it was flushed, he grabbed Simon out. “Do any of you
boys have to pee?” Coach Marvin asked the three boys. They replied
that they indeed did. So Coach Marvin forced Simon to get on his knees.Before he knew it, Grant, Jay, and Mike were
pissing all over his face as Coach Marvin recorded them! He made sure not to
get any of their three penises on camera. When he realized what was happening,
he was even more disgusted! It's one thing to have old urine wash your body,
another thing to have your head go into a dirty toilet, but it's something else
to have brand new, hot pee cover you! Once they were
done, Coach Marvin handed the camera back to Grant. He then ordered Simon to
put his clothes back on. “Please, let me
take a real shower first!” Simon begged. “What? What was
wrong with your bath and golden shower!?” Coach Marvin replied, pretending to
be insulted. Jay, Mike, and
Marvin dragged Simon away from the toilet and towards his normal clothes. “Now unless you
want a paddling, get dressed!” Coach Marvin barked out his order. So Simon did
what he was told. He dressed. Coach Marvin then grabbed Simon and kicked him
out of the locker room. He warned Simon if he went back into the boy's locker
room that day, he would get a paddling from him! He then turned
his attention to the three bullies. Grant finally stopped recording. “Why were you
recording this?” Coach Marvin asked Jay, Mike, and Grant. “I don't know.”
Grant replied. But Coach Marvin
decided to take a gamble. After all, they clearly weren't Mr. X but Mr. X knew
about their actions! “Did Mr. X tell
you to do this?” Coach Marvin asked. “Yeah, how did
you know?” Mike replied with a question of his own. “Are you Mr. X?”
Grant replied. “No. I know
because Mr. X made me help you guys.” Marvin replied maybe a little too
honestly. “How did he make
you?” Mike asked. “How did he make
you?” Marvin retorted. Clearly neither
side was willing to admit what they had done wrong. “Look, just do
what Mr. X says for now. I'll find a way to stop him.” Coach Marvin added. “And
on that note, I'm supposed to commend you guys on your creativity so you are
commended.” The three kids
nodded and left. As for Simon?
Once he was kicked out, he smelled himself. It wasn't nice. True, he didn't
smell like a kid who had just finished a PE class. The pee smell covered that
up. But it was time
to make a decision as Coach Sumner walked up to him. She looked at him up and
down as she soon covered her nose. “You clearly
didn't take a proper shower, young man.” Coach Sumner told him. “I tried to
but-” Simon said, trying to explain. “I don't need to
hear your excuses. It's pretty clear you need to learn how to clean yourself.
You can either take a shower in the girl's locker room, naked, where they can
all supervise you, or I can give you a paddling in the Coach's office so you
learn your lesson. What do you want?” Coach Sumner told him. “Please-” Simon
said, begging for mercy. “If you don't
choose now, we'll do both.” Coach Sumner warned. “The paddling!”
Simon blurted out. He went with the
paddling for one very good reason. A girl had already seen him naked that day
but this would have been even more embarrassing! So he lost his nerve a bit.
Plus he really wanted to experience a paddle hitting his butt. He had never
been spanked a day on his life. He was curious on how much it would really
hurt. Simon followed
her to the Coach's office. He quickly glanced and saw his hidden camera was
still there, recording everything. Luckily Coach
Sumner was the only one in there at the time.That's largely cause Coach Marvin had found something for each Coach who
had free time after school so that they would be out of the office. Coach
Sumner closed the door as she got her paddle. “Take off your
pants and underwear. Don't argue unless you want me to open the door.” Coach
Sumner ordered. Simon complied.
Soon, Coach Sumner, a woman, could see his privates. She dragged a
chair and made Simon grab it, sticking his butt out for an easy target. Simon closed his
eyes as he anticipated the paddle to hit his butt! Ouch! It didn't disappoint.
It kind of surprised Simon how it stung. It wasn't what he expected at all. By the third
time the paddle spanked him, he was crying. But Coach Sumner wasn't going to go
easy on him. No, she didn't want to give Mr. X any reason to release the video
of her affair with her boss. That would not go well with her professional
reputation. All told, Simon
got thirty. His butt was very red! Coach Sumner
watched with some bemusement as Simon took a few minutes to rub his butt. He
then put his pants and his underwear on. He was going to leave when Coach
Sumner stopped him. She thought he smelled way too bad to walk around the
school. “You know what,
let's go to the girl's locker room. Don't worry, nobody should be in there
right now. Let's have you take a shower.” Coach Sumner told him. So she grabbed
him and dragged him into the girl's locker room. True to her prediction, it was
empty. Still, it was weird being in a place where he was typically not allowed
to be in. “Strip now
unless you want another paddling.” Coach Sumner ordered him. He hadn't
expected this: Simon was very surprised! It wasn't long
until Simon was naked. Coach Sumner turned the shower on and he started washing
his body. He was happy that he wouldn't smell like urine until he got home and
it was just nice to get clean. But he was a bit nervous. It was one thing for
an adult to see him naked. It would be quite another if a girl walked in... He did try to
rush but Coach Sumner told him if he rushed, she'd paddle him and then leave
him stranded naked. She smelled his
clothes. They smelled too bad from Simon having worn them while smelling like
pee! She went to her office, promising to come back with something for him to
wear, warning him not to leave. Soon, Simon was
done washing. He turned the shower off. He looked around but there was no towel
for him to dry! Worse was that it was soon approaching time for girls who
played sports to go into the locker room and prepare for practice. It would be so
embarrassing if they saw him naked! Luckily, Coach
Sumner came back before the girls did and got him dressed. He did have to wear
a special underwear-a jockstrap-that didn't cover his butt at all. Why did they
make that? He actually asked her what it was-turns out the high school boys
wear them during sports practice and games! Middle school boys used to have to
wear them until a few years ago so that's why she had one that could fit him. He did have to
get dressed in shorts that were too short: clearly they were made in a bygone
era when boys used to be okay with showing off most of their legs. The shirt
was just a regular white old shirt. It was a bit embarrassing to be wearing
this special, old uniform but he had no choice and he fancied it was better
than being naked. He quickly left
the girl's locker room, his old clothes in a special plastic bag. He was able
to pick up the hidden camera in the coach's office without them noticing.
Shockingly, his mom said nothing about the weird clothes he were wearing.He later learned that his mom had figured he
had an “accident” while changing and the school had provided him with the
special clothes. Well, she wasn't completely wrong! When Simon was
alone that night, he looked over that day's events. Yes, it was the worst day
by far of his young life. Coach Sumner and Hope had seen him naked! The clothes
pins hurt a lot! The toilet bath and golden shower was disgusting! The paddling
had hurt so much he was struggling to find a comfortable way to sit down! Plus,
having to take a shower naked while in the girl's locker room when any girl
could have walked in at any time! Simon briefly
considered stopping it. Just ending Mr. X but he knew it wouldn't really be the
end. Oh, sure, Mike, Jay and Grant would likely leave him alone again. Then
again, Jay seemed to really enjoy it so they might not. Nurse Marjory, Head
Coach Marvin and Coach Sumner would leave him alone for sure. But Hope? Hope
was blackmailing him! He didn't want to reveal to her, or anyone, he was really
Mr. X because he had no way of explaining it. He wasn't sure then he'd be able
to stop Hope from doing whatever she wanted. But part of him
also didn't want it to end. And like it had in the past and will again in the
future, that part won out. Once he settled
to stay the course, he started going over the footage. He found out that in
just 24 hours, he was going to have every other Coach under his thumb as well
as the high school quarterback! Coach Miles, for
one, secretly watched footage of the girl's locker room when no-one else was in
the office. He had Coach Sorenson actually give one of the football stars,
Bradley, in the high school team some steroids. Coach Filip didn't just gamble:
he went on a phone call where he was working at setting up a game's results! As
for Coach Weatherby? When meeting with a fourteen-year old female student,
Clarice, he made her take off her shirt and bra before feeling them so that he
wouldn't give her a failing grade for not showing up to class! He also had a
video of Coach Sumner breaking school policy by paddling him. But before he
got to those e-mails, he had to sort out everyone else. First of all,
Hope had sent him pictures of him naked and having the clothing pins on. Grant
sent him a video of him naked getting “bathed” by boys and Coach Marvin and
being peed on. Dear Hope, I think you did
an amazing job! Feel free to use that creativity any time you want on Simon!
Consider him your special little slave! If he tries to rebel, remind him you
now have multiple pictures to release! I don't have a
special task for you tomorrow but consider ordering him to masturbate in front
of you. I think you'd enjoy that more than he would. Sincerely, Mr. X. Simon had NO
idea how she would react to such a proposition. If she went for it, Simon would
orgasm for the first time in days. If she didn't, well, maybe he'd have to dig
deeper for dirt. Dear Boys, You guys did a
great job with the toilet bath and peeing on him! I'm sure you guys have
deduced by now that Coach Marvin is now under my thumb. For the record so is
Coach Sumner and Nurse Marjory. By the end of tomorrow, I should have the other
Coaches as well so now any bullying that happens in PE and the locker rooms
should not get you all in any trouble unless you disobey in which case they
will gladly punish you all. You can try and tell your side of the story but
nobody will believe you. But for now,
let's stay in the locker room. Tomorrow is Friday so let's make Simon miserable
before the weekend. Two of you guys when he's naked after gym class to use your
towels to whip his butt, his back, and his balls. Make sure to do it until he's
really crying and then some. After you are done, you are then to tie his hands
behind his back and his feet together so that he can't move. Leave him there. Make sure to get
video of this! Sincerely, Mr. X. Considering how
his butt hurt from the paddling still, Simon was a bit unsure about having them
“whip” his butt with the towels but he figured if he wasn't Mr. X and this was
happening without his control, then it wouldn't matter to the three boys. Then it was time
for the rest. Coach Marvin, You did a good
job: in fact you did more than I asked and I have the video to prove it. You
have no specific task for tomorrow except to make sure my interests are being
met. The boys should use their towels to whip Simon up a bit then tie him up.
Make sure Simon can't free himself. I do have some plans for Bradley so make
sure Bradley does his task of putting icyhot on his genitals. That's Bradley's
test and if he fails, you fail. Make sure the other Coaches in their tests also
pass or their failure will be your own. From now on that
will be your primary role: ensuring that Coaches and students live up to their
tasks. Make sure to communicate with them constantly. Sincerely, Mr. X Simon thought
now that Coach Marvin had ordered the golden shower, he really did have him
under his control. It made sense for Coach Marvin to be used as a way to ensure
compliance. And in a sense, Simon was right. Coach Sumner, Good job with
the paddling! I actually have video of it and I'm attaching it! So not only do
I have you for sleeping with Coach Martin, I also have you for paddling Simon
which will ruin your career and it was hard enough that a child abuse case can
be made! For now, just
help Coach Marvin out. That will be your primary role. Sincerely, Mr. X Then it was his
final “good job” e-mail. Nurse Marjory, Good job on your
comment! It probably embarrassed Simon a lot! Anyways, make sure that when
Simon visits you, you follow those rules. Sincerely, Mr. X. It didn't take
long for him to get replies. Dear Mr. X, You want me to
have Simon MASTURBATE? WTF!? I think I can
get him to do it but wow. I didn't actually think you'd go there. Since it's
optional, I'll see if it's in me to make him do it tomorrow. Sincerely, Hope Simon thought
about replying to try to force him but he wanted it to be Hope's choice plus he
didn't want to know for sure if he could masturbate the next day. So he decided
to wait and see. Dear Mr. X, I can't believe
you got the coaching staff! Wow, that's a big coup! We'll do as you say. Grant and Mike
will “whip” Simon up with our towels before tying him up and I'll record it
all. Sincerely, Jay He got similar
e-mails from Grant and Mike. Coach Sumner, Marvin, and Nurse Marjory also said
they'll play along. Simon smiled. It was now time for some brand new
blackmails! After editing the video footage into pieces, he was ready for some
e-mails. Dear Bradley
Starr, As you can see,
I have you taking steroids. This would disqualify you from playing for the rest
of the season and you'd lose your athletic scholarship. Considering your
grades, you'll likely lose any chance of a good future. But you can do
what I say from now on. First a test; Before practice, you'll find a middle
school student named Simon Filcher tied up naked in the locker room. Your job
is simple: put icyhot on his privates and leave him alone. Don't help him.Don't fail this test. Coach Marvin will make
sure you comply. Sincerely, Mr. X. Simon then
continued. Dear Coach
Sorenson, I know you've
been giving Bradley steroids. In fact, the attached video proves it. This would
end your career in athletics and begin a career as a prisoner in jail. But who
cares about you? Simon Filcher is my real target. After football
practice, you will find Simon Filcher naked in the locker room, tied up You are
to give him 100 spanks with your hand: make sure they hit hard. Then you are to
free him. This is your task. Don't fail. Make sure to tell Coach Marvin: I've
ordered him to help you. Sincerely, Mr. X. Simon wasn't
sure how he'd take the spanking after the paddling today and the towel whipping
tomorrow. But he was interested to know how a hand spanking was different.
Plus, he did like the idea of it being really bad for him before the weekend. Dear Coach
Miles, As you can see,
I have video proof of you looking at footage of the girl's locker room. Now
this is illegal and will get you fired no matter what. So you can either accept
that fate or do what I tell you to do. First, search the footage tomorrow.
You'll find Simon Filcher naked. Get that specific part of the footage and send
it to me. Don't tell any Coach about this task no matter what. Second, tomorrow
between sports practice and the last period of PE, you are to find Simon
Filcher tied up naked. You will put clothespins on his nipples and then leave
him alone. Coach Marvin will make sure you do this because I told him to help
you-tell him about the task. Sincerely, Mr. X Simon figured
that it would be nice to have footage of him in the girl's locker room naked
because hey, it's more incriminating footage against Coach Sumner. Plus, after
his experience with Hope earlier that day, he knew torturing his poor little
nipples had to become a normal experience. Dear Coach
Filip, I have video of
you rigging a game. That's fine: just like you lose on purpose, I'm using the
footage to rig the world against Simon Filcher. So as long as you do what I
say, I won't reveal the video footage of this illegal act to the police. I know the
soccer team doesn't practice on Fridays because it's usually game day but they
don't have a game this week. So during the football practice, you will find
Simon Filcher naked in the locker room tied up. You are to slap his belly until
it turns pink. Make sure to turn any clothespins on his nipples before and
after. I've ordered Coach Marvin to help in compliance. Sincerely, Mr. X. Simon smiled at
the idea of him getting a pink belly WHILE having clothespins on his nipples
and the icyhot affecting his genitals. Dear Weatherby, Attached, I have
video footage of you and clearly a middle-school girl doing something that will
land you in jail and destroy your reputation. Lucky for you, I'm not interested
in sharing this. I am interested in making Simon's life miserable. Before I set the
rules going forward, I need you to pass a test. During gym class tomorrow, you
will make him kiss both the feet (no socks or shoes) of Ted Blanton. You will
make him also make him kiss both hands of Grant Dixon. You will make him kiss
both cheeks of Mike Simpson. And you will make him kiss the mouth of Jay
Charles. Coach Marvin can
help you: I've ordered him to do as much. Good luck! Sincerely, Mr. X He had no idea
how Coach Weatherby will justify it but he did want to start setting up him
being forced to do things to other boys. Simon wasn't gay
nor was he straight: he was bisexual. But it really turned him on to be forced
to do gay acts. Needless to say,
all the Coaches and Bradley agreed. He also told his parents he planned to stay
late after school to work on a project. They agreed. So the plan was
set: Hope might or might not let him masturbate tomorrow, he'll be kissing
multiple boys during gym class, then after gym class he will be whipped by a
towel before being tied up for hours naked. During that time, different Coaches
will torture him. Simon couldn't
wait! Well he could! But he couldn't! Simon remained as conflicted as ever but
as always, the side that was into this won out.