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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
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Chapter 1 Simon Filcher
was sick and tired. To be more specific, he was sick and tired that his
fantasies weren't coming true nor would they. You see, Simon wasn't a very
normal eleven-year old kid. He was brighter than most kids his age, sure, but
that's not what set him apart. It's that upon discovery of what he could do
with his penis, he had quickly learned that he had a very specific fetish. He
liked the idea of being embarrassed in front of a whole bunch of other people,
the idea of being dominated, the idea of being spanked for minor misdeeds. He looked at
himself in front of the mirror: as naked as he was skinny. His blonde hair, his
large brown eyebrows, his brown eyes...he thought he was fine looking for his
own age. He looked down at his erect penis. It wasn't a large one: he knew from
spying on other boys in the locker room he was actually pretty small down
there. Most kids would have been frustrated over that. But Simon? He liked that
about himself. Still, it wasn't
enough. Most of the other kids never teased him about it. Heck, he wasn't even
the smallest in his class. That was Ted Blanton. Ted was a chubby kid with
black hair and black eyes. He was teased a bit for being a bit of a nerd but
beyond the occasional pantsing (exposing Ted's tighty-whities), it never
escalated to the point where Simon could live vicariously through Ted. Plus in
Simon's fantasies, he was always being forced to suck Ted's dick against his
will. Ted wasn't the only kid, mind you. Simon had worn
boxers at the beginning of the school year but he quickly learned that
tighty-whities meant getting picked on by other kids. So he switched. Only to
his disappointment, maybe because the kids liked him that much, it didn't lead
to anything more than comments that he should go back to boxers so they
wouldn't have to see his thighs. That of course was a problem. So even though
he fantasized that they would kick him out of the locker room in only his
underwear (or even better: naked) they never got close. They didn't even pull
his gym shorts down even though he never tightened them to make it easy on
them. Simon grabbed
his penis. He was getting ready to masturbate again, for the third time that
day. He was getting ready to have a fantasy where a teacher would not only make
him strip naked in front of his whole class, hands over his head, but that he'd
get a spanking followed by having to suck a random boy's penis. The choice
would be up to Simon. Fake Simon, of course, always picked the boy with the
largest penis. The one who would in theory mock him the hardest, who could
likely already generate sperm he'd have to swallow. But then Simon
stopped. He was after sick of it. Sure, there was a part of him that knew it
was just a fantasy and it should stay that way. But, he was eleven and as smart
as he was, he wanted the real thing. After all, if the fantasy brought him so
much pleasure, wouldn't the real thing be even better? So Simon made a
decision: from now on, he would only masturbate if someone ordered him to do
so. It was hard but Simon moved his hands away from his penis. But how would he
accomplish this? How would he make his fantasy turn into a reality? In most of
the stories he read, it was set in the sixties. But it's 2016.How could he get the kids in real life to act
like the kids in the stories? And so he
thought. And he thought. It actually took him several days but then he had an
epiphany. Sure, it wouldn't be ideal. In his fantasies, blackmail was sometimes
a part of it. Sure, he liked it when he didn't have a choice because authority
figures made him but he also liked the idea of kids forcing themselves to have
authority through blackmail. But he could cheat. He could blackmail some people
to making him live out his fantasies. Of course, they wouldn't know that Simon
was the one blackmailing them. The first thing
Simon did was draw up a list of potential blackmail targets. There was his
mom and his dad. Of course, he'd have to blackmail both of them but as far as
he knew, his parents were perfect. (They weren't but Simon was still in the
stage where he idolized his parents) He didn't think this was realistic. Still,
he wrote down that he could take one of their credit cards and buy a few things
like a paddle. If he was caught, he'd have to make some kind of excuse, but
still. He was sure he could get away with it. He then wrote
down the names of the boys who bullied Ted. They've already shown a willingness
to be cruel and he did have something on them: a secret video of them taking
turns kicking Ted in the balls in the name of testing to see if he had any.
Sadly, Ted was fully clothed, but Simon had pretended he was a naked Ted as
they had done that when he first took it. They were Grant Dixon, Mike Simpson,
and Jay Charles. Grant was the big kid of the class with black hair and black
eyes. Mike had blond hair and blue eyes. He was a little shorter than Grant.
Jay was a lot shorter, had red hair and brown eyes, and freckles all over his
body. They were kinda dumb but he could leave detailed instructions for them.
Still, he'd have to have multiple sessions with them (slowly building up
evidence) before he got to the sexual bits. And Simon wasn't sure he could be
that patient. Finally, he came
up with the name of one girl who he knew had a grudge against other boys. Hope
Simmons. Hope was an eleven-year old girl who came from a broken home. From
what Simon knew, her dad had hit her. She'd been holding a grudge against boys
ever since then. Simon didn't think she'd participate willingly but she'd enjoy
it once she was blackmailed into doing it. He would need to find something on
her. Finally, he went
down his teachers. He would have to find really big things if he wanted to get
them on board. But he figured he eventually would. Once he was
finished with the list (it took him several hours), he decided to start putting
it in motion. He created an anonymous e-mail (
through a proxy server. He got the e-mails of Grant, Mike, and Jay and sent
them the video of them kicking a boy in the balls. He threatened that if they
didn't do what he said, he'd send it to the principal. This is what he sent
them: Dear Boys, As you can see
in the attached video, I could get you three in a lot of trouble. After all you
are clearly assaulting this boy multiple times and for fun. This wouldn't just
get you kicked out of the school: it could get you sent to juvenile detention.
Now lucky for you, I don't care to run your life. I care to ruin Simon's life.
So if you follow every task to the letter, I won't send the video. Tomorrow you
guys must during gym class pull Simon Filcher's shorts down. Good luck and
don't get caught! Make sure to get me evidence. Sincerely, Mr. X He sent the
e-mail. He was getting hard, thinking about how embarrassed he would be as
girls around him saw his underwear. After doing
homework and playing some video games, he checked his new secret e-mail. These
were the three replies he got: The first reply: Mr. X, This is
blackmail! If I ever find out who you are, I'll beat you up. But as long as
you don't reveal the video, I'll do what you ask. I'm going to pull his shorts
down. Sincerely, Grant The second
reply: Mr. X, I never really
liked Simon. So don't worry, I'll play along. I discussed it
with the guys and convinced them this was the right thing to do. I'll be sure
to take a video of Simon's gym shorts being pulled down. Sincerely, Jay And the final
reply: Mr. X, You are lucky
that Jay convinced us to help you: I wanted to go to the police but he seems to
think we'll have some fun so whatever. I'll be
distracting our coach so that we don't get in trouble. Sincerely, Mike And with that
Simon smiled. He couldn't wait for Grant to pull his shorts down! Plus, if he's
lucky, his penis will be erect adding to his own humiliation! Simon also set a
task for himself. Tomorrow, he's going to start gathering evidence on Hope. She
couldn't be perfect...
Chapter 2
Simon couldn't
believe the day he had. He had began the day by slowly stalking Hope to see if
there was anything she was doing so he could blackmail her. Sadly she seemed
like the perfect eleven-year old girl. She even studied during study hall
instead of goofing around like every other kid. Simon thought that he might
have to wait days or even weeks before he would find any dirt on her. At least
he couldn't wait until the last period of the day: his last class was gym
class. Admittedly, he was nervous that he knew his shorts were going to fall
and girls would see him in his underwear. He even thought about calling it off
during his lunch break. Who knows why he went ahead with it? Maybe it's because
he hadn't masturbated in days but he was pretty horny. And being horny was
clouding his judgement so he decided to go through with it. In the locker
room before gym class, he quickly switched to his gym uniform: a white t-shirt
and black gym shorts. He made sure not to tighten his shorts like always. He
then went to the gym. He wondered when they would do the deed. Soon gym class
began. They did some stretches led by a boy and a girl. All he could think
about was that if he was the one leading the stretches, that would have been
the perfect time to pull his shorts down. After all, all eyes were on the two
kids. But he was near the back during the stretches. The gym coach,
Coach Weatherby, then announced it was a free day so they could pretty much do
whatever they wanted. Some of the boys started playing basketball, some of the
girls started jumping rope, and other kids just walked around talking. That's
what Simon did. He walked around. He made sure to stay near the girls. After
all, he wanted them to look at him. At last, it was
nearing the end of the period. Mike went over to Coach Weatherby and gave him a
grand story about how he went to the bathroom only to see poop everywhere. So
Coach Weatherby followed Mike out of the gym. Simon could only think: it's
happening! He kept his arms at his side. Jay got his cell phone and pointed it
at Simon. Jay's clearly recording a video. Grant walked up to him. He put his
arms around Simon, almost as if to trap what Grant thought was an unsuspecting
kid they were about to pick on for the first time. Grant then
whistled, getting the attention of every kid in gym. “Hey guys! Let's see
Simon's underwear!” Grant yelled as he pulled Simon's shorts down all the way
down to his ankles. Simon froze. He
could feel every eye on him. They were looking at him: at his tighty-whities!
His face quickly grew red. He was mortified! It didn't help that all the kids
were laughing at him: some pointed out he was wearing dumb tighty-whities,
others just because they saw him in his underwear!After five seconds, Simon pulled his shorts
back up. It didn't take
long for the kids to move on. Simon moved to the corner of the gym to be alone.
He was conflicted. On the one hand, that was the worst moment ever of his life.
On the other hand, he was so turned on. He had been lucky (or unlucky depending
on which side of Simon you ask) that he hadn't gotten an erection until after
he had pulled his shorts back up and moved away from the kids. He wondered if
that should be the only task but he knew it was futile. He wanted to take it
way, way, way farther than this. After gym class,
he took a shower and switched back to his normal clothes. He then rushed to
find Hope. He followed her to the high school. What was she doing there? At the
high school parking lot, he hid in bushes as he saw Hope talk to some high
schoolers. It felt shady for some reason. For some reason, Simon felt compelled
to record this moment so he took his phone and started making a video. To his
surprise, he caught Hope on tape handing a plastic bag of marijuana over to a
high school boy in exchange for some money. He had just
caught perfect little Hope selling some drugs! This was perfect! Sure, their
state had legalized marijuana but only for adults. What she did was illegal.
Simon smiled. He quickly escaped. That afternoon
he went on the computer. He knew he had two e-mails to send: one to slowly
escalate things with the boys and another to start with the girl. He knew Hope
wasn't in his gym class so he knew that she had yet to see him in his
underwear. He did get an
e-mail from Jay: Mr. X, Attached is the
video you wanted. I guess it's up to you if you want to share it but you'll get
Grant in trouble. Sincerely, Jay He clicked the
video. In full HD glory, he saw himself standing there super embarrassed with
his shorts down. He wanted so badly to masturbate to that image of himself and
his shirt barely hanging over the top of his tighty-whities. But nobody had
given him permission so he desisted. Anyways, the
first e-mail was to Grant, Jay, and Mike. Dear Boys, You did a great
job on the pantsing job. Of course, I now have even more video evidence against
you guys. Your next task
is simple during the locker room before gym class. While he's changing from his
pants to his shorts: 1)Grab and pull his underwear up. 2)Keep pulling until his
underwear rips. 3)Grab what remains and during
gym class, show the pieces of underwear to girls. Good luck and
make sure to get a video of number 1 and 2! Sincerely, Mr. X Simon smiled as
he gave these instructions. He had given himself some wedgies before so he knew
they hurt: he knew that in order to rip the underwear (forcing him to go
commando and revealing his penis to the boys) it would hurt a lot. Plus the
idea of girls having pieces of his tighty-whities (which would likely have some
poop stains from the wedgie) was very embarrassing to him. After all his
underwear is supposed to be very private. It didn't take
long for the boys to reply. Dear Mr. X, Fine. This time
I'll be taking the video though. I'll also get some pictures of the girls holding
the pieces of tighty-whities. Sincerely, Grant The second
reply: Mr. X, Oh, I like this.
I'll be the one to give the loser Simon his wedgie. Sincerely, Jay And the final
reply: Mr. X, Jay seems pretty
excited about this. I don't know but I'm going to help with holding Simon
during the wedgie so he doesn't resist. Sincerely, Mike Simon smiled.
This was perfect. Finally, he sent his last e-mail: Hope, I have a video
here of you ILLEGALLY selling weed to a high school student. Now lucky for you,
I'm not interested in making your life miserable. That honor belongs to Simon
Filcher. That will send you to juvenile detention unless you follow my tasks. My first task is
simple. A test. Tomorrow after school, you are to find Simon Filcher, force him
into a room, and pull his pants down. He should be commando. Have him put his
hands over his head (if he refuses, threaten to just take his pants with you.)
Take a picture of him. Then send it to me. Good luck. Mr. X It didn't take
long for Hope to reply. Mr. X, I don't know who
you are but I will do my best to find out. When I do, I will make sure that you
suffer for trying to blackmail me. But don't worry.
I don't want to go to juvenile detention so I'll do what you ask even though
it's gross. Sincerely, Hope Simon's heart
started racing. Tomorrow he was getting a wedgie, pieces of his underwear would
be handed out, and Hope was going to see his penis. Simon couldn't
help but smile.