Stripped For Florida: Michael, Part 2

By Willie B.

Copyright 2011 by Willie B., all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Stripped For Florida
Michael, Part 2
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Name: Claudine
I have to admit it was really exciting to see "Mike" with his member sticking straight up in the air, throbbing with engorgement. We all sat around enjoying good food and good company while Jeannette continued to work the lotion into his skin. It is a wonderfully warming gel that really gets the blood flowing to a certain part of the body! The magical part is that it is completely unnecessary to actually touch the penis, so we could all sit and enjoy the sight of it. I'm sure Jeannette wanted to wrap her hands around it as badly as I did, but we restrained ourselves -- for the moment!
Of course, I also knew what was to come next, so I had some patience. After an hour and a half we finished our afternoon snack. Jeannette and I prevailed upon papa to take us shopping. We wanted to create a really special meal the next day and needed ingredients. Marina sulked off to a corner to text somebody on her phone. Mike's mother took a seat in her plant-filled greenhouse and was pecking away on her iPad. Mike, of course, bolted to his room. Shortly after, I heard a muffled shriek and then a sullen silence. Mike had obviously discovered the sudden and complete lack of any clothing in his room. Barren closet, empty shelves, drawers without a stitch of clothing in them. The house did not lend itself to curtains and on his bed there was not a single removable piece of linen. Instead, a sleeve-like covering had been pulled over his entire mattress -- something like a giant pillowcase -- so there was a hygienic way to take care of his bed. Of course, there was no sheet to cover himself, but he'd get used to sleeping completely naked soon enough.
Yes, still six months to go until Cap d'Agde and already he was naked, at least at home.
• • •
Name: Sarina/Mother
Things are working out very well for my son. Jeannette and Claudine will have no problem with keeping him next summer. My only concern is that they will be too tempted to spoil him. I can see they like Michael very much already. They really have no rapport with Marina at all, so it was very easy for them to be strict with her. I will have to speak to them about next summer: no gifts, no shopping sprees or spending their money on him. He must be a completely bored nudist boy and get used to just being with himself. After discussing this with my online chat forum some more I've decided that he doesn't even need flip flops or sandals. After all, if he wore those he would not be completely naked. Moreover, the ground at the resort is kept very clean and it is not necessary to wear shoes of any kind. He will have just a few toiletry items so that he will stay very clean. Somebody has suggested that I provide him some condoms so that he can have some fun. I confess this is an aspect of raising a boy that I know very little about. I will have to consult my husband about this detail. My husband did chastise me for considering putting my son up for adoption. Regardless of how hard it might be for Michael to adjust, my husband feels it is of upmost importance that we all stay together as a family. I am feeling like I must be a very bad mother to have thought of this option.
I need to discuss with my online chat forum about Michael's dress and activities for the next few months. Stripping him at home has been a good start, and we have plans for later this weekend, but at school he is still required to wear that ridiculous uniform. It is not good for a boy like Michael. If I had my way I would get the school to make an exception for him, but I'm not sure what is the best approach? Should I say he has some kind of disorder where he cannot stand the feel of clothes? Perhaps he has Asperger's Syndrome: after all he doesn't have many friends. More tactile stimulation would then be in order, an assault on his senses that can only be induced by reducing the coverage of clothing on his body. I'm not wanting anything too extreme: short shorts, bare feet, a tank top or sleeveless shirt.
Whatever it is that we do, we want to make sure that by the time he returns from France he will never wear clothes again!
• • •
Name: Michael
When I got up to my room I was desperate to get some clothes on. When I opened my closet I nearly screamed out loud. There was not a piece of clothing to be found, not in my dresser or on any of the shelves. Even my sheets had been removed! No swimsuits, not even the old worn out ones I still had that didn't even fit. There were no towels of any kind in the bathrooms upstairs.
To tell the truth, my emotions were a wreck. I'd enjoyed the attentions Jeannette had lavished on me, even if I felt totally humiliated being stripped and fondled in front of my entire family. My room and the pool were usually my refuge, but now I felt alone. My entire body raged with heat, tingling, throbbing blood and an unfamiliar longing. I was determined to get control of my situation. Somehow I would manage to stay in my room until I could get dressed. Then I would join my family properly clothed, sit in my own chair, follow the conversation, and contribute my own share of wit and enthusiasm. Not knowing how I was going to achieve the first of these objectives, and exhausted with the events of the day, I threw myself on the bed and went to sleep.
I was awoken by the gentle touch of soft hands on my back.
"Shhhh, it is okay," whispered Claudine. "I know you are tired, but I have another gift I think you will really enjoy."
I lay there feeling her soft hands stroking my back, somehow unable to voice my suspicions about the "gifts" being offered.
"You are a swimmer, right, so I think you will like this? I am just applying a little skin-softening lotion here." I could feel Claudine's hands spreading lotion up and down my back, calves, thighs, and right across my buttocks. A gentle skimming of a blade came next.
"Swimmers shave all their body hair, isn't that right? Makes you swim faster in the water, no?"
I nodded. The shaving felt good on my skin, so why complain?
Claudine worked efficiently but without hurry. She didn't talk on and on, letting the silence and good feelings suffice. But after a while she asked me to turn over.
"It is alright, I've already seen your whole body -- even your nice erection," she reminded me. "Please don't worry."
I turned over slowly, but when I saw her face, eyes and mouth and cheeks all alight with smiles and cheerfulness, I relaxed. I took a deep breath and let the tension out of my body. My erection throbbed and I became even more aware of it.
"That's right, just relax."
Claudine spread the lotion across my chest and shaved off what body hair I had. Until now she'd really only shaved off the fine hairs, the ones nobody could even see unless they were six inches away. But now she had reached the areas where I actually had recently begun to grow real adult hair -- the pride of my new adolescence, I like to think. She shaved my armpits, all my chest hair, the little trail below my belly button. Now Claudine grasped my penis and used her other hand to spread lotion around the base, my balls, and my upper thighs. The fine razor skimmed off all the hair with ease. For some reason I was completely comfortable and allowed Claudine to finish up the shaving, help me to my feet, and buff me down with a soft towel she had brought with her.
"Come on, sweet, let's join everyone for dinner."
And so, six months before even arriving in Cap d'Agde I found myself completely nude, at least at home.
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Name: Papa

For me it is all about family. I was so happy to have everyone together at last: Jeannette and Claudine, Sarina, Marina, and a beautiful nude Michelle. The girls made a wonderful feast even after complaining that the ingredients were not as fresh as back home. But, I said, in France we do not have such nice avocados, bananas, mangos, guava. I was just teasing them -- they were looking for delicate truffles, morrell mushrooms, fromage with the edges cultured just to the point of perfection, goose, fresh eggs, ah it makes the mouth water just to say the words. But the feast was wonderful and everyone -- even Marina -- was smiling. She has been doing fantastic in the new flicks, not shy at all about moving her body so nicely. Sarina is a natural -- why else would I have married her! I am just making a joke, she is a natural in our bed, too! And Michelle is just perfect. The boy photos are turning out wonderfully. The ones in just the speedo, him standing there beside the pool. Running up the steps two by two, the blue green light splashing over his tanned skin, muscles taught from his swimming workout, the tight fabric of the speedo around his rear. Last night was awfully cute. The girls have gotten him permanently erect I think. But that was private. Now that he is naked at home we can get some really good photos of him outdoors at last, wearing only what he used to wear at home. Like I said, for me it is all about family. Keeping us together, running the enterprise together and living a beautiful life.
• • •
Name: Jeannette
I have to admit that even here in Florida we managed to find enough fresh foods to make a good dinner. Claudine and I worked all morning and by afternoon we had a wonderful "Thanksgiving Feast." Ooh la la c'est Americain. Everyone was smiling and eating and having a good time. Even Marina looked happy today. Papa praised her performance in their newest "flick" and I think that made her feel appreciated. Sarina looked awfully pleased with herself -- I'm not sure what she has up her sleeve, but it is probably some future torment for Michael.
As for Michael, we kept him hard all day and by dinner time he looked like he'd resigned himself to enjoying it! Well, why not!!! If you're going to be a naked boy you might as well enjoy the experience. He doesn't realize it, but I'd lay a wager that he'll be stripped 24/7 before next Thanksgiving. I don't think papa and Sarina have any plans for him to be clothed before the age of 21, at the very least. Let's see, he's nearly 13, so that is at least 7 years of total nudity. You come ask me in a year from now, I don't think I'm wrong.
The only odd part of this was that the rest of us were totally clothed. It is part of papa's plan, so we all went along with it.
• • • 
Name: Michael
I swear every time I was about to go slack, one of those two would be over there rubbing a little more of that magic gel on my body. I've been hard non-stop since they first stripped me. Even in the middle of the night I'll awake to find my penis throbbing in a hard-on. Thanksgiving turned out to be great -- maybe one of the most enjoyable days of my life -- which is weird to say given the situation. But the food was incredible, the best I've ever tasted. Everyone was in a good mood, laughing and enjoying themselves, even my sister! As for me, if my family wants me naked and hard, well, they're the ones who brought it all on. Stripped me naked, hid all my clothes or worse, rubbed gel into me every time I start to even think of going down. So, how embarrassed can I think of being in front of the perpetrators of my situation. Instead, by the time dinner was served I had experienced a 180 degree shift in attitude and simply went with the flow. And you know what? I liked it!!!
That's partly why I was so unprepared for what happened the next day. I mean, my guard was down. Looking back I should have suspected something because my mother was looking like the cat's meow, and my father was revelling in warm and fuzzy "isn't family wonderful when we're united in purpose."
I was hard again all night, naked, lying on top of my mattress with no sheets or anything. I woke up and went for a quick swim before breakfast. As I was having my morning coffee Jeannette came up behind me and gave me another rub with the gel. I could almost get used to all this. After everyone had eaten, people were bustling about as if they were planning to go out. I guess naked, hard and full of good food I wasn't even thinking about having to leave the house -- not on the Friday after Thanksgiving -- maybe never!!! Claudine came up and told me she had another present for me. Well, the last two were the magic gel and the shave, so I wasn't too worried (my attitude, I told you, it had shifted 180 degrees -- I didn't think either of those two presents were so wonderful when they were first introduced). She brought her hands out from behind her back to reveal a tiny bit of lime green material.
"Try it on, Mish," she said.
"I'm surprised! I could have sworn there was a plot to keep me naked forever," I laughed.
"Oh no, not forever. Here lift your leg, that's it."
Claudine pulled the new swimsuit up my legs and with very intimate touches tucked it up snugly under my balls, around my erect penis and set the position just right along my buttocks. Grasping the white drawstring chords she pulled them into a loose bow and let the ends dangle across the obvious protrusion in the front. The suit was very comfortable, and not tight like my speedos.
"Do you like it?" asked Claudine, "I think it is very nice -- no spandex in the weave, just nylon. And no elastic at the waist, just the draw cords. So there is nothing to cause discomfort. Also," and she laughed, "it is much more flattering to the form."
It was true -- tied loose the way she had it the suit almost felt like it wasn't there. Almost like being naked.
"So why the suit?" I asked?
"Well, two reasons. The first is because your mother has decided to make a very generous donation to the swim team. Starting this fall they'll be using these type of suits, not the old speedos. I'm sure you'll be happy to be wearing something more comfortable."
I nodded -- it didn't seem like that big a deal.
"The second reason is that we're going shopping!!! I hear that in America they call today the 'Black Friday' for all the money that gets spent."
"Yes, it's true," I answered, "but I'm still puzzled -- what's that got to do with a new bathing suit? Oh, I get it, you bought it today?"
"Not to worry -- we'll be ready in a minute and you'll understand everything."
So, I didn't worry, and that's how I ended up being taken from mall to mall, store to store, Starbucks, pastry shops, you name it, for hours. And the entire time I was dressed in nothing but a scrap of nylon that left my still erect penis to nobody's imagination!
• • •
Name: Sarina
The remarks we overheard!
"Isn't that boy wearing a bikini?"
"How come his penis looks so big?"
"How come he doesn't have to wear shoes and I do?"
"Where did you get that suit? I want to put my boy in one of those."
"Is it legal to keep your son that close to naked? Really! I never realized that."
"You heard me, strip down this instant. Now that I see how cute a boy can be when dragged around town practically naked, you're not wearing another stitch than is legal."
"Boys, we're marching right into this store and nobody's coming out until you're all in these tiny suits. That's right, you heard me!!!!"
And that was the way the day went. I couldn't believe the influence we were having. Maybe boyhood America would stop being synonymous with oversize shirts, pants, shoes and anything else that covers up the body and makes you look like a goon. For myself, I couldn't have been more pleased than if Michael were totally nude -- which of course was my ultimate objective.
• • •

(The End)