* * * *
story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced
spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for
purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be
in real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or
such material, please leave now.
* * * * *
Intro Before there was ever a
Stripped For Florida program, or even the QS, or even before the DECENT treaty
was passed, a certain dysfunctional family was going through its own private
contortions in Miami. True, South Beach had topless models and swimmers from
Europe. A bit farther north, Haulover was famous as one of the few legit nude
beaches in the USA. But, other than that Florida was a very conservative place,
even in Miami. Of course, today it is still conservative -- ha, ha! -- but
nudity rules the tax rolls. Read on and discover how it all happened. Name: Mike There was no swim
practice after school today. The coaches had a scheduling meeting or something
like that. I slipped in the back door hoping no one would notice I was home
early, and sprinted up the marble steps two at a time. In my room I looked down
to make sure the pool was empty while I undid my belt. Polished dress shoes
went into the shelf at the bottom of my closet. I made sure my uniform was
properly hung, creases properly lined up on my navy trousers, dress shirt on
its hanger with the private school emblem on the left breast. I pulled off my
undershirt, socks and boxers, threw them in the hamper and pulled on my
practice speedos before running barefoot down to the pool. "Michael, Michael,
could you come here for a moment please." That's my mother. She's the only
one who calls me Michael. For some reason no matter where I am in this huge
house I can hear her small, quiet voice, even while practicing laps. I paused before
getting out of the pool, watching the sunlight shafting through green and blue
tinted glass, sparkling off the bromated water of the large indoor pool. My
mother calls me Michael. My stepfather is French and calls me Michael, which
sounds like a girl's name, Michelle. My friends -- if you can really say I have
any -- are all on swim team and just call me Mike. "Coming,
mother." I pulled myself out of the water in one practiced motion and
padded off to see what she wanted, dripping water on the marble floors as I
went. The swimming pool and waterproof floors were the best things about this
house. Everything is glass, marble and glinting metal railings without much to
soften the bright Florida sunlight. I'm pretty proud of the way I can lift
myself out of the pool with just my upper arm strength -- I've been practicing
that! I'm pretty good at swimming, too, which is good because it's about the
only thing I do. My mother was in what she
calls the 'conservatory.' I guess it's what my friends would call a Florida
room, except that not a single one of them have ever been over to the house. I
stood behind the loveseat where my mother opens her mail, carries out her
correspondence and does whatever else it is that seems to consume hours each
day. Unlike the rest of the house, this room is somewhat softened by a huge
collection of plants, 16 and 20 foot palms and fig trees in large earthen urns,
giant hanging ferns, lots and lots of orchids from my stepfather. I watched the
water drip down my skin and the spandex fabric of my racing suit. "Yes
mother." "I need to speak to
you," she announced. We play this little charade almost daily. Me standing
behind her while she speaks her thoughts without bothering to turn around. These
pronouncements fall into only three categories: observations to which I am not
expected to reply, threats which I ignore, and edicts which I am to obey. The
latter are supposedly orders passed along from my stepfather. He never gives me
a single instruction and I have no idea if this stream of directives actually
comes from him or are my mother's own ideas. "your father,
Michael, informs me that you will be spending next summer in France. I think
you are a very lucky boy. You will not need to take anything with you except
for a few toiletries and a pair of flip flops. I suppose what you are wearing
now is sufficient, if they will let you on the plane that way. Otherwise we'll
have to let you wear an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt that you can give away
to charity once you get there. I have a pamphlet you can read if you want to
know more. Oh, and by the way, your stepsisters will be coming for
Thanksgiving. They can tell you more about France if you have any
questions." She picked out a glossy brochure from the tabletop and held it
over her shoulder. Before Michael could reach for it his mother spoke again. "Don't
be so shy, come around here so I can get a good look at you. No, all the way
around. Turn around, that's good. You're growing quite nicely. I don't think
you should have anything to be ashamed of. You are so shy. Why don't you invite
your friends over for a swim? Anyway, I'm sure after a summer at the Cap you
will feel much more confident in yourself. Either that or I'll have to give you
up for adoption. Really, I don't know what your father expects me to do with
you. Perform miracles?!" She picked up her gold
Cartier pen and began making notations in her leather bound diary. After a few
minutes I started to leave. "The pamphlet,
Michael. Really, you are so forgetful." * * * Name: Sarina/Mother My husband is adamant
that Michael should become more a part of the family enterprise. I love my son
very much, but I despair of raising a boy. It is really my husband's duty to
see to this, but he will not take a more active part. Therefore it is left to
me to try to understand my husband's wishes and carry them out. He says a boy
should not be so bashful and shy. He wants him proud of his body and more
confident. The plan is to send him to France for the entire summer next year. He
will stay with his stepsisters while my husband and I travel in France, Spain
and Portugal. They will stay in the same condo at Cap D'Agde where my daughter
stayed with my husband's daughters last summer. I guess I should not be so
worried. The summer away did wonders for her. Now she has no problem working as
a model, no matter what the assignment; or in acting in any of the films my
husband's company is producing. I know very well the demands as I am also a
model and actress in this enterprise. My son, however, is more introverted and
I cannot imagine him becoming more sociable by spending the summer in a
naturist resort. Oh, well, he may be bored with himself, but he will spend the
entire summer nude, as per my husband's wishes. I believe my husband
knows best as he himself has nudist experience, both as a child in France and
here in Florida. This is all very new to me and mostly in the nude modeling
business. However, as my husband simply gives me directives and leaves the
details to me I am undertaking to obtain advice from those with greater
experience. I have joined several online chat groups to discuss Michael's
situation. So far the best
recommendations have been to start slowly with some exercises that will help
Michael become a little more used to his body before leaving for a summer at
Cap d'Agde, Quartier Naturisme, France. Otherwise he may be in shock upon
arriving there and have a very hard time adjusting. I am going to suggest to my
husband that perhaps Michael be nude during the time that his stepsisters are
visiting over Thanksgiving. This would also be a good time for him to get used
to being naked with them since they will be in charge of his care for most of
the time that he is in France. After all, my husband and I have a lot of travel
and business to take care of and cannot be there all the time for Michael. It
is my opinion that he has one year to really become a contributing part of this
family in every way. Otherwise we are paying for his food and lodging, his
clothing, travel, entertainment, you name it. I realize he is only 13, but he
has no way to give anything toward any of these expenses. That is why for the
summer we will give him a place to stay at the Cap but otherwise it will be a
cheap nudist lifestyle for the boy. His sisters will have some money to buy him
food, but other than a few toiletries he will have nothing: no clothes except a
pair of flip flops, no iPod, or books, or gameboy or anything else. He may be
bored following his sisters around while they shop, but he can swim, or sleep,
or walk around. All in all it should be a boring but pure nude experience for
him. I will propose this to my husband as I am sure it will make him very
happy. * * * Name: Michael Every day mother issues
more of her "instructions" on how I am to spend next summer. By now
she has gone over so many miniscule details of how I am to spend my every
waking (and even sleeping) minute that I simply glaze over while she is talking
and memorize the shapes of various ferns and orchids as I look over her
shoulder. The glossy brochure was less than informative. "Cap D'agde, cite
naturist" read the heading. Below it was a photograph of a large concrete
apartment block of the unfortunate type that mar the scenery of far too much of
the coastlines of France and Spain. Hundreds of people thronged the area in
front of the building. Whether clothed or not was impossible to tell from the
scale of the photo. Inside, the brochure was
illustrated with equally unenlightening photos of apartment interiors,
storefronts, restaurant ads, and one bizarre photo of a young lady selecting cold
beverages from a supermarket cooler while wearing nothing but pink clogs. The text was somewhat
more informative, conveying in French the gist of Cap d'Agde: a naturist city
supposedly nude-mandatory by daylight but encouraging full formal dress at fashionable
dining spots by night. Evidently there are also a variety of clubs where
various states of fashionable partial dress is the norm. Singles, couples, the
adventurous, the kids, the parents, the entire family are all welcome in a
lavish display of French tolerance. The beaches are well-patroled to insure
safety, the shopping is fine, the food excellent, the sun guaranteed all
summer, the buildings charmingly decaying modernist concrete, and the whole
thing nude! Well, my take on the
whole thing was that next summer was a long way away. Maybe by then everyone's
fascination with the subject would be over. Or, I could hang out on the beach
on my swimsuit. That would be fine with me. * * * Name: Jeannette The flight from Paris was
fairly uneventful. Our father had provided first class tickets on Air France as
was his usual custom. The Florida coastline looked bleached from too much sun
as we peered out the windows. The Airbus circled in a wide arc and came in for
a smooth landing. My father is generous, but very forceful in his wishes. As
his daughter I was used to playing my part in the family enterprise. This time
my sister Claudine and I were expecting a little more of a relaxed time than
many of our assignments. We'd both met his new wife -- well, I guess new is the
right word, they've been married for nearly three years already -- and spent
part of last summer 'breaking in' her daughter Marina. But we'd never met her
son. Getting to play with a 12, nearly 13-year old boy was much more appealing
than another modelling stint, movie, or management task. I also had a suspicion
that he would be a lot more innocent and good-natured than his rather snobby
and ornery sister. Flight attendants were
now taking their places in the aisles, soft music coming over the speakers, and
passengers were starting to unbuckle and pull piles of luggage from the
overhead bins. We stretched our limbs and were glad for the best perk of first
class: first off the flying aluminum box! Claudine and I travel
light, just two wheeled valise like airline employees use. With a quick pass
through immigration we headed out of the glass doors. There was papa, looking
roguish and tanned -- and a little uncomfortable all dressed up! There was his
mousy-looking wife, too much make-up, frizzed hair, a "Florida"
tanning salon tan. Next to her was the young woman we'd spent way too much time
with last summer. So, the boy dressed in creased slacks, shined shoes and dress
shirt must be the son. He stuck out as way too formal and very subdued. On the
other hand, this was no out-of-his-body nerdy pre-teen. In a strange way he
looked as uncomfortable as my papa to be all dressed up. Very interesting! I
hadn't expected this twist. My mind quickly made some adjustments in plan. Claudine rushed ahead and
was hugging papa, accepting pecks on the cheek from our stepmother and Marina. I
let myself be held in close by papa and then turned to my task at hand. "Ah, you must be
Michelle -- as my father calls you -- but you are, what? Mike?" He nodded. "You do some sport,
I am sure. You look fantastic!" "I'm on the swim
team." he acknowledged. "It is very nice to meet you." A polite boy, too! "Ah,
a swimmer . . . I can't wait to see you without all those clothes on!" He blushed red and looked
down at his feet. So cute! • • • Name: Michael My experience with girls
is fairly limited: my sister who barely acknowledges my existence. My mother
who rules my life. And . . . well, I go to school with girls but I don't really
know any of them beyond saying hello or passing over a pen or piece of paper in
class. I'm on the boys' swim team and that's, of course, all boys. So, I'm just
saying that all this attention from Jeannette and Claudine is really confusing.
Is every remark supposed to be so embarrassing? Am I really supposed to stay
with them in France next summer? Fortunately the drive
from the airport finally ended. My mother showed the girls to their guest
quarters and I had a chance to be alone. After a bit my mother came up to my
room and asked me to do a few laps. "Michael, you don't
have swim practice all this week, and with Thanksgiving and guests here you
will probably be eating extra and exercising less. Why don't you please do you
laps now while everyone is unpacking and settling in. After that we'll be
spending some time visiting together as a family." I was a little worried
about everyone staring at me in the pool, but on the other hand it is where I
feel most relaxed. Knowing that everyone was otherwise busy, I neatly hung my
clothes, slipped on my practice speedo and headed down the stairs. After a
quick glance around the room full of glass and light I could see that I was
alone. I sliced the water with a racing dive and began to swim. Immediately I
felt better and paid no more thought to the rest of the world. You can imagine
my shock to face a round of applause when I surfaced from a final underwater
swim. "Bravo, merveilleux,
Mike," cheered Jeannette. My sister stood listlessly bored beside her, but
Claudine was clapping and hopping up and down on tip-toe. If I could have
dissolved into pool water I would have done so right then. "Come, we have
presents for you," smiled Claudine, extending her hands and offering to
pull me out of the pool. I thought of her falling into the water instead and
blushed at the unbidden image of her body in wet clothes. To distract myself I
pulled myself out of the pool in the single move I'd been practicing. I sluiced
the water off my face and self-consciously felt the drops cascading down my
chest and speedo. I was trying to figure
out how to get up to my room to change, but Claudine and Jeannette were
instantly on either side of me talking and laughing and caressing my arms,
shoulder and back as they led me into the other room. I'm not sure what you
would call this room. In the succession of cheap apartments my mother, sister
and I had inhabited before my mother's marriage--what she called her "life
solution"-- there were always defined, small, cramped and rather shabby
spaces: living room, kitchen, "breakfast nook" where we'd take all
our meals. Bathroom and bedrooms rounded out the options. In this mansion of
glass and steel everything was at angles and wide open spaces. Even my bedroom
included a wide open panoramic view of the pool below. We now sat in
modernistic gray fabric and steel chairs arrayed around a transparent glass
table top that seemed to float in space. This room also included low couches, a
stainless steel kitchen with a huge island for food prep and/or eating, and a
rather exotic south Florida feature: a large fireplace with a chimney of black
basalt soaring up to the blue-green glass three stories above. Jeanette pulled me onto
her lap as she sat, holding me close with surprisingly strong arms, my naked
wet body and bathing suit against the white cotton of her summer dress. "Claudine,
let's show them all the presents we brought, cheri, what are you waiting
for?" Jeannette lightly stroked
my stomach with her finger tips while Claudine pulled out cheeses, bottles of
wine, small pastries, paté, fruits, and other edible delicacies. She reached
over and put a bite of cheese in my mouth and laughed while I struggled to eat
it gracefully! Everyone started eating, talking, catching up on details of
people I didn't know, plans for future events I had no part in, and acting like
any other family -- I supposed. Except that in the middle of this familial
group I was nearly naked, being stroked and massaged while everyone else was
conspicuously dressed. Even my stepfather who is habitually nude at home. In
fact, my family was nothing like what I supposed was normal, either on a daily
basis or today!!! "Did you think we
forgot you?" Claudine interrupted my thoughts. "We brought this
little present just for you. Let Jeanette show you!!" Claudine opened a
small tin, about the size of those round containers of mints they sell in
convenience stores. Jeanette let her finger swirl delicately on the surface of
the gel inside and resumed teasing my belly with the tips of her fingers. A
strange warmth infused my flesh at every touch. She added a little more of the
gel to her fingers and continued massaging my belly, moving down to the upper
parts of my legs. My mind could no longer follow the conversation, but seemed
to be melding into the same infusing warmth that was filling my body. Too late
I realized that I was in a complete fog of reverie and that blood was about to
fill that place on my body that was covered with speedo fabric but suddenly far
too obviously on display. In the back of my mind I
heard my mother say, "Go ahead and strip him now." With a swift
motion Jeanette had my speedo off my hips. Claudine finished the motion of the
fabric down my legs. I sat there with the most rigid hard-on I'd ever had in my