Peter Sutton 3

By Max Shooter
Copyright 2015 by Max Shooter, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Peter Sutton - Chapter 3

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" she demanded.
"I, uh... I know you think that when boys say 'I couldn't help it' that they're lying, but I really ..."
Aunt Pam fumed. "Don't you dare try that with me right now, young man. I am in no mood." She was so angry she could barely think. "Do you know what the point of tonight was?"
"Uh..." Peter mumbled.
"I just spent the last hour trying to teach my daughters about a subject that you brought into this house."
"But Aunt Pam," Peter nearly cried, "I didn't do anything."
"We've been over this, Peter. You spilled your dinner all over your clothes so that you'd be prancing around in your underwear. Then you even spilled all over your underwear and tried to blame Gretchen. And when she so graciously offered to wash your underwear for you, you insisted on keeping them on so that you could coerce them into some game that they didn't even understand."
"That's not how it happened. Could you please just listen to me?" Peter begged.
"Peter, you're not at a point where you can talk back right now. I have listened to you and you keep making the same excuses over and over again. But that's neither here nor there. It happened, and we dealt with it." Aunt Pam continued.
"So the past hour has been to teach Jenn and Gretchen that yes, boys have something down there, but it's nothing mysterious, it's not scary, it's just a normal part of the body. Right?"
"Right," Peter said quietly, even though he didn't really agree.
"Jenn even said that all her questions were answered. I was very happy with that. And you, even though you insisted on keeping that erection of yours and you talked back to me at first, I was very pleased with your attitude toward the end."
Peter knew that wasn't a genuine compliment, but rather a leaping point to criticize him even more.
"But then, that was just another act, wasn't it? So you could pull off that last-minute stunt? Huh? Did you think you were being funny? Doing that in front of my daughters? What, was your plan to make everyone think you were finally behaving so that you could catch us off guard? Well, mission accomplished."
"No, I really didn't..." Peter stuttered.
"The girls are going to have a million more questions now. What am I supposed to say, huh? How am I supposed to explain what you just did? You think I want to bring up this subject? Gretchen is 11 and Jenn is nine years old, Peter. Nine! What were you thinking?"
Peter's mind was still way too foggy to think clearly. He just wanted to say what was necessary to make this discussion go away.
"I don't know. I'm sorry, Aunt Pam," he said.
"Yeah, you better be sorry," she replied.
After shaking her head for a few seconds, Aunt Pam pointed to a small futon in the corner of the room and said, "You're going to sleep out here tonight. No video games. No TV. You are going to think about what you did."
"Okay," Peter agreed. He was just ecstatic that this conversation was coming to an end. "I'm just gonna go grab my pajamas," he said as he headed toward his room.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it. Have you been paying any attention to me?" Aunt Pam barked.
"Yeah I'm just gonna go put on my pajamas and come right back out here," Peter explained, trying to clear up any confusion.
Aunt Pam looked back at him as though he had just committed murder. "Did you not just hear me say that the girls are going to have a million more questions about what just happened?"
Peter froze. He assumed that just meant that Aunt Pam was going to have to have an uncomfortable one-on-one talk with them, and that he would have to have a sense of guilt for introducing the subject.
"You are not putting on any clothes until you undo the damage you caused, and Gretchen and Jenn have all their questions answered. I thought I made myself clear on that."
"But you kept saying that everything would be back to normal tomorrow; that you'd leave me alone," Peter retorted.
"Well that was before you decided to be a smart aleck and show off another one of your penis's little tricks," Aunt Pam reasoned.
"Well can I just put on another pair of boxers or something? I can take them off tomorrow if Jenn and Gretchen have any questions." Peter was desperate to regain some sense of dignity no matter how small.
"It's too late to argue with me, Peter. And by the way, I expect you to clean up that mess before you go to sleep," Aunt Pam said with a sense of indignation. And with that, she disappeared in the hallway to her bedroom.
Peter was crestfallen. He couldn't believe he was going to have to put up with more of this. Nevertheless, he went into the kitchen to grab some paper towels and began cleaning up the sticky substance that his guilty penis had sprayed all over the floor.
The futon was incredibly uncomfortable. Combined with the sheer confusion and horror over what had just happened, Peter barely got any sleep. But that didn't bother Aunt Pam who came out to the living room at the crack of dawn and ripped the blanket right off of him, exposing his completely naked body once again.
"Wake up, Peter," Aunt Pam said in a stern yet soft voice so as not to wake the girls. She wanted to make sure she got through to Peter before she continued her non-sexual anatomy lesson to her innocent daughters.
Peter was just awake enough to realize that he was stark naked in front of his aunt, and the horrible experience he went through several hours ago was not a dream.
Thankfully, because he did not get a restful sleep, he did not have morning wood. In fact his penis had retreated quite a bit since last night.
"I am still very angry at what you did last night. But since it's done, I guess I will have to explain a couple more things to Gretchen and Jenn this morning," Aunt Pam said to her still very drowsy nephew. "I expect you to be on your best behavior. Is that clear?" she demanded.
"Yes, Aunt Pam," Peter muttered, still reeling from the fact that this whole ordeal wasn't over yet.
"The better you behave, the quicker this will be over. And that penis of yours? I was very tolerant yesterday, but I don't want you sticking it up and waving an erection in front of your cousins, got it? It's very rude."
Peter couldn't believe that Aunt Pam really thought that he was intentionally doing that last night. But he was still incredibly tired and just went along with her. "I understand," he said.
"Good. Now as soon as Jenn and Gretchen get all their questions answered and no longer think that your penis is some kind of mysterious thing, this will all be over, okay?" Aunt Pam said in a rather aggressive tone.
"Okay," Peter mumbled. He really wanted to stop talking about it and just get it over with.
"Jenn! Gretchen! Can you come out here?" Aunt Pam shouted.
They both awoke fully rested, still basking in last night's lesson. But they were each a bit disappointed because they both thought it was a one-time thing. They, like Peter, expected their aunt was just going to talk to them about Peter's actions, and possibly give him some kind of lame punishment.
When they walked out to the living room to see their older cousin standing there still as naked as last night, they were each ecstatic. It looked like they were going to get at least a little more time to memorize every inch of their naked cousin. They looked at each other with big grins and barely managed to avoid chuckling before turning their attention to Aunt Pam.
"Jenn, Gretchen, first of all, I want to thank you again for being so understanding through all of this," Aunt Pam said in her kindest voice.
"So mom, what happened last night?" That was all that Jenn wanted to know.
"Yeah, what was that slimey stuff that came flying out of his penis? It was like watching a Nickelodeon show." Gretchen thought of that one last night.
Aunt Pam was still desperate to explain everything in a completely non-sexual way. She couldn't stand the idea of her two precious daughters losing their innocence.
"Well, girls, when a boy makes his penis grow..."
"You mean when he gets an erection?" Jenn beamed with pride showing off her vast knowledge of anatomy.
"Yes, exactly, honey," Aunt Pam confirmed.
"Which is a rude thing to do," Gretchen added, glancing at her cousin.
"Very good, girls," Aunt Pam affirmed. "Now, when a boy has an erection, he can actually do something that is even more rude. I didn't bring it up yesterday because I didn't in my wildest dreams think that Peter would do such a thing." She gave Peter her infamous evil glance, making him feel even more worthless than he already felt.
"Every now and then, a small amount of fluid will build up in a boy's balls," she said, uncomfortably cupping Peter's testicles. "Think of it like when you close your lips and you get saliva in your mouth. Now if you're like most people, you probably just swallow it or spit it out into a sink, right?"
"Yeah," they both replied.
"But some classless people will just spit right where they're standing. You've probably seen a rude boy do that in school or on the street before. It's gross, right?"
"Yeah, gross," Jenn said with disdain.
"Well, that's basically what Peter did last night, but with his penis instead of his mouth."
"So he spit... through his penis?" Gretchen asked, making sure she understood correctly.
"Exactly, Gretchen," Aunt Pam confirmed.
"Right in the middle of the living room?" Jenn followed up, trying to make Peter feel even worse about himself. "So that would be just like, if I drank a glass of water and then just spit it out all over the floor? I would never do something like that."
"I would have thought that your cousin would be the same way..." Aunt Pam lamented. Peter couldn't believe the ridiculous description she was giving, and the fact that Jenn was criticizing him when she was the one who made him cum! But of course, with Aunt Pam's G-rated version of male biology, there was no way any girl would ever be to blame.
"Why would he do that?" Gretchen asked with befuddlement.
"Like I said, he was just showing off. He was in a room full of girls. He wanted to feel special. He has a body part that can do a couple things that girls can't, and some boys think it's funny and everyone wants to see it. But the truth is that girls find it rude or even gross. Right, girls?"
"Right"/"Absolutely" the girls replied.
"But now that we've seen it and talked about it, it won't happen again, right Peter?"
"Right," he said, somewhat confused. The anatomy lesson was over. This was the end of him being naked, so the chances of it even coming up again were nonexistent.
Nevertheless, Peter was glad to have this whole ordeal finally over, regardless of how ludicrous Aunt Pam was with her biology lessons. Peter started heading to his room so he could grab some clothes and finally go back to a normal life.
"Peter, where are you going?!" Aunt Pam shouted.
"Oh, I thought we were done," Peter said innocently without even turning around.
"You come back here right now, Peter," Aunt Pam ordered. "What did I tell you last night?"
Peter tried to replay the conversation but couldn't remember it exactly. "That you were going to explain what I did last night," he said.
"And..." Aunt Pam said with frustration.
Peter had no clue what she was fishing for. He was in quite a daze at the end of last night and didn't remember her exact words.
After a moment of silence, Aunt Pam sighed and said, "And you are not putting your clothes on until Jenn and Gretchen get all their questions answered."
Now he remembered that part of the conversation. "Oh yeah..." he muttered.
So he just had to go through another humiliating Q&A session. Hopefully that wouldn't be too painful. Maybe Gretchen and Jenn wouldn't actually have any questions at all.
Turning to her daughters, Aunt Pam said, "Jenn, Gretchen, raise your hand if you are still confused or still have questions about Peter's penis."
Peter gulped hoping that they would just stand there and not move, but to his dismay, they each quickly raised their hands as high as they could. Of course, they didn't really take the question at face value. All they heard was "raise your hand if you want Peter to stay naked."
"See what you've done, Peter?" Aunt Pam sighed. "You've filled their minds with all kinds of confusion."
Peter was beside himself. This was really all Aunt Pam's fault to begin with. What about the emotional turmoil all of this was doing to him?
"Gretchen, sweetie, what would you like to know?" Aunt Pam asked in her motherly voice.
Gretchen was on the spot now. She didn't really have a question; she just wanted to keep Peter naked. "Ummm...." she stammered.
"It's okay, honey, take your time," Aunt Pam encouraged.
"Well, I guess I want to know... if it feels weird to have a penis," Gretchen mustered.
"Great question, Gretchen," Aunt Pam affirmed. "Peter, does it feel weird?"
Peter had no idea how to answer that question. It's not like he had anything to compare it to. "Not really; it doesn't bother me..." he managed to say, feeling utterly embarrassed and not wanting this question session to last much longer.
"See," Aunt Pam said, "It's nothing unusual or special. To Peter, just like us, it feels just like any other body part. Like a finger or a toe." Peter grimaced. That's not exactly what he meant, but he just let it go in order to finish this ordeal as quickly as possible.
"Jenn, honey, what do you want to know?" Aunt Pam asked.
Jenn was in the same boat as Gretchen so she knew she had to come up with something to ask.
"Ummm...." Jenn muttered, "So, is that what a penis looks like when it's not an erection?"
Peter groaned to himself at the fact that that wasn't even really a question since Aunt Pam had already established the difference.
But Aunt Pam treated it like a valid question anyway. "That's right, honey. Very good. This is what a penis looks like the majority of the time, when it's well-behaved. What you saw last night was Peter being rude."
"Any other questions, girls?" Aunt Pam asked.
Jenn and Gretchen looked at each other in a panic; neither of them really having any real clinical questions.
"Alright then, Peter, that wasn't so bad was it?" Aunt Pam asked rhetorically. "You can go to your room now and put on some cl...."
"Wait!" Gretchen interrupted, desperate not to let this once-in-a-lifetime experience end.
"Yes, sweetie?" Aunt Pam asked.
"Ummm...." Gretchen said while the gears in her mind were racing. Suddenly, she came up with a great question. "I'm still confused. I mean, we barely got to see what a normal penis looks like. Can't he just stay naked a little longer so we can really see what it's like when it's normal?"
Peter desperately wanted to object right then and there, but let himself listen to how Aunt Pam would respond.
"Well, I suppose that makes sense," Aunt Pam said, never one to object to one of her daughters' ideas. "How long do you think? An hour? Three hours?"
Gretchen wasn't happy with those limited options. Even though she wasn't emotionally scarred from anything and was actually having the time of her life, she said, "I don't know. I'm still getting over that whole spitting thing."
"Me too," chided Jenn. "I can't believe he did that right in front of me! I'm still kind of scared of it."
"How about five hours?" Gretchen offered, worried that she might be pushing her luck.
"Oh my goodness, girls. I had no idea it affected you that much," Aunt Pam said, determined to rid the bad thoughts that Peter left in their minds last night. "I am so sorry. Why don't we make it the whole day? And then you can see for yourselves that as long as he acts polite and well-behaved, that his penis is nothing to be afraid of. Do you think that would help?"
Gretchen couldn't believe her luck. She knew she couldn't show her actual enthusiasm, though, so she just said, "Yeah, I guess so." Jenn quietly agreed as well.
"No, that's not fair," Peter objected. "You said I'd get to wear clothes today."
"No..." Aunt Pam retorted. "I said you would get to wear clothes once the damage you caused to Jenn and Gretchen had been reversed. And they are obviously still confused thanks to you."
"But..." Peter tried to think of a rebuttal that wouldn't get him in further trouble. "What if they just keep telling you that they're confused because they want me to stay naked?"
"Please, Peter, no one *wants* to see you naked," Aunt Pam said dismissively, not having a clue that, in reality, seeing their older boy cousin naked was becoming an increasing obsession of theirs. They were having the time of their lives and didn't want it to end. But Aunt Pam was completely unaware of this and didn't even allow herself to contemplate it for a second. Her daughters were sweet and innocent, and didn't care about such things.
"We all want things to go back to normal as much as you do, just as soon as all the confusion is cleared up. I can't believe you sometimes... thinking Jenn and Gretchen actually want you to stay naked. You've been nothing but trouble since you've been naked. You think anyone is enjoying that?"
"But this is not fair. I don't want to be naked. Please..." Peter began arguing again.
"Well you should have thought about that before you made your penis spit all over the floor last night and left Jenn and Gretchen scared and confused," Aunt Pam said with indignation.
"But Aunt Pam..." Peter was desperate to prevent this situation from getting more out of hand than it already had.
"Peter, enough," Aunt Pam said firmly. "Now just behave yourself today and everything will be back to normal tomorrow." Peter really wanted to object and say that that's exactly what Aunt Pam said last night. But he just quietly sighed and hoped he could just get through this humiliating day as quickly as possible.
"I don't know why you're making such a fuss," Pam retorted. "You have no one to blame but yourself." Turning back to the girls, she said, "Now remember, despite what happened last night, there's nothing to worry about. It's just a normal body part. Nothing you did last night was wrong. Peter was just being a smart aleck, but he will behave himself today, right?"
"Yes, I promise," Peter replied.
"Mom, I may not be able to get over my fear of it unless I touch it again," Jenn said, trying to milk the situation for all it was worth.
"Oh, of course, honey," Aunt Pam said like it was the most normal request in the world. "You didn't even have to ask. You can both touch it as much as you want. Remember, treat it like it's nothing special. As long as Peter cooperates and doesn't try anything like last night, you'll learn that there really is nothing to be afraid of."
Peter didn't like the idea of completely free reign of his body. "But, can you try to not touch it, like, a lot? I mean I guess you can feel it or whatever, but just a little bit, right?"
Aunt Pam hated the idea of Peter talking back to her or belittling her rules. "No, Peter. This isn't up for negotiation. Jenn and Gretchen, touch it as much as you want. You need to have your questions answered until you're not confused anymore. Okay, Peter?"
Peter's heart sank, but meekly replied, "Okay."
"Remember. The goal is to realize that a penis is nothing special and nothing to be confused by. And Peter is going to do his best to try to teach you that, right, little man?" She asked dauntingly.
"Yes. I mean. I'll try," Peter stammered.
"Well, I'm heading outside to work on the garden."
"Okay, mom!" said Jenn and Gretchen in unison.
"Behave yourself, Peter!" Aunt Pam bellowed as she walked out the back door.
Peter was starting to feel extremely self-conscious as he found himself yet again naked at the mercy of his two young female cousins.
Gretchen made no bones about it; as soon as her mom went outside, she grabbed her cousin's flaccid penis.
"Wow," she said, taking a full mental inventory of how different it was from the full-blown erection she had become used to handling. "It's so weird. Not only is it a lot smaller than last night, but it feels completely different. Here Jenn, check it out," she said as though she was handing off a new toy.
Jenn quickly took the offer and began fondling the 'new version' of her cousin's penis. She moved it around without a care in the world, while also getting another good look and feel of his family jewels.
"I like it better like this," Jenn opined. "I don't know why he insisted on keeping it pointed out last night," she said to her sister, as though Peter wasn't even there. Of course, she only said that because Aunt Pam's anatomy lesson made it seem like that was the right thing to say. The reality was that Jenn highly preferred it when Peter's penis was rock hard.
"Yeah. I get why mom says it's rude. It's kind of ugly when it's all big and poking out. I just hope he keeps it like this for the whole day," Gretchen agreed, although she secretly had the exact same mindset as Jenn.
While the two girls continued talking about their cousin's most sacred organ, Jenn continued to shake it and rub it in every direction. Even though Peter was thoroughly humiliated, he was still a hormone-filled boy going through puberty, and once again the combination of female touching and the constant talk of his penis started to make him stir inside.
And before he knew it, his uncontrollable penis was growing right within Jenn's grasp. Of course, the girls took it as a direct insult that he started sporting a boner just as they were talking about how rude it was. Jenn had no idea that it was actually her touching and feeling that was causing it.
"Hey; look at what he's doing" Jenn said incredulously. "You better stop or you're gonna get in trouble again." She tightended her grasp on his penis thinking it would cause the growing to stop; little did she know that the extra friction only made the problem worse, and there was no stopping it now.
"That's really rude, Peter," Gretchen chided, also completely oblivious to the fact that Peter really had no choice in the matter, but secretly loving that it was getting hard again.
"I'm sorry, but you were rubbing it and that's what makes it get hard," Peter said, silently begging for them to believe him.
"Uh uh. Our mom told us you would say stuff like that. Always blaming girls for what you do with your penis. Now apologize or I'm gonna go get mom," Jenn said, while swinging and shaking his now-raging boner to emphasize her point.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," he said, knowing better than to get Aunt Pam involved again.
"Apology accepted," Jenn said, with a quick shake and a tight squeeze on his penis. Peter sighed a sigh of relief. But it was short-lived.
"Now put it back to normal before you get in trouble," Gretchen advised. Peter had no idea what to do. Their mom filled their heads with so much incorrect information that he himself was confused.
"I -- I can't. It doesn't work like that."
"Are you saying you're not going to put it down?" Gretchen asked accusingly.
"Look, the truth is I can't. I know what your mom said..." Peter tried to explain.
Gretchen just laughed. "Seriously? You're gonna say that you have no control over your own body part?"
Jenn joined in, chuckling as well. "Mom was right; boys really do say that. Do they really think girls are stupid or something?"
Jenn raised up her fist and stuck out her index finder. "Look, Gretchen, my finger is pointing out and I can't put it back! What am I gonna do?" Jenn mocked. Gretchen giggled in affirmation.
"Look, please, just believe me. It's different with boys. You've gotta believe me, even if Aunt Pam says..."
"Peter," Gretchen cut him off. "If you don't want to put it down, that's your problem. But if mom sees you with that, you're gonna be in trouble."
Jenn reached out and grabbed Peter's boner to see if she could put it down herself. She smashed her palm right on the head and tried to push it back.
"Ow! That hurt!" Peter shouted as he recoiled back.
Jenn was not used to being shouted at. "I was just trying to help," she offered.
"You better apologize or I'm telling mom," Gretchen said.
Peter hated every second of this, but complied anyway. "I'm sorry, but it did hurt."
"Well Jenn didn't know that and you're supposed to be helping us learn. So it's your fault. And besides, you're the one keeping it sticking out like that. You're supposed to be showing us what it looks like normally," Gretchen chided.
Without any warning, Jenn clasped her hand around it again, this time trying to shove it downward. Of course, penises weren't made to move like that. But being an innocent nine-year-old girl with a very bad introduction to male anatomy, to Jenn it felt like Peter was intentionally trying to resist her movements. 
"He's not even letting me put it down!" Jenn accused. "He's forcing it to stay pointed up like that!"
Peter was going insane. He felt completely trapped in a house full of girls who didn't understand the basics of male biology.
"Please; you can't push it down like that. It really hurts when you do that," Peter begged.
"So how do you make it go back down?" Jenn asked with genuine curiosity.
Peter didn't know what to say. He wanted to make up some kind of answer that would correspond with Aunt Pam's bogus anatomy lesson, but he couldn't think of anything.
So once again, he tried to convince them that Aunt Pam was wrong. "Listen. Please don't tell Aunt Pam that I said this, but you have to believe me. She doesn't understand how a penis works. Sometimes it just grows on its own or when someone touches it, I'm serious. It's not like a finger. And I can't just make it shrink on command. I just have to wait until it goes down on its own. It's a really annoying part about being a boy. You have to believe me."
Gretchen wasn't buying it. "What do you think, Jenn? Do you think our mom is giving us wrong information, or do you think Peter is lying because he doesn't want to get in trouble?"
"No, no," Peter begged. "I'm not saying Aunt Pam intentionally misled you. I'm just saying she's a girl so she doesn't understand. I don't want to get in trouble so can you please just believe me? Trust me. I'm the one who actually has a... you know.. a penis," he said uncomfortably. "I swear, if I could make it go down right now, I would. I swear."
Peter was very convincing, and actually started to get Jenn to be on his side. "I guess that's a good point," Jenn said. "Maybe mom doesn't actually know. Or maybe something's wrong with Peter."
But Gretchen was having none of it. "Peter, I can't believe you," she scolded. "Stop trying to confuse Jenn. Like Aunt Pam said, I know you think it's funny to make it grow and then pretend you can't control it. If you keep doing stuff like that, mom is going to be mad."
Peter was growing increasingly frustrated. "But I'm really serious. Please, if you just stop touching it for a while, it will go down, I promise."
Gretchen was getting angry that Peter seemed to be completely disregarding everything she, Jenn, and their mom told him. So to show who was in charge of the situation, she wrapped her hand around Peter's engorged boner. "Mom said we can touch it all we want. Now if you want to disobey her orders, that's your deal."
She previously wanted to help keep her older boy cousin from getting in trouble, but now she was angry at him, so she decided to show off his insolence in front of Aunt Pam. "Come on, let's go outside and help mom with the gardening," Gretchen ordered.
"Uhhh... That's okay. I'm not really into gardening. I think I'm just gonna lie down for a minute," Peter said as he started to back away, though he couldn't move much since Gretchen still had a death grip on his erection.
"Come on, just for a few minutes. Pleease," Jenn pleaded in that voice of hers that always got her mom to agree with her every word. It didn't work on Peter, though. "I'd really rather just stay inside." The last thing Peter wanted was for Aunt Pam to see him with a guilty erection just a few minutes after she gave him that whole lecture on his rudeness from last night.
But to Peter's horror, Jenn decided to take things to the next level. She opened up the back door and called out to her mom.
"Mom! Peter won't come outside with us to help you with the garden!" Peter was really starting to hate his little cousins.
"That's okay, honey. He's probably just tired. Let him stay inside. You and Gretchen can still come out and help." Peter let out a big sigh. Maybe his aunt wasn't as bas as he thought.
Jenn hated not getting her way. "Okay," she muttered back in defeat as she began to walk outside.
But Gretchen, always one to stand up for her little sister, held her back. She had a better idea of how to get her way.
"Mom! Peter stuck his penis out as soon as you left and he's been pointing it at us ever since!" Gretchen shouted.
Aunt Pam couldn't believe it. "You mean he has an erection? Peter, is this true?" she shouted, trying to peek inside the house from the distant garden.
Peter really didn't want to be shouting about this outside where neighbors could hear. So he just meekly said, "Yes, I'm sorry Aunt Pam but it's going down."
"No it's not!" Gretchen corrected. "He just told us he's not gonna make it go down." Peter grimaced at the way his cousin manipulated the situation. To emphasize her point, Gretchen squeezed her hand while maintaining a death grip on Peter's very guilty raging hard penis.
"I leave you alone for two seconds..." Aunt Pam shouted back. "Peter, I changed my mind. Come out here with your sisters so I can keep an eye on you."
Peter thought of a new angle. Surely his aunt wouldn't make him go outside completely naked, right? This was his chance to get some dignity back. "Okay, Aunt Pam. Let me just go grab some clothes before I go outside."
At that point, all three sets of female eyes stared him down as though he'd just asked for a million dollars. Jenn and Gretchen were wondering if Peter would get in trouble just for suggesting he could wear clothes.
"I mean, I can't go outside naked," he tried to rationalize.
"Oh, Peter, it's just the backyard," Aunt Pam retorted, not understanding why he was making such a big deal about it.
"Please, Aunt Pam. Can't I just stay inside? You just told Jenn that I could." He tried to get her to change her mind back to when Jenn first brought it up.
"Yes, if you had some manners and I could trust you, you could. But since I obviously can't, you need to come out here so I can keep an eye on you."
So Gretchen and Jenn forcibly pulled him outside with them. Peter had never felt quite so vulnerable before. The sun was beating down on every inch of his body. It was a brand new feeling for him, and he hated it.
After the girls delivered him to Aunt Pam, she got up from her yardwork and stared intently at his guilty hard-on. "Do you want to explain yourself, Peter?"
"I mean," he stammered, knowing that no matter what he said it would be the wrong thing to say. "I didn't mean for it to happen, but Jenn was rubbing it and..."
"Are you really blaming Jenn again? Peter, when will you understand that sometimes you need to take responsibility for your own actions?" Aunt Pam scoffed.
"Mom," Gretchen interjected. "What really happened is that Jenn and I were talking about how much we appreciated being able to see what a normal penis looks like. We were trying to be nice, telling him not to make it stick out again. But it was like he wasn't even listening because he made it get hard right in front of us. We even told him to make it go down because we knew he'd get in trouble, but he said he wasn't going to."
"And I tried to push it down because I didn't want him to get in trouble, but he kept shouting at me and forcing it to stay up," Jenn said openly.
Peter couldn't argue that the events played out as his cousins described, but it wasn't his fault! He didn't know what to say and just continued to stare at the ground.
"Well I obviously can't trust you to be alone so you better stay out here while I'm gardening so I can keep an eye on you. I must say you are turning out to be much more of a handful than I expected," Aunt Pam lamented.
"I'm sorry," Peter mumbled.
"Stop saying you're sorry and start showing it," Aunt Pam chided. "Here, you can help me plant some seeds," she said, pouring a handful of cabbage seeds into his hand.
Peter felt utterly ridiculous doing gardening work completely naked in his aunt's backyard, while his two younger cousins watched on with exclusive access to every inch of his body.
But at least it cleared up his mind -- and his raging hormones -- and before too long his boner finally started to subside. Gretchen and Jenn joined in on the gardening work. Although he had a reprieve from the constant poking and prodding of his penis, Peter was still miserable. He assured himself that he would never be comfortable being naked around other people.
"See? He *can* control when his penis goes up and down," Jenn noted. "He was trying to tell us that he couldn't control it, just like you said he would."
Aunt Pam dropped her gardening tools and gave Peter a stern look. "What did I tell you about confusing the girls?"
Peter was once again stuck. No answer was the right answer.
"No, no, I just..." he stammered. "I must have misunderstood or something."
"I don't think he misunderstood anything. He looked right at us and said to forget what you told us because he's a boy and only he knows how a penis works. He said you didn't know what you were talking about because you're a girl," Gretchen squealed.
Aunt Pam glared at Peter with an evil stare. Her face was trembling.
"I-I-I was just joking," Peter said with all of his energy. He was about to faint from fear over the way Gretchen characterized his earlier comments. "I thought I was being funny. I'm sorry."
"There is nothing funny about trying to confuse my daughters about this kind of stuff. I should put you out on the streets right now for that kind of behavior," Aunt Pam said sternly. "Now, I want you to apologize to Gretchen and Jenn, and tell them that your rude actions with your penis today and last night are not their fault."
Peter wanted to do whatever was needed to diffuse the situation, so he complied. "I'm sorry," he said.
"And....." Aunt Pam tutted.
"And, my rude behavior is not your fault," Peter said meekly.
"That's not enough, Peter," Aunt Pam fumed. "Apologize for confusing them and then let them each touch your penis to prove that they have nothing to do with whether or not you get an erection."
"I'm sorry for confusing you..." Peter stammered, wondering if he'd even be able to form the other words Aunt Pam wanted him to say. "If you want, you can ... touch my .. penis."
Gretchen and Jenn were silent for a moment. They were each a little sorry for Peter and the fact that it seemed like he was so uncomfortable. But then again, he had been really rude to them.
"Well, go on girls. Nothing to be afraid of," Aunt Pam encouraged.
With the extra encouragement, they each went over and felt him up yet again, but didn't make as big a production out of it as they did earlier -- much to Peter's extreme relief.
Jenn said, "We forgive you Peter." Gretchen didn't give him quite as unconditional an apology and said, "We're not rude to you. We just don't want you to be rude to us. That's fair, right?"
Peter quietly agreed.
"You're so sweet, girls," Aunt Pam commended their good behavior in the face of such rude and disrespectful behavior from Peter.
Peter went back to planting the seeds, hoping everyone would just change the subject. And for the most part, it worked. Jenn and Gretchen would occasionally comment on how "normal" Peter's penis looked. Aunt Pam affirmed, "I'm glad you girls can see how a normal, well-behaved penis acts." Peter was a bit annoyed that she didn't seem to actually give any credit to him for his "good behavior."
After several minutes, Aunt Pam chirped, "Boy the sun is really shining today." It was in the 60s but there was a beaming sun and no clouds in the sky. "Girls, why don't you go grab the suntan lotion from inside?" She suggested.
Gretchen and Jenn ran back into the house and quickly came back with the lotion in hand. "Let's make sure we don't get sunburned, okay?" Aunt Pam said reasonably. Peter agreed; getting sunburned -- especially on his private parts -- would be a surefire way to make this day even worse.
"Gretchen, give the bottle to Peter," she said. Peter happily grabbed the bottle and began to squirt some lotion into his hands. Before he could apply anything to himself, though, Aunt Pam instructed, "Peter, you put the lotion on Jenn. Jenn, you can do Gretchen. And Gretchen, you do Peter."
Peter didn't like that idea one bit. He had been touched and rubbed enough for one day -- for his whole lifetime even.
"Actually, can I just rub the lotion on myself?" he asked in as innocent a tone as possible.
"Of course not," Pam said matter-of-factly. "You can't see your back or your neck. You need to have someone else to make sure all the spots are covered."
Peter tried another line of defense. He looked up into the sky and even though his skin was as pale as could be and he could barely keep his eyes open from the bright sun, he said, "Actually, the sun isn't that bad. I don't burn very easily; I'll probably be fine."
Aunt Pam was starting to get fed up again. "Peter, I've really had it with you arguing about every little thing. Now you're making a big deal about putting on suntan lotion??"
Once again, he was resigned to a meek "I'm sorry."
Of course, Jenn and Gretchen were each wearing sweatpants and long-sleeve shirts. All that needed to be covered was their faces and necks. Nevertheless, Peter did like the idea of being able to freely touch at least part of them as they had been doing to him for almost the past 24 hours.
Peter squeezed another big glob of the lotion into his hands. "Don't use too much. A little bit goes a long way," Aunt Pam scolded.
He began massaging the lotion into Jenn's face, taking his time and relishing the fact that he was the one in control, albeit in a much more limited capacity. For a brief moment, the attention was on someone other than him and he was going to take full advantage of it.
He squirted another glob onto his hand and began to reach for her face again, but Aunt Pam stopped him. "What are you doing?" she asked, pulling his hands away. "You already got her face. Now just add a little to her neck and you'll be good."
"You know what; I'll do it," Aunt Pam said, grabbing the bottle of lotion from Peter's hands. She put a small glob on her hands and very quickly rubbed it around Jenn's neck. Then she handed the bottle to Jenn and turned on her 'sweet mom' persona. "Here you go, Jenn. Your turn to do Gretchen."
In some ways, that limited interaction made him feel even more frustrated. But at least with Aunt Pam rationing the sunscreen, hopefully it would be painless when the girls rubbed it on him.
Before too long, Jenn had finished applying the lotion to her sister, and it was now up to Gretchen to put a coat of sunscreen on Peter.
"Hmmm; where to begin?" Gretchen chuckled, realizing that her cousin was going to have to literally be covered from head to toe.


(The End)