Peter Sutton 2

By Max Shooter
Copyright 2015 by Max Shooter, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Peter Sutton - Chapter 2

Peter was dumbfounded. He thought Aunt Pam was going to talk with them privately about what happened. Well, at least this way everything would get cleared up in front of everyone, and Peter could get his apology from Aunt Pam right then and there.

"Now while I am talking with the girls, you just stay quiet, okay?" Aunt Pam asked.

Knowing that the truth would come out, Peter agreed. "Okay."

In moments, the two girls were standing right in front of Aunt Pam and Peter, who was staring at the floor and really wanting to just put this whole situation behind him.

Gretchen and Jenn, meanwhile, had no problem staring right at their cousin, both wondering what had happened to the bulge from before. They both assumed he just got in trouble for whatever it was he was hiding in his underwear. The wonder of male anatomy was not on their mind at all for the time being.

Of course Aunt Pam, who had read the entire situation all wrong, assumed that was now all they could think about. And she wanted to get the mystery out of the way so that it wouldn't impact them for the rest of their adolescence.

"Now girls, you said that Peter was hiding something in his underwear but he wouldn't tell you what it was, right?"

"Yeah," they both said, still unsure where this was going. All three pairs of female eyes were now honed in right on Peter's crotch.

"And did he make you touch it?"

"Well, he didn't *make* us," Jenn innocently replied.

Aha! Vindication. This is where Peter would be exonerated and given a much-needed apology, not only for the embarrassment he's in right now but for making him take off his clothes, for being yelled at, and everything else.

"Oh, Jenn honey, it's okay. I already talked to Peter and I know what happened," Aunt Pam reassured, confident in her assumption that Jenn was just trying to cover for her guilty cousin. "You don't have to lie for him. You're not in trouble. You can tell me."

What?! Apparently it no longer mattered what actually happened. Aunt Pam had made up her mind.

"Well, he just stood there while we grabbed it and guessed what it was. He didn't want to just show us and be done with it. We had to keep touching it while it was in his underwear to try to figure out what it was."

Peter couldn't believe it. Although what she was saying was technically true, it sounded so much worse and so much more intentional that what actually happened.

"What else did he tell you about it, sweetie?" Aunt Pam asked.

"He said it was his and that we couldn't have it. He was kind of mean when we asked questions about it."

Aunt Pam just looked back at Peter with an evil stare.

Although he was terrified about what was transpiring, the renewed attention to them discussing what was inside his boxers, combined with the pent-up frustration from just a few minutes ago, caused that familiar stirring once again. Peter was mortified. He tried thinking of anything he could to get the feelings to go away, but for a teenager going through puberty, it was like a David vs. Goliath battle. He could barely even concentrate on what Aunt Pam and the girls were saying. In mere seconds, he was sporting a full-fledged boner once again.

"Look mom, it's there again," Jenn called out, pointing right at Peter's guilty erect penis. Aunt Pam, now convinced that her nephew was up to no good, felt confident to move forward with her plan.

"You're right, honey," Aunt Pam replied, again giving a silent evil stare to Peter.

"So what is it, mom?" Gretchen spoke up. "Is it something bad?" She assumed it was some kind of toy gun or something relatively innocuous.

But for Aunt Pam, Gretchen's comments only solidified what she thought -- that her daughters now saw the male anatomy as something wrong, something mysterious, something they had a lot of questions about.

"No, it's not bad," Pam replied matter-of-factly. "It's a very natural thing. But sometimes boys, particularly bad, rude boys with no manners, try to make you confused about it, and we will not let that happen today."

Jenn and Gretchen were now infinitely curious -- ironically, much more curious than they would have been if their mother never brought this up.

"So what is it already?" Jenn asked.

"Well, sweetheart, why don't you go see for yourself?"

"Whatt??" Peter exclaimed, as Jenn moved toward him.

"Peter, what did we say about being quiet?" Aunt Pam barked back.

"But you didn't tell me..."

"You agreed to be quiet. Now don't make this worse for yourself."

Peter wanted so much to just run out of the house and never come back, but where could he go? He was naked except for his boxers.

Jenn was now face-to-face with Peter's throbbing penis, covered by a flimsy layer of cotton; she was still clueless as to what it actually was. She turned back to her aunt for instructions on what to do next.

"Well, go ahead sweetie," Aunt Pam said. Jenn wasn't entirely sure what she was supposed to do so she just reached out and grabbed her cousin's erection through his boxers again.

Aunt Pam shook her head thinking that was the kind of behavior Peter taught her. "No honey. Remember, it's not a mystery anymore. You can look at it now."

With that, Jenn quickly reached inside her cousin's boxers and wrapped her little fingers around his very erect penis, and then yanked up on it, trying to pull it out. Peter let out a small yell. His little cousin was very confused about what just happened.

"Jenn, honey, why don't you just take off his underwear so Gretchen can see it too?"

"Take them all the way off?" Jenn asked to be sure.

"Well of course, sweetie," Aunt Pam assured.

Jenn was having the time of her life, and couldn't wait to see what this mysterious object was. As she wrapped her fingers around the elastic waistband, Peter closed his eyes and wished he was anywhere else in the world. He even though it would be better to be dead. But alas, he was stuck here, in the most humiliating situation of his life.

As she began to pull the boxers down, they got stuck on the raging boner concealed within. Jenn reached in to clear the obstruction, and before she knew it, Peter's throbbing erection sprung out and hit her in the face. "Ouch," she yelped, before beginning to realize what it was.

And with that, the boxers easily fell all the way to the floor, leaving Gretchen and Jenn staring, wide-eyed, at a part of the body neither of them had ever seen before. "Mom, what is that?" Jenn asked innocently.

Aunt Pam walked over to begin her lecture. "Don't worry, girls. It is nothing to be afraid of. It's not some mysterious thing like Peter was trying to make you believe. It's just a part of the body that boys have, called a penis."

Peter was dying. He couldn't believe he was standing there, completely naked, while his aunt talked to his YOUNGER female cousins about his private part. He assumed Aunt Pam would just give a small lecture about it, tell them it's normal and not to be scarred by what happened, and then never speak of it again.

Gretchen had a permanent locked-on gaze of her now-naked cousin. She was determined to etch it into her memory forever because she, like Peter, assumed this would be a brief experience.

Jenn was also fascinated, but more out of a sense of pure childhood wonder -- the kind of wonder you get when you look out the window of a plane for the first time. To her, this was just something new and exciting.

To Peter's surprise, Aunt Pam quickly wrapped her hand around his engorged organ. "The reason you saw this poking through Peter's underwear is because he had what's called an erection. See, most of the time, a boy's penis is small and shriveled up." Peter was simply paralyzed that this was happening, and could not even form a reaction.

"But every now and then, a boy will think it's funny to make it get bigger. When he does that, it gets really hard, it sticks out, and you can wrap your fingers around it like I'm doing."

"How do they make it get bigger?" Gretchen asked, soaking up this incredibly valuable information.

"The same way you can lift your fingers up and down. It's just part of their body," Aunt Pam explained. Peter was cringing at the fact that his aunt didn't even seem to understand the very topic she was trying to explain.

Aunt Pam then surprised Peter by grabbing the skin of his circumsized penis and pulling it back as far as possible so she could really make the head stick out. Pointing to the tip of his erection with her other hand, she explained, "This red part is called the head. The area below it is called the shaft."

There was no explanation of bodily functions, sexual activity, etc. Aunt Pam was very much a conservative woman and she just wanted to get by with a very basic description. It would be crass to discuss any of the actual functions of a penis.

"It looks so weird," Jenn piped in, still mesmerized by what was happening. "Why did he want us to touch it?" Peter couldn't believe that his little cousin now seemed to be brainwashed into thinking he *wanted* her to touch his penis.

"He was probably just trying to feel like a big shot, because he has something you don't. But as you can see, it's just a part of the body like your arms and legs," she explained calmly while shaking his boner around. "It's no big deal, certainly nothing worth making you confused and getting the wrong ideas in your head. Any more questions?"

Gretchen, still compiling her copious mental notes, burst out, "What is that thing under his penis?"

"Very good observation," Aunt Pam commended. As she uncomfortably lifted his raging erection to give the girls a good look at his balls, she explained, "This is called the scrotum, although you don't really need to remember that. It's just another part of a boy's body." As she rolled her fingers across Peter's testicles, she continued, "If you touch it, you can feel that there are two things that feel like little prunes or raisins. Boys think it's funny to refer to them as 'balls.'" Gretchen and Jenn chuckled at both their mom's description, and the look on Peter's face as she was talking.

Aunt Pam mulled over the idea of letting her daughters get a good feel of Peter's penis and testicles, but that bordered on being inappropriate. She wanted to make sure to keep everything clinical. She could also tell Peter was uncomfortable, but she appreciated him being a team player.

Gretchen and Jenn continued to look on with wide-eyed wonder, but neither of them really had any more clinical questions. They both wanted so badly to reach out and feel it, but they feared pushing their luck.

After an awkward pause, Aunt Pam decided that was probably enough of an anatomy lesson. "So do you girls understand what a penis is now, and why Peter was acting so rude before?"

"Yes," they both replied, hiding their extreme disappointment that it looked like this once-in-a-lifetime ordeal was about to be over.

Turning to Peter, she asked, "And do you understand that what you did was wrong, and why I had to explain this to Gretchen and Jenn?" Aunt Pam was feeling very content with everything, and glad that everyone seemed to be at ease.

Realizing that he was now finally able to speak, though, Peter jumped at the chance once again to defend himself. He just simply could not accept guilt for something so sordid.
"Please, Aunt Pam. Just let me explain. I never told them to touch it. That was all their idea..."

Before he could finish, Aunt Pam's attitude instantly turned 180 degrees.

"Peter Sutton. I really thought we had moved beyond this. You may think the world revolves around your penis, but it doesn't. Gretchen and Jenn couldn't have cared less what was in your underwear, but since you insisted on flaunting it around, and being so mysterious about it, you really left me no choice. I thought you understood that."


"No buts. Now I really don't know what to do. I thought we were all in agreement here but I guess I was wrong."

"I was trying to make this fair for everyone," Aunt Pam continued. "You think all of Jenn and Gretchen's questions were answered just now? Do you think we just undid the damage you caused earlier? Not a chance, but I also wanted to be fair to you. Now, apologize to Jenn and Gretchen and apologize to me, or you are going to make a lot more trouble for yourself."

"But Aunt Pam, you haven't been fair..." Peter begged.

And that was enough to set her over the edge.

"Okay, that does it," she exclaimed as she bent down and tugged at his boxers still sitting at his feet. "Step out of these."

"What? No, please," Peter begged.

"It's too late, young man. You're really testing my patience here."

Worried about what the escalating punishment might entail, Peter complied. Aunt Pam swiftly picked his boxers off the ground.

"I don't know what's gotten into you but I don't like it. Now, just stand still while I take these and your other clothes down to the laundry room."

Peter just stood there, beat red, looking at the floor, retracing his steps in his mind and trying to figure out how he got to where he was -- completely naked, in the middle of the living room surrounded by his younger female cousins, with a raging hard-on that now seemed to have a mind of its own.

Aunt Pam had barely been out of the room for three seconds before Jenn and Gretchen started whispering to themselves, "No, you do it," "No *you* do it. I dare you." It didn't last long before Gretchen mustered the courage to walk up to Peter and grab his guilty erection with full force.

She thought it was the coolest thing in the world. She started shaking it, turning it left and right, and bouncing it back and forth. "It's so weird," she grinned, turning to Jenn. "Here, you try!"

Jenn eagerly took her sister's spot, playing with it like it was a brand new toy. "I've never felt anything like it," she giggled. "No wonder I couldn't figure out what it was. Who knews boys were so weird?"

"Oooh, let me feel the 'balls,'" Gretchen exclaimed, showing off her new knowledge of male anatomy. She cupped the balls in her hand as though she had been doing it her whole life. Something about it just seemed natural to her. She started pressing her thumb up against each testicle. "So weird," was all she was able to say.

Peter was willing to do anything to make this humiliation stop. "Please, Gretchen, just tell your mom that you're okay now and I can go to my room?"

But Gretchen was having way too much fun to let that happen. "I don't know. I mean, I do still have a lot of questions now, thanks to you." She could barely contain her smile.

"Please, I'm begging you..." he said, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Jenn and Gretchen quickly scurried back to resume their innocence.

Aunt Pam reentered the room, oblivious to her daughters' actions, and scoffed at the fact that Peter still had a throbbing boner. She let out a big sigh. "I see that you still haven't learned anything."

Not wanting Peter to have the first word and possibly squeal on them, Gretchen chimed in, "Mom, I have more questions."

Without hesitation, Aunt Pam replied, "Absolutely, honey. Please, don't be shy. I would rather you get all of your questions answered here than from someone else. And since Peter has nothing to wear for the rest of the night, we may as well take advantage of the opportunity, right?"

"Yeah!" Gretchen replied enthusiastically.

Peter was crestfallen at the thought of remaining completely naked for the rest of the night. He really just wanted this to be over as quickly as possible.

"So... isn't it uncomfortable for him to keep his penis pointed out like that? I mean, it's uncomfortable for me to raise my finger for more than a few seconds, and you said it's basically the same thing, right?"

"Very good, Gretchen. I see you were paying attention." Everything her daughter said or did was worthy of a compliment. "Remember, when it's sticking out, it's called an erection. And sometimes boys think it's funny to keep an erection for as long as possible, like Peter is doing. But just like you try not to burp in public, most boys are polite enough not to show off their erections everywhere, like in front of their cousins, or when someone is trying to get a stain out of their clothes..." she glared at Peter.

"I honestly can't help it, Aunt Pam," Peter pleaded.

Aunt Pam just sighed again. "Boys also think that because they are the only ones with penises, they can lie to you about them. They'll say things like 'I can't help it' when they get an erection. Gretchen, does your hand ever just spontaneously rise up without you thinking about it?"

"Well, no" Gretchen laughed at the ludicrous thought.

"Exactly. So does it make sense that a boy's penis would just grow and stick out for no reason?"

"Of course not," she continued to giggle at the thought of a body part that just moved uncontrollably.

"And yet boys still try to get girls to believe that. It's ridiculous. So no more of that, okay, Peter?"

Peter felt like the most pathetic creature in the world. Was there something wrong with him that he couldn't control his erections? Or was Aunt Sue just completely oblivious about the way the male body works? Either way, he just quietly agreed with her in the hopes that it would shorten his humilation.

"I have a question!" Jenn piped in, wanting to get some of the attention.

"Sure, honey. What is it?" Aunt Pam replied.

"Since an e-rec-tion is just an ordinary part of the body," Jenn proclaimed, making sure to pronounce the new word correctly, "can I feel it?"

"The same level of etiquette still applies as it would for any body part," Aunt Pam replied. "You don't go around just touching people's arms and legs, do you?"

"I guess that's true," Jenn said, dejected.

But as she thought about it, contemplating how insubordinate Peter had been, and realizing that loss of modesty appeared to be the only thing that got through to him, Aunt Pam said, "But then again, since he thinks it's sooo funny to just keep waving that erection in front of everyone, why don't you go ahead?"

'No, no, no,' Peter whispered to himself. His boner was just starting to subside, and he thought for sure that as soon as it did, the anatomy lesson would be over and Aunt Pam wouldn't be mad at him anymore.

Jenn quickly kneeled down in front of her cousin and began shaking his penis in all directions. Of course, she already got a handful earlier so she was used to the feel of it, but doing it with the approval of her mom made it more relaxing so she could enjoy it more.

Peter's penis, which was so close to subsiding, was now unmistakably back at full mast.

"Shake it like you would shake his hand," Aunt Pam encouraged, determined to instill the belief that a penis was nothing special.

Jenn put a death grip on the raging boner and shook it up and down. "Nice to meet you," she said jokingly. Gretchen and Aunt Pam laughed along. Peter was not amused.

"Now give it a high five," her aunt offered another helpful suggestion.

Jenn opened her hand and gave the side of her cousin's boner a good slap, watching with amazement as it bounced back and forth, finally resting again in its normal raging, rock-hard position.

Jenn took her mom's cue well, and began mimicking all kinds of other hand gestures. She pretended to "raise her hand" to answer a question in class, "waving hello" to her friends, clapping her hands against both sides of his penis. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she was driving him to the point of absolute sexual frustation. By only occasionally clasping or tapping his penis, she continued to make him flirt with the point of climax over and over again.

And just when he was about to lose it for good, Gretchen interjected, "Oh, I've got an idea," jealous that her sister was getting all of the fun. Jenn abruptly let go of Peter's penis, causing him to quietly moan.

'Thank God,' Peter thought to himself. He had no idea what he would have done if he ejaculated right here in front of his cousins!

Pushing Jenn aside for a second, Gretchen chimed in with her own clever way of treating her cousin's penis as though it was no more important than his hand.  "Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man," Gretchen began, shoving Peter's erection up and down with each beat. The unusual ministrations helped Peter -- temporarily -- step aside from the throws of orgasm.

Aunt Pam was encouraged by what she saw. As far as she could tell, her daughters were accepting that a penis is nothing more than a normal part of the human anatomy, and it was being demystified right before their eyes. Of course she left out any hint of sexual content, but that could wait a few more years, when they get a proper education in school. The important thing now was just to get them to stop being curious about it.

"Alright, girls. It's getting late," Aunt Pam noted.

"Awwww," Jenn and Gretchen sighed.

"So what did we learn today?"

Jenn piped in, eager to show that she was paying attention. "Boys have an erection."

"It's called a penis, dear," Aunt Pam gingerly corrected. "When it's sticking out like Peter's is, that's when you call it an erection."

"And erections are rude," Gretchen chimed in. Peter couldn't help but think that Gretchen didn't seem too offended when she was playing with his erection nonstop.

"Very good, girls. Most of the time, a penis doesn't really look like that, but Peter is insisting on being rude. Nevertheless, what is the most important thing to remember?"

"That a penis is just a normal part of the body like a finger, hand or a foot," Jenn said.

"Yeah, there's nothing mysterious or special about them, even if a boy tries to tell you otherwise," Gretchen added.

Peter didn't think it was possible to feel any more emasculated.

"That's exactly right," Aunt Pam confirmed. "And Peter, no more 'guess what's in my underwear' games, right?"

Peter was just glad for this nightmare to be over. He would have agreed with anything. "Yes, I promise, Aunt Pam."

"Well, girls, why don't you say goodnight to Peter? It might be tough to give him a hug since he insists on keeping that erection, so why don't you just give him a good handshake and say thank you for being a good sport?"

Gretchen walked over first. Peter held out his hand, even cracking a smile knowing that all of this would soon be in the past. But to his surprise, his cousin reached down and clasped her hand tightly around his boner. She began shaking it up and down, once again bringing Peter near the point of ecstasy.

"Since this is basically the same thing as a hand, right?" she smiled. Peter failed to say anything in response, but Aunt Pam beamed, "That's right, honey. It's the exact same. Just a normal body part."

Peter couldn't take it anymore. He just knew he was going to lose control right here and now. He closed his eyes, but Gretchen suddenly let go. Jenn was about to swoop in with the same move, but Aunt Pam remarked, "Gretchen, you forgot to say goodnight and thank you."

"Oh, right," she said, eagerly grabbing the throbbing penis again. She looked at her cousin in the face while basically masturbating him right in front of her mother, and said, "Goodnight Peter, and thank you." With that, she let go, once again leaving him on the cusp of orgasm.

As Jenn approached, Peter once again reached out his hand to show that was his preferred method of saying good night, but of course Jenn opted for the more fun option. She grabbed his boner with all her might, knowing it would be the last time she'd get to touch it, and shook it wildly. She didn't quite have the same rhythm as Gretchen, but it was having the same effect nonetheless.

To Peter, it seemed like hours before she finally said, "Goodnight, and thank you." Peter expected her to let go, but she kept her death grip and quickly turned to Aunt Pam, saying, "And thank you mom. I'm glad I got to learn about this stuff. You really answered all my questions."

"I'm so glad to hear that, dear," her mother replied.

Jenn was running out of ways to stall. She really didn't want to have to let go. "Five more seconds, mom?"

Peter really wanted to interject. He knew he would explode at any second, but he was really counting on Aunt Pam to end the evening once and for all.

"Oh, go ahead for another minute or two. You may as well get your money's worth while you have the chance. We'll leave Peter alone tomorrow."

"Thanks, mom!"

To Jenn, it really made no difference that she was playing with her cousin's penis. It truly could have been his hand or foot or anything else. She just thought it was really funny to be able to treat a part of his body as though it was some kind of toy for her to play with.

Peter, meanwhile, was panicking. There's no way he would be able to last another two minutes with Jenn rubbing his boner!

Not able to think of any alternative, he pulled his penis from her hands. Whatever wrath he would get from that would be better than cumming right in front of his nine-year-old cousin.

"Hey, I wasn't finished," Jenn complained.

"Come on Peter. Just let her get it out of her system," a tired Aunt Pam mustered.

Giving himself a moment to recharge, Peter said, "Okay," and gave his eager cousin free access to his erection once again. 'Just one more minute,' he said to himself.

She played the same games as before -- pretending his penis was a hand, shaking it left and right and up and down. Peter was going insane. He didn't even know how he survived this long. He just kept praying that his cousin would lose interest any second.

"Well, since this is the last time I'll see you, I guess it's time to wave goodbye," Jenn quipped.

'Yes! Thank you,' Peter thought to himself. 'It's finally over.'

But before he could celebrate, Jenn unexpectedly tightened her grasp on his penis and pretended to wave goodbye with it. "Bye, Gretchen! Bye mom!" They both chuckled and waved back.

And just as she was about to let go, it happened. After what felt like hours of mercilessly teasing his young throbbing penis, it was inevitable. A huge white stream spurted halfway across the room, followed by several smaller spurts that seemed to last forever.

"Ahh!" Jenn shouted as she let go, narrowly missing getting hit.

"What was that, mom?"

Aunt Pam, visibly shaken, was so aghast she didn't know what to say. "Girls, go to bed. We'll talk about this in the morning."

"But mom..." Jenn said

"Just go," her mom called back.

"Am I in trouble?" Jenn asked in that innocent voice that was starting to get on Peter's nerves.

"Oh, no, no, honey. You are definitely not in trouble," Aunt Pam assured. "Your cousin here is a different story." She glared at him.

"It's just late. You girls have a good night. You did everything right. Don't feel bad at all. I promise, we'll talk about it in the morning."

Despite the obvious relief, Peter felt a increasingly deep sense of guilt. As a new teenager, he was no stranger to masturbation. But that always meant being somewhere quiet and alone. It meant getting to feel a sense of pure pleasure. This was something very different. This was in an uncomfortable environment, with other people watching. It was unintentional. Peter spent a few moments just trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault.

But it was difficult with Aunt Pam looming right over him, who herself was unsure what to say. Peter hoped and prayed that she would just say the same thing to him as she did to Jenn and Gretchen -- "we'll talk about this in the morning."

But Aunt Pam was not about to let him off the hook that easily.



(The End)