Peer Mentors Chapter 1

By Red Rover
Copyright 2012 by Red Rover, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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Dougie Baxter was putting on one of his classic performances. The small 13-year old boy, dressed only in a pair of tight white briefs was jumping up and down, screaming at the two 11 year old girls sitting on the floor in front of him.  “You’re cheating again, you fucking little brat! I should pound your stupid bitch head into the rug.”
The three children hand been playing a board game when Dougie had gone berserk, kicking the board aside and throwing a game piece into his sister Kelly’s face.  Kelly started crying immediately as her friend Brandy tried to console her.  The commotion brought the other three occupants of the house, Dougie and Kelly’s mother Catherine, his older sister Lisa (15) and Lisa’s friends Marjorie (15) and Beverly (14).
What’s going on here, Mrs. Baxter demanded. “he hit me with a game piece,” Kelly sobbed, “And he’s calling me nasty names.”
“Yeah, but she was cheating, like the little bitch always does,” Dougie shouted in rage.
“Did you cheat, Kelly?” her mother asked “Well, did you?”
Kelly flushed and hid her face, “No, Mama, I didn’t cheat, honest.”
Catherine turned to Brandy, “Did she cheat, Brandy?”
Looking around in fear and not knowing what to do, Brandy mumbled, “Well, sorta”
“Sorta isn’t an answer Brandy,” the angry mother snapped. “Either she cheated or she didn’t. Which was it?” She looked at the three older girls, “Did any of you see Kelly cheat?”
Lisa shook her said, “No, Mama.  We were talking in the other corner, none of us were watching the game.”
Mrs. Baxter turned back to Brandy, “Well, child, what was it – and it better be the truth.”
Brandy burst into tears, “yes, ma’am. Kelly moved her piece three spaces while he wasn’t looking.”
Kelly glared at Brandy, “Some friend you are, you little twit. Girls are supposed to stick together, not tattle on each other. Now I’m going to get a spanking because of you and Dumbo here.”
“You bet your little pink bootie, you are, young lady,” the irate mother said. “And so is your idiot brother here. Kelly, you get your shorts and shoes and socks off right now.  And, you Douglas Elliot Baxter, you get your underpants off right now too.”
“Not in front of the girls,” the boy whined.
Catherine gave him a sharp swat on the bottom. “Right now, mister.”
Reluctantly, the two children complied, which left Dougie completely nude and Kelly with only her short T-shirt and “Batgirl” panties on.  Marjorie snickered. “Cute panties, Kelly!”
His mother turned to Dougie, “now, little mister bigmouth, take your underpants and Kelly’s shorts and socks and put them in the clothes hamper. Neither of you will need them again tonight. And on your way, back bring me my hairbrush. “  smacking him on his bare bottom she yelled, NOW - and run”

As Dougie scampered off with the discarded clothing, her mother took Kelly by the ear and dragged her over to a straight chair. Seating herself, she pulled the struggling little girl over her lap. When the squirming child was firmly under control, she pulled down her panties just below her bottom, eliciting another howl of protest. “Now, Missy, you are getting TWO spankings. One for cheating at your game and a doxen strokes of the hairbrush for lying about it. Patting the bare bottom in front of her, she commenced spanking at a rapid rate SMACK, SMACK , SMACK, SMACK, SMACK …..
Kelly was crying after the first dozen smacks and was howling in pain and ager after twenty of thirty hand spanks. Her bottom was going from pink to bright read and her little legs were kicking rapidly, putting on a good show for her brother and the other four girls. All of whom were trying to repress grins and giggles, fearing they might be next.
Finally she stopped and let the sobbing little girl go limp over her lap. Kelly face was contorted in pain and a mixture of tears, saliva and snot ran down her face and dripped off her chin onto the floor. Mrs. Baxter stopped to catch her breath and Lisa stepped forward with a tissue so she could wipe the sweat off her own face.
Now she beckoned to Dougie and took the dreaded hairbrush from his shaking hand. “And now, young lady, comes the REAL part of your spanking!”  She patted the cringing girl’s, red and quivering bottom with the paddle a few times, watching as waves of shudders went through the little body. Then she took a full arm swing and brought the brush down solidly into the middle of Kelly’s bottom.
“YEEEEOOOOWWWW!!” Kelly howled as the hard wood smacked against her already sore bottom cheeks.  
“That’s one,” her mother stated firmly, “eleven more to go!”
Kelly continued to howl at each stroke as the brush covered every inch of her battered bottom, culminating with two ferocious blow s to the “sit spots.”  At that point she could only lie totally limp across her mother’s lap moaning and blubbering. Her mother pulled up her panties and rubbed her back gently. “OK, baby, it’s over now, you can get up.”
Kelly struggled but was unable to rise. Finally Lisa took pity on her and carried her over to the corner and set her on her feet.  Kelly began rubbing her bottom frantically to take the sting away as she leaned her head against the wall and continued to sob.
Catherine got up and shrugged her shoulders to get out the stiffness.  She turned to Dougie who was rooted to the spot in dismay and apprehension.  “As for you, young man, what you have just seen is a mild pattycake spanking compatred to what you are getting in a few minutes. Now go over to the corner with your sister, put your hands on your head and neither of you move an inch until we get back.”
“Come on, girls, lets get some milk and cookies, I am going to need all my strength to deal with that holy terror of a boy.”
End of Part 1




(The End)