Owen’s Helping Hand Part 2

By Nocti Raven


Copyright 2011 by Nocti Raven, all rights reserved

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This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced nudity, spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This is fantasy, and the author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life. If you are not of legal age in your community to read or view such material, please leave now. 
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This story is set in the Puericil Universe, which was created by Cassie. Puericil itself was her invention, and this story’s portrayal of the drug adheres to the description Cassie provided in the first instalment of the “It’s Not Fair” series.

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I awoke on Sunday morning feeling happy and energetic. In the three weeks since I’d implemented my diabolical plan to elevate my social status by humiliating my only friends, my life had gotten good. I’d received a blow job from one of my gullible, submissive, hairless friends every single day. We’d planned for Ethan to suck my dick on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and for Alex to do it Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with Sunday being a day off cocksucking for both of them. But, lo and behold, two weeks ago today, Alex had knocked at my door and offered to swallow my load on Sundays as well.
No, he’s not gay. Seriously. His tiny prick always stayed soft and little as can be when he went down on me, and . . . well, I’ve watched porn with the guy. He’s always hypnotized by the sight of boobs, gets visibly irritated when the camera cuts to the guy’s face in the middle of sex, and when we’re watching lesbian stuff, he covertly slips his hand into his underwear and plays with his itty bitty self. That’s the closest he’s come to actually masturbating in the presence of his friends; for most porn he just sits there, rapt, but when two girls star making out, he can’t resist the urge to diddle a little.
He volunteered to take an extra shift (or would shaft be more appropriate?) because he wanted results. I’d convinced him that his penis, his body hair, and his assertiveness would all start growing in about a month if he swallowed my testosterone-rich fluid three times a week, but he wanted it faster than that. I would too if my dick was as small as his. He insisted that we keep it a secret from Ethan, lest he grow jealous. I suspected he was really afraid that his friend would think he was gay, as Ethan had definitely been showing his homophobic side as he voiced his discomfort every single time he went down on me. Either way, I was happy to oblige. What difference did it make to me? I got an extra blow job. That was that.
So now that Sunday had come around again, I decided not to get dressed. I slept in just a t-shirt and my boxers, and the boxers had buttons down the front, which meant easy access for Alex. I went downstairs to get some breakfast, and found Alex already sitting in the living room waiting for me. I rolled my eyes. I’d slept in late, but Alex always got up early to take his Puericil. Then, to my surprise, Ethan walked in from the kitchen. It seemed our little secret was out.
“Hi,” Ethan said. “Your mom let us in.”
“She’s just outside gardening, you know,” said Alex. “You may want to put some clothes on in case she comes in.”
I rolled my eyes again. Alex’s modesty was ridiculous. “My parents have seen me in my boxers, Alex. I sleep like this.”
“Oh,” he said, clearly a little freaked out by the notion. “So, Owen, can I ask you something?”
He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Why isn’t it working?”
I sighed. “Alex, I told you this before. It takes time for testosterone to build up to functional levels.”
“Yeah,” Ethan said. “That’s with three blow jobs per week. Alex told me he’s been giving you four, and he still hasn’t seen any results. I think he should have sprouted at least one hair by now, don’t you think?” There was just a hint of accusation in his tone.
“Owen,” Alex said shyly, “you didn’t lie to us, did you?”
I had to think fast on this. I realized I’d screwed up a little by accepting those extra blow jobs. If I’d just told Alex that one more wouldn’t make any difference, I’d have bought myself at least another week before they figured it all out. But I’d gotten greedy. All I could think about was the other guys at school, always bragging about the girls sucking their dicks, and I wanted more. In my blind horniness I had just figured that every blow job I got from the Pu Boys brought me one step closer to getting a real girlfriend, so I could fuck her pussy and her ass and--
And that was it! That was the answer.
“Guys,” I said, “I’m so sorry about this. I just . . . I know why it’s not working. But it’s not because I lied to you. I would never do that.”
“Then what is it?” Ethan demanded.
“Well . . . I talked to my uncle again, and he said that he’d reconsidered the whole idea, and it turns out the method we’re using actually takes a little longer than he first thought. A lot longer, actually. See, when you swallow my cum, it goes into your stomach, and stomach acid dissolves most of the testosterone before your body can absorb it. It really slows down the process.”
“So how long will it really take?” Ethan said. “And why didn’t you tell us this?”
I gave a long, sad sigh. “To answer your first question, the testosterone is so diluted by the stomach acid that it might a year to start working. Maybe more.”
“A year?” said Alex, clearly crushed.
“And the reason I didn’t tell you guys is . . . well, there’s still a solution. There’s another way to do this that circumvents the stomach acid problem. It’s just . . . not something you just come out and suggest, really.”
Ethan looked impatient. “So what is it?”
“Well,” I began, and I thought back to something I’d read online about alcohol. “The testosterone gets absorbed into your blood when it reaches your intestines. But when you swallow it, it has to go through the stomach before it gets there. But there’s another way into the intestines that doesn’t go through the stomach.”
“What is it?” Ethan said. “Injection?”
I almost laughed. “Sort of. You know how sometimes they give you injections to your butt?”
And I swear, you could see exactly when they figured it out in their stunned facial expressions. Ethan, the spunky little homophobe nearly recoiled from the horror, and shy Alex just looked down, terribly conflicted. Torn, you might say.
I forced myself not to smirk. “You see why I couldn’t bring myself to tell you this? It’s kind of a big decision.”
“What do you mean, decision?” Ethan said.
“Well, you’ve got a choice to make. Option number one is to keep sucking my dick, accepting that it may take a year to kick in, if it does at all. Option two is to . . . bend over and get results in less than a month. And, of course, option three is to just opt out of the whole thing.”
Alex was very quiet, seriously considering his options. Ethan, on the other hand, now seemed to be getting a little angry. He punched a cushion in my couch and said, “I can’t believe I sucked your dick nine times for nothing!”
“To be fair,” I said, “it’s only for nothing if you stop now. I mean, at least you’ve gotten started. Those nine blow jobs are probably worth at least one . . . uh . . .”
“One assfuck,” Ethan said. “That’s what you’re suggesting.”
“Well, yeah,” I said in my most apologetic voice. “I’m really sorry to put you in this position, guys. But remember what this is all for. If you do this, you get to finally hit puberty like the rest of us. You get hair, you get attitude, you get girls.”
“Owen,” said Alex, “have you ever . . . gotten a girl?”
“Yes,” I lied. “I had three girlfriends in middle school. Lost my virginity on the last day of seventh grade. And let me tell you guys . . . sex is great. That nice warm moist feel of sliding your dick into a hot chick’s pussy . . . there’s nothing else like it.” I was speaking of things I’d only ever seen on a computer screen, but I was filling my head with a pretty vivid mental image. My growing boner was pretty clear through my boxers. “And then having her naked legs wrapped around your waist, and her tits squishing against your chest . . .”
“I’ll do it,” Alex said, wide-eyed and hungry. God that was easy!
We both looked at Ethan, whose face was screwed up in frustration. His only chance to achieve true manhood (or so he believed) was to sacrifice what little manhood he had left. I realized his homophobia was a desperate attempt to cling to masculinity, believing that by behaving like a manly man he could make up for the fact that he didn’t look the part. But he wasn’t the man he pretended to be. Puericil had robbed him of most of his willpower; that was why he couldn’t resist his parents when they made him take it, and why he couldn’t stand up to the kids who bullied him at school. And it would mean he was powerless to withstand my urging.
“Come on, Ethan,” I said. “This is a good thing. I know it’ll help you. And I know you don’t want all those blow jobs to have been for nothing.”
His expression softened. He was already coming around. This would be no different from the blow jobs.
“Yeah, come on,” said Alex. “It’s not gay if we’re just doing it to . . . to get girls. Don’t you want hair like the other guys?”
I could practically feel Alex wrapped around my little finger. . . but I couldn’t wait to feel him around my biggest finger.
Ethan gave a defeated sigh. “All right. I’ll do it too.”
With all that decided, we worked out the schedule. It was basically the same as before, with Ethan on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Alex on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Naturally Alex was still desperate enough to take a Sunday fucking, and Ethan was disgusted enough not to fight him for it. Turns out I’d bought myself a whole month more! That was good, because I hadn’t even started to consider how I was going to end all this. I had to start working on a way to brag about how I tricked these losers into becoming my bitches, but I’d have to do it in a way that would only suggest I was cruel, not gay.
Ethan left as soon as we’d decided on the schedule. He almost seemed to be walking funny as he headed out the door, like he’d been fucked in the ass already by his own horror at what he’d just done. Alex and I went up to my room to conduct out business.
He stripped once again, still blushing with embarrassment as I saw his naked body. It was a respectable body, reasonably fit, a little bigger than me. He was average in every way except two: he was completely hairless because of the Puericil, and his penis had to be about an inch long in its present soft state. Truly a third-grader’s dick on a ninth-grader’s body. The sad thing about Alex was that even if I really could reverse the effects of Puericil, even if his parents just let him stop taking it, that wouldn’t do any good for his dick size. It was a wonder I’d been able to convince him otherwise, since it was common knowledge that Puericil didn’t impede pubertal development beyond the whole hairlessness thing.
I considered positioning for a moment. I would have preferred to bend him over the side of my bed and take him standing up, but my bed was too low. I decided to do it doggie style instead, with him on all fours and me kneeling behind him. But just as I hopped on the bed and started to explain how this was going to work, another idea occurred to me. In the halls at school I always heard little snippets of conversation, a phrase here, a sentence there, of the cool kids and the jocks describing their conquests to their eager friends, always in return for a high five. And one time, earlier that week, I’d heard one relate a story that made me rock hard the second he spoke the words. “I spanked her ass before I fucked it, yo.” That was all I’d heard, but it got me stiffer than steel.
I’d seen spankings before. They were common in my old neighbourhood, as common as Puericil was, since they were such effective and fitting punishments for little boys. Babysitters, parents, teachers, sisters, and even school hall monitors were allowed to spank any boy who stepped out of line. I was proud to say I’d received precisely zero such punishments over the years, and a little disappointed that I’d never given one either . . .
“Alex, there’s something we have to do before we can start.”
“What is it?”
I sat on the edge of the bed, my thighs parallel to the floor and my feet dangling down. “I need you to lie across my lap, face down, so I can give you a spanking.”
He looked shocked and confused. “Wh-Why?”
I gave my most condescending sigh. “To guarantee maximum absorption, we have to get the blood flowing in your butt. That’s why a spanking turns your butt red, you know. It’s all the blood rushing to your butt in response to the pain. So I’m afraid I can’t just give you a few taps; this has to hurt.”
Alex gulped. “I haven’t been spanked in . . .” He hesitated, looking away. “. . . years.”
He was a terrible liar. That pause pretty much told me he’d been spanked more recently than he was letting on. It made sense, of course, that the parents who chemically kept their son a little boy would also punish him like a little boy. It was obviously a secret he kept from everyone at school, and maybe even from Ethan, but I was surprised that he still kept secrets from me. The stuff he did with me just had to be the deepest, darkest secret he had in the world. Surely there was nothing he couldn’t tell me. But I guess that’s just the way he was: modest to the very end.
When he lay down across my lap, a funny little thing happened. I was still hard from my story before, and from anticipation of what was to come, and my erection, wrapped in the fabric of my boxers, stuck straight up and poked Alex in the balls. I squeezed my pelvic muscles, making my dick twitch. Alex squirmed, clearly feeling it. If his dick were bigger, he might have poked me right back, but that was not the case.
I took a moment to mould and knead one of his butt cheeks, enjoying the soft hairlessness. This, I thought, is what a girl must feel like. It was gonna feel so good to fuck that ass!
I’d watched so many of my old friends getting spanked over the years that I had a pretty good technique down from the start. A broad sweeping arm movement gave each blow extra momentum and power. Spread out fingers distributed the pain over a large area, and made for nicer, more defined handprints. But I only wanted to get the blood flowing, not leave any lasting bruises or welts. I spanked until the two round globes had gone from pale white to a rich pinkish-red. It would certainly be touchy for a day or two. Sitting down would not be fun.
And, of course, when I hefted him up onto the bed, his face was red and puffy, streaked with tears and watery snot. I’d spanked him like a baby and he cried like a baby. It was just like all those punishments I’d witnessed throughout my childhood, devastating in both its humiliation and its pain. The girls of my old school’s Student Babysitters’ Union couldn’t have done better themselves.
Not wanting to make a mess of things, I reached for a tissue and wiped the tears and snot from Alex’s face. He just sat there and let me clean him up like I was his mommy. Honestly, I found it ridiculously pathetic. He deserved the spanking I’d just given him. He deserved it for being such a pussy. I knew plenty guys on Puericil who were still man enough to wipe their own faces after a spanking, and even a couple who could make it through such a punishment without shedding a tear.
It was time to do the deed, and I did it. I guided him into position with one hand on the back of his head and the other on his waist. He let out a big throaty sob when he was in the doggie position. I guess that was his inner man, or what was left of him, giving one last cry for mercy. There would be no man left in Alex at all in a few minutes. He’d be 100% my little bitch.
I undid the buttons on the front of my boxers and let my cock punch through, like a knight’s lance punching through a shield. Then I took hold of Alex by the hips and . . . and I fucked the little wuss. No condom, no lube, no warning. There was a little friction going in, but it felt good. Once I got into the motion, bucking back and forth, pulling him along with me by the hips, really fucking away, I let instinct take over. This was what men were born to do, and I was finally doing it. As with the blow jobs, a girl would have been preferred, but Alex did just fine with his girly smoothness and his unmanly submissiveness. I was glad my mom was outside gardening, because I cried out pretty loudly when I came inside him. It was the most intense orgasm I’d ever had, no question. The thrill of the motion was just overwhelming.
After I pulled out and lay down exhausted, I considered asking Alex to lick my dick clean. After all, he’d sucked it before and there was still a little testosterone-rich cum on the tip. But I thought better of it. Making him suck my dick fresh out of his ass was unnecessary cruelty. Despite the rest, I’m not a monster.
Alex just stood there on all fours for a minute, not knowing what to do. “You took it like a man,” I said, and gave him a congratulatory pat on his bright pink rear, and as my hand pressed against his butt cheek, I could feel muscles contracting and spasming beneath the surface. His whole body seized up and he threw his head back like a howling wolf. His tiny cock had grown to two and a half, maybe three inches of hardness, and a little splash of milky white goo shot out the tip. So much for not making a mess.
He looked over at me, afraid. Was he afraid I’d get mad at him for messing up my bedsheet? Or was he afraid that coming after what I’d done made him gay? I just laughed. It was a funny look and a funny situation. I may have made up a lot of stuff about male anatomy, but I had enough real knowledge to understand that prostate stimulation was extremely arousing for any male, straight or gay. That made his look of terror all the funnier.
We both needed a shower after that. We were both sweaty, I had just stuck part of myself in an anus, and Alex had to wash off his tears, snot, and shame. I shrugged off my t-shirt and boxers and we got in the shower together. All my body hair looked darker and thicker when it got wet, and the warm humitdity let my dick hang long and loose, so Alex got an extra nice look at manhood while we washed each other. I was far from a truly impressive specimen, but I never failed to astonish poor Alex.
When we were both squeaky clean, we dressed and headed over to Ethan’s house, where we played video games like a bunch of normal guys.
The next day was Ethan’s turn. When school ended I stood on my usual spot in the schoolyard waiting for him to show up. Ethan would come home with me for his fucking, and Alex would go to his own house and wait for us. Back when it was just blowjobs, the three of us would walk home together, usually to Ethan’s house, and one of them would suck my dick in the privacy of the bathroom while the other hooked up the Xbox. But now that we’d moved on from mouths to butts, Ethan had insisted that certain measures be taken. He demanded that all butt fucking occur at my house, since he didn’t want to associate the memory with his own place or his best friend’s. And to maximize the privacy, he insisted that when I was riding one Pu boy, the other could not be under the same roof. That’s why Ethan had left before I fucked Alex yesterday, and why Alex had gone home ahead of us today.
Fifteen minutes after the school bell rang, Ethan had still not appeared. I started to wonder if he’d chickened out and gone home. I sent him a text asking where he was, and it took a good three or four minutes for the reply to arrive. He said he was running late (no duh!) and that I should go home and wait for him. So the plan was still on. I walked back to my house, turned on the TV, and waited for Ethan to knock at my door. I also took off my pants so I could relax in the comfort of my baggy boxers.
As I waited, I wondered if perhaps Ethan’s lateness had something to do with the spanking. I hadn’t spoken to the Pu Boys that day, but I’d seen them talking together, so Alex had probably told Ethan exactly what to expect. Delaying a spanking was another thing I’d seen dozens of times at my old school. I’d had a friend named Jerry who was known throughout the school for the savage spankings he got from his little sister Mandy. Whenever Jerry misbehaved and the school called home, he’d always beg me to let him sleep over at my house that night, just so he could put one more painless evening between his butt and Mandy’s hairbrush. And when I turned him down, he’d ask someone else, and then someone else, and then someone else. No boy would shelter poor Jerry because we all knew we’d get spanked too if we did. And the girls . . . well, the girls just loved watching him squirm in his seat the next day, so there was no way they would delay that little show.
I considered texting Ethan to explain that delaying his spanking would only delay the coming of his pubes, but before I could reach for my phone I heard a knock at the door.
“It’s about time,” I said as I pulled the door open, but I spoke too soon. It was not Ethan who stood on my doorstep, but a little girl. She looked maybe ten or eleven; cute, but not hot just yet. She had nice legs sticking out of her short shorts and a pretty little face, but no boobs to speak of yet, no womanly hips or butt. “Oh, sorry. Can I help you?”
The girl smirked and looked down, at which point I realized with a little embarrassment that a little girl was seeing me in my boxers. But the time I’d spent with Alex had left me with a distaste for false modesty, so I shrugged it off.
“You’re Owen, right?”
“Yeah,” I replied. Is there something I can do for you?”
“Can I come inside?” she said. “I’d kinda like to talk to you about something.”
This was a little strange . . .
“Who exactly are you?” I asked.
“My name’s Taylor ,” she said. “I’m Ethan and Alex’s babysitter. That’s kinda what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh,” I said, a bit flustered. It briefly occurred to me that, having mentioned the Pu Boys, she might know what I’d been doing with them, but I quickly told myself that was impossible. There was no way they’d tell anyone about it.
I let her inside and led her into the living room. My parents weren’t going to be home for a few hours, so I didn’t have to worry about them walking in. They’d seen me in my boxers often enough, but there would be a lot of awkward questions asked if they found me hanging out with a fifth-grade girl in my underwear.
I wasn’t at all surprised that Ethan and Alex had a younger female babysitter; that was another thing I’d seen a billion times back at my old school. The Student Babysitters’ Union had basically operated as a matchmaking service, pairing boys in need of supervision with girls one-to-three years their junior.
“So what exactly is it you want to talk about?” I asked.
Taylor cleared her throat, very businesslike. “First of all, you’ve been taking my money, Mr. Owen.”
“Come again?”
“I always babysit Ethan and Alex on their weekend sleepovers, and I always get paid for it. But ever since they started hanging out with you . . . their parents think you’re so mature that they don’t need a babysitter when you’re around. So I’m losing my best customers thanks to you.”
I couldn’t help but smile. I’d done my best to turn on the charm and act grown up around the Pu Boys’ parents. It was good to hear that I’d done such a good job. On the other hand, I’d just been told that I’d taken over little Taylor ’s paid responsibilities for free. I decided that after politely telling this girl to get the fuck out of my house, I’d call up my friends’ parents and ask about getting paid for my services.
“Sadly, Taylor , that’s life. All good things must come to an end, as they say. Everyone’s career has its ups and downs. I’m sure you’ll find another--”
“Second of all,” she said, cutting me off, “I know what you’ve been doing.”
My heart skipped a beat.
“What do you mean by that exactly?”
“I mean I just met up with Ethan and Alex as they were leaving school, and I asked them why I haven’t been called over to babysit them in so long. They told me about you, but I knew there was something they weren’t telling me ‘cause . . . well, you know how Alex looks away and pauses when he’s talking sometimes?”
I nodded, and silently cursed myself. “He’s a terrible liar, all right.” I had been stupid to think someone like him could effectively keep a secret. You could practically see his secrets on his face, and he had absolutely no willpower to resist an aggressive interrogation. A first-grader could probably have squeezed the truth out of him.
“Yeah, well, they wouldn’t tell me what they weren’t telling me, so I told Alex to go home and I took Ethan to my house, then I spanked him until he told me everything.”
That was it. The secret was out, beyond my control. She’d blurt it out to someone, and they’d tell someone, and before you know it, the whole school would know me as some kind of depraved sexual predator. It couldn’t happen that way, I just couldn’t let it. This could not get out until I let it out, and made sure I put exactly the right spin on it.
Now the only way to keep it a secret was to do exactly what Taylor wanted me to do. She really and truly had me by the balls.
“Why Ethan?” I said lamely, trying to appear calm and unfazed. “Alex would have given up the truth a lot easier.”
She giggled girlishly. “I know. But it’s no fun when it’s easy. I gave Ethan almost a hundred spanks before he finally told me.”
Funny, I thought. I was going to spank Ethan myself.
“So, just to be clear, we’re talking about . . .”
“Cock sucking and ass fucking,” she finished, “to make Puericil stop working so they can grow up and be men.”
Yep, the cat was well and truly out of the bag.
“You can’t tell anyone,” I said at once. “And I don’t just mean for my sake. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that would be for Ethan and Alex? I mean--”
“I know,” she interrupted. “Everyone would think they’re gay for going along with it. I’m eleven years old, you know. I do understand the way stuff works. But don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me on two conditions.”
I sighed with relief. “You name it.”
“One: you stop going to those sleepovers. I want to make my money again.”
“Agreed,” I said. That was a small price to pay to keep her quiet.
“And two: you stop.”
“Stop what?” She just looked at me until I figured it out. “Oh.”
She nodded. “It’s a really nice thing you’re doing for them, I know ‘cause I can tell how much they hate Puericil, but you just can’t keep doing it. If Puericil stops working and they stop being little boys, I won’t be able to babysit them anymore.”
Despite everything, I almost wanted to laugh. She had figured it all out except the most devious, terrible part: the lie. This little girl, only eleven, was so naive that she had fallen for my trick as easily as the Pu Boys had. Based on our conversation I could tell that Taylor was reasonably intelligent, even cunning in her own little way, but she was still limited by her education.
I almost said “agreed” again, but I stopped myself to consider my options just a little more carefully. On one hand, it had been a good run. Any guy in my old neighbourhood, even the most mature, confident, dashing of studs, would surely have been impressed by how many blow jobs I’d received in such a short time. But on the other hand, I wasn’t at my old school anymore. I was at a school where studs were a dime a dozen, and the Pu Boys and I were probably the only three guys who’d never had girlfriends, and almost certainly the only three virgins. I really really really didn’t want to give up anal sex after just one try . . .
Then I remembered Taylor ’s comment on Ethan. She’d liked spanking him. She probably enjoyed humiliating the two little wimps. She would actually appreciate how I’d deceived and exploited them. Oddly, she’d judged me to be nice friend for what I’d done to them, which was in itself a better reaction than I could have hoped for, but when I told her the truth . . . well, maybe this was the chance to determine whether it was possible to put a good spin on this thing!
I leaned in closer to her. “ Taylor ,” I said, barely above a whisper. “Can you keep a secret?”
“I just told you I’d keep yours, didn’t I?”
I smiled. “But it’s absolutely essential that you keep this particular secret from Ethan and Alex. Can you do that?”
“Of course,” she said with a devious grin. “I’m keeping plenty of things secret from those two already.”
“I lied,” I said casually. “I made the whole testosterone thing up. It’s complete bullshit. What I’ve done to Ethan and Alex, and what I want to do to them, will have no effect on them at all. Puericil will keep working just like it always did.”
Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her face. “So . . . you tricked them. You just wanted to . . . wait, are you gay?”
“What?” This was going entirely wrong. “No! Of course not!”
“But you tricked Ethan and Alex into having gay sex for no reason at all.”
I exhaled slowly and pulled out my rationalization. “ Taylor , think of it like this. I stick my penis into mouths and anuses.” She giggled at my terminology. “Girls have both of those things, so I might as well be doing it to a girl. In fact, I’d prefer to, but I don’t have a girlfriend so I can’t. What I’m doing is perfectly straight. What’s gay is what Ethan and Alex are doing: letting me stick my penis into their mouths, their anuses . . . that’s what gay guys do. And--”
“All right, all right. I get it already. I was just teasing you.”
“Oh.” This girl was more devious than I thought.
“Then you’ll understand that, as long as I don’t have a girlfriend, I’d really like to continue what I’m doing. And since it doesn’t threaten your earning at all, I’d appreciate it if you took back that second condition.”
She paused, considering things. “Okay,” she said at last. “We have a deal. You let me go babysit the boys every weekend, and I won’t tell anyone that you’re fucking them. And I’ll let you keep doing it.”
I nodded and leaned back, incredibly happy that I’d managed to resolve the situation peacefully and with all the secrecy intact. “Now, I hate to sound like I’m rushing you out the door, but Ethan and I have some business to attend to. I’m going to text him to tell him that our plans are still on, and I think things will go more smoothly if you’re not here when he arrives.”
Taylor laughed. “Yeah, I bet that’s true. But you don’t have to text him. I brought him here with me and told him to wait for me on the sidewalk. Just stick your head outside and call him in.”
“Uh . . . okay, but like I said, I think it would be easier for him if you left before he came in.”
“Yeah, but in the two years I’ve been babysitting Ethan, what’s easy for him has never been my priority. I’ve never actually seen two guys doing it before, and I’d kinda like to. So you go call him in and the three of us can go upstairs together. You can fuck little Ethan’s little butt, and I get to watch.”
It’s amazing how fast a guy can completely lose interest in giving anal sex. But I lost all my various appetites as I realized that Taylor still had me by the balls.

(The End)