Copyright 2011 by Nocti Raven,
all rights reserved
* * * * This
story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced
spanking, and/or sexual activity of preteen and young teen children. This
is fantasy, and the
author in no way endorses or practices these things on real life.
If you are not of legal age in your community to read or
such material, please leave now. *
* * * *
story is set in the Puericil Universe, which was created by Cassie. Puericil
itself was her invention, and this story’s portrayal of the drug adheres to the
description Cassie provided in the first instalment of the “It’s Not Fair”
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family moved when I was 14, so I started high school at a whole new neighbourhood.
It was a pretty well-off neighbourhood without a lot of real estate activity,
so the kids at school weren’t used to new blood. It’s kind of awkward jumping
into the social scene at a school like that. Everyone already knows each other,
and they don’t plan to go into friend-making mode till college. As a result, on
my first day, the only guys who’d sit with me at lunch were a trio I’d heard
people call the “Poo Boys.” “Not
P-O-O,” one of them said to me, setting down his sandwich to answer my request
for an explanation. “P-U. As in Puericil.” “So
you’re the Puericil Boys? Why . . . oh! No way, are you telling me you’re the
only guys at this whole school who take Puericil?” “Yep,”
he answered. “Well, probably. There’s a couple of seniors that look like they
might be on it, but that’s it. Pretty much everyone quits after 7th
or 8th grade.” I
was a little shocked. In my old neighbourhood it was common knowledge that about
half of the male population was on the pill, and most of them stayed on it until
they were 21. Not me, of course. My parents suggested it back when it came out,
but even at 7 years old I was such a smooth-talking smart-ass that I’d convinced
them I didn’t need it. Said it was for bullies and delinquents, not good boys
like me. The
boy who’d spoken returned to his sandwich. He was small and very skinny. His
friend was more average, a little taller than me, and admittedly better built,
but that’s not saying much as I’m kind of skinny myself. I noticed, since the
three of us were all wearing t-shirts, that I was the only guy at the table
with arm hair. Even my light brown, almost invisible arm hair stood out in this
crowd. “I’m
Owen,” I said. “I’m
Ethan,” said the smaller guy, “and this is Alex.” Alex
smiled ironically. “Sorry.” “For
what?” “Sorry
the only guys who’ll sit with you are hairless losers.” I
laughed, but he didn’t. He wasn’t really joking. So
those were my new friends at my new school. Frankly they weren’t at all what
I’d had in mind. The opposite, in fact. I had high hopes for high school. I’d
imagined popularity, parties, a girlfriend. I had promised myself I would lose
my virginity in high school, and not be one of those losers who goes off to
college wondering what it’s like to have someone else jerk you off. I’d always
figured being off Puericil gave me an advantage. I wasn’t a big athlete, but at
least I was more man than half the guys in school . . . back then, anyway. Now
it seemed I was only manlier than these two guys. Indeed, nearly every other
guy seemed bigger than me. Those that were my height were compact and athletic,
and sported an impressive coat of leg hair revealed by their baggy board
shorts. Even off the pill, even with all my testosterone flowing naturally, I
still couldn’t compete with most of these guys. At
least I assumed the difference was testosterone. Exactly how Puericil does what
it does is a well-kept secret, but it only makes sense. . . As
I sat there in that school cafeteria, looking at all the teenagers roaming
around, getting the depressing feeling that there was no way I’d ever find a
girlfriend, an idea popped into my head. I kind of surprised myself with it, as
it was not only brilliant but diabolical. Perhaps evil, in fact. The Pu Boys
were the butt of many a joke around here, and more than occasionally had their
pants pulled down in the halls, so I felt kind of bad thinking of a plan that
would hurt them . . . but hurting them would make me just like everyone else,
like the cool kids. Sure, I’d lose the only two friends I had, but I’d have a
story to tell that would make me the most badass popular son of a bitch in
school. I’d be respected, even admired. Maybe even cool enough to snare a lady
friend. Right then and there I decided that I would do it. Over
the next two weeks I spent more time with the Pu Boys, getting to know them and
earning their trust. We spent most of that time playing video games at Ethan’s
house, which was fun, but I think they did it too much. I wished more and more
that these guys would go play a sport like normal guys, but that was out of the
question. Sports brought back too many bad memories. The jocks were the guys
who pantsed them in the hallways. The locker room before gym class was where
guys flashed their bushes, just to show that they had them. And
that was just the beginning of their whining. They whined a lot about getting
bullied at school. They whined a lot about how they wished they had pubes. They
whined a lot about how they were certain that their social status, general
happiness level, and luck with the ladies would skyrocket if they could just
quit the damn Puericil. Despite that, I personally witnessed them taking it,
without any reluctance or hesitation, without a word of complaint, on numerous
occasions. They invited me to their sleepovers, which basically meant video
games until 10 PM, then watching porn and whining about how they wished they
could do what they saw on the computer screen until midnight, and then going to
bed, because they had to wake up early to take their Puericil. “You have to be
regular,” Ethan’s mother explained to me. “That’s just the way it works.” That
was a lie, of course. I knew enough Puericil-users to know that you don’t have
to take it at the same time every day for it to work. In fact, you can even
miss a day or two without feeling any reduction in the effects. Ethan’s mom
just told me that so I wouldn’t hear what she perceived to be an embarrassing
secret, which the guys later revealed to me. A year ago the four parents had
decided the two were mature enough to self-administer their own Puericil,
needing only each other as a reminder. They “betrayed” this trust and stopped
taking the drug outright. A month later, the parents began to notice leg hair
and they figured it out. Taking the pill has been a parent-supervised regular
activity ever since. I
thought they were really dumb for that. If they had just taken the stuff by
themselves, their parents probably would have let them quit by now as a reward
for showing such responsibility and maturity. That confirmed the suspicion I’d
been forming based on my “friends’” academic performance so far: they were
really not that bright. That made me realize that my plan would be even easier
to carry out than I’d though. On
the third weekend since the start of school, I told the Pu Boys I couldn’t
attend the usual sleepover. No, I didn’t voice my disappointment in their
pathetic sleepover agenda. I just said I had a family dinner to attend that
would take me out of town for the weekend. Ethan and Alex never came to my
house, so there was no way for them to find out that I was lying. I really just
spent those two days at home, catching up on homework and jacking off to porn. That
was what I found most disgusting about The Pu Boys’ sleepovers: they watched
porn for two hours, but they were too shy to whip out their dicks and
masturbate. I mean, who does that? They’re best friends, and they’ve seen each
other’s dicks a hundred times, whenever they’ve been pantsed at school, so
what’s the big deal? On
the Monday I put my plan into action. When lunch time came, we met at our usual
table in the cafeteria and I delivered some interesting news. “Guys,”
I said, leaning over and speaking excitedly. “I think I’ve found a way to get
you guys out from under the shadow of Puericil.” They
both looked at me with confusion, then they looked at each other, and then back
to me. “What
do you mean?” Alex said. “I
mean I’ve thought of a way to get you off it. You can convince your parents
you’ve outgrown it so you can grow up and get laid.” Those
last two words sealed the deal in their minds, I think. No matter how crazy
they’d thought the idea was, they were listening raptly. Naturally they still
suffered from their delusion that Puericil was the only thing standing between
them and a whole lot of pussy. If they were smarter they might have realized
that I was living proof of that delusion’s idiocy. I’d never been on the pill,
and I was as desperately virginal as they were. “How
the hell can you do that?” Ethan demanded. I
looked to the left and to the right, making it look like I had a big secret
that no one could be allowed to overhear. “At that family dinner this weekend,
I talked to my uncle, who’s a biochemist. He told me there’s something you can
take to counteract Puericil, to continue taking it but render it ineffective.” Both
Pu Boys looked a little confused again. “You
mean we’d keep taking the pills,” Ethan said, “but we’d still grow hair and
stuff?” I
nodded. “That’s right. If your parents see you’re growing body hair even though
you still take Puericil, they’ll figure you’ve outgrown it and let you quit. I
mean, you’re old enough anyway. This’ll just show them.” And
believe it or not, they bought that. They’re not too bright, but they’re not
complete morons; I think they were capable of seeing how it might not go the
way I said it would. But they were blinded by desperation and ambition. They
were so certain that getting off Puericil would lead to sex that they were
willing to anything to get there, even believing my stupid advice. So
they came over to my house after school. I’d implied that my uncle’s secret
anti-Puericil compound was such a deeply classified secret that I couldn’t even
say what it was at school, much less bring it out of my house. They followed me
home eagerly, curious. My parents both work late, so there was virtually no way
that Ethan and Alex could discover that I hadn’t been away that weekend. I
led them up to my room, which was pretty well lived in after three weeks. It
was a pretty regular 14-year-old guy’s room: messy, with clothes scattered
about and an unmade bed. The only things my room had that theirs didn’t were
old sports trophies and posters with hot girls. They weren’t athletic enough
for the former or bold enough for the latter. I reclined on my bed, leaning
against the wall, while they remained standing. They were looking around
dumbly, probably searching for a pill bottle or a syringe, something they could
take to neutralize their Puericil. Unfortunately for them, none of my uncles is
really a biochemist. A
funny little way to test their devotion popped into my head. “Okay guys, I need
you to strip naked.” “What?”
said Alex. “Why?” I
sighed condescendingly. “My uncle said this stuff only works against genuine
Puericil-brand Puericil. If you’re on one of the knock-off brands, it won’t
work. He told me how to tell which you’re on, but I can only tell if you’re
naked.” They
looked at each other again, then shrugged, together deciding it was worth it.
Then, of course, they looked away from each other quickly. Eyes on the ground,
they stripped off all their clothes, even their socks. Unlike much of the
student body, I actually hadn’t seen the Pu Boys’ dicks before. Amusingly,
their dick sizes were kind of opposite their body sizes. Alex was almost
laughably small, probably not much more than an inch and a half. That was just
soft, of course, but still pretty small. It was a wonder he actually wanted
pubes; they’d only make him look even smaller. Ethan, on the other hand, was
respectably big for a guy with such a small frame. Three, maybe even four
inches. I was about the same, but it actually looked more impressive on a guy
his size. They
stood there naked for a second before they ended up awkwardly looking at each
other, then they quickly covered themselves and stared at the floor. Alex was
blushing red as ketchup with embarrassment. I guess with a dick that small, no
number of public pantsings ever makes it easier. I
was practically giddy over how tightly I had these guys wrapped around my
little finger. “Great,”
I said. “You guys look like you’re on the real stuff. The knockoff Puericil
gives you little blue freckles around your nipples and your junk.” They
nodded, eating up my complete bullshit like the complete chumps that they are.
There’s no such thing as cheap imitation Puericil. Only one company produces
it, and it’s dirt cheap, so there’d be no market for a knockoff. “Just
so you guys know,” I said, “this is what you stand to gain.” And with that I
slid my jeans and boxers down over my thighs, knees, shins and sock-covered
feet. I sat kind of spread eagle so they could see my whole package, brown bush
and all. It wasn’t the darkest, densest bush, but it was a fucking rosebush
compared to what the Pu Boys had. They both stared, eyes wide with envy. I
thought it would be weird, but I was actually very flattered by how awestruck
they looked as their gazes swept up and down my legs, taking in every tiny
little hair. Yep, I may not have been the manliest man at school, but to these
guys I was masculinity incarnate. And I couldn’t even grow a moustache. “So,
uh, where’s the stuff?” Ethan asked. I
settled back into a comfortable reclining position, keeping my junk visible, of
course. “Okay, you have to understand why Puericil has the effect it has on
you. Basically, it’s all about the hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is
what makes you be assertive and aggressive, and grow hair on your body.
Basically all the things Puericil prevents.” I’d actually looked this up online
and I knew I giving a lot of bullshit, but neither Ethan nor Alex was a science
wiz, let alone studious enough to study this kind of biology. So they just went
ahead believing me. “So
. . .” Alex ventured, “Puericil breaks down testosterone?” “Not
exactly. Puericil contains two chemicals. The first one is like
anti-testosterone, basically it undoes what testosterone does. It makes your
hair fall out and stop growing, and it makes you submissive. But your body
naturally produces testosterone all the time, so much that it should completely
overpower the anti-testosterone. That’s why the second chemical stops
testosterone production. Once your balls stop making testosterone, the
anti-testosterone can do its job. Do you see what I’m getting at?” Again
the Pu Boys exchanged a look, each confirming that the other was as confused as
he. I
sighed. “All you need to take is testosterone. If you get enough testosterone
in your body, it’ll override the anti-testosterone. Then you’ll be right back
on track to manhood.” “So
do you have testosterone pills or something?” Ethan asked. I
shook my head. “Don’t need pills. See, I’m not on Puericil, so my body still
produces testosterone naturally. My balls generate plenty of it every day.” “So
what are we supposed to do,” Ethan said, “suck your blood like a vampire?” “Not
my blood . . .” At
last it sank in. Horror seemed to splash them in the face. “Ew!” Ethan cried,
and Alex said “No way!” “Guys,
it’s simple biology. Balls make testosterone, and balls make semen. Cum is more
loaded with testosterone than orange juice is with vitamin C. Well, my cum
anyway. Not yours. The antidote for Puericil is right here.” I indicated my
crotch like a salesman directing customers to a fancy car. Then I began idly
playing with my shaft, just for fun. “I’m
not gay,” Ethan snapped defensively. “It’s
not gay,” I replied. “Not if you’re just doing it to get the testosterone.
Think about it, Ethan. This is all so you can grow hair and be aggressive and
get girls. How could anything with such a manly goal possibly be gay?” “Still,”
said Alex, “I don’t want to suck your dick. Couldn’t you just jack off into a
cup and then we drink it?” I
smirked, excited that he’d already accepted the idea of eating my jizz. “Afraid
not. My uncle was clear about that. Testosterone reacts with open air, becoming
inert and useless. It has to go directly from inside my body to inside yours if
you want it to work.” “Well,”
said Alex, “couldn’t you just jack off for a while, and then we’ll . . . put
our mouths on it when you’re about to come?” “Come
on, Owen, you can’t argue with that,” Ethan said. “Actually,
I can. See, guys, you’re my friends. I like you guys, so I’m doing you the
favour of offering you my cum. I don’t have to; I choose to. But I’d like to
get something in return. And that something is a blow job.” They
were silent, probably thinking hard about whether this was worth it, maybe even
questioning whether getting off Puericil could really get them laid. I decided
to renew their faith in that assumption. “Guys,
you’ve got good bodies. With a little hair in the right places and a little
attitude adjustment, you guys will definitely get some girls. I swear to God, Alex,
that dick will jump from boy sized to man sized just as soon as you get past
this shitty drug.” That
was what it took. Alex looked longingly at Ethan, begging him to accept my
offer with his eyes, and the he just turned to me and said, “I’ll do it.” Ethan
looked a little hurt that his friend had decided to go ahead without waiting
for him to weigh in, but he quickly got over it and joined him. “Me too.” I
nodded, grinning. “Awesome. Just wait and see, guys. You’ll be real men in not
too long.” “Not
too long?” Ethan said. “How long does this take? How many times to we have to .
. . do this?” I
pretended to concentrate very hard. “If I recall correctly, because my uncle
actually calculated this, if you suck my dick three times a week, effective
testosterone levels should build up in your bodies in about a month.” They
blinked a couple of times as they worked through the calculation. “That’s
like twelve blow jobs each!” Ethan said. “Yeah,”
I said, as if it were obvious. “And that’s just to get enough in you for this
to actually start working. Once your hair’s started growing you can cut it down
to one blow job per week for maintenance.” “For
how long?” Alex said. “Until
you stop taking Puericil, of course. If you stop eating my cum, your body will
run out of testosterone and the anti-testosterone will start working again.
You’ve each got to blow me at least once a week, until you can convince your
parents to let you stop taking the pills.” Alex
sighed and looked to Ethan. “How long do you think it’ll take?” “Who
knows?” Ethan replied. “But I guess it’s worth it in the end.” “Think
about it, guys,” I said. “What’s the worst case scenario? For whatever reason,
your parents don’t get the message and they keep you on Puericil, so you keep
sucking my dick to counteract it. I’d say that’s small price to pay for the
fact that you’ll be spending your sleepovers with hot naked girls instead of
each other.” And
that was it. I had them. I expected them to hesitate for at least another
minute, but within ten seconds Ethan said, “So how are we going to do this? You
said three times a week, but can we get all three over with today?” I
shook my head. Ethan was as insensitive as he was gullible. I don’t know about
him, but my dick gets pretty tender and sore after three or four orgasms in a
day, let alone the six he’d just suggested. Fortunately there was a perfectly
logical deflection for that as well. “Nope,
that won’t work. One orgasm drains your balls dry, and it takes time to build
up the supply again. My uncle was clear on this part: I need a 24-hour
refraction period after each blow job if you want to get a full dose each time.
I figure we can set up a basic schedule. Ethan, you suck me off every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday. Alex, you do it every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
And I’ll just have to go back to boring old masturbation on Sunday.” Amusingly,
they both looked awkwardly at the ground when I said the word ‘masturbation.’
Here were two naked guys, with half-naked me, talking about how they were going
to give me blowjobs, and they’d watched porn together weekly for, like, five
years, and they still got embarrassed at the mention of jacking off. God, these
guys were pathetic! I
scooted forward so I was sitting on the edge of the bed, and spread my legs.
Ethan may not have been the brightest bulb out there, but he was smart enough
to know it was Monday, and all that that implied. The little shrimp was so
short that when he knelt beneath my legs, he couldn’t reach. Fortunately my
desk chair has a height-adjuster knob, so I came right down to his level. True
to his earlier statement, Ethan was certainly not gay; he practically winced
with disgust as he took my dick into his mouth. I was already rock hard with
anticipation, and extra sensitive. And despite his reluctance, Ethan did the
job well. No teeth, just warm, slimy tissue and suction all around my member. My
first blow job was everything I wanted it to be except for two things. Firstly,
I’d always hoped it would be from a girl, but this was forgivable. Guy or girl,
mouths are all the same. Secondly, it was over way too fast. I’d been more
ready than I thought I was, more excited than even I was really aware of. Ethan
had only made one good up-and-down head motion before I tensed up and exploded
inside his mouth. And he took the whole thing seriously, reaping his reward for
this terrible sacrifice. The way he licked and sucked up every drop of my cum
felt really, really good. I
also liked that neither of them put their clothes back on until Ethan was done.
Technically they could have gotten dressed as soon as I said the stuff about
the blue freckles, because I really didn’t have any bullshit to keep them naked
after that. But they stayed naked, and having them naked felt good. I liked
being able to look from my hairy crotch to their hairless ones. I like how even
though I was wearing nothing but a t-shirt, I was still more clothed than they
were. And, of course, since they had initially stripped at my prompting, it
reinforced just how much power I’d gained over these two. So
now I had a whole month of blow jobs to look forward to. And that was more than
enough. When the month was up and they were still hairless babies, they’d
figure it out and stop hanging out with me. Kids at school would ask jokingly
why I wasn’t sitting with the Pu Boys anymore, and I’d tell them how I’d
humiliated Ethan and Alex worse than any of them ever had. Then those tall,
hairy, muscular boys would respect me like one of their own. Goodbye awkward
weekends of watching porn with the Pu Boys. Hello awesome weekends partying
with the cool kids and fucking some girl’s brains out. I’d already joined the
ranks of boys who’d gotten sucked off, and I knew that was just an omen of how
much better things would soon become.