* * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of
sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to
view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do
not save this
* * * * * Remember People it’s only a Fantasy.
“Wow I cant believe what happened, Your mom just jerked me
off. Man that felt good!” Billy said to quietly to his friend under the
with almost total darkness encompassing the room,with the only light coming in from a few
passing cars on the street,
“Yeah you shot a mega load in front of my sister too dude,”
Joey said
“Well, I guess I got a little more excited this time with
Jenny there,”
“I can’t believe that my mom let Jenny taste my cum and made
us eat it too,”
Oh God, I hope your mother doesn’t think we’ve done this
before, eating your sperm, I mean we ate it with out gagging?”
“Jenny ate it up without gagging”
“Your mom, tasted my cum too didn’t you see that too” Billy
whispered loudly back to Joey
“What has happened to my mom?” Joey Said “She’s gone nuts, I
“Shhh she’ll hear you,”
“Two days ago I was dressed for supper, then last night my
mom stripped me naked in the car and had me walk nude in the front yard”
“I think she has been talking to my mother,”
“And My aunt Sue.”
“It’s not that bad being naked at home, a little
embarrassing when she shows me off to her friends however being treated
to the
daily stroking by my mom of course helps,”
“Well I’m not used to it at all. Now with Aunt Sue, I’m
going to be bare all summer.”
“Well at least you talked your mom into makingJenny go Nude too. That slit of hers looked
interesting tonight,” Billy said
“Dude, she’s my little sister!” Joey nudged his elbow into
his equally naked bedmates side to knock some sense into him.
“I Know, to you she is a sister, Too me she is a Girl, I
hope she stays naked for a long while.”
“But she is my sister, Billy”
“Oh Come on, Joey she’s still a girl. Did you see how smooth
her pussy is? Just like the models in the Playboys that we look at when
hiding in my room when you sleep over.”
“Yeah those models do look nice.” Joey quietly responded
My penis is getting hard just thinking about your sisters
bare body, what about yours Joey?”
“Is your cock getting hard too?”
“Here let me feel” Billy reached over under the sheet and
felt for his friend’s penis, the four inch shaft was stiff.” “Yeah I was right
like looking at girls too”
“Here feel mine” Billy took hold of Joeys hand and brought
to his own growing six inch hardening cock.
“But what if my mother finds out were doing this?”
‘Your Mom put us naked into the same bed together and she
whooped your ass too for saying that it was Gay. If she is like my
mother, she’ll
think it is normal,”
Billy’s hand went back to Joey’s shaft and Billy started
stroking his friend
Joey Got the hint and he also stroked Billy’s hard on in
return. As the both of them gently rubbed each other, in the darkness
of the
room till they both nodded off to sleep.
In a while, a Passing car slowed down the street with its
lights shining thru the window like they have been doing all night only
time they turned into the drive way across the street.
Billy’ Parents come home.
Dennis opens the garage door by pressing the remote in the
car, Both Dennis and Kelly are giggling as they park the car in the
Garage beside the house,
Dennis got out of the drivers side, and walked around to the
Passenger’s side as the Garage door closed behind them, he opened the
door with his right hand, in his left hand he was holding Kelly’s Dress.Dennis was true to his
word, He Stripped
Kelly nude, as soon as they got into the car after the Show in the
city, He
held out his Right hand to help Kelly out of the car, she took his hand
fully silliness and horniness as they both kissed each other, during
each step
out of the car and into the house and they entered the kitchen.
Kelly was so turned on by the act of riding home nude, She
hadn’t felt this way in a long time, as they got to the kitchen table,
she had
Dennis sit on the edge as they passionately kissed each other again and
she Striped his clothes off right in the kitchen she then sucked her
hard cock a few times. Then she demanded that he slam his hard cock
into her
very wet and juicy pussy, and to fuck her hard right there in Billy’s
Spot at
the family table.The
couple continued
their lovemaking in to the early morning. They both desperately needed
moment together.
Dennis and Kelly wasn’t the only thing building up for
release in the night,
A Thunderstorm was approaching the Neighbor hood.
The flashes of lightening were getting brighter and faster,
but thunder was far off, The Storm was still advancing.
Everyone was asleep when out of the Blue. The Brightest of
lights lit up house,
A Bolt of lighteninghit the next door neighbor’s fence pole in the side yard
right outside
of Jenny bedroom window, of course Jenny was sleeping thru the build up
of the
storm, when the Bolt struck this was quickly followed by a Loud Clap of
Marie was startled by the loud clap of thunder and with in
3.563 seconds a crying naked ten year old Jenny, ran to her mothers
bed, Marie
Reached out to comfort her child as the storm raged outside. Another
flash and followed by a half second of time then Crack, the Thunder
This time the two bare naked twelve year old boys ran to the adult in
Joey “Mom Can I come sit with you on the bed?”
Of Course you can.” As Marie kept her left arm around Jenny
as she rocked back and forth southing her girl, Marie’s right arm was
wide out
to the side. As the naked Joey jumped on the bed beside his Mother,.
Billy was standing beside the bed, looking toward the bed
then back towards the outside thru the window as the rain fell against
it.His nude state
clearly visible as the storm’s
lightening continued its flashing.
Marie, as all mothers will do, not just too comfort her own
kids in times like this. Marie spoke up and said, “It’s OK, Billy There
plenty of room on the bed for you. Come on up and sit with us”
Just then Billy’s eyes saw something out the window, “Thanks
but …..Mrs, Tayler?”
“What is it Billy?”
“I Think the Neighbor’s house is on fire” Billy said
“What?!as Marie
pushed her two children aside on the bed Marie Stood up and looked out
the rain
covered window,
“Oh Shit!” as she Reached for the phone and dialed 911 for
the Fire department, She Gave the address to the dispatcher, she
grabbed her
robe and slipped into her slippers then She told her kids to come down
and stay in the family room, and await her return,
Marie, ran out the front door and thru the light rain,went
next door and banged on the front door franticly ringing the door
bell,” Juliebang,
bang Eugene Wake up” Again she Banged “Julie
And Eugene Rogers Wake up Now!!” she found the door Knocker too.And Marie pounded the
knocker like crazy 20
seconds later Eugene opened the Door.
Sleepily, Eugene said “Marie? What finally need a man to
help you out?”
(Eugene heard the
stories Ben, Marie’s ex-husband would tell about Marie, while being
neighbors, before
they divorced. Eugene had offered to help with the Manly chores around
house after her separation but with Marie being an Equal Rights kind of
lady, never
took Eugene up on the offer for help. Eugene missed his male neighbor.)
Marie shouted “No you jerk; Your house is on Fire!!”
“What the Hell!” Eugene said in disbelief as he stood there
in his robe and headed outside to see for himself.
Marie said again as Julie came to the door in her robe as
well “Your house is on Fire Get everyone out now!
“Oh my God!” Julie screamed and ran upstairs, “Ginger and
Freddy get your asses up and outside now!”
“Freddy, Ginger, Now, god dam it the house is on fire. “
opened his bedroom door, his ear-buds to his Mp3 player in his ears,
and dressed
in a tee shirt and boxers.
“Freddy get outside now the house is on fire.” His Mom Told
Freddy turned around to go into his room to grab his
“Freddy where are you going?” His mother shouted
“To grab my pants.”
God dam it Freddy forget the pants and get outside now,
Freddy headed down the stairs and Marie guided him out the
front door,
Julie Ran to her daughters room and opened the door, a
little bit of smoke came out the room and into the hall way. Julie got
Ginger’s bed and she shook her daughters” shoulder “Ginger Get up honey
“What mom? Ginger responded still asleep
The smoke started to get thicker, just then the State
mandated smoke detector in the hallway started its screaming alarm,
Ginger, fully awake now “Oh my God, Mom!”
“Hurry Get up dear and outside” Mom said
Ginger went to walk
to her closet to get her pants.
“No honey there’s no time to get dressed now your tee shirt
and panties will do.We
have to get out
now,” begged her college age daughter to move faster,
As Marie Stepped back into the front hallway of the burning
house, and Shouted at the top of her lungs toward the upstairs to be
heard over
the smoke alarms “Julie and Ginger Hurry up and Get out!”
Marie could see more smoke coming into the hallway, and just
a second later a flicker of yellow flame light appeared. As that light
the Mother and daughter duo came running into the hall way and down the
“Thank God!” Marie said as she helped her neighbors out of their
burning house and into the Front yard.
Julie Shouted “Freddy where are you?” hoping her son didn’t
go back into the house.
“I’m here mom!” Freddy said he was over to the side of his
house still in the front yard
As Freddy ran over to his mother and the kids and mom did a
quick hug, the light rain still falling,
“Where is your dad?” Julie asked hoping he wasn’t still
inside house.
Freddy said “He is using the Garden hose on the side of the
house to fight the fire,”
Just then The Fire department arrived and the chief came
over to the group and asked
“Is everyone out of the house aright?”
“Yes sir,” the kids said
“My Husband is in the side yard. Yes were all out, Julie
Told the Chief.”
The Fire Chief turned to his men and ordered, “Get those
lines out of the truck and tap that hydrant and let’s get this fire
out. Otto Pull
the wires down to the house.” He shouted
A fireman with Otto printed on his back of his fire-coat
reached for a long pole on the back of the truck and headed for the
connection near the street. With one yank on the insulated cutter
tool’s rope
the electrical wires fell to the ground and any lights that were left
on in the
burning house went out.
The other firemen ran with hoses to the house. The Firemen
yelled for Eugene to get out of there and to stand back and let the
professionals handle this
The neighbor hood was lit up with red and white lights from
the emergency lights on the fire trucks.
A police car raced in and stopped twenty yards from the fire
truck, The officer Got out with flashlight and notepad.
He stepped toward the family still standing in the front
yard in their night wear of
course his
eye caught sight of the college aged girl in only a waist long tee
shirt and
what looked like low rise panties,in
the rain mist.
The officer said “Howdy folks, is every one ok?”
Julie said “Yes sir” the kids nodded their head in the ok motion
as well,
Eugene got over to his family as the officer started to ask
for names,
“Pete? Pete Davenport is that you?” Eugene asked
“Well I’ll be… hey Gene, is this your family?”The officer pointed to the group.
The to men had grown up together and attended the same high
school in the next county over, way back then,
Marie was standing with the family hugging Julie and Ginger,
The officer notice the two older women wearing the robes,
Officer Pete asked Eugene
“Two wives Gene?”
“Oh God no” Eugene was looking at Marie, “I mean no Pete,
The brown haired one the right is my wife, Julie, the other woman is my
neighbor Marie,”
Marie rolled her eyes at that comment she heard,
“Gene, I need to get some info for my files,” Pete said
Just then the rain started get heavy again, that’s when
Marie said “Sorry Guys where are my manners, lets get inside my house,
to stay
Officer Pete said “that a great idea folks the family can go,
Gene why don’t you get in the patrol car so I can get your info and
stay dry.”
Eugene turned and told his wife he’ll be in shortly.
Marie guided the family up the steps to her house and held
the door open for the group. And closed the storm door,
As Rogers family entered the Taylor residence with a
collected sigh of the group, Thankful for their safety and a dry place
to be.
Just then the naked Jenny ran from the family room “Mom is
everything Okay?” she asked without realizing that they had company,
Jenny was
already next to her mom when Jenny realized that she was standing in
front of
Freddy and his family totally naked, Jenny turned her back to the group
hugged her mother,
“Yes, Jenny everything going be fine now,” Marie told her
Relax Jenny, you remember Mrs., Rogers from next door and of
course her daughter Ginger. She used to baby sit you a few years ago
“Yes, mom I do,”
Then don’t be shy then say hi to our guests.
Jenny slowly turned and said “Hello Mrs, Rogers, Hi Giny”
Julie was in shock, the thought of a girl running about nude
in the house, was not right with her. Girls need to be modest. “Marie
why is
your Girl naked?”
Ginger, realizing her mother’s attitude coming out even with
the family home burning next door, Ginger, growing up with her mom, her
never saw air, always dressed unless in the bathroom, however in the
two years
living away in the college dorms, Gingers modesty standards changed.
The dorms
housed three girls per room.Not
usual two per room. This arrangement of three coeds sharing a smallish
left very little space for modesty after the first couple days that
school year, Ginger gave up trying to hide her body in the tight space, her room mates
also slept in the
nude as well, Ginger had also taken up the practice at school of
naked. Being home she had to resort to a tee shirt and panties, to
appease her
Ginger spoke up to interrupt her mother, “Jenny I love your
Pajamas that you have on there. When I was your age I wasn’t allowed to
wear my
birthday suit to bed at home. But I bet they’re really Comfy in bed
under the
“Yes Giny, they do feel good.”
“Well You’re a very lucky girl to be able to wear that about
your house,” Ginger said looking to her mother Julie Hush her up.
Marie spoke up “This outfit is new at this house, my kids
are going to be staying at my sisters this summer and they have a lot
of land
and a pool, her kids don’t wear much around the house either, so they
getting used to going bare before they go.”
Freddy was standing next to his mother. Looking straight at
his naked girl neighbor one year younger than himself, almost drooling
Seeing this Ginger asked “Mrs. Talyer, are the Bath towels
still kept in the hall closet?”
Since Ginger had babysat years go, she had occasion to help
with bath time of the two children,
“Oh My I’m sorry, every one is soaking wet from the rain ,
Yes they are and help your self,Jenny
dear and help Ginger, bring some down here for Freddy and his mother,”
Jenny hearing this request grabbed Giny’s hand and pulled
her to the stairs to get the towels.
“Marie I can’t believe you let Jenny go nude at home.” Julie
some what scolded her neighbor
“Well, so far it’s for the better for my children, Joey has
been the on the best behavior in the past two day than he has been for
the past
two years,”
“Mom, did you call me? “ Joey said as he walked into the
room, still nude but not sporting an erection, “OH” he said
“Marie Your boy is naked too”. Julie raised her voice
“Yes Julie He is getting used to the nude thing as well.” “It’s not right,
not the Christian thing to do.” Julie said
Marie said “Julie, Adam and Eve in the bible were naked
together living without shame in the Garden of Eden, and the natives
families go nude together and world keeps spinning around. I used to
think the
same way as you do now about covering up but I realized now that I was
about some things and I have relaxed my beliefs. As far I can tell the
last two
days it has helped us as family. Another plus is that my sister says
she saves
big money on laundry detergent, who doesn’t like saving money now a
Besides, I hate folding laundry. So Relax don’t judge”
Marie realized that Julie was more like her ex-husband mind
set, so with Ben gone the two families drifted apart,
Joey tried to hide, “Joey Don’t be shy, I think Freddy and
his mother has seen penis before. Haven’t you Freddy.”
“We’ll Mrs. Tayler, I‘ve only seen my own,” Freddy said and
“maybe my dad’s once,”
“Alfred Rogers Quiet up don’t be talking about your dads
privates!” Julie said
Marie told her Neighbor “until yesterday ,I haven’t seen my
sons penis since he started locking bathroom door about year and a half
now he is standing in front of me in his birthday suit, When was the
last time
you saw your son’s penis Julie?”
Julie’s mouth was gapped open by the question, “I haven’t
seen it in a while,”
“How long was it?”
“What?” Julie said after a little pause trying to grasp what
Marie was asking, while still looking at Joey’s penis
How long since you last saw it? Marie pressed her friend
“About three years ago”, Julie uttered still looking at
Joey’s little boy hood.
“Three years ago, my god woman, you’re his mother how do you
make sure he taking care of cleaning down there and growing right?”
This was
Marie’s turn to lecture her neighbor,
“Don’t know I guess, i thought I Taught him how to wash up
down there back then. It’s a sin for a lady to see a Man other than her
He is not a man, he is just a little boy, your son, You
changed his diapers didn’t you when he was a baby?’
“Of Course I did.” Julie said “but he is older now,”
“What does that mean Julie? You saw everything he had before
he knew what he had. So you wouldn’t be seeing anything you haven’t
“That’s true,”
“Look at my Son, Joey here, two days ago he would lock
himself in his room just to change his clothes and he was so moody, Now
he is
standing proud in front of you and me naked with everything showing,
Nothing of
which I hadn’t seen before, besides I can spank that bare butt if he
gets out
of line”
“You started spanking too?”
“Yes my sister, believes in spanking too, Jenny and Joey will
be under the same rules as my nephews and niece are. In fact Joey
earned one
tonight, Joey, turn around and show Mrs. Rogers your rosy cheeks.”
Joey turned once around his hands trying to cover something
down there
Joey seeing his friends mother checking his penis and rear
end out, the Natural feeling of being looked at started happening. His
shaft started to harden and point out and up to its four inch length,
“Oh my, that’s dirty” Julie said, Marie reached out to
Julie’s hand said, “That’s Normal all penises get erect at different
during the day for all sorts of reasons, he is just a healthy boy and
normal for it to swell up,Not
just for
having sex, Julie”
Just then Billy comes walking into the room. Still fully
naked, his penis four inches soft and flopping as he walked “I think
the Fire
is out now.”
“Oh that explains it all.” Julie Said softly to Marie, and
she ferruled her eyebrows at Billy Jones, “Kelly Jones has corrupted
“No she hasn’t, in
fact she has helped bring my family back together,” How?
As Billy got closer to the group, Billy spoke up not knowing
a conversation was being interrupted,
“Hello Mrs. Rogers, “I am Very Sorry about your house. Are
you and your family Okay?” Billy asked very sincerely
“Yes Billy, we’re Okay, thanks for asking.” Julie was still Shocked
how normally Billy was standing there with his penis and testicles
hanging out
just talking just like he was fully dressed,
“Billy why are you naked too?” Julie ask her sons friend
“Joey invited me over for a sleep over tonight and I am not
naked, I am wearing my pajamas that god gave me Thank you.’ Billy said
Marie spoke up and said “By the way Julie, I think you
better Thank, Pajama Billy here for Saving you and your family tonight,
If it
wasn’t for him noticing the flames as early as he did, you and your
family may
not be here now.”
“Well then, I guess I should thank him for that.” Julie went
over the boy and gave him a big hug; her hand automatically stroked his
lower bare
back and rear cheeks.
He pulled a way after the hug and started to get shy, his
penis had begun to grow slightly to his six inch length, but not fully
just full,
“I just can’t believe all the nudity around here”. Julie
“Relax its normal” Marie said
Ginger and Jenny came back down from upstairs with some
towels in hand; Jenny held two towels folded in front of her belly
trying to
hide her lower nakedness from her school mate Freddy. Ginger’s towels
were under
her arm her tee shirt only covered to the top of her low cut panties.
Just then the storm door opened and in walked Eugene and
Officer Pete.
“Well the good news is, the Fire is out now and there is
just surface damage so far, the Bad news is we can’t go back home
Eugene said while just walking in the house, he was going to say
else. When he realized the two fully naked boys and equally naked girl
standing in the room in front of him.
“Whoa! What is this nudity about?” Eugene inquired
The two naked boys got real nervous being nude in the front
hall in front of two men, one being a cop. So they hid behind Joey’s
Trying not to be seen,
Marie said, “They boys were having a sleep over tonight and
right now they are wearing their pajamas that they wear for bed.”
“Pete is that legal? Can kids sleep naked?”
“Gene, I am not the fashion police my friend, what they wear
for bed or around the house is for the parents to decide.”
“Are you serious, Pete?”
“Yes Gene, I see it all the time around town during the
nightshift, emergency calls safety welfare checks, I go into peoples
houses and
their kids are running around naked. Sometimes the parents are nude in
house, having a fight. Go figure, to each their own I guess, I my self
been a nude sleeper since the seventh grade. I would embarrass parents
they had guests over for dinner and adult entertaining into the night,
I would
wake up and walk down to the kitchen for a drink of milk. As bare those
are now. The other moms would just laugh and stare at me walking thru
the room.
The Dads would nudge my dad with their elbows and say He’s going to
make a girl
very happy some day,”
The Group was opened
“Oops did I say too much?” Pete asked
“That’s why you were
always walking around schools gym locker room naked all the time
without a
towel or care. You were used to showing it off, All this time, I
thought you
were Gay!” Eugene said with Smirk.
“Well my smoking hot female wife, Karen can attest to the fact
that I am not gay”
The two men and Ginger laughed out loud too.
The two moms Frowned at the joke. But blushed while
Officer Pete turned back into the policeman mode. “Marie, I
noticed that one of the boys has some reddened cheeks on rear end, was
spanked tonight? Marie thought she
going to be in trouble if she answered him directly, so asked the
officer “Is
there a law against it?”
“No there not, unless something other than the open and flat
hand being used in the spanking like no belts, paddles or my old
favorite flip
flops, those items would be considered abuse tools. But from here I can
see the
marks of only a hand was used”
“Oh”, Marie said to that comment then she continued by
asking, “What about nudity outside laws?”
“Well, Adult nudity is totally against the law, as you
assume, Men of course can be bare-chested. The women have to have at
their areolas and nipples covered.”
Marie responded “That’s not fair or equal?” as a equal
rights person.
“Well Marie some women have tried to challenge the law and
have gone topless. Usually other women calls 911 to complain about it,
no man
has ever called in though”
“What about Children going nude outside?”
“Minor children Running nude around outside is usually a non
issue, as is in playing in their front and back yards, going to and
from a
neighbors house is ok, As long as they stay out of downtown, its ok,
somebody complains of course, for Girls when they really start having
looking breasts or periods that’s the cutoff limit, for the girls.
The Boy’s usually on the other hand, a double standard is
out there and in use by some of the older parents and grand parents,
believe that girls are dressed and boys are kept naked. Boys don’t
mature till
about sixteen or seventeen unless they experience a growth spurt or get
hair some parents remove the hair to teach the boys their place. I Have
the results in person, the more the boys go bare around the house the
trouble they get into later in life, the more shy the boys are, they
think they
can do what ever they want and then they get into trouble with the
“So I could send my boy Joey across the street naked, as he
is now to his friends house to fetch a cup of sugar if I wanted?
“As Long as nobody complains about it.”
“Oh I didn’t know that, “
Officer Pete asked Marie for her last name and thanked her
for calling 911 tonight and that she would be mentioned in the local
Marie Thought real quick, “Officer I want to add something
to the record tonight, she took a step forward and turned to the side
the two naked young boys. This boy William Jones or Billy to us,
noticed the
Fire in the earliest of stages and told me about it, and with his
I only called the emergency crews out.”
Officer Pete took a step toward Billy, the Officer Held out
his hand. “Well then mister William Jones on behalf of the town, I
thank you
for your keen eye and swift notification to Mrs. Taylor, your action
has saved
the lives of four of your fellow neighbors. I would like to shake your
hand,” Billy
trying to use his right hand to hide his penis, raised his hand to meet
Officers Pete Hand and the two Shook hands like men.
“Ok folks, it has been a long night and I see that some of
you, are in your pajamas now, so I Bid you a goodnight, Oh , Gene Do
you folks
need a ride to a motel for the night?”
Before, Eugene could answer Marie Spoke up “why not stay
here for the night since its so late, we can make room.” Marie missed
the times
the two families hung out together,
Julie almost liked the motel idea better,
but Eugene said “ That’s very nice of you Marie we accept
your offer, I too would like to be near the house and not across the
town, that
way I can keep an eye out on the house,”
I Guess that’s settled now, Good Night folks,” Officer Pete
left the house,
Eugene then walks over to Billy, and reached out for Billy’s
hand to Shake, “Thank you young man for saving my family tonight” as
the two
shook hands,
Julie had noticed that The two boy’s penises had shrunken to
a little boyish state, Billy’s was two inches long, Joey’s penis was
only about
a inch long fully short his small sack was tightly pulled up to his
Just then Officer Pete knocked on the storm door again and
another man was standing with him, Marie opened the door.
“Hey Folks I know its late but the Newspaper reporter
wanted to get a picture of the local
hero tonight for the morning paper would that be Okay?”
“I Guess so” Marie said,
“Hi Folks, my name is Stanley, Officer Pete has told me some
of the details about tonight, I have a tight deadline, I called the
press room
to hold the front page for this story, for the morning paper so we have
hurry Who is the hero of the group?”
“That would be
William Jones” Marie said while pointing to Billy.
“Oh Billy, I guess your in your Pajamas still.”
“Yes sir, My Mom took my clothes with her when she dropped
me off for the sleepover, should I Find something to wear for the
Stanley looked at his watch “Sorry Kid there is no time. For
that… Ok lets have the hero boy in the front, The rescued Family to the
of him, mom and dad behind Freddy Ginger respectively Officer Pete
Behind the
hero boy on the left, Pete your hats on good, I see your Badge, Good,”
Stanley Placed Ginger to the side of the group but in front
her low cut panties still able to be seen under her Tee shirt, he thenlooked at little naked
Joey standing off to
the side of the room, “ Come on kid get in front stand next to your
“But I am Naked”
“So is your friend. Don’t worry about it, I’ll Blur you and
your friend parts out here, out with my Software before send it to
“No” Joey mumbled
Marie please stand next to Officer Pete behind your son.
Almost there..oh yes Little girl” meaning Jenny
“Come here and stand next to your mother side,”
“I Don’t want to be in the picture, I’m naked too”
“Fine how about if you stand like this” Stanley said he
positioned her to the side slightly behind her mom, her right nipple
and her
mound was blocked by her moms body.Stanley told Marie to reach around with her left arm to
give the naked
girl a hug so Marie’s Arm blocked the girl’s left nipple.”
Stanley took one more look and saw that the boys were
holding their hands in front of them hiding the goods.
Ok Boys don’t put your hands there. It looks like your
playing with yourselves, I will blur you out later, no one will see
penises, Hands at your sides now”
Stanley still waiting “Will you two move your hands to the
side please,”
Marie Said, “Billy Joey do it!”
They moved their hands ,Stanley took the shots,
“Ok Folks thanks, I Got to run now.”
Stanley and Officer Pete left the house,
Marie closed the main door,
Mean while
Stanley rushed to the car and uploaded the pictures from his
camera to his laptop computer, he started the editing software, His
cell phone
ran it was the editor calling.
“Hey Henry, “
“Where is that story and photo?” Henry barked
“You will have it in
two minutes.”
“I Better or you can find another job in the morning.”
Stanley hung up and Banged the keys almost like Clark Kent
turning out the story superman speed,
Stanley uploaded the photos to go with the story,
The Editor got the story and half looked at the photo that
arrived with it,
Henry arranged the layout and typed in the newspaper headline
and sent it to the Press room,
Henry then called the Press room and told them to run the
press as soon as the plates were dry and ready,
The Pressmen set the plate on the press and pressed run,
Twelve thousand papers were printed that morning.
And Right there on
the front page above the fold were the photos, one photo was the
scorched house
and the other photo was the unedited group photo, With Billy’s and
Joey’s little
penises in clear view, the Headline read.
“Pajama Boy at Sleepover Saves the Day”